Read Kidnapped? Page 7

  Chapter 5

  I was crying as we rushed out of the supermarket, my hard heels making quite a noise on the linoleum or whatever it’s called, as I struggled to keep up with Claire. She was holding my hand tightly as she virtually dragged me over to the car and got me in.

  ‘Claire, I cried, ‘what’s happening?’

  ‘Wait a minute; I will explain when we get going.’

  With a screech of tires, we were out of the car park and onto the main road. I couldn’t stop crying, wet drops fell onto my sun-dress. Claire kept patting me on the knee and telling me not to worry. I was getting more and more upset. Why wouldn’t she tell me what’s going on!

  Eventually, we were out of the town and on a quieter road. The coast was on my left and I could see bays and inlets in the openings of the hedgerows. There was a small bridge with a brook flowing under it. We went over the bridge and then stopped by the edge of the water on a grass bank. Claire switched off the engine and then turned to me.

  I looked at her through my tears and she opened her arms. I went to her and she cuddled me until I stopped crying, she was lovely, soft and warm.

  After a few moments, I felt a bit better and Claire handed me a tissue.

  ‘Wipe your eyes honey, we need to talk.’

  I did as I was told and looking at the makeup stained tissue, I somehow said to myself that I needed to do my face again; weird.

  ‘Melissa, I was as shocked as you about the TV thing. I didn’t think that you would ever be seen on there.’

  ‘But why was I on TV with Dad?’

  ‘They must think that he’s with you for some reason. I need to know more about what’s going on. It isn’t safe for you to be seen. We’ll go home and then we’ll decide what to do, okay?’

  ‘Okay; when will Dad be calling again?’

  ‘I’m not sure. The line wasn’t too good, but I think he said tomorrow. Now let’s get back.’

  I calmed down a bit after that, and apart from a few sniffles, I was all right.

  Soon we were back at the cottage. It was early evening now and the sun was beginning to set over the bay. I looked over at Flic’s cottage and I fleetingly wondered what she was doing.

  We got the bags from the boot and carried them into the cottage. I took them upstairs and put them on the bed. Trying not to think of my problems, I looked out of the window and marvelled at the scene. The beautiful bay looked lovely in the fading light. It would still be an hour before the sun set properly and I was betting that it would look lovely as it sank finally into the water.


  I turned to see Claire standing in the doorway.

  ‘We need to work out what needs to be done. Can you come downstairs for a minute?’


  I followed her down and into the kitchen and a few minutes later, we were drinking cocoa and dunking hobnobs.

  ‘Right Melissa, I've got a plan but it means you have to stay here by yourself. Is that okay?’

  I nodded, not knowing what else to say.

  ‘I’m going back into town and I’ll try to get some information as to what is happening with your father then I’ll get the food at Tesco's; we have to eat and we haven’t much in the cottage and then I’ll come back and tell you what I’ve found out.’

  I thought of something.

  ‘If you’ve got a computer, you can look on the net about it.’

  ‘I don’t have internet connection.’

  ‘Can I put on the TV? The story might be on again.’

  ‘Reception here is no good. As I don’t live here all the time, I haven’t bothered, but I will probably get a satellite dish soon.’

  I felt frustrated, wondering how anyone can keep in touch with everything without a TV or a computer with broadband.

  ‘Anyway, can you promise to stay here and not go anywhere while I’m out?’

  Yes, Mum...I mean, Claire.’

  I saw the look on her face when I said that slip. She looked shocked, surprised, happy, sad and upset all in a few seconds.

  ‘I…I had better go,’ she said kissing me on the cheek, ‘remember what I said, don’t leave the cottage…it’s not safe. Lock and bolt the doors when I've gone, okay?’


  She gave me a little sad smile and left.

  I heard the car go down the lane and went up to my room. Sitting on the bed, I wondered what was going to happen to me. If the police found me, would I be arrested and if so, for what? I started sniffing as I thought about my Dad and where he might be.

  I needed something to do to take my mind off the horrible things that were happening, so I decided to sort out the carrier bags.

  I took out the clothes and laid them on the bed; there seemed quite a lot and I thought that Claire went a bit mad with her buying spree. On an impulse, I tried on several of the things. I was getting quite into it and was enjoying myself.

  On an impulse, I put on a dress that was really for parties. I’m not sure why Claire bought it as I had no parties to go to, but it was nice even if it was pink, but a very pale pink. It went down to just above my knees, was made from a very fine almost see through material and had straps like my sun dress. Underneath, it had a sort of net underskirt thing that made it flair out a bit. After putting it on, I went over to the dressing table and applied a bit more lipstick, wishing rather strangely that I was better at doing it. Then I brushed my hair a slightly different way and it somehow made me look a bit older. What would Georgie think of me now, wearing pink, of all colours?

  My heart went into my mouth as I heard a loud knock on the door.

  I carefully went to Claire’s room, which was in the front, and looked though the net curtains down to where the door was.

  I could see the top of someone’s head. I sighed with relief as it was a red head…Flic!

  I hurried downstairs and opened the door.

  ‘Hi, Melissa, doing anything…ooh that’s a pretty dress!’

  ‘Thanks,’ I said as I opened the door letting her in.

  She was wearing some lemon coloured shorts and a pink vest. To be honest, I didn’t think the colour suited her flaming red hair, but I’m no expert!

  We went into the sitting room.

  ‘Want a coke?’

  ‘Yes please, I’m parched. Where’s Claire?’

  ‘Gone into town for some food.’

  ‘Oh; are you going to a party or something?’

  ‘Just trying on my new clothes.’

  I went into the kitchen, opened the fridge and took out two cans.

  Going back into the sitting room, I handed the coke to Flic.

  ‘Did you want me for something?’

  ‘Nah, just bored and I just thought you might be too. So what did you buy?’

  So we did the girl thing and went up to my bedroom, to see what I’d bought.

  In no time, we were trying on the different outfits and we were having a great time..

  It was a nice to be with my new friend for a bit and I almost forgot all my troubles. It was funny, I could sort of talk to Georgie and my few other friends at school, but I was never really that close to even her!

  We were both outside, sitting on the step, watching the glorious sunset. Flic was wearing one of my purchases; a red skirt and top. It made her look like she was on fire, what with her hair and all! I was wearing a sky blue vest top and blue denim skirt and I felt good. We had tried different types of makeup and I showed my lack of practice quite soon; Flic helped me though and I was surprised how much makeup can change the way you look.

  We talked about lots of things, groups we liked, games we played on our computers and I really began to think of her as a friend. Somehow my troubles had been put to the back of my mind, for a little while anyway and I was grateful for that.

  ‘It’s nice here.’ I said looking around.

  ‘Yes, I love it when I’m on my hols and I can come and sail my boat and go on the beach. Do you like going home to your parents???

  ‘My mum died and my dad is often away working.’

  ‘Oh, sorry about that; is that why you’re here?’


  ‘Ooh, you've started stuttering again.’


  ‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have upset you. Anyway, I think Claire is nice, you’re lucky to have her as an aunt.’

  ‘Y…yes she is nice.’

  I looked at the sun, now virtually on the water. It looked huge, almost as if I could reach out and touch it. The reflection over the sea was red and I felt the gentle breeze on my legs…I almost missed what Flic was saying.

  ‘It’s a shame about Claire.’

  ‘Mmm …sorry, what about Cl…I mean Auntie Claire?’

  ‘Well, you must know, she is your aunt, after all.’


  ‘Oh, I see, you are probably upset too. Yes it’s a shame that David and Emily died in that accident.’

  ‘David, Emily?’

  ‘Yes, silly, you’re Uncle David and your cousin Emily…they died in that accident…you know the car crash in America. Didn’t you know?’

  I looked at her in puzzlement. I didn’t know what to say.

  ‘Oh, sorry, it must have been awful for you and here’s me dragging it up again. Anyway, I had better go or my mother will have a fit, I only said I’d be a little while. I had better change into my stuff and shoot off.’

  As I watched her go down the path to the beach, barely seeing her in the gloom, I wondered what was going on.

  I went into the house, grabbed another can of coke and a hobnob biscuit and sat in the large armchair by the unlit fire.

  Claire’s husband and daughter dead?

  She had lied to me, hadn’t she? I thought back to what she said…that they were in America, not really a lie then, but DEAD!

  It made me wonder what else she had not told me. Was my Dad in trouble? I had no TV, telephone or computer to check things out and see if she was telling the truth. Every time I tried to find out what was going on, something or someone — Claire — stopped me with one excuse or another. I wondered, what if?

  What if…my dad was not in trouble and this was something dreamed up by Claire?

  If it was Claire doing all this, then why?

  My head started spinning at a thought that had just popped up…had I been kidnapped?