Read Kidnapped and Bound for Hell Page 13

  Chapter Four

  France and a Chance to Escape

  Christina and Cassie had been woken very early that morning following their mother`s departure for home; The two Satanist women along with Bourbon`s two thugs were there to greet them as the door to their prison cell was opened. The older woman walked into the room and sneered at them.

  “Get up you two; we are all going on a little trip.”

  The two sisters walked slowly out of their cell, unsure of how to react to this new situation; however, the two women reacted for them and taking them by the arm hurried them towards the flight of wooden steps that would take them away from this awful place. Cassie held on tightly to her elder sister as they were dragged up the stairs by the women. The two heavies were bringing up the rear after them, Bourbon remained behind for a moment to close the door to the secret room and then to move the wine rack back into place.

  “Where are you taking us, please let us go we have done nothing to any of you. Why are you doing this to us?” Cassie cried out in fear that they were about to be murdered.

  Their captors didn`t bother to reply to her question, the men just pushed their automatic pistols into the backs of their two captives and followed this up with a violent push that made Cassie fall forward. This though nearly had Cassie falling from the stairs, for the handrail that Cassie used to stop her fall was part of the original house, and was in need of urgent repair. With Cassie putting all of her weight on it, the rail broke and Christina only just caught her before she toppled over. A fall here would have hurt her sister badly and Christina turned on the man and glowered at him.

  “Don`t you dare push my sister, try it again and I swear I will make you sorry.” The man was taken aback for a moment but then he laughed and even apologised to Cassie. Unfortunately, this was as far as he went. The two sisters were taken out of the manor house to the white van, which was once again parked just outside of the kitchen; here they waited fearfully while one of the men opened the rear doors of the van.

  “Get inside ladies and try and make yourselves comfortable on the floor, don`t worry you won`t be there for too long.” One of the heavies ordered them. In the van was a stack of crates, they contained the statues that had graced the inside of the satanic temple.

  Once they were sitting on the floor of the van, the man closed the doors leaving them in darkness once again. They didn`t know it, but they were sitting inside of the van that their mother and Rob had travelled in just a few hours previously. Minutes later the van jerked forward. “Do you think that they are taking us home Chrissie?” Cassie asked more in hope than expectation. Her fears multiplied by their uncertain future.

  “I don`t know Cassie, I suppose it might be possible, but to let us go after kidnapping us seems a little unlikely. To tell you the truth Cassie I don`t know what is happening to us.” Christina said forlornly. “I just hope that Rob gets here soon.”

  Cassie looked across at her elder sister and smiled for the first time in so many hours, but only for a moment as the reality of their new situation suddenly kicked in.

  “I`m sure that he will arrive soon Chrissie, but if they`re taking us somewhere else, how will he ever find us?” Cassie wailed.

  “Rob will find us Cassie, of that I am certain.” Christina assured her younger sister and smiled at her, unfortunately there was no one to assure Christina.

  The drive was a short one but Christina knew that they weren`t going home for they would have been there after just a few minutes. It was thirty minutes later when she felt the van driving over grass, and then it finally stopped and she heard the men in front open the doors of the cab and get out. Two minutes later, Christina, and her sister were let out of the rear of the van. She saw that they had been joined by a plush looking limousine whose passengers had already disembarked. They were all standing on a small private airfield. In front of them was a small but modern looking aircraft, which looked, very new and quite expensive. In fact, Bourbon had only recently purchased it; it was a Cessna caravan 208 turbine powered propeller driven aircraft, which he used for his long distance trips around Great Britain and the continent. On this trip it was full, including the pilot there was Bourbon, Rochelle, the two women who Christina had met at the manor house, three foreign looking gentlemen and finally two of Bourbon`s heavies. Christina hadn`t tried calling for help as the heavies had evil looking automatic pistols that she didn`t think they would hesitate to use on anyone who came to their aid. She also felt that they wouldn`t think twice about striking either her or her sister, and hard enough to hurt them, or even knock them out.

  During the short flight one of the foreign looking men looked over at Cassie and then made some sort of comment to one of the women, it was the older one who had slapped Christina at the very beginning of her journey into hell. The old woman in turn looked Cassie over in such a way that sickened both Cassie and Christina, Cassie made her thoughts very clear.

  “Why are you looking at me in that filthy way, I demand that you tell me?” She screamed out. Bourbon moved across to her and struck her violently across the face, he seemed to derive a sick sort of pleasure from it, that or maybe he was just a bully who enjoyed hurting those unable to defend themselves.

  “Quiet girl, do not dare to make demands of your betters.” Bourbon commanded her.

  He seemed almost beside himself with rage at her outburst, although Christina did wonder if his rage was mostly for show rather than actual rage, it allowed him to strike out viciously. Christina made to get out of her seat but Bourbon noticing her movement turned his attention to her, and the look on Bourbon`s face forced her back down into her seat. She felt that he might have killed her without a thought if she hadn`t sat back down immediately and kept very quiet. She moved her hand across to hold that of Cassie`s, who was stunned by Bourbon`s violent action against her, and she was crying quite loudly. As Bourbon turned his attention back to Cassie, Christina advised her to be quiet or she might be struck again. Cassie looked up into the manic face of Bourbon and immediately stopped her sobbing, her fear of Bourbon growing with every second that passed. Cassie was trembling so much that Christina feared that she might be about to have a bout of hysterics.

  Finally, Bourbon seemed satisfied and returned to his seat allowing Christina to speak to Cassie, although only in a voice that was just above a whisper.

  “Cassie, I have no idea what we have got ourselves into, but we are in terrible danger from these maniacs. Please don`t let your eyes stray away further than the seat directly in front of you, and try not to react to anything they may do or say, for I really thought that Bourbon was going to kill us just then.” It took a moment before Cassie could find the strength to answer her sister, and even then, another tremor ran through her young body.

  “Don`t you worry Chrissie, I`ll do exactly what you say.” Her voice wavered again as she said these words, but even so she attempted to smile at her older sister.

  More than one reason ran through Christina`s mind as to what was behind their abduction, all more terrifying than the one before, but nothing seemed to make sense to her. All she did know was that Bourbon was obviously insane. However, why kidnap them, he certainly wasn`t a dealer in young women destined for a brothel somewhere in the world, he was a rich and powerful businessman. The only logical reason turned around the Satanic connection, but that was really too scary to even think about. Finally, Christina decided to let the matter rest there, until something gave them a clearer indication as to what the future held.

  The remainder of the short flight passed without any further violence, although Cassie was obviously very distressed by all that was happening, but then so was Christina. Soon they were standing on the tarmac of a small private aerodrome somewhere in central France, but still without being able to call for assistance, as the older of two women had pulled out a stiletto and threatened to use it should either of them so much as blink at one the locals.

  Two large MPV`s pulled up next to the aeroplane and Bou
rbon hustled the two sisters into the leading one, they were joined by the two heavies and the two women, the remainder of the group got into the second vehicle. The old woman came across to the Christina and stroked her face with a gloved hand.

  “Don`t think that I have forgotten you my lovely, we will have plenty of time to get to know one another.” Christina cringed as the woman touched her, but fearing violence if she protested, violence that she was sure would also involve Cassie, she stayed very quiet and looked down at the floor. The woman then turned her attention to Cassie.

  “Unfortunately you are already chosen for honours beyond your feeble comprehension my dear, so I will forgive your earlier outburst, but don`t think that I won`t take the utmost pleasure in punishing you should you forget your manners a second time.” The woman spoke with a thick accent that escaped Christina for the moment, unfortunately the tone of her voice also dripped sadistic overtones that scared the hell out of the two sisters; it also made clear thought almost impossible at that moment.

  Christina and Cassie huddled together between the two heavies, thankful to be away from the old woman, but occasionally they had to endure her lascivious gaze. Thankfully, the journey to their final destination only took thirty minutes, and then they were hustled out of the vehicle and into a small chateau that under different circumstances Christina would have found quite charming.

  They were led up to the top floor and into a room that must have been used by the servants at one time in its long history. The room contained two small cots and thankfully, it had been modernised, for it now boasted an en-suite bathroom, which they were both bursting to use. Christina heard their bedroom door being locked from the corridor as Cassie rushed into the bathroom ahead of her. Looking out of the one small window Christina looked down upon a very formal style of garden. Running through the garden were a number of paths, and a small labyrinth in the centre. The labyrinth was looking in need of much care and attention, as Christina could see that a large tree had fallen across part of the outer ring of the labyrinth and made a new exit at its rear. A small wood ran across the rear of the garden, but hopes of reaching it and escaping to freedom were a million miles away, for the window was barred. Christina opened the window and tugged at the metal bars but they were set firmly into the surrounding brickwork, and she could see now that they were a very modern addition to the chateau.

  It was now Christina`s turn to use the bathroom and so she entered, only to notice that there was a second door into the bathroom. After making use of the facilities she checked to see if the second door was unlocked, although she obviously didn`t expect it to be, but she found to her delight that it was indeed open. A quiver of excitement ran through her as she slowly opened the door and cautiously looked into the room; it was completely empty and it looked as if it had been for some time, if the cobwebs were anything to go by.

  “Cassie,” she whispered come here, “there is another door in here, and it is open.” Cassie, who had not noticed the door in her hurry to use the facilities of the room, rushed in.”

  “Be careful Chrissie.” She whispered as she saw her sister disappear through the open door, fear snatching at his stomach, infecting the rest of her body, and almost stopping her mind from functioning. Christina didn`t reply, she simply rushed across to the window to check whether it too was barred and locked; it wasn`t barred or locked. Just then, Bourbon appeared below her on the paved terrace that overlooked the garden; she hurriedly moved back out of his line of sight. Behind her she saw that there was a further door that would lead out into the hall, she walked up to it and carefully tested the door handle to see if it was locked, unfortunately it was locked for some reason. Christina then returned to the bathroom and shut the connecting door, and then ushered Cassie back into their bedroom.

  “Cassie the window in the other room isn`t barred and it isn`t locked either, we should be able to climb out and down a climbing plant of some sort that runs by the window ...” Cassie cut in here.

  “What now? They will see us.” She said incredulously, fear etching her young face and making her stomach churn.

  “No silly tonight when everyone is asleep, say two in the morning, there shouldn`t be anyone around at that hour.” Christina said in mild rebuke.

  “Ok Chrissie, if you think we will be safe then I`m game to try.” Cassie agreed and even managed a weak smile.

  Christina and Cassie spent hours just studying the view from their bedroom window, trying to memorise the paths and features of the estate. Christina said that this was essential, for if their escape was discovered then they would need to throw of their captors in a hurry, if they were to ensure that their escape was successful.

  They watched as a gardener worked on a flowerbed, but just as he finished he was called away by Bourbon to help with some problem that had arisen. The gardener left his tools leaning up against the outside of the labyrinth and Christina noted their position. They would make ideal weapons for them, should such a thing be needed.

  The afternoon went by so very slowly and then they had a dinner, of sorts, without Bourbon or either of the two women making an appearance. Christina was almost as afraid of the old woman as she was of Bourbon, for the old woman had made threats to her wellbeing on more than one occasion. No, thankfully the only people that they saw were the two heavies, when they served as room service. Still their captors didn`t lock the connecting door that would take them away from the chateau, and away from whatever foul thing Bourbon had planned for them. The night slowly passed, but with every creak of the floorboards, Christina feared that their captors would appear to lock the second door, but as the house quietened down for the night Christina now grew more and more certain that the door had been overlooked.

  Christina`s thoughts turned to the one certain fact, their captors didn`t seem to mind that they could be identified. This in turn led to the realisation that they were not going to be freed at some time in the future; they would probably be killed after their usefulness was ended. Tears streamed down her face as she now realised that in all probability her mother was dead too, as she had already ceased to be of use to these monsters, Cassie and her were all alone now. Christina tried to force her mind off this subject, but it kept forcing its way back, for like the tide it too was unstoppable.

  The minutes ticked by slowly but soon her watch showed two o`clock, and so Christina wiped away her tears and taking a deep breath she roused her sister. Cassie had thankfully been able to fall into a light sleep, even if she did occasionally cry out, but this didn`t surprise Christina following Cassie`s exhausting and terrifying ordeal at Bourbon`s hands.

  “Cassie it`s time for you to wake up.” Christina whispered while gently shaking her sister. Cassie awoke instantly, she had been in the middle of a nightmare and for a moment, she thought that she was still in it.

  “No, please I beg of you.” She cried out sitting upright and looking more scared than ever.

  “Cassie it`s alright, it`s only me Christina, it`s time for us to go.” Christina whispered urgently. Cassie sat up and immediately burst into tears. Christina pulled her sister to her and let her cry. It was fully two minutes before Cassie stopped crying and looked up at her sister.

  “Chrissie, why is this happening to us, and what did that woman mean when she said I had been chosen, chosen for what Chrissie?” Christina looked down at her young sister and almost burst into tears as well.

  “I don`t know my sweet,” she managed to finally say, “I only know that we have to get away from these monsters.” With that, Christina stood up and then helped Cassie to her feet. The two sisters were soon through into the other room and looking out of its single window into the moonlit night.

  “Help me push the window up Cassie, it`s a little stiff, it hasn`t been used much I suppose.” Christina said. Cassie added her strength and soon the window edged upwards with a squeak that Christina was sure would bring Bourbon or the old woman hurrying to their room. Soon it was open wide enough to allow them to
wriggle through the narrow gap, and thankfully no one had arrived to stop them.

  “Please be careful Cassie, we`re on the third floor and the ground looks kind of hard.” With these words of caution, Christina squeezed through the narrow gap and sat on the wide stone window ledge. To one side of her was the thick stem of the tall climbing plant, which meant that she had to slide across the windowsill. Fear was rampant in her mind and rushing throughout her body, for she didn`t have much of a head for heights, but she knew for certain that she had to do this, for the alternative would almost certainly be far worse. Christina came to the end of the sill and looked to see how she should proceed. Taking care not to look directly at the ground, so far below her, she looked for a safe way down the thick climbing plant. Having come to a decision she now carefully moved her weight off the sill and onto the plant, her feet feeling and finding the hold that she had already decided on.

  “Wait a moment Cassie until I have tested the strength of this plant, and then you squeeze through onto the window sill and follow my way down.” Christina whispered to her sister.

  “Chrissie, what do you mean wait until you have tested the strength?” Cassie whispered back fearfully.

  Christina didn`t answer her sister`s question, she was too busy ensuring that she didn`t fall as she began her climb down the creeper. Holding firmly onto the plant she moved one foot to a firm foot hold and then she moved the other foot down to another place that would take her weight. Next, she moved her hand down to clamp around a part of the plant that she could grip tightly. She proceeded in this way until she heard a cry from above her.

  “Chrissie, please help me I`m slipping.” Cassie wailed down to Christina.

  Looking up Christina saw that her sister`s feet were dangling and that Cassie was close to panic and even closer to falling.

  “Hold on Cassie I`m coming.” Christina whispered fearfully.

  Christina climbed quickly up, for there was no time to waste, finally she came level with Cassie`s feet and pushed one and then the other foot back up to a safe foot hold. Cassie almost cried with relief when the weight of her young body was taken from her aching arms.

  “Oh Chrissie, I was so scared thank you, I`m sorry that I`m so pathetic.” Cassie whispered down. Christina laughed softly.

  “That`s one you owe me.” Christina whispered back.

  Thankfully, the rest of the climb down the creeper was uneventful and they finally reached the ground in one piece, although they were both mentally and physically exhausted by the climb.

  The moon was high above them and lit the grounds, Christina noted rather annoyed by the fact. She searched the shadows for signs of life but as far as she could tell, they had not been detected, so she moved quietly down the wide steps that went from the terrace and down into the garden, Cassie never more than a few inches behind her. She decided to take the middle path that led almost directly to the woods in the distance, and they were approaching the small path that would take them to the labyrinth.

  From behind them they heard barking coming from the side of the chateau. The two sisters turned to see three large and powerful dogs racing across the lawn towards them, the moonlight making them appear almost as devil dogs to Christina. Christina was sure that the noise that they were making would almost certainly awaken someone within the chateau. Taking the situation in she decided to head for the labyrinth, not only would its small paths mean that they would only have to face danger from behind them, but more importantly she noticed that the gardener`s tools were still there, a shiny new spade and a nasty looking fork.

  “Cassie grab the fork, I`ll take the spade.” She said as they arrived at the entrance to the labyrinth.

  Armed the two sisters ran into the labyrinth with the dogs just twenty feet behind them. As Christina turned to see how far behind the dogs were, she noticed that lights were indeed appearing in the windows of the chateau, she almost cried as this meant that Bourbon would soon be chasing after them as well.

  In just seconds the two sisters were forced to stop and turn around to face the chasing dogs, otherwise the dogs would have pulled them down to the ground and probably badly injured them or even killed them.

  “Cassie we must chase these dogs off quickly or Bourbon will catch us, and there is no telling what he will do to us by way of punishment.” Christina said breathlessly. Cassie looked over to her sister.

  “Ok Chrissie let`s do it.” Cassie cried out bravely.

  With those words, Cassie launched herself towards the dogs, which were taken by surprise by their sudden attack. Her garden fork dug sharply into the dog on the right making it yelp in pain, and it backed away whimpering, unfortunately it was soon replaced by the third animal. The dog on the left snarled at Christina, saliva dripping from its massive maw, but Christina having noticed Cassie`s courageous action also went into the attack and she too lunged forward. The garden space caught the dog deep inside the dog`s gaping mouth and snapped off some of its teeth, making this ferocious animal also yelp in pain. Christina smiled grimly as it too turned and ran away whimpering. The last dog stood looking after its friends and decided to halt its attack, and it too ran back down the labyrinth and back into the garden. The narrowness of the path within the labyrinth had saved the two sisters lives, that and their brave actions in confronting and attacking the ferocious beasts that had chased after them.

  “We did it Chrissie,” Cassie cried jubilantly, “we actually did it.”

  Christina just smiled across at her younger sister, for she knew that they couldn`t take time out to celebrate their victory just yet, for the sounds of human pursuit floated through the still night air. Luckily, Christina had been able to get a good look at the labyrinth from the window of their bedroom, for now she steered them directly towards the break in the rear of the labyrinth. Once they had climbed over the fallen tree, they sped off towards the woods down paths bordered by hedges, these had been allowed to grow tall by the previous owner, an Englishman, and so the hedges hid them from their pursuers.

  Behind them, they heard the voice of some of the servants as they tended to the injured dogs. Bourbon rushed towards the labyrinth but stopped to look down at his injured animals, seeing their wounds he swore to punish the two sisters in such a way that they wouldn`t dare to try to escape again. He stopped one of the Satanists and spoke quietly to him, then turning to the other members of his household he gave hurried instructions as to what they must do, his voice now carrying loudly to the sisters in the stillness of the night.

  “George you take Albert and Rosina and circle the labyrinth to the left. Victoria, you take my two men and circle to the right. I will go through the labyrinth with Aillard and Emauri. We will flush them out soon enough.” He snarled, he pictured the indignities he would put them through when he had the sisters back inside of the chateau and smiled; he would get some pleasure from the two wretched girls in recompense for his lack of sleep this night.

  Christina now decided to steer a course that would take them away from the direct route to the woods, she thought their pursuers would probably assume that they would be heading for the trees in which to hide from them. Instead, they followed a path that led towards a lake, she planned to meet it at its farthest edge from the chateau and follow it around to another path that she had seen from their window, for this path would take them towards the same woodland but at a point much further away from the chase. Christina and Cassie jogged along slowly so as not to exhaust themselves too early and within two minutes they came to the lake, unfortunately they met it at its nearest point to the chateau which meant that they had to spend another vital thirty seconds getting around it before they met the path that would take them to the woods. They had heard their pursuers entering the woods some distance away, but now the sounds of their pursuers were coming ever nearer to them. The sisters stopped for a moment to decide in which direction to go. The path to the woods was across an open meadow, and with the moon shining down upon them they decided that they would be
easily spotted crossing it by anyone looking in their direction. Therefore, Christina decided to veer further over and away from this meadow, and they put on a spurt so as to extend the distance between them and the woodland. Ahead of them was the road that led to the main entrance to the estate, Christina feared that someone might have been sent to the entrance to keep watch on the road, but she took heart from the fact that the tall hedges would keep them hidden from any watcher posted there. She also hoped that when they did finally reach the road that they would be able to elude this watcher. They had just reached the few large trees that ran alongside the road when a man stepped out holding a shotgun; he was one of the foreign looking men who had accompanied them on the flight from England.

  “Bourbon was right, if he acted the part of a beater in the woodland then his two little birds would fly straight towards the road. Drop those weapons and put your hands up.” The Satanist had been able to get there ahead of them as he had driven to the main road and then returned to set up the ambush.

  Christina and Cassie dropped the spade and the fork; they hit the ground with a dull thud, much as their hearts had done, Cassie burst into tears and Christina was also on the point of joining her. That they had been captured so easily was not only very distressing it was sickening, her fears as to their future had multiplied. Her mind worked furiously on a plan to get them away, and she gave some hurried instructions to Cassie in a whisper. Christina slumped to the ground, it appeared that she fainted before her fears, Cassie looked down on the still body of her sister and almost joined her, and she would have except that that she had her orders. The man took out his mobile phone and was soon speaking to Bourbon.

  “You were quite correct Monsieur Bourbon, I have them here.”

  Cassie had moved to the other side of their captor and the man`s eyes followed her. Just then, Christina opened an eye to see that the foreign man had turned from her and was concentrating on Cassie. Christina quietly stood up and picking up the garden spade brought it heavily down upon the man`s head, he crumpled silently to the ground. Along the track Christina saw the headlights of a vehicle coming along the track, she turned to Cassie who was standing there looking very scared.

  “Come on Cassie.” Christina ordered. “We must get away.”

  With that she grabbed her sister`s arm and dragged her towards the low wall that ran around the grounds of the chateau. They were soon over it and running along the main road when the sound of a vehicle came to her from behind them. Christina knew it had to be their captors so she pulled Cassie across the road and into the fields of the neighbouring farm, she hoped to be able to hide amongst the crops until daylight when she could seek assistance Unfortunately Cassie chose this moment step awkwardly and she fell to the ground with a groan.

  “Quickly Cassie, get up.” Christina pleaded. Cassie stood up but immediately cried out in agony.

  “I`m sorry Chrissie, it`s my ankle, I think I twisted it, you go on, I can`t run anymore.”

  Cassie`s face was a picture of pain and tears as she realised that now they wouldn`t be able to get away. It was only seconds later a land rover arrived and Bourbon`s two heavies got out and rushed towards them, the flashlights they were carrying almost blinding Christina who was still carrying the garden spade. She launched herself at one of the men but her swing at his head missed as he stepped back and off balance, she stumbled into his fist and fell to the ground unconscious. Another vehicle arrived with Bourbon in it. He helped the two heavies to load the sisters into the land rover, which took the sisters back into captivity. Christina awoke to find herself in a dark cellar; Cassie was sitting opposite her on a cot. To Christina`s horror she saw that Cassie had a length of chain stretching from her ankle to the wall to which it was fitted. Sitting up Christina found that she too was chained in a similar manner.

  “Are you ok Chrissie?” Cassie asked in barely a whisper, Christina could see that she was very scared. Her eyes were red from crying and she had the beginnings of a black eye.

  “What happened? I`m sorry Cassie, I guess I must have fainted for real.” Christina said. She could feel tears flooding her eyes, but she tried to hold them back so that Cassie wouldn`t see them slipping down her cheeks, for this would only make her sister cry again.

  “Christina, you didn`t faint, it was my fault in not watching where I put my stupid foot, you were magnificent. You attacked two of Bourbon`s goons with your spade, unfortunately one of the goons knocked you out. Bourbon then arrived and he and his goons loaded us into a land rover and brought us back to the chateau, but instead of our bedroom they deposited us down in the cellars which have been fitted out to make them into Bourbon`s own private dungeon.” Cassie replied rattling her chain.

  “Did Bourbon do that; give you your black eye?”

  Before Cassie could reply they heard the cellar door being unlocked, and then Bourbon walked down the flight of wooden steps, and into his very private dungeon. He came straight across to Christina and struck her hard across the face, his face showing his anger. He really enjoyed doing this to defenceless women who couldn`t fight back. His face was not full of anger but sadistic satisfaction.

  “You attacked on of my guests you bitch.” Bourbon said standing over her.

  “I ought to kill you now, for you have put me to considerable bother. Because of you and your interfering mother, I was forced to bring my plans forward and move back to France before I was ready. The police in England are trying to trace me and I might never be able to return to my manor house. You have now attempted to escape, should you try it again I will first have your mother killed and then I will take great pleasure in killing you. You were never a part of my plans, only this girl figured in them. I have suffered your presence only to give your sister some company before the ceremony. Do not annoy me again or I will kill you. Do you understand?” Bourbon said almost snarling the last words. He seemed poised to strike her again as he stood there gloating, his contempt for her all-consuming at that moment.

  Christina was in shock, her face hurt both from where Bourbon had struck her, and also from the punch from the heavy that had knocked her out. Cassie was sobbing again and Christina was on the verge of joining her, she could already feel a single tear trickling down her cheek. She barely managed to nod her head by way of an answer to Bourbon. Bourbon looked at them both and sneered in contempt, they weren`t worth the energy he would use, should he continue his physical assault of them, instead he turned away and left them to cry. He had other forms of torture in mind for them, and ones that would bring him much greater satisfaction. Cassie finally managed to stop crying and she looked across at her sister.

  “What ceremony Chrissie, what does he want me for, does he want to marry me?” She said revolted by the very idea of being forced to marry such a man.