Read Kidnapped for Christmas Page 4

  “Easy now, sweetheart,” he murmured against her hair. “You need to loosen up some so you can enjoy this. After all, you paid for it.”

  I did not! Jillian wanted to shout. My stupid sister did! She’s the crazy one, not me. Let me go, I don’t want any part of this! And yet, even as she screamed at him mentally, she couldn’t help noticing that he smelled really nice. He had a scent like fresh wood shavings and clean sweat and under that was a dark, masculine musk that seemed to get inside her head and make it hard to think clearly.

  Stop it, Jillian! she lectured herself angrily. This guy is dragging you off to do who knows what to you and you’re thinking how great he smells. Get hold of yourself! But as good as the advice sounded inside her head, she found it impossible to follow. She wanted to remain rigid in his arms but as he carried her, she found she was relaxing against him despite her best intentions. It wasn’t that she wanted to, she told herself. It was just that it was too hard to keep every muscle in her body stiff in such an awkward position with her arms behind her back.

  “That’s good, sweetheart,” she heard him murmur as she gave up and let herself go limp against him. “Just relax and take it easy. I’m not gonna hurt you. Just going to make you feel good.”

  The dark promise in those words made Jillian stiffen all over again and she was uncomfortably aware that her nipples were hard little pebbles at the tips of her breasts. God, how much of this was she going to have to go through before she could convince her captor that he had the wrong woman? And how much of Sabrina’s sick fantasy would she have to go through first?

  She didn’t have long to wonder about her fate. There was a creaking sound like a door being pushed open and then the hollow sound of footsteps on wooden stairs. So he was taking her downstairs. Downstairs to the dungeon. Under other circumstances the thought might have been laughable. But considering her current predicament, it made Jillian feel like someone had dumped five pounds of ice cubes in her stomach. Despite the fact that she knew they were descending, he didn’t jostle her a bit and Jillian couldn’t help thinking that he was very strong. Then she went back to being scared because they were suddenly off the stairs and he was carrying her into a cool, slightly damp space.

  “Here we are,” he said and Jillian felt him bend down. For a minute she was afraid of falling but he deposited her safely on a firm, slightly giving surface. “Stay there,” he told her in that deep, stern voice. “And don’t try to move either or you’ll roll off the bed.”

  Bed? Jillian kicked wildly and bent her neck, trying to nudge the blindfold away from her eyes. She couldn’t stand it anymore. She had to see where she was. Had to have at least some idea of what he was going to do to her.

  “Take it easy, sweetheart. You want the blindfold off?”

  Yes, damn it! Take this damn thing off me so I can see what the hell is going on! Jillian nodded eagerly and craned toward the sound of his voice. Maybe if he was willing to take the blindfold off, he’d take the gag out of her mouth too.

  “All right then,” he rumbled. She felt the air move as he leaned over her and she caught another whiff of the fresh woodchips smell. Then the blindfold was gone, as if by magic.

  She blinked at the sudden light even though they were in a very dimly lit space. She wanted to look around and take in her surroundings but her eyes were immediately drawn to the man looming over her. Her initial impression hadn’t been wrong—he really was huge. He was wearing tight black leather pants and a black T-shirt that clung lovingly to the bulge of his biceps and the flat muscular planes of his stomach. At least he had removed his mirrored shades and she could see that his eyes were large and dark and possibly brown, although it was hard to tell in the dim light.

  While Jillian was busy examining her captor, he was taking the opportunity to examine her as well. “Beautiful,” he murmured as his dark brown eyes took her in. “You’re so much prettier than your picture, sweetheart. It’s going to be a real pleasure making your fantasy come true. I can’t wait to spread open your sweet pussy and lick your hot little clit.”

  Jillian blushed at his frank words and shook her head angrily. “Mmmph!” she insisted, hoping he would get the message. “Mmmph, mmmph!”

  “What’s wrong now?” He frowned.

  “Mmmph!” Jillian wanted to scream with frustration. She needed the gag off and she needed it to happen now before any of this went too far! But to her irritation, the tall muscular man just shook his head.

  “I don’t think so, sweetheart—no talking allowed during your ‘nap.” He gave her a slow smile that sent butterflies dancing in her stomach. “Of course, begging is something else but we’ll save that for later. You just stay put for a little while and I’ll go get the next part of your fantasy ready.”

  “Mmmph!” Jillian shook her head wildly in negation but it was too late, he was already gone, disappearing to another part of the dungeon to get whatever kinky fantasy Sabrina had specified ready.

  Looking around, she saw that she was indeed on a king-size bed that had a black satin bedspread and black and red pillows to match. The bed had an ornate wrought iron headboard and there were two black silk scarves tied to either side. Jillian’s stomach turned over at the sight. It was all too easy to imagine herself tied by the wrists with those scarves, helpless to stop her kidnapper from doing anything he wanted to her. Anything at all.

  Then she realized that for the first time that she was completely out of his sight. Her hands were still handcuffed behind her back and the gag was in place but at least he hadn’t tied her feet. She was free to go if she could just sneak past him.

  Slipping and sliding on the slick satin spread, Jillian managed to wriggle off the side of the bed, which was surprisingly high, without making a sound. The moment her feet hit the carpeted floor, she felt better. She would get out of here, wherever here was, and flag down a passing motorist to help get her out of the gag and cuffs. Or wait, she supposed you needed a key for the handcuffs but she thought she remembered reading somewhere that most cuffs fit the same kind of key. So if she could just get someone to take her to the police station maybe a nice officer there could set her free and then she could still make it to work. Of course, she had no idea how she was going to explain her tardiness to her boss at B&B, but at this point having frumpy little Mr. Pedregal pissed at her for being late was the last thing on her mind.

  Walking softly, Jillian made her way through a long dark hallway that was lined with featureless black doors with silver knobs. She listened carefully as she walked past each one but there was no sound from behind any of them. Was she the only prisoner here? Were she and the huge muscular man, whose name she still didn’t know, the only people in the dungeon? The thought creeped her out, making her think of Silence of the Lambs, although to give Mr. Pro Wrestler credit, he hadn’t actually tried to hurt her in any way. He’d just been intent on fulfilling what he thought was her fantasy.

  Despite herself, that last thought gave Jillian a funny feeling in the pit of her stomach. She couldn’t help remembering the way he’d forced her to submit and the warm brush of his fingertips over her inner pussy. If she hadn’t had her nylons and panties on he would have been stroking directly over her clit, just as he’d said he wanted to. And the thought of him doing that, of having him hold her thighs wide and touch her open, vulnerable pussy until she moaned and begged made her knees feel as if they were made of jelly.

  Get hold of yourself, Jillian, she lectured herself sternly, forcing herself to focus. This is an escape, not a trip to fantasyland or sexville or wherever the hell this place is! Up ahead she could see that one of the black doors was open. Could the man who had kidnapped her be in there? If so, she needed to be extra-cautious.

  Placing each foot carefully, Jillian began to edge past the open door. She was barely even breathing when, to her surprise, a puff of lavender-scented steam issued from the faintly lit room. And then she heard a low, tuneful humming, like a man absorbed in a favorite task. Her determinat
ion to sneak past him and make her escape abruptly deserted her. She just had to know what he was doing in there.

  Quietly, Jillian edged closer to the open doorway and cocked her head around the door. Another puff of steam hit her in the face and she narrowly avoided sneezing. She liked lavender but not when it was shoved up her nose. Then the sight she was seeing through the steamy air absorbed all her attention and she forgot about the fragrance.

  The room she was looking into appeared to be some kind of a bathroom—but what a bathroom it was. Jillian sometimes amused herself by flipping through pictures on the Internet of homes of the rich and famous and this room looked like it would be right at home in such a spread. A wide white marble floor led up to a round Jacuzzi tub that was located up a few steps on a pedestal. The tub itself was made of some kind of black marble and it was half filled with rich, foamy suds. Her kidnapper was standing with his back to her and adding something to the tub—maybe more bubble bath? At any rate, he was humming to himself and he had taken off his black T-shirt, leaving his muscular torso bare. Jillian couldn’t help watching as the muscles of his broad, tan back flexed when he bent over the tub. Was he preparing her a bath? It seemed like an odd fantasy until she remembered what a bathroom hog Sabrina had always been when they were growing up. She’d stayed in the tub for hours, barely leaving enough hot water for Jillian to grab a quick shower.

  Hmm, well, getting a long hot bath from a half-naked hunk wasn’t such a bad idea, Jillian admitted to herself. Maybe Sabrina wasn’t as crazy as she’d thought. At least he hadn’t tied her to the wall and whipped her the way she’d been afraid he might do. Could it be that her sister’s sick fantasy wasn’t as extreme as she had feared? Well, extreme or not, it was Sabrina’s fantasy, not Jillian’s and it was high time she got out of there.

  Just as she was thinking that, another puff of steam floated out the door and into her face. This time Jillian couldn’t help herself—the strong scent of lavender tickled her nose and a sneeze exploded out of her. Of course it was muffled by the gag she still wore but it was loud enough to get her kidnapper’s attention. Quick as a feral cat, he turned to face her and she saw his brown eyes widen as he took in her attempted escape. She wanted to run from him but somehow she felt frozen to the spot—unable to move as he came for her.

  “And just where do you think you’re going?” He turned off the water and was on her in a second, his hands firm but gentle on her arms. He wasn’t hurting her but Jillian knew there was no way she could get away from him.

  “Mmmph!” she said desperately, hoping he would take off the gag so she could explain herself. But her kidnapper only shook his head.

  “Just can’t wait to be disciplined, can you?” he rumbled, a hot glint in his brown eyes. “Well, all right, sweetheart. If you’d rather get your bottom tanned before the next part of your fantasy, I don’t mind.”

  Get my bottom tanned? In a panic, Jillian tried to pull away from him once more but it was useless. He simply swung her up into his arms again and carried her back into the bedroom.

  * * * * *

  She was struggling like a hellcat by the time he got her back to the bedroom and Kyle couldn’t help thinking that he liked her spirit more and more. Her file had said she liked things a little bit rough so he had no problem with what he was about to do.

  Sitting on the edge of the king-size bed, he raised her gray work skirt and started to pull down her nylons and white lace panties exactly as he had wanted to do earlier. She was kicking and moaning behind the gag, making him again want to take it off her, just to hear her beg. But since it was so clearly what she wanted, he couldn’t do it just then. She was about to get a punishment for her naughty behavior—it wouldn’t do to give her a reward as well by removing the gag.

  Instead, he leaned forward and whispered in her ear. “Listen, sweetheart, if you don’t stop fighting and kicking I’ll use my belt on you instead of just my hand. Is that what you want?”

  She suddenly went limp and he saw her shake her head in defeat. Once more he had the sensation of her surrendering to him completely and his cock swelled. God, she was beautiful!

  “Good,” he murmured softly. “Now if you’re a good girl, I’ll take off these handcuffs. Can you be good for me?”

  Hesitantly, she nodded.

  “Good.” He fished the key out of his pocket and fit it into the silver lock. “Don’t get any ideas,” he told her. “The first sign of trouble out of you and I’ll lock you right back up. I’ll cuff your ankles too. Understand?”

  She nodded again and he was satisfied that she was through struggling, at least for now. When the cuffs came off, he rubbed her delicate wrists carefully, making sure she wasn’t hurt in any way. There were red marks on her pale skin but they would fade fast enough. Still holding her hands, Kyle started to undress her again but then he decided he wanted to see the look on her face while he did it, which was impossible with her facedown over his knee. He slid her off his lap onto her feet and then stood up behind her. Making sure to keep hold of her wrists, he turned her to face him.

  “Mmmph?” Her dark eyes flashed at him defiantly and once more he admired her spirit.

  “Not quite ready to submit yet, sweetheart?” he murmured. “Don’t worry, you will be.” He stroked her cheek and she jerked away from him. Kyle got the distinct impression that if she hadn’t had the gag on she would have tried to bite him. She was a wild one, all right. It was going to be a real pleasure taming her. He smiled and then gave her a more serious look.

  “Listen to me, sweetheart,” he told her, making his voice stern and unyielding. “For right now, and as long as you’re here, I’m your master and what I say goes. So here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to take off your skirt and everything else from the waist down and you’re going to let me do it without giving me any problems, right?”

  Her eyes widened and he could feel her wrists and arms tense in his grip, but slowly her head nodded. Good, so she acknowledged his mastery of her even if she was doing her best to pretend she didn’t want to be dominated. That was all right with Kyle, some submissives really got off on being forced to mind. But if the soft, curvy girl in his arms was thinking about topping from the bottom, she had another think coming. When he played a scene he was always in charge—it looked like she was going to have to learn that the hard way.

  He nodded. “All right.” He unzipped her skirt and slid it slowly down her legs, letting it fall in a crumpled heap at her feet. Then he finished taking off her nylons and panties, drawing the process out as her naked bottom and long, shapely legs were revealed. She had a shaven cunt, her plump little pussy lips kissably smooth, and a full, heart-shaped ass just perfect for spanking. Kyle stroked it softly, building the anticipation.

  “Mmmph!” She tried to squirm away from his hand but he wasn’t having any of that.

  “I don’t think so, sweetheart.” He pulled her closer, relishing the feel of her lush curves against his larger frame. God, she was soft in all the right places. His cock was throbbing in his pants, begging to be set free, but that was impossible with Adam’s damn no-penetration rule. Even knowing that, he couldn’t resist pressing a little closer to her. He rubbed his hardness into the tender vee between her legs, parting her swollen pussy lips with his length until she gasped behind the gag. Even through the black leather he was wearing he could feel her heat.

  “Mmm!” Her eyes widened again but she didn’t try to pull away from him this time. Good, she was learning. Kyle had the sudden urge to lean down and kiss her but the damn gag was in the way. Instead, he brushed a lingering kiss across her flushed cheek.

  “Feel that, sweetheart?” he murmured. “Feel the way your sweet little pussy is opening up for me?” He rolled his hips, pressing against her clit, making sure she knew exactly how much he wanted her, needed her. He wished he was hilt-deep inside her right now, feeling her tight little pussy squeezing and caressing his aching shaft. But they weren’t going to go there, no matte
r how much he suddenly wanted to. With an effort of will, he forced himself to step back before he got carried away.

  “Mmmph?” Her eyes were a little less defiant when she looked up at him this time. There was a haze of desire mixed with uncertainty in their dark depths. Kyle could read her as easily as if she’d spoken aloud. What happens now? she was asking.

  “Now, you’re going to get that spanking I promised you,” he told her, still stroking her velvety ass with his right hand. He felt her tense again and she shook her head slowly back and forth, a look of pleading in her eyes.

  “Yes, that’s right.” He nodded and cupped her cheek in his left palm. “You have to be punished for trying to run away so I have to spank you. It’s the only way to make you a good girl. Don’t you want to be a good girl?”

  She shook her head again but there was no conviction in the gesture. They both knew that Kyle was going to spank her—the only question was how long and how hard he was going to do it. Kyle released her slowly and she didn’t run but just stood looking at him with her cheeks flushed and her eyes pleading. Beneath the thin white blouse he could see her full breasts heaving and he wished he’d taken off her bra as well so he could get a better look at the sharp points of her nipples. But the view from the waist down more than made up for it.

  The pale silky skin of her thighs narrowed to the tender vee of her shaved cunt and her pussy lips were still swollen and spread apart from the way he’d rubbed against her. He could see the deep, inner pink of her sex and the hard little bud of her swollen clit was fully on display, tempting him to drop to his knees and taste her. He wanted to lap at her, wanted to taste the sweet honey that was glistening on her inner pussy. But there would be time for that later.