Read Kidnappping Casey Page 2

  Irritation crossed his features. With a hard jerk her body abruptly collided with his much larger one. Before she could protest she ended up back in his arms. He lifted her against his chest so that she was cradled in his arms and walked into the water carrying her toward the waterfall.

  Apprehension filled Casey. Was he going to drown her? She wrapped her arms tight around his neck as the water got really deep. He continued forward until the water touched her chin before stopping. Their gazes locked as he released her legs. Her body started to float away from his in the current and would have except that they still held on to each other. She eased her hold to grip his shoulders. They were at face level with only inches between their noses.

  Casey studied his features curiously. This was the closest she’d gotten to his face. He was handsome. Tan skin covered his strong masculine bones. His full lips looked a little pouty making them appear sexy. The shape of his nose was strange but somehow it looked good on him. It made her want to run her fingers over it. From the tiny lines by his eyes she pegged him in his mid thirties, just a few years older than she. Her gaze met his again. He studied her with curiosity too. She saw it sparkling in his extraordinary eyes.

  He pointed to the waterfall. Her gaze followed his finger before she looked back at him. He growled at her in that soft tone she was starting to think was sexy.

  “You want me to swim for the waterfall?”

  He nodded.


  Irritation flashed again on his face. He brought his free hand up to make a claw of it, motioning with it. He pointed to the waterfall and everything fell into place for Casey.

  “You know about the cave behind it, don’t you? Do you want us swim there to climb into the cave?”

  He nodded. The frustration faded from his features and his arm around her back loosened. He jerked his head toward the waterfall before he looked back at the embankment. He growled, trying to communicate something to her so she glanced at the woods. He must be worried about the deputies following them. No one knew about the cave so Casey wondered how this guy had discovered it. He released her completely so she could make her way across the river where he wanted her to go.

  Her clothes were heavy as she swam. Casey didn’t want to be found either. Getting arrested wasn’t on her list of things she ever wanted to do again. She paddled against the current heading for the waterfall. The river got deep enough that the bottom was untouchable for him so he swam close behind her. The worst part about going to the cave was swimming under the pounding waterfall that tore at her clothing and tried to push her deep under the surface. Relief hit her when she cleared the heavy curtain of water to reach the other side.

  It was dim behind the screen of water but she could see well enough to make out the area around her. Clawing at the rocks, she started to climb out of the water toward the cave about four feet over her head. The stranger surfaced from under the waterfall as she crawled into the rocky cave. It wasn’t very big but it was drier about five feet or so inside. She scrambled away from the wet ledge to make room. She sat on her ass to watch as the guy followed her deeper into the cave. His attention focused on Casey.

  With his wet hair plastered back she got another good look at his face. He had humanlike features but his nose was definitely wrong and the thick-lipped mouth was wrong too. In the darkened cave his eyes looked eerie as they seemed to glow in the dim light.

  He pointed behind her so she turned, taking a good look at the interior of the cave. Surprise struck her. She hadn’t been in the cave in months. There was a sleeping bag spread out along the back wall with a backpack next to it. None of that had been there on her last visit. Casey focused her attention on him.

  “Are you living here?”

  A nod confirmed her suspicion. He reached for the front of his shirt, spreading the material open, revealing substantial muscles covered by tan skin. She was too taken aback to do anything but watch as the man removed his shirt completely. Casey inspected his chest, making note that he was a little hairy there, but it wasn’t excessive. A thin line of it ran below his bellybutton to disappear into those formfitting pants, his big hands reached for the waist as he toed off his boots.

  He observed Casey silently watching him. She couldn’t look away. There was no question, she decided, that he had the best damn body she’d ever seen. He looked one hundred percent powerfully built human from the neck down. She’d never seen a better-defined body. Each muscle was ridged. The front of his pants opened hinting of more golden brown skin there.

  Casey couldn’t tear her eyes away from the sight of him slowly lowering the leather material that clung to his skin. The pants inched down as he wiggled his hips, using both hands to shove them down one inch at a time. A gasp escaped her when his penis sprang free.

  He was aroused. Her mouth fell open. He was thick, most definitely hard, and his cock was shaped slightly different from a human’s. The skin of his shaft was more of a reddish hue instead of the deep golden brown of his skin everywhere else. The head was thick, more of a mushroom shape than the smooth transition from head to shaft most guys had. He was proportioned to his big body. She’d never seen a guy this big, not that she’d had much to compare him to. Her few ex-boyfriends had been pricks in every sense of the word.

  She felt her body respond instantly as she stared at his anatomy. In an instant, she wondered how it would feel if he slowly worked that thick, blunt tip inside her. Her pussy clenched in response to the image that flashed in her mind. Moisture flowed between her thighs. She slammed her mouth shut and jerked her gaze upward to his face.

  A twinkle of amusement sparked in his sexy eyes, and his lips curved upward into a knowing grin. She flushed a little, feeling heat flame her face, as she prayed he couldn’t read what she’d been thinking about from her expression. A tan hand rose, a finger extended, to point at her. She blinked a few times, forcing air into her lungs, as it sank in what he must want her to do.

  “Oh hell. I’m not getting naked too.”

  He softly growled at her when his grin died. Glowing blue eyes narrowed before he moved. That muscled body drew closer. His body was graceful, powerful, and his muscles moved with lithe beauty. She was fascinated with every damn inch of his skin.

  He moved so close that her eyes flew down to his cock again. A thick vein ran from the base of his shaft to just under the mushroomed head. She was close enough to touch the swollen flesh that pointed straight out at her. He slowly crouched, his face getting closer. Her breath froze in her lungs, her heart pounded, as desire shot through her. Would he want to fuck her? His turned-on state indicated that he wanted her.

  Large hands reached for her, encircling her arms above her elbows. His skin was hot to the touch on her flesh chilled from the cold river water. He jerked her to her feet in a heartbeat. Her knees almost collapsed when he forced her to stand. His intense blue gaze glided down her body, seeming to take in every inch and a sexy, soft noise came from his parted lips before his hands released her. She took a deep breath until those hands of his went for the waist of her T-shirt.

  The wet material was ripped up her body. Casey tried to turn away but he was faster. One arm wrapped around her waist, to pull her tightly against his skin. She was chilled from being wet, but his body was hot to the touch, as she was slammed against him. His hard erection pressed into her bared stomach as the shirt went sailing to the cave floor. Her bra-covered breasts were smashed against his muscular chest. He breathed her in, another sexy growl tearing from his parted lips, and his cock jerked against her belly where it was tightly pressed between them. He was incredibly hard.

  “Please don’t hurt me.”

  He frowned, shaking his head, a frustrated look crossing his features. His chest rose as he took a deep breath, so their bodies pressed more tightly together. Long seconds ticked by while Casey’s heart beat erratically. The hold on her eased until their bodies weren’t pushed so closely against each other anymore. A foot of space opened up betwe
en them. His cock wasn’t touching her now, but he didn’t let her arm go. His look lowered between them to his protruding member.

  Casey’s eyes followed his gaze. This up close and personal, she realized just how thick his cock was. Her interest turned into a little fear at the thought of him working that inside her. He shook his head at her when she jerked her attention up to stare into his eyes. His hand slowly released her to point at the bedding behind her.

  “What in the hell are you trying to tell me?”

  He backed up and his hand rose to point to her remaining clothing. That long digit aimed at the floor and went to his bedding next as he mimicked covering up. Slowly, he turned around to present a wide, tan back to her. She saw a thin, long scar running from one shoulder blade to the underside of his arm at the bottom of his ribs. It was a mystery to her how he’d gotten it, but it looked like an old injury. He moved away to the edge of the cave facing the falling water, keeping his back to Casey.

  She stood there shivering. Some of her fear eased when she realized he was keeping his back turned to give her privacy. Her gaze kept going to his body as she stripped out of the rest of her clothes. He had the nicest damn butt ever. Broad shoulders tapered down to his toned back and to that fantastic ass. She shook herself from thoughts of what it would feel like to rake her fingernails down the length of him.

  Slowly turning to his sleeping bag, she climbed in it to cover up her freezing body. The bedding was thick and warm and Casey relaxed, warming up enough to stop shivering. She eyed his wide back and great ass again. He really was perfect and she’d never seen a man in better shape. A good three minutes passed before the man finally turned around. He walked over to their clothing on the floor, bending to retrieve it one piece at a time.

  Casey watched him lay the items out over rocks so they would dry. His hard-on had gone down. Even soft, the guy was impressive, as that sensual flesh hung between his thighs. Finally he turned to face her and their gazes locked.

  She had to give him credit, he seemed totally at ease with his nakedness. Her breath caught as he slowly inched closer. Crouching down next to the sleeping bag, he tilted his head slightly to study her. His beautiful blue eyes narrowed. He watched her face for a long minute as their gazes remained locked. It came as a shock when the large man suddenly lunged and she gasped.

  Chapter Two

  Terror hit the instant he touched her. He firmly pushed her shoulders with both hands until Casey was forced flat on her back. The bedding was torn from her fingers and jerked away from her body. Naked, he pinned her under him as his body came down on top of her smaller one. Large hands gripped her wrists to jerk them above her head, he forced his legs between her thighs to push them wide apart. She was spread-eagle under the man, pinned there firmly, with their noses almost touching.

  He shut his eyes, sniffing at her for a few seconds before his face turned sideways, inching closer to her until his warm nose brushed her throat. A soft growl rumbled from deep in his chest. Against her inner thigh she felt his cock harden again as blood flooded it, lengthening it. Smelling her was obviously turning him on.

  “Please don’t hurt me.” Casey hated the frightened quiver in her voice.

  As he lifted his head, their gazes locked together. His eyes glowed brighter, desire and something primal showing in them. He shook his head, frowning, watching Casey. It was obvious he wanted to say something to her but she couldn’t understand him. Another growl rumbled from his parted lips, his chest vibrating slightly where it pressed down on her bared breasts, making her more aware of her hardening nipples. Growls were how he talked and she just didn’t speak growl. As frustration flashed in his eyes, Casey thought she could relate.

  Electric-blue eyes closed as he lowered his face back against her neck. His breath was hot against to her skin, making Casey shiver a little at the sensation. He inhaled slowly and deeply, an erotic awareness going through her as his nose lightly caressed the line of her throat. He seemed to really like the way she smelled judging by the major hard-on he had pressed against her. He wasn’t hurting her though, or forcing her to have sex with him. He was just sniffing at her while holding her down. Their gazes locked again when his head rose.

  Releasing her wrists he lifted his chest a little away from her body. She missed his warmth as he separated them from their stomachs up. His body temperature was hotter than a normal man’s. A smile twisted his lips when his eyes lowered to her exposed breasts.

  Casey wasn’t sure what that meant. She tensed. The thought of fighting him crossed her mind, but she knew she’d never get someone his size off her. She felt tiny trapped under his expansive chest, and between the thickly muscled arms braced on both sides of her ribs, caging her in place.

  Gasp was all she did when he dipped his head, sliding down her in the process, so his hard cock moved away from her mound and inner thigh. A hot mouth opened over her right nipple, his tongue sliding out to touch her. The man licked the crest of her breast, softly growling at her again. He sucked the bud into his mouth.

  A jolt shot through her body as his slightly raspy tongue teased around her hardening peak. He sucked on her breast, pulling more of her inside that hot mouth of his, his sharp teeth clamped down on her tender flesh. There was no pain but he had a good grip on her between his teeth and the suction of his mouth.

  Held immobile by what he was doing to her body, Casey’s shock started to wear off, to be replaced by awareness of what was happening to her. A few seconds later she was frantically pushing at his chest with her spread hands. His tense muscles felt like steel as she pressed hard against his skin trying to move him but he wouldn’t budge or release her breast. His mouth worked on her, suckling, causing her to stop struggling as hard tugs of his mouth on her nipple registered throughout her body.

  The sensation wasn’t like anything she’d ever experienced before. She’d had a few lovers in her life, four to be exact, but not one of them had sucked on her as hard as he was. His teeth scraped her nipple, causing her to squirm under him, that hot mouth was making her ache between her thighs. It felt as if her breast was connected directly to her pussy.

  Her clit started to throb under the man’s frontal assault. Her hands went from pushing at him to sliding up to his shoulders to clutch the curve of them. She felt her inner walls twitch, wetness flooding her, as the ache became a burning need. Her nails dug into his skin, a moan bursting from her lips, her hips arching into his stomach.

  The man was relentless with that mouth. He finally released her hard peak with a soft popping sound before slowly moving to the neglected other side. Casey hated the way she lifted her back so her breast pushed against his mouth as he started suckling harder. He shifted his hips, sliding down her a little more, while her fingernails clawed at him trying to pull him up instead.

  He was moving farther away from where she was throbbing with a need that was consuming her. The guy might look part animal but she thought he was bringing out the animal in her. She wanted him to work his cock inside her where she was soaked, where she ached to the point of pain for him to fuck her.

  She wished she knew his name. He obviously couldn’t tell her unless it was some growling sound that she doubted she could mimic. As he released her breast cool air hit her wet nipple. She felt it pucker almost painfully in the chilly cave. Her gaze flew to his incredible blue eyes and they locked together. She saw a look of intense, burning hunger in those eyes. Casey wondered if she looked as turned-on as he did.

  He pushed up off her body, inhaling deeply as he slid farther down. She realized what he was going to do when his attention moved away from her brown eyes. His attention lowered to her belly and then slid to her exposed sex. She tried to shut her thighs but he moved faster. He crouched between her legs, gripping them with both of his hands. He had rough skin on the palms of his hands that coaxed her wider open. He glanced up and took a deep breath to inhale her scent.

  A gasp escaped her as he buried his face between her legs. She almo
st screamed from the intense sensation of having a man lick her sex. A hot, thick tongue swiped through her spread pussy and breached her entrance, pushing his tongue deep inside her. A snarl tore from him. Normally that vicious sound would have terrified her but he made it impossible to fear him. He moved his tongue inside her from side to side. She felt his tongue pressing against her inner walls a few times before he slowly withdrew.

  She threw her head back still trying to shut her thighs but his hands held her wide open. All she managed to do was push her pussy tighter against his face. He growled again, a new sensation that had her moaning as he vibrated against her when he made that long, rumble. He had discovered her clit. She froze completely, forgetting to even breathe, as his tongue teased it.

  “Oh God. Yes!”

  Casey suddenly didn’t want him to stop. She threw her arms above her head clawing at his bedding, her back arching off his sleeping bag. She felt pure rapture when he licked her clit, focusing on the oversensitive bud. She stopped trying to slam her thighs shut. She spread them wider apart to give him easier access, her hips jerking slightly.

  “Faster, please,” she begged softly. “That feels so good.”

  He understood her. He increased the pace, getting a good hold, sucking on her clit with steady tugs as his lips sealed over the entire nub. She felt sharp teeth grip the outer edges of it but they didn’t hurt her. He rubbed his tongue rapidly against her clit. She hadn’t had sex in a long time; after six months of only touching herself, it made her ready to explode.

  She didn’t even try to hold back. She came hard, crying out, as she jerked against his relentless mouth. Her head thrashed from side to side as she kept coming, while he continued to play with her swollen nub. Her cries turned into whimpers when she became oversensitive.

  He released her slowly. Casey felt like a marionette whose tight strings had been cut. She went limp on his bedding until he drove his tongue inside her pussy without warning. She whimpered as he wiggled that strong organ back and forth inside her, pushing against her inner walls, sucking on her. She tried to slam her thighs shut but his hands pushed them wide open again.