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Killer Cupcakes

  Celebrity Cupcakes Cozy Mystery #1

  By Milda Harris

  Copyright 2015 by Milda Harris

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  Discover other titles by Milda Harris:

  Killer Cupcakes (#1)

  Murderous Muffins (#2)

  Death by Chocolate (#3)

  Adventures in Funeral Crashing (#1)

  Adventures of a Graveyard Girl (#2)

  Adventures in Murder Chasing (#3)

  Adventures of a New Year's Kiss (#3.5)

  Adventures in Homicide and Heartbreak (#4)

  Adventures in French Sleuthing (#5)

  The New Girl Who Found A Dead Body

  Doppelganger (#1)

  Doppelganger 2: On the Run (#2)

  Connected (A Paranormal Romance)

  Crashing Prom

  Cover Art by Brett Gilbert

  Edited by Rachel Joyce

  Story Editor: Lauren Cramer

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five


  Ava's Cupcake Recipe

  Excerpt - Murderous Muffins

  Excerpt - Adventures in Funeral Crashing

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  I was on Hollywood Boulevard standing on the red carpet. Paparazzi camera flashbulbs were going off. Fans were screaming. I was sure this is what it was like to be famous. Too bad I wasn't dressed in an evening gown, my hair and makeup done to perfection, with a hot male actor on my arm about to head into a movie premiere.

  Instead, I was wearing an apron emblazoned with the words Celebrity Cupcakes and Coffee. It was very unglamorous actually. Truthfully, I just wanted to blend into the fancy red carpet. I couldn't wait for it all to be over so that I could go back to my normal, everyday life. I just had to get through this spectacle first. It's for work, I kept reminding myself. I can do this. After all, I only needed to stand there and smile with the rest of the employees. I could do that. I hoped.

  The only thing keeping my mind off of being on display was that there was a really cute guy standing next to me that was totally crush-worthy. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. Tall, dark, and handsome was a pretty good description of him. To that I'd add that he did have one imperfection. There was a small scar on his right eyebrow. It didn't detract from his face at all, though. It only made him seem sexier somehow, like he'd had a little danger in his life and you had to get to know him to find out about it.

  It was my first day of work and it had been insanely busy since I'd arrived, so I’d only caught his name by way of his name-tag. It wasn't like I would have asked him. I was way too shy around cute guys to do that. Heck, I was quiet most of the time unless I knew people. Still, being quiet meant that I was great at observing, and finding out his name was the first thing I did.

  His name was Easton. It sounded like an actor’s name. Then again, maybe he was a writer like me. It was Hollywood so the odds were that he too wanted to be involved in the business someday. Suddenly his green eyes met mine.

  I glanced away, feeling my cheeks burn pink. I hoped it just looked like I was getting too much sun. It was out in full force this afternoon. Had he looked away from me yet? Half of me hoped so because I felt embarrassed for getting caught checking him out. The other half of me sort of wondered if Easton had taken a moment to check out my name tag when he'd looked at me. Ava. My name is Ava, I thought at him. I knew my cheeks were flaming red now. I wished I didn't get so shy around hot guys. It threw a major wrench in my dating life.

  “Are you okay?” The girl on the other side of me whispered. Her name-tag said Charlotte.

  “Oh. Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks,” I said automatically and focused my attention on her.

  Charlotte had red, curly hair and looked like a hot mess. I'd seen her around the shop as we were setting up for the grand opening. Even from that brief observation, I could tell that she was outspoken, saying whatever popped into her head. I think she had pissed off half of the employees with her bluntness. She was pretty much my exact opposite. I usually thought through most of what I said very, very carefully.

  Charlotte broke into my thoughts, “Okay, good because you just turned this weird shade of red.”

  I think my skin about turned purple this time. I wanted to shush her, but then I really might draw Easton's attention. Maybe it was better not to say anything. Who knew what she might reply back with if I kept the conversation going.

  I looked away from Charlotte and focused back on the proceedings. My new boss, Nina Bell, was about to cut the ribbon, officially opening her Hollywood Boulevard bakery, Celebrity Cupcakes and Coffee. That meant the grand opening was almost over and I could not only get away from Charlotte, but I'd also soon be out of an all too real spotlight.

  I looked out at the sea of people staring at us and felt a little bit nauseated. I knew it was good for business that they were all there. Nina was probably thrilled. This was a huge draw for a mere cupcake shop grand opening. Her marketing plan was off to a huge success.

  I actually thought Celebrity Cupcakes and Coffee would get tons of foot traffic from tourists even without Nina's publicity stunt. It should make bank automatically. It was in the perfect spot, appropriately located right off of the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Everyone who visited Hollywood came to see not only the Walk of Fame stars, but Mann's Chinese Theater and the movie stars' footprints and handprints in front of it. They also came to take bus tours of the stars homes, and do a variety of other things that appealed to those curious about fame, celebrity, and Hollywood. Tourists abounded every day of the week at all hours of the day and night.

  Regardless, Nina had come up with a great opening day marketing plan to get the word out that her bakery was open and awesome. Celebrity Cupcakes and Coffee was having an official opening ceremony with a red carpet leading into the store. Easton, Charlotte, most of the other employees, and I, stood on it behind Nina, wearing our aprons proudly. Okay, I wasn't exactly proud. Instead, I was still mostly counting the seconds until it was over and I could go back inside the store.

  Nina stood poised to cut the ribbon. Cameras flashed and it was a picture perfect moment, but none of us were why the paparazzi and throngs of fans had gathered around us. The opening of a bakery was boring to all of those Hollywood types. They usually only came out for movie premieres. The draw for our bakery was actually the person that stood next to my boss. Her name was Penelope Rose. She was the main attraction. Penelope was a real life, super famous television and movie star. Tons of people had flocked to see her even if it was only for a bakery opening.

  I wasn't a fan of Penelope Rose, but like everyone else I knew her name. Penelope was the star of a mystery procedural show called Whodunit. It was in its second season and she was the breakout star of the year. Suddenly she was everywhere. She had two movies coming out. She was always on talk shows. Everyone was gossiping about her.

  I wondered how Nina had
convinced Penelope to show up for the opening of her bakery. Maybe she knew her. They were both in their late twenties. Then again maybe it was just a stroke of luck, but however it happened, it was pure genius. Everyone in Hollywood was going to know we were open for business. I wouldn't be surprised if today's sales wiped out all of the bakery items in the store. In fact, the word of mouth from Penelope's appearance alone might last us for the next couple of weeks and make Celebrity Cupcakes and Coffee the hottest bakery in LA.

  After that it was up to the cupcakes. Still, I'd tried Nina's cupcakes. They were so delicious that pretty soon Penelope Rose would be a faint memory and Nina's cupcakes would be all anyone could think about. To top everything off, there were tons of free samples waiting once we actually opened the store. Even if the fans weren't planning on buying, the teasing taste of Nina's cupcakes might lure them into a purchase. They were seriously that good. Nina was a really talented baker. Even if I didn't have my goals set on working in a bakery forever, I hoped I learned a few things while I worked at Celebrity Cupcakes and Coffee.

  “She's really cool isn't she?” Charlotte whispered in my ear as she gazed at Penelope Rose.

  I nodded. At least we were now officially off of the topic of my changing skin color, and getting farther and farther away from Charlotte noticing my crush on Easton and potentially mentioning it. Besides, everyone was whispering about Penelope. It was a totally safe topic.

  In fact, the burly guy on the other side of Charlotte had just told the hipster next to him that Penelope was smoking hot. The hipster ignored the burly guy, seeming like he couldn’t care less. He was probably too cool for celebrity crushes. The burly guy didn't notice and instead started in on listing Penelope's fine appendages. Her eyes, her lips, her boobs... I tuned out thinking that the burly guy might want to watch what he said since he was at work.

  Besides, I was a little distracted because the girl behind me had started totally freaking out about Penelope being there, right there in front of us, only a stone's throw away from where we were standing. It was escalating as the event got into full swing, like she was feeding on the energy of everyone else. If I didn't know better, I'd say that she had only taken the job at Celebrity Cupcakes and Coffee to meet Penelope. Then again, it wasn't like Nina had advertised that Penelope would be at the grand opening. She had only told us just before Penelope's manager showed up. I think it was probably an attempt to avoid the freaking out that the girl behind me was doing anyway.

  Charlotte continued talking up a storm. I sort of wished she'd be quiet because a couple of people were starting to look at us. Still, I had to admit that Penelope Rose was a way safer topic than Charlotte trying to discuss Easton's good looks with me while he was standing next to us. I just kept nodding in the right places.

  Charlotte took that as her having my full attention and gabbed on, “And I heard she's dating Chance Fox. You know the guy from those alien action movies who has the amazing abs? I'm totally jealous. They are like the perfect hot couple. It's like they were meant to date. Still. Why couldn't Chance have met me first? He's not that much older than me so it totally could have happened. You know?”

  Then Charlotte switched topics and started talking about her huge crush on Chance Fox, totally forgetting that we'd been talking about Penelope Rose and not her man-hunk. Her words. I just stared at Penelope, only half listening to Charlotte now. I was surprised to see that Penelope was just as beautiful and cool as she seemed on her TV show.

  Reacting to the fame seemed effortless for her. I wished I could act as cool and collected as her with so many people watching me. Maybe some people really were born for fame. She was already a pro at being a celebrity even if she was only a recent one.

  Maybe I was a little biased, though. Right before the proceedings, Penelope had taken a moment to say hello to any of us that cared to meet her. It was more than most celebs would probably do. It definitely left an impression on me. Yeah, okay, I'll admit I was second in line to meet her. It was by chance. I swear. Although, I guess I also thought it was pretty cool to actually meet a celebrity. Since moving to Hollywood I'd only seen a few from afar.

  “Hi. Nice to meet you,” Penelope said as she walked up to me and shook my hand.

  She wasn't that much older than me since I was only twenty-one, but I was still really intimidated. No, I wasn't a superfan like the girl currently hyperventilating behind me, but I was definitely a little dazed. I realized that I had no idea what to say to Penelope. I didn't know her and I suddenly felt really awkward.

  I think I just said, “Hi.”

  At least I hoped I said that and not something totally unintelligible. Yeah, my brain turned to mush a little. I definitely got a little shell shocked by the whole famous thing. That was half the fun of living and working in Hollywood, right?

  At least I wasn't totally unaffected like the hipster who'd left to go to the bathroom when Penelope showed up, like he'd have some other chance to meet her sometime. Then there was the guy who verbally bashed her as soon as she walked past him. I really hoped she didn't hear him. She didn't act like she did. Then again, maybe that was another aspect of her coolness: the ability to ignore the people that hated you. Of course, there was also the girl with the pixie cut who pretended to fix her makeup at one of the tables instead of shaking Penelope's hand. She was getting ready for the cameras like the paparazzi outside were showing up for her and not Penelope Rose.

  All the while, Penelope's manager was running back and forth between Penelope and the crowd outside. It was lucky that he was young. Somehow, I'd always thought that agents and managers were ancient, like fifty or something. This guy wasn't that old, maybe in his early thirties. He was actually pretty handsome too. Then again, maybe that had something to do with his impeccably tailored suit and meticulously groomed blonde hair. He was definitely a metrosexual.

  His running back and forth made me nervous, though. I think he was driving Nina slightly crazy. Penelope took it in stride. Yeah. She was completely cool.

  “Ava. Ava. Ava!” Charlotte said way too loudly next to me.

  “Huh? What?” I turned to look at Charlotte, bringing myself back to the present.

  Charlotte gestured to Easton. I automatically looked. His eyes were on me. Had he actually been trying to get my attention? Seriously? I smiled.

  Easton's return grin made my heart melt. “Mind taking this up there?”

  For the life of me, I couldn't refuse that smile. It made his eyes light up and it turned the rational side of my brain off. So, I automatically took the elaborately decorated cupcake he held out to me. I felt myself nodding. It was then that my brain kicked in and I realized what I was agreeing to do.

  Panic roared through my ears. The hand holding the cupcake started to shake. I couldn't do this. I tried to say no, but Easton's eyes were still on me. I had to do it. I'd look like an idiot in front of him if I didn't.

  I turned and scanned the crowd. There were more people than I could count in front of us. I glanced back at Easton. I really couldn't do this.

  “You're about to be up,” Easton said instead of taking back the cupcake like I hoped he'd do.

  “Huh?” I managed to say.

  Nina cut the bright red ribbon that we’d tied across the doorway. “And now I officially open Celebrity Cupcakes and Coffee!”

  The ribbon fell to the ground. Except for me, all of the employees cheered as they'd been told to do. Most of the crowd watched Penelope. This was pretty much my worst nightmare because in about a minute, they'd all be watching me.

  Nina continued, “Before we let everyone in, Penelope Rose will take a bite of the first official cupcake to be eaten at Celebrity Cupcakes and Coffee.”

  I knew that was my cue to bring over the cupcake Easton had just handed me. I still couldn't move. My feet felt like lead.

  “Go,” Easton said as if I didn't already know.

  I felt myself start to sweat. Why had Easton handed the cupcake to me? I hadn't volunteered
for this job. In fact, the pretty girl with the pixie cut had offered to do it earlier. Had he gotten us confused? I didn't see how since we didn't look alike at all.

  My boss Nina turned back to look at us. Her gaze went to Easton and then immediately landed on the cupcake and me. Everyone's eyes were going to follow in a minute. I tried to rationalize what was about to happen. It was part of my job. I knew I could force myself to ignore everyone. I just had to set my mind to it. I didn't have stage fright, after all. I just didn't particularly like being the center of attention.

  I took a deep breath. I could do this. I looked at the cupcake in my hands. I didn't usually get giddy about baked goods unless I was eating them myself. Still, even I had to admit that the specially made cupcake for Penelope looked amazingly tasty.

  “Ava?" Easton's voice broke into my thoughts.

  I looked up from the cupcake. No, I hadn't already forgotten that I was supposed to give it to Penelope Rose. I had just been hoping that something miraculous would happen to change the situation.

  I forced myself to take one step and then another. Somehow I walked all the way over to Nina and Penelope. I balanced the cupcake carefully on its dish, trying to mentally tell my hands to stop shaking. It would be beyond embarrassing if I dropped it. I came to a stop between them. Everyone's eyes were really on me now. I could see multiple cameras flashing. I tried not to think about it even though that was all my brain wanted to do. Luckily, it was all sort of surreal so my brain couldn't even really process that all of this was actually happening. Still, I dazedly wondered if I'd make it into a local news story or even into a segment about Penelope Rose on TMZ.

  Nina took the cupcake from me and then held it out to Penelope, “I call this the Marilyn Monroe Cupcake. It's a vanilla cupcake with cream cheese frosting, but at the center is a to die for lemon filling inspired by Marilyn's trademark blonde hair.”

  “My favorite actress and I'm sure this is about to be my favorite cupcake,” Penelope smiled at the crowd.

  The crowd cheered. Nina handed the cupcake to Penelope. I didn’t know if I should stay where I was or go back to my spot between Easton and Charlotte. I hesitated and like everyone else, I found myself drawn to watching Penelope take the first bite of her cupcake. She managed to do it without smudging her lipstick. In fact, it was the sexiest bite of a cupcake I’d ever seen. Marilyn, herself, would have been proud.

  Penelope finished chewing the bite she’d just taken and looked out at the crowd, “It’s definitely the best cupcake I’ve ever tasted. You all have to try one.”

  The crowd roared. Nina beamed. Photographers snapped photos. The opening of Celebrity Cupcakes and Coffee couldn't have been planned any better.

  Then it all went to hell. Penelope turned pale. Her cupcake fell to the ground with a splat. Fans screamed. Camera shutters clicked in rapid succession. The paparazzi could smell blood and they were all trying to get the photo that would make them a huge payday.

  Penelope's knees buckled and she completely collapsed. Luckily, I was behind her. I managed to catch her in my arms before she hit the ground. I wasn't inconspicuous anymore. My picture was going to be plastered on every tabloid and internet site within minutes. The only thing that could possibly make the whole situation worse was that I was also pretty sure that Penelope Rose was dead.