Read Killer Secrets Page 18

  "What I'd like to know is how you've managed to keep your head on your shoulders here. Aruba isn't exactly a good hiding place."

  "I'm not hiding." He shrugged. "I've not been arrested because I've managed to escape every operation sent out against me. I don't have predictable travel routes and I don't let myself become comfortable. And that's besides the fact that money does talk. Aruba hasn't yet given the U.S. permission to conduct an operation against me on their turf."

  "I was under the impression Aruba had a very close relationship with America," Kira pointed out. "You're a deserter . . ."

  "You didn't do your homework." That word had the power to clench his guts. "The truth is, I resigned my commission. The papers were logged in to the system during the Atlanta mission; I was due to step down a week later."

  "You did it a week early. Technically, a deserter."

  He inclined his head in mocking agreement. "My lawyers are arguing that case in Washington as a matter of fact. The cartel has some excellent lawyers."

  And that was the truth. Of course, neither the Navy nor DHS was pushing too hard at this time for charges.

  A smile tugged at her lips as her gaze went past him to the vista of perfect blue waters that surrounded the island. Her sharp frown was his first warning.

  "Evade! Evade!" Trevor's voice across the receiver located in the radio at the side of the backward-facing seat was his final warning.

  He pushed Kira to the floor as the limo swerved and the back window began lowering. His head swung around, a curse leaving his lips, as the front of the limo seemed to explode, the car flying across the road and burying itself in the side of a rocky sand dune.

  The force of the landing flung him across the car as he fought to hold Kira in place. Even as the vehicle shuddered he kicked the door open, dragging her out and throwing her toward Mendez and Cristo as they rushed for the limo.

  "Get Trevor on the ground," he yelled to Mendez as Cristo caught Kira. "Now."

  He gripped the driver's-side door, pulling at it before cursing when it didn't open. Turning, he jumped into the back of the vehicle, climbing through the back partition to check Deke.

  "How's Deke?" Mendez yelled.

  "Alive." Barely.

  Ian gripped the passenger door, forced it open then backed out as he dragged Deke's heavy, unconscious body across the seat. Mendez and Cristo helped lift him as wind from the helicopter's rotors beat around them.

  "Boss, two speedboats," Trevor yelled as he rushed toward them, grabbing Deke's legs as Cristo and Mendez grabbed his upper body.

  "Get him in the copter," Ian snapped. "Now. Call the villa and have the doc pulled in. Trevor, did you get any ID marks on those boats?"

  "I know them, boss." He was walking backward, rushing Deke's lower body to the copter while the rest of them followed. "Both are rentals out of Oranjestad."

  They loaded Deke quickly into the copter as Ian turned for Kira and nearly did a double take.

  She was poised, shoeless, her hair whipping around her, an M-16 braced in her arms as she secured the area. Ian knew he had never seen anything so damned hot in his life.

  "Let's go." He stepped to her quickly, pulled the weapon from her hands, and tossed it to Mendez. "Mendez, you and Cristo get to the villa double time." He pushed Kira into the front of the copter with Trevor before jumping into the cramped back with a still unconscious Deke.

  His gaze stayed on Kira as the helicopter lifted off, banked, and raced across the island. He hated using air power.

  "Tracking's on, boss, we're showing no locks. We'll make it."

  The advanced radar and weapons detection equipment he'd had installed was his best insurance in case of emergency but it wasn't foolproof.

  "Just get us there, Trevor," he called out, his gaze meeting Kira's as she turned her head and stared back at him worriedly.

  She was in the middle of a war zone and he couldn't force her out or protect her. The knowledge of that ate at his guts and tightened his chest as anger burned inside him.

  He wanted her out of here. He wanted her so far from this situation that there wasn't a chance of it touching her, and he knew it wasn't going to happen. She wasn't just a trained contract agent. She was a woman who had a hold on his balls which he couldn't seem to break.

  Chauvinism, his ass. This was more than chauvinism, this was an emotion he couldn't conquer and couldn't force behind him. It was a mix of protectiveness and possessiveness, fury and worry. She was getting to him and he had no idea how to stop it.

  * * *


  THE HELICOPTER LANDED DIRECTLY BEHIND the villa. Men raced from the French doors that led to the pool area, M-16s and Uzis gripped in their hands, to surround the aircraft as Ian jumped from the side and motioned to several of the soldiers to ease the lead bodyguard through the opening and carry him into the house.

  Kira accepted Trevor's helping hand from the pilot's door, her eyes on Ian, seeing the lines bracketing his lips and eyes, the barely contained rage that glittered in his gaze.

  "The doctor is en route," one of the Fuentes soldiers that had converged on the villa shouted to Ian as the helicopter's rotors slowly eased and stopped. "Ramon called when they left town. Another three minutes at the most."

  Ian nodded then turned, his hand latching around Kira's wrist and dragging her to his side before heading for the villa.

  "Get him in his room and show the doctor straight to him. Get out to the limo and get it towed and ditch it. I want all evidence of this attempted hit wiped away. Understand that?" he snapped to the soldier.

  "Sí." The soldier turned away, called several soldiers to him, and rushed to the attached garage rather than entering the house with the rest of the force.

  As they moved through the informal patio room and into the wide hallway toward the foyer, Kira watched as Diego Fuentes came out from his study. He said nothing, but his expression was heavy, concerned. Black eyes were shielded by dark lashes, his lips tightly compressed. He was worried, and perhaps a bit frightened. Kira would have taken the time to reflect more on that if Ian wasn't pulling her quickly up the stairs in the wake of the soldiers carrying Deke.

  "Go to our room," he ordered, his voice flat and hard as he unlocked the door and pushed her inside. "I'll be right back." The door closed in her face.

  Kira rolled her eyes. There were some moods that she wouldn't mind opposing, but something in his eyes warned her to steer clear of pushing him much harder right now. Waiting would likely be the smartest decision. And when he came to her—She blew out a hard breath. She had seen that mood before, the racing adrenaline, the need for action. When he began coming down, he was going to be ready for more than tea and cakes.

  She rubbed at the chill that raced over her arms and tried to still the excitement that began to claw at her stomach. He was going to be hard, confrontational. Ready to go head-to-head with the first person willing to give him the chance.

  She knew. The adrenaline wasn't as all-consuming for her as it was for most men she had worked with. She had seen some of the operatives and SEALs she had worked with fight or fuck for hours after coming down from a dangerous situation.

  Fucking just for the sake of the adrenaline had never been her thing, until Ian. She could definitely see the benefits of it now.

  She pushed her fingers roughly through her hair at that thought. She could have lost him today. And she knew it wasn't the first time he had been attacked. In the past eight months there had been half a dozen attempts.

  Turning away from the door, she walked halfway across the room before she realized she had left her shoes in the damned limo. They were a favorite pair too.

  She paced to the couch, pulled the slender strap of her clutch purse from over her head, and lifted the cell phone from it.

  She glanced around before moving into the bathroom, standing inside the doorway and reaching in to turn on the water in the porcelain sink before hitting the speed dial.

  "Son of a
bitch, I knew this was a bad idea." Daniel answered on the first ring. "Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine." She kept her voice low and hoped any listening devices Ian might have in the room couldn't pick her voice up over the flow of water beside her. "Who was it?"

  "We're working on it."

  "We?" She pinched the bridge of her nose. "God, he's going to have a cow if you mean who I think you do."

  "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, dammit," Daniel cursed. "We're tracking down the boats. We've narrowed them to one rental agency but they weren't listed as rented. We should have more info soon."

  "Get it fast. He's in a killing mood. This could get ugly."

  "Any fatalities?"

  "None. His head bodyguard is unconscious though. The wound to his head didn't look pretty. Head to steering wheel, I suspect."

  "He needs to accept the hand reaching out to help," Daniel growled. "Broach the subject, Kira. He's going to need it."

  Her laughter was low and bitter as she kept her eyes on the door. Ian wouldn't accept the risk to his friends and she knew it. He considered this his battle because Diego was his father.

  "Won't happen. Tell your gift horses he sent them a message though. Killer Secrets. And let me tell you, he was serious."

  Daniel's curse sizzled over the secure line.

  "My thoughts too . . ." She flipped the phone quickly, disconnecting the call and shoving the phone back into her purse as the doorknob twisted.

  Sliding in front of the sink, she bent and splashed water over her face, her heart racing in her chest at the close call. If Ian caught her on the phone he'd likely tie her to his bed for the remainder of this operation, because he would know damned good and well what she was doing on it.

  Eyes still closed, she turned off the water, gripped the hand towel on the silver rack and pulled it free. Covering her face with it, she quickly dried off, then opened her eyes and didn't bother restraining her gasp.

  Diego stood in the doorway, black rage flickering in his gaze as he stared back at her.

  "Does he know who did this?" His voice was low, filled with death.

  This was the Diego Fuentes she had investigated, the one she had worked to break, in several different missions, and failed.

  She shook her head slowly. She didn't have to fake the flash of fear she felt, especially when she saw the butt of the weapon sticking from above the band of his pants.

  "You fear me." There was an edge of satisfaction in his voice and a flash of smug amusement in his gaze. "I think I am too used to dealing with Ian. He knows no such fear."

  "You're his father. Why would he fear you?" She cleared her throat, wondering if he was susceptible to a bit of flattery.

  "Yes." He looked away for a moment, but when his gaze returned to her it was as flat as it had been before. "I am his father, and I still do not know what happened. You will tell me."

  She shook her head, swallowing tightly, as she let in the memory of the limo flying and crashing into the rocky outcropping across the road. Fear had nearly immobilized her, but not fear for herself, fear for Ian.

  Diego's lips tightened again at the flash of emotion she allowed him to see.

  "I don't know what happened." God help her and Diego both if she told him anything Ian didn't want him to know. "One minute we were driving down the coast, the next we were flying in that limo."

  He inhaled slowly, his nostrils widening as his expression turned savage. She could have sworn pain flashed in his eyes.

  "That is unfortunate," he finally expressed. "I would know who to kill for this action against my son."

  "You and me both." She gave him delicate snort as she moved past him back into the sitting room. The tiny bathroom was much too small for comfort when dealing with Diego. "It wasn't exactly a party out there."

  "Do you know he would be angry should I retaliate for his sake?" Diego bit out. "He denies me even the smallest pleasures now. Bah. His arrogance. It will get him killed."

  And he was telling her this why? Kira stared back at him hesitantly. Diego wasn't known for his compassion or trusting nature. Quite the opposite. So why was he talking to her?

  "Maybe he's trying to protect you?" She put several feet between them, though how that would help if he pulled that gun she didn't know.

  At her suggestion, his gaze sharpened.

  "Do you think this is true?" He frowned as though he hadn't considered that thought. As though the suggestion suddenly filled him with hope.

  "Well." Kira licked her lips nervously. "He doesn't let me have any fun either. He even took my guns. Said it was for my own protection."

  God, she was playing games with the master here. Ian was right, she had lost her mind.

  Diego lifted his hand and stroked his jaw, his sharp eyes watching her like a cobra watches its prey.

  "You like to live on the dark side, do you not, Ms. Porter?"

  She wagged her brows. "Darth Vader was my hero."

  His lips twitched as he wagged his brow in turn. "You are a very naughty little girl."

  "Well, I used to try hard." She rolled her eyes mockingly. "As I said, Ian seems to think I should let him have all the fun. He's protecting me."

  "And you do not like protection."

  "Not used to it." She shrugged as she took a seat on the couch and curled her legs to the side as though she were talking to a normal lover's father rather than one of the most notorious drug lords in the world. A man that could kill her as easily as he could smile at her.

  "Neither am I used to this protection," he said thoughtfully. "It would indicate more than a mere job, am I not correct? Perhaps a bit of feeling?"

  Kira frowned as though confused. "You're his father, correct?"

  A smile split his face then. "Yes. I am his father. He would try to protect me. I did not consider this."

  Kira spread her hands and stared back at him questioningly. "What else could it be?" Besides an attempt to make certain that the man he was there to destroy didn't destroy other lives first.

  "My son, he has chosen well for his woman." He nodded sharply, opening his lips to say more only to turn in surprise as the door slammed open.

  Ian stood framed in the doorway. His overly long dark blond hair was mussed around his face, his expression cold and stony. Deep lines bracketed his mouth and his eyes glowed with fury.

  "Is Deke okay?" Kira came quickly to her feet as she watched him warily.

  The look on his face wasn't the least comfortable.

  "Deke's awake. The doctor is still with him but he'll be okay."

  "Ah, this is very good." Diego smiled. "I was telling your woman, you are a man of loyalty. A man to be proud of."

  Kira would have winced if the situation weren't as dangerous as she could sense it becoming.

  "At least he isn't lecturing you on your rants in Society again," Ian said as he stalked into the room, his eyes never leaving Diego. "Are you finished regaling her with my sterling qualities yet?" Savagery echoed in his voice.

  Diego breathed out roughly. "I am finished. I will await your report in my office. Hopefully, you will arrive soon."

  "Don't bet on it."

  Kira could feel the torment echoing from Ian's pores. It wasn't in his face, it didn't show in his eyes, but she felt it. She knew it. It wrapped around her and had her heart clenching in response.

  "Will I get a report, Ian?" Irritation was thick in Diego's voice now.

  "When I know, you'll know. Until then, do me a favor and give me a while to get a drink and a shower. Being tossed around in my favorite limo isn't my preferred sport."

  She heard the deliberate restraint in Ian's voice then. Violence shimmered in the air around him, glittered in his eyes, and tightened his facial features. His voice was a gritty growl now though, the broken quality to it thicker.

  "We will get you another limo. I will make certain it arrives quickly." Diego moved quickly for the door, his expression placating, filled with hope. "Take your time, Ian. Rest. Sl
eep. I will take care of things. I am rather good at that. And I promise to have no fun in my efforts."

  He wouldn't kill, in other words.

  Ian's back was turned to Diego; the other man couldn't see the flash of dark rage in his son's face or the gleam of pain in his eyes.

  "No bloodshed, pop," Ian ordered roughly.

  Diego smiled and nodded toward Ian's back as Kira glanced to him.

  "No bloodshed, son. I promise this. Find me when you are finished. I will make certain all is well until then."

  Ian nodded.

  Diego lifted his hand in farewell to Kira with an almost thankful smile before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. She shuddered once the room was secure again. It was like watching an alligator cuddle a baby. One just knew the child would become a snack within seconds, but the sheer shock of the vision was freezing.

  As the door clicked closed Ian turned and stalked to it, securely locked it then moved to the locked bureau drawer. The hardware drawer. God, she would love to get her hands on some of those electronic toys he was holding in that drawer.

  "Room is secure," he said, his voice carefully controlled.

  His body was carefully controlled. His voice, his actions, everything about him was restrained.

  "Is Deke really okay?" Kira asked.

  "Deke's fine." His fingers went to the buttons of his shirt. Kira's heart went to her throat.

  Oh yeah. Adrenaline. She could see the dominant arousal in the flush beginning to mantle his cheekbones now, in the hard definition of muscles that he revealed as he shed his shirt.

  Hard body. That was what he was. Corded muscles gleamed beneath richly tanned flesh. They rippled with power, flexed with force at each movement.

  "What were you and Diego discussing?" Predatory awareness filled his voice. He watched her like a wolf watching the poor little rabbit destined to be its next meal.

  "You," she answered. "He seemed a bit upset that you wouldn't let him wreak blood and death in retaliation for today."