Read Kincaid's Battery Page 39



  From Camp Villere, close below small Camp Callender, one more lastregiment--Creoles--was to have gone that afternoon to the JacksonRailroad Station and take train to join their Creole Beauregard for thedefence of their own New Orleans.

  More than a day's and a night's journey away was "Corinth," the villagearound which he had gathered his forces, but every New Orleans man andboy among them knew, and every mother and sister here in New Orleansknew, that as much with those men and boys as with any one anywhere, laythe defence and deliverance of this dear Crescent City. With Grant sweptback from the Tennessee, and the gunboats that threatened Island Tenand Memphis sunk, blown up; or driven back into the Ohio, New Orleans,they believed, could jeer at Farragut down at the Passes and at Butlerout on horrid Ship Island. "And so can Mobile," said the Callenders tothe Valcours.

  "The fortunes of our two cities are one!" cried Constance, and thesmiling Valcours were inwardly glad to assent, believing New Orleansdoomed, and remembering their Mobile home burned for the defence of thetwo cities of one fortune.

  However, the Camp Villere regiment had not got off, but would move atmidnight. On the train with them Hilary was sending recruits to thebattery, younger brothers of those who had gone the year before. He hadexpected to conduct, not send, them, but important work justified--asAnna told Flora--his lingering until his uncle should bid him come.Which bidding Irby might easily have incited, by telegraph, had Floralet him. But Flora's heart was too hopelessly entangled to releaseHilary even for the gain of separating him from Anna; and because it wasso entangled (and with her power to plot caught in the tangle), she waslearning to hate with a distemper of passion that awed even herself.

  "But I must clear out mighty soon," said Hilary that evening toGreenleaf, whose exchange he had procured at last and, rather rashly,was taking him to Callender House to say good-by. They talked of Anna.Greenleaf knew the paramount secret; had bravely given his friend a handon it the day he was told. Now Hilary said he had been begging her againfor practical steps, and the manly loser commended.

  "But think of that from me, Fred! who one year ago--you know how Italked--about Steve, for instance. Shame!--how reckless war's made us.Here we are, by millions, in a perpetual crash of victory and calamity,and yet--take me for an example--in spite of me my one devouringanxiety--that wakes me up in the night and gives me dreams in theday--is how to get her before this next battle get's me. Yes, theinstant I'm ordered I go, and if I'm not ordered soon I go anyhow. Iwouldn't have my boys"--etc.

  And still the prison-blanched Greenleaf approved. But the nextrevelation reddened his brow: Anna, Hilary said, had at last "comeround--knuckled down! Yes, sir-ee, cav-ed in!" and this evening, afterthe Bazaar, to a few younger sisters of the battery whom she would askto linger for a last waltz with their young heroes, she would announceher engagement and her purpose to be wed in a thrillingly short time.

  The two men found the Bazaar so amusingly collapsed that, as Hilarysaid, you could spell it with a small b. A stream of vehicles coming andgoing had about emptied the house and grounds. No sentries saluted, nomusic chimed. In the drawing-rooms the brass gun valiantly held itsground, but one or two domestics clearing litter from the floors seemedquite alone there, and some gay visitors who still tarried in thelibrary across the hall were hardly enough to crowd it. "Good," saidHilary beside the field-piece. "You wait here and I'll bring theCallenders as they can come."

  But while he went for them whom should Greenleaf light upon around acorner of the panelled chimney-breast but that secret lover of theUnion and all its defenders, Mademoiselle Valcour. Her furtivecordiality was charming as she hurriedly gave and withdrew a hand in joyfor his liberation.

  "Taking breath out of the social rapids?" he softly inquired.

  "Ah, more! 'Tis from that deluge of--"

  He understood her emotional gesture. It meant that deluge ofdisloyalty--rebellion--there across the hall, and all through thisturbulent city and land. But it meant, too, that they must not be seento parley alone, and he had turned away, when Miranda, to Flora'sdisgust, tripped in upon them with her nose in full wrinkle, archlysurprised to see Flora here, and proposing to hale both into the generalthrong to applaud Anna's forthcoming "proclamation!"

  Greenleaf de trop? Ah, nay! not if he could keep the old Greenleafpoise! and without words her merry nose added that his presence wouldonly give happier point to what every one regarded as a greatConfederate victory. At a subtle sign from Flora the hostess and hewent, expecting her to follow.

  But Flora was in a perilous strait. Surprised by Hilary's voice, withthe panel open and the knife laid momentarily in the recess that bothhands might bring the jewels from the case, she had just closed theopening with the dagger inside when Greenleaf confronted her. Now, inthis last instant of opportunity at his and Miranda's back, should sheonly replace the weapon or still dare the theft? At any rate the panelmust be reopened. But when she would have slid it her dainty fingersfailed, failed, failed until a cold damp came to her brow and shetrembled. Yet saunteringly she stepped to the show-case, glancing airilyabout. The servants had gone. She glided back, but turned to meetanother footfall, possibly Kincaid's, and felt her anger rise againsther will as she confronted only the inadequate Irby. A sudden purposefilled her, and before he could speak:

  "Go!" she said, "telegraph your uncle! instantly!"

  "I've done so."

  Her anger mutinied again: "Without consult'--! And since when?"

  "This morning."

  She winced yet smiled: "And still--your cousin--he's receive' noorder?" Her fingers tingled to maim some one--this dolt--anybody! Hereyes sweetened.

  Irby spoke: "The order has come, but--"

  "What! you have not given it?"

  "Flora, it includes me! Ah, for one more evening with you I amrisking--"

  Her look grew fond though she made a gesture of despair: "Oh,short-sighted! Go, give it him! Go!"

  Across the hall a prolonged carol of acclamation, confabulation,laughter, and cries of "Ah-r, indeed!" told that Anna's word was out."What difference," Irby lingered to ask, "can an hour or two betweentrains--?"

  But the throng was upon them. "We don't know!" cried Flora. "Give ithim! We don't know!" and barely had time herself to force a light laughwhen here were Charlie and Victorine, Hilary, Anna, Miranda, Madame,Constance, Mandeville, and twenty others.

  "Fred!" called Hilary. His roaming look found the gray detective:"Where's Captain Greenleaf?"


  "With never a word of good-by? Oh, bless my soul, he _did_ say good-by!"There was a general laugh. "But this won't do. It's not safe for him--"

  The gray man gently explained that his younger associate was withGreenleaf as bodyguard. The music of harp and violins broke out anddancers swept round the brass gun and up and down the floors.