Read King Sized Page 6

  “No, this is important.” I sighed. “Thanks for letting me know.”

  “We’re on it, my king. This time, we got one of their phones before they could destroy it. Our tech teams are all over it as we speak.”

  I nodded. “Good, keep me up to date.”

  “Of course, Your Highness. And the chopper should be there shortly.”

  “Thank you, Anton.”

  I stewed in silence for a minute after the call. The issue with drugs flooding my country was troubling, but Anton wasn’t wrong — there were other things on my mind as well. Callie was going to be mine — and my bride that very day. But I knew that meant there would most certainly be trouble with King Milton. Of course there would be. My job right now was to figure out how to mitigate that.

  My jaw tightened. I had to find my friends. When the shit hit the fan later, I wanted Sven, Xavier, and Cole to know it was coming ahead of time, so we could all get hell out of there before Milton did something rash.

  I set my brow, storming from the empty room and making my way down the hall, when the sound of a woman’s moan stopped me short. I frowned, turning towards the half-closed door to another room I’d just been passing. Apparently, Callie and I weren’t the only ones sneaking around Milton’s palace.

  I shook my head, and I was about to just move on, when I heard the man’s voice.

  “I did say that naughty little brats get punished, didn’t I?”

  My brow went up at the voice I’d have known anywhere.


  In any other circumstances, I’d have of course left my friend to whatever he was up to. But things were going to happen very quickly, and soon. And I needed him and my friends ready to move when we had to. I’d worry about apologizing for crashing his fun time later.

  I knocked once, loudly — loud enough that I heard the girl gasp and Sven swear under his breath. I gave him another four seconds before I pushed the door open and stormed inside.

  “The fuck is wrong with you?”

  Sven’s face was livid, his eyes wild and his jaw clenched tight. His shirt was untucked and totally unbuttoned, and he glared at me as I strolled in. There was no sign of the girl.

  “I need to speak with you.”

  “I’m a little busy,” he hissed fiercely. “And you can’t just walk into whatever fucking room you want to.”

  “I am a king,” I said with a small grin.

  “And so the fuck am I,” he spat back.

  “I knocked.”

  He gave me the finger when I grinned at him, but then he just shook his head.

  “What is it, Hayden?”

  “I need you ready to move later.”

  He frowned. “Oh? Are we making an exit from this shitshow of a wedding?”

  “Probably. And a fast one.”

  Sven studied my face. “And why might we be doing that?”

  “Because I’m taking something from Milton that doesn’t belong to him.”

  He nodded slowly, stroking his chin. “And yet I get the impression that Milton believes it is his.”

  I didn’t say anything, and Sven only narrowed his eyes deeper at me.

  “And does this thing come wrapped in white, Hayden?” he growled.


  My friend swore, his eyes darting to the closet door across the room before he snagged my arm and yanked me towards the door I’d just come through.

  “Please tell me you’re fucking with me.”

  “Have you known me to be much of a liar?”

  He groaned, shaking his head. “Princess Callie? Have you lost your fucking mind?”

  “Only a little, but I’m not backing down from this, Sven.”

  He clenched his jaw, his eyes locked onto mine and full of fire. But slowly, he relaxed. Slowly, he nodded.



  “Hayden I’ve known you long enough to know what a stubborn shit you are. I also know that I’ve never seen this look on your face before, which says something.”

  “It says she’s mine, and no one, especially not Milton, is going to have her but me,” I growled.

  Sven nodded. “Well, then I’m with you. The others will be too.”

  “Good, thank you.” I cleared my throat, raising my brow. “Sorry to interrupt.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  I rolled my eyes at Sven’s impassive face. “You and your friend. Sorry to barge in.”

  “It’s just me in—”

  “You shirt’s unbuttoned.”

  “I was changing.”

  “There’s lipstick on your neck.”

  He frowned, but just shrugged.

  “Oh, and Sven?”

  I raised a brow and nodded with my chin back towards the middle of the room. There, next to a large, high-backed chair next to a massive fireplace, was a little, pink, lacy pair of panties.

  “Having a little fun with some pretty young thing before the wed—”

  Sven whirled on me, grabbing me by the collar and shoving me out of the room and against the wall opposite the door. I growled, but he just snarled right back, his face full of fury as he gripped my collar tightly.

  “You mind your tongue!” he snapped.


  I had never seen my friend like this — so livid, and protective of whatever it was he was hiding. Or whoever it was. His reaction wasn’t one I’d have imagined with me casually bringing up some random girl he was obviously fooling around with in the room. It was as if I’d talked about someone serious. It was the same reaction I’d have given if it were Sven talking about Callie.

  And suddenly, a light bulb went off in my head. I peered at my friend.

  “Who?” I growled quietly.

  “Leave it.”

  “So long as it’s not Callie, I’ve got your back, no matter who it is.”

  He smiled, his grip loosening as he stepped away, clearing his head.

  “You have my curiosity.”

  “Later,” he muttered. “We’ll speak on it later.”

  I nodded. “Father Patrick is on the way.”

  Sven whistled, arching a brow. “To do what I think you’re doing?”


  He nodded, his jaw set. “Good. I’m proud of you, man. And I’m happy for you.”

  “And I’m happy for whatever it is you’re going to tell me later.” I nodded back into the room, and he grinned.

  “I suppose you’re going to need a witness for when you marry this girl, on her wedding day, before Milton can?”

  I grinned. “You suppose right.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  “Thank you,” I growled, shaking his hand firmly. “If you see Xavier and Cole—”

  “I’ll make sure they know. We’ll be ready to move. Besides,” he cleared his throat, turning to glance back into the room.

  “You might not be the only one leaving here with something that isn’t his, Hayden.”

  Chapter 10


  I shrieked as I bolted around the corner and ran smack into someone. My heart jumped into my throat, and I bolted about a foot off the ground before I realized that she was shrieking right back.


  My friend gasped, her face flushed and her hand to her chest as she caught her breath.

  “Callie you scared the shit out of me!”

  “Well what are you doing over here in this wing?” I sputtered. I mean this whole area of the palace had been sealed off by guards for the wedding day. Which is precisely why Hayden and I had been using it to do all the things we’d just done. My cheeks burned at the thoughts, of the lingering feeling of his lips and his hands teasing through me.

  “I could ask you the same thing,” she blurted out quickly, her eyes darting furtively around and her face as flushed as mine.

  Suddenly, something clicked.

  “Wait,” I said slowly, peering at her. “What are you doing in this wi
ng, running around looking all flustered?”

  “What?” she croaked. “Nothing!”

  And then suddenly, she seemed to make the same connection about me that I’d just made about her, and her jaw dropped.

  “Are you…” She bit her lip but shook her head. “No. No way, never mind. It’s your wedding day.”

  “Ask,” I said quietly.

  “Ask what?”

  “What you were about to.”

  Faith chewed on her lip. “I was going to ask if you were sneaking around with someone, but—”


  The word whispered from my lips, and Faith’s eyes went wide.


  “Oh please, you’re going to tell me you weren’t just somewhere with someone?”

  Her face went pink, her eyes darting over mine as she took a shaky breath.

  “Maybe,” she said quietly.

  I grinned, shivering in excitement.

  “Okay, on the count of three, we’re just going to say it, alright?”

  She nodded, swallowing thickly.

  I held three fingers up, and we both started counting out loud.

  “One, two, three—”

  “King Hayden.”

  My jaw dropped and the color flushed into my cheeks as I realized Faith hadn’t said a single thing past “three.” And now she was staring at me, her jaw almost touching the floor.

  “Faith!” I squealed. “You liar, you said—”

  “Callie!” she breathed. “You’re getting married today!”

  “Yeah,” I whispered. “But not to King Milton.”

  She stared at me, slowly shaking her head. “Wow, that’s…”


  “Uh, yeah, a little. But also kind of amazing?” She laughed quietly. “I never pegged you for a runaway bride.” She whistled. “Okay, wow, this is huge.”

  I wanted to say “that’s not the only thing,” but I definitely stopped myself before I totally embarrassed myself.

  “This whole thing with King Milton, and my parents, and the debt?”

  She smiled comfortingly, squeezing my arm. “I know.”

  “I don’t love Milton, Faith. And if I’m going to marry someone, I mean…”

  I trailed off, sighing. God it felt good to get that off my chest.

  “And you love Hayden?”

  I nodded, feeling that fluttery feeling come rushing through me.

  “I know we just met, but he’s—”

  “I get it,” she said quickly, blushing as she took a deep breath. “Trust me, I get it. Even if everyone's going to say he’s wrong for you, or if it’s scandalous, or if you know it’s going to freak everyone out.”

  I arched a brow. “Uh, got something you want to share?”

  She bit her lip, her eyes sparkling and her cheeks blushing furiously as she shook her head.

  “Oh my God, now you have to tell me!”

  “Later, okay?” she whispered. “So, when are you running off with King Hayden?”

  “Soon, I think.”

  “Well your wedding is in like two hours, so I guess the clock is ticking.” She grinned at me before she pulled me into a big hug, squeezing me tight. “What do you need me to do?”

  “Well, I think there’s going to be some trouble.”

  She snorted. “Like when you don’t walk down the aisle?”

  “Like then, yeah.”

  “Well whatever you need, I’m here for you. And if I could find Lola and Riley, I know they’d do whatever you needed too. Probably way crazier stuff than I could ever do.”

  I laughed. “Well, first, I think I just need help getting back into my wedding dress.”

  She frowned. “But, you’re not getting married.”

  “Oh.” I smiled, biting my lip as the jitters and the heat flushed through me. “Oh yes I am. And actually, that’s the second thing I need your help with.”

  Chapter 11


  “You look really amazing you know.”

  I bit my lip as I turned to Faith. “Thank you.”

  “I still can’t believe you’re really doing this.”

  “Trying to stop me?”

  “Not at all.” She grinned, hugging me. “I’m just really excited for you. I mean, if you can do this…”

  She swallowed and looked away. Faith’s strict parents had her set up to marry some guy they’d chosen for her. Actually, he was at the wedding, but with everything going on with me, I hadn’t had a chance to even ask how the meeting had gone. But then, somehow I got the sneaking suspicion that he wasn’t the man she’d been sneaking around with earlier when I’d bumped into her.

  “You don’t have to marry him, you—”

  “Is there an angle here?”

  We both whirled at sound of the man’s voice as the door to the room swung wide. I blinked, startled by his large frame, his handsome face, and the commanding presence presence as he strode inside. His piercing blue eyes darted between us before narrowing on me.

  Faith wrinkled her nose, making a tsking sound as she stepped between him and me.

  “Uh, excuse me? Who the hell do you—”

  “Faith, it’s okay.” Because suddenly, I recognized the man who’d just strode in.

  “King Sven,” I nodded stiffly, doing a small curtsey.

  He cleared his throat, still glaring at me. “If there's an angle, I want to know, now.”

  “An angle?”

  “With Hayden. “His jaw tightened.

  “You mean am I trying to pull something here?”

  “You tell me.”

  I stared at him as Faith huffed next to me.

  “You mean besides leaving my arranged marriage the day of that wedding for Hayden, which might possibly bankrupt my own kingdom and start a war? Do you mean with all those things, am I up to something?”

  He smiled, that chiseled jaw stretching wide.

  “I see why he likes you.”

  “Oh gee, what a complete,” Faith muttered dryly.

  “And I can see why she’s friends with you.”

  Faith frowned. “Who, Callie?”

  Something sparked in King Sven’s eyes as he shook his head. “Riley.”

  Uh, what?

  I didn’t have a chance to ask though, before the doors behind him opened wide again. And my heart soared.

  This time, it was Hayden who strode in, leading an elderly, white-haired man, and followed by another, swarthy-looking man who looked to be about twenty years older than Hayden.

  “Princess,” Hayden purred, smiling as he moved to me and slid his hands over my waist. His eyes sparked as he held me close, hugging me against him with those big, strong arms.

  “You look amazing.”

  “You’ve already seen this dress,” I whispered into his ear, blushing.

  “And if you keep reminding me, we’re going to have to postpone,” he whispered back.


  “Because I’ll want to fuck you in it all over again.”

  I shivered heatedly as his words teased through me.

  “Hands off!”

  I gasped as I felt Hayden’s arms being slapped away from me, and I turned to see the older man giving him a sharp eye as he wagged a finger.

  I giggled.

  “Love,” Hayden chuckled. “This is Father Patrick. He’s been with my family since my grandfather’s time. And this,” he turned to the large stout looking man standing behind him. “This is Anton, my—”

  “Manservant,” the man said formerly, with a crisp voice and straight back.

  Hayden rolled his eyes. “My friend and advisor.”

  Father Patrick cleared his throat, bowing to me slightly. “You do look lovely, my dear, but let’s keep our hands to ourselves until the ceremony is over, shall we, Hayden?”

  “Your Highness,” Anton muttered darkly.

  Hayden just sighed and shook his head.

  Father Patrick moved us all towards the far end of t
he room, near the huge windows that overlooked the rose gardens on the castle grounds. King Sven stood behind Hayden, and Faith behind me. Anton stayed by the door.

  Hayden took my hands, my heart racing as Father Patrick stepped forward.

  “And these are your witnesses?” He turned and bowed to Sven. “King Sven, Your Highness.”

  “Father,” the big man growled back formerly.

  “And you my dear,” Father Patrick turned to smile kindly at Faith. “You’re King Pierre’s daughter, hmm?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Excellent.” He smiled as he turned back to Hayden and Ime. “The rings?”

  Hayden nodded, regretfully pulling one hand away from mine to reach into his jacket pocket. He pulled it back out, and I gasped as he handed two gorgeous rings to Father Patrick. My jaw dropped.

  “You just had those?”

  “They were my parents’.” He smiled warmly at me, making my pulse race and sending a wave of pure happiness glowing through me. I felt my eyes get a little wet at the sentiment, and I squeezed his hand tighter.

  “And you just had them in your pocket, huh?” I whispered breathlessly.

  “Maybe I came prepared.”


  “For stealing you away and making you my wife,” he growled quietly, his face full of this intensity that set my skin ablaze. God I wanted to kiss him, but I knew Father Patrick would probably say something, or slap my hands away again. I almost did anyways.

  Father Patrick cleared his throat. “Well then. Shall we begin?”

  We said the words.

  Our hands tightened together. Hearts raced as promises were said out loud. I slid the ring onto Hayden’s finger, and he put one on mine.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife.”

  Father Patrick barely got the words out before I shrieked as Hayden picked me up, twirled me around, and around as his lips crushed to mine. I melted into him, feeling a sort of happiness I’d never known explode through me as we held each other so tight.

  “And now, wife,” he purred into my ear. “Now it’s time to make you truly mine.”

  Chapter 12


  I burned for her — hungered for her. My whole being was consumed by the need to take her and claim her, and make her mine entirely. My arms held her — my wife — tightly as I strode from the room where we’d just spoken the vows and became one. I’d barely gotten the “I do” out, my every thought and my every need concentrated on kissing her, and tasting her, and pulling her out of that dress, spreading her legs, and sliding into that sweet heaven between her thighs.