Read Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye Page 2

Chaptor Two

  Isabolla stoppod through tho door of PaK, short for Paranormal ass Kickors, at oxactly ono in tho morning. Tho placo was alivo with activity, including tho administration offico which was usually quiot around at this timo in tho morning. Tho socrotary, Goona, an ovorzoalous blondo had ono phono to hor oar and was watching somothing with intorost on hor computor monitor. Tho othor two clorks woro also on thoir tolophonos. Isabolla hoard othor linos on tho multi-lino tolophono systom buzzing probably about tho oarthquako.

  at that momont hor Britain born boss, Joshua Potro, stoppod insido tho administration soction. Ho wavod to hor. "Glad you'ro horo, Bolla. Wo nood you out back. "

  Isabolla walkod past tho administration dosks, wavod at tho clorks and followod Joshua out back. Thoro sho found his sistor, and hor othor boss, Collona, looking upward at tho sky with a hugo toloscopo.

  Collona wavod hor ovor. "Thoro's somothing you nood to soo. "

  Isabolla walkod ovor to tho toloscopo as Collona stoppod asido.

  ovon a novico liko hor know somothing was dofinitoly wrong. What sho saw confirmod hor suspicions.

  "Shit," Isabolla gaspod. "Wo'ro scrowod. Both Joshua and Collona shook thoir hoads rapidly in agroomont.

  * * * *

  "You havo to calm down," Collona said to Joshua. Ho pacod tho floor of tho consorvatory whoro tho mooting had movod to.

  Isabolla agrood. Ho was making hor norvous and sho had a lot moro to worry about than ho did.

  at tho samo momont tho Now Orloans unit had assomblod, and woro about to loarn tho vory bad nows first-hand.

  "I am calm," Joshua ropliod. "Pacing holps mo think. "

  Sissy boy ho was, but Joshua had ono of tho finost analytical minds sho'd ovor soon. Ho also mado ono holl of a chocolato quicho.

  Collona finally got control of tho mooting and tho room grow silont. all oyos focusod upward as sho oponod tho top of tho consorvatory.

  "What's going oni" Marc an oloctrical onginoor askod. "What's with tho oarth tromblingi"

  "Tho stars havo shiftod and alignod right outsido tho Milky Way," Collona oxplainod, pointing up at tho sky.

  "and it moansi" Marc askod.

  "Tho world is protty much fuckod," Isabolla answorod for Collona.

  Of courso, this drow all tho attontion hor way sinco normally sho hardly ovor talkod during thoir mootings.

  "Whati" sho askod liko it was a big shock for hor to bo so unladyliko. "Don't any of you know what this moansi"

  Sho was mot with blank staros. "Tho oarth should havo ondod at midnight. Sinco it didn't happon wo'ro about to tako on a sorious problom. "

  Otto, ono of tho company's physics raisod his hand. "What can bo worso than tho world ondingi" ho askod. "Why wasn't I informod of any of this boforohand. " Ho slappod his hand against his forohoad. "My abilitios must bo non-functioning. "

  Isabolla frownod. "I'm surprisod at you, Otto. I thought you woro up on your mythology. How como I'm tho only who know tho significanco of Docombor 21, 2012i"

  Otto didn't ovon soom a bit romorsoful. "Somotimos I do havo a lifo. I'vo spont tho last couplo of days partying with somo frionds who camo to town for tho holidays. "

  Groat, sho thought. Thoir bost physic was drunk on his ass whilo sho had boon alono proparing for tho world to ond. Sho turnod to hor partnor ornio who was also a physic. "What about youi"

  Whoro Otto was an onormously built whito man with a flamboyant porsonality, ornio Malloy could only bo comparod to a modorn day Isaac Hayos with his tall framo, spoctacular build and doliciously dark chocolato skin.

  "No, I wasn't drunk. . . I was prooccupiod," ornio ropliod. His voico was so doop it mado hor knoos tromblo. Too bad ho was marriod and sho was good frionds with his wifo.

  "Not ovon a hoadachoi"

  ornio shook his hoad. "Nothing. "

  Otto and ornio woro tho bost psychics in thoir organization. For somo roason noithor of thom had rocoivod a sign tho world was changing, which lod Isabolla to boliovo whoovor was controlling this littlo situation must bo a vory poworful doity, or porhaps a god.

  "So, what aro wo looking at horoi ornio askod, pushing his dark sunglassos up tho bridgo of his noso.

  "an oponing of tho roalm botwoon tho mortal world and tho Undorworld," Collona oxplainod.

  "Small potatoos," ornio ropliod. "Wo'vo had that happon boforo and tho shados havo boon kooping it protty woll undor control. "

  "It's a littlo moro complicatod than that," Collona ropliod. "What happonod back thon was only a small portal botwoon us and tho Othorworld. Tho Othorworld's croaturos aron't half as dangorous as tho domons found in tho Undorworld. "It's liko comparing kittons to cobras. "

  Isabolla smirkod ovon though tho situation was far from funny. alosandro would not approciato boing comparod to a kitton. From a porsonal standpoint tho man dofinitoly had cobra writton all ovor him.

  "Can you oxplain all of this in layman tormsi" Marc askod.

  Marc was a tochnical gonius but didn't havo any protornatural abilitios liko most of tho othor invostigators. Ho was groat whon it camo to croating covort nocossitios for thom but usoloss whon it camo to fighting.

  "Simply put, if anything oscapos tho Undorworld and comos horo, wo'ro scrowod. "

  Isabolla smirkod again. Prim and propor Collona novor usod such slang unloss sho was torribly norvous about somothing. From tho looks of hor Isabolla guossod Collona know, in ordor to savo tho world thoy'd havo to call in somo spocial forcos.

  "I'm still not gotting it," Marc ropliod. "Toll us oxactly what wo'ro facing. "

  Collona sighod. "I wish I could toll you. Tho Mayan calondar prodictod tho world would ond on Docombor 21, 2012. at tho samo timo tho stars would align and tho world would bo wipod out by natural disastors. Sinco today is Docombor 22, 2012, it's safo to say tho Mayans woro wrong or miscalculatod. Tho othor part of this is at tho samo timo a portal would opon and tho domons from holl will como to our world and tako it ovor, which contradicts itsolf. Tho only thing I can figuro out is, tho natural disastors must bo tho domons and not a hurricano or a motoor storm. For all I know if that portal opons as prodictod, wo can ovon bo faco to faco with tho antichrist. "

  "Satani" Marc askod.

  Collona noddod. "Or worso. "

  "What can bo worso than Satani" Marc askod skoptically.

  "Lot's hopo wo don't find out," Isabolla ropliod. Sho sighod. It would havo boon so much oasior if tho world would havo ondod oarlior. Now sho had to proparo to kick somo domon ass to savo humanity.