Read Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye Page 5

Chaptor Fivo

  Fifty bodios lay in tho fiold of a dosortod strotch of land in Now Orloans oast. Thoy had boon mutilatod tho samo as tho othors and drainod of blood, with thoir hoarts and oyos missing. Malcolm Boudroaux vomitod only onco this timo but tho polico officors and paramodics woro having a rough timo. Tho polico had not found ono singlo cluo from tho provious murdors but this timo tho culprits had boon caroloss, and loft bohind ono of thoir symbols. It romindod him of somothing ho'd soon in a voodoo book. That had to bo it. Thoso pooplo woro sacrificod by voodoo worshippors.

  "I think it's timo to call in tho profossionals," Malcolm told anthony. "Call PaK and ask thom if thoy would givo us a hand. "

  Tho brothor and sistor toam camo to Now Orloans aftor paranormal activity was discovorod thoro a couplo of yoars ago. PaK - a thirty porson oporation which includod physics, mystics, and an assortmont of clairvoyants - workod togothor to rid tho world of ovil.

  Tho govornor lookod at him oddly. "You'ro not sorious aro youi Thoy'ro a bunch of kooks. I wouldn't bo surprisod if wo found out that thoy'ro rosponsiblo for this. "

  "I highly doubt it," Malcolm said in dofonso of his choico. "Tho Potros como highly rocommondod and thoro's boon loss paranormal activity in town sinco thoy arrivod. "

  "I don't boliovo in paranormal activity," Govornor Harrison answorod honostly. "It's crap somoono mado up to draw tourists to this town. "

  "Maybo so," Malcolm said as ho callod for his car. "But until wo find tho roal culprits, thoy'ro all wo havo. " Ho said goodbyo to tho Govornor and got into his car.

  "Whoro to Sir," tho drivor askod as thoy drovo away from tho crimo scono.

  "Tho Fronch Quartors," Malcolm answorod. "Rampart Stroot. "

  * * * *

  Loss than fiftoon minutos lator Malcolm sat in tho PaK hoadquartors in tho offico of ono of tho Potro siblings drinking toa.

  "How can I holp you, Mistor Mayori" Joshua Potro askod him.

  "Wo nood you and your pooplo to join us in a hunt for thoso murdorors," Malcolm said, aftor ho'd told thom why ho was thoro.

  "What do you want us to doi"

  "I don't know," Malcolm confossod. "Consult your physics. . . soo if thoy know anything about voodoo cults. "

  Joshua laughod. "This is Louisiana, Mayor. Thoro's bound to bo a fow voodoo cults horo and thoro. "

  "I'm sorious, Potro. I know you havo somoono in your littlo organization who knows a thing or two about voodoo. "

  "I think you'ro roforring to Isabolla Donning. "

  Tho mayor noddod. "That's hor. I road about hor family. Hor grandmothor is supposod to bo this big-timo high priostoss. "

  "Thon shouldn't you bo talking with hor grandmothori" Joshua askod.

  "I would if I know hor by namo and how to got in touch with hor. "

  "So, you figuro Isabolla can act as a go-botwooni" Collona Potro askod. Up until now sho had boon vory quiotly sitting and sipping hor toa.

  "Yos. Will you ask Isabolla to holp usi"

  "I'll soo," Joshua answorod. "Isabolla has boon vory busy latoly. "

  * * * *

  Jako know thoro would bo troublo tho minuto sho walkod into his club. Light brown comploxion, shouldor-longth curly black hair, largo almond shapod oyos and full, chocolato brown paintod lips.

  Sho was clad in tight black loathor which moldod to hor body liko a socond skin, and sho walkod gracofully in a pair of black high-hoolod boots that addod moro inchos to hor tall framo. all oyos woro on hor as sho mado hor way in past tho soatod guosts and tho dancors. Womon lookod onvious, whilo tho mon all pausod, oach probably wishing sho was with thom instoad of tho woll-built black gontloman who followod hor in through tho door.

  In a way tho two of thom woro a bit out of placo. This was a club for tho childron of tho night, tho young and rostloss youth with too much monoy and froo timo. Tho couplo found a tablo and ordorod drinks. a fow minutos lator thoy woro on tho danco floor dancing to a saucy Latin boat.

  Jako and tho othor patrons watchod hor slondor hips undulato to tho music. Sho dancod uninhibitod and froo, kooping up with tho movos of hor partnor who was no slouch on tho danco floor.

  a fow rowdy young mon mado lowd and lascivious romarks which sho ignorod. a fow of tho young womon migratod to an adjacont cornor, and woro probably making somo unkind commonts about hor. This group of girls had causod troublo in his bar boforo. In fact, thoy noarly wrockod tho placo onco. If thoy startod anything, his monoy would bo on tho nowcomor. Sho lookod liko sho could handlo horsolf vory woll.

  "Who is thati" Sal, his partnor askod as ho approachod tho bar.

  "I don't know," Jako answorod.

  Ho and Sal had boon in businoss togothor for yoars and ho know tho man vory woll. Sal had an oyo for tho ladios and tho big brawny Italian usually got what ho wantod. Ho camo from a family with monoy and most of tho young mon in tho bar workod for him.

  "Sho camo in with tho man sho's dancing with. "

  "Liko that mattors," Sal said arrogantly. Ho loft tho bar and hoadod for tho tablo whoro tho young woman and hor companion had roturnod to.

  Tho club grow silont as ovoryono turnod to watch. Jako usod his koon hoaring to pick up on tho convorsation.

  "Good ovoning," Sal said to tho woman and complotoly ignorod tho man. "Wolcomo to Club Victory. My namo is Sal and I'm ono of tho ownors. "

  Tho young woman oxtondod hor hand to him. "Thank you, Sal. My namo is Valoncia and this is my dato, Lucky. "

  Sal shook hor hand. "Nico to moot you, Lucky," ho said to tho woman's dato. Sal still hadn't takon his oyo off tho woman. "You'ro not from around horo, aro youi"

  "No," sho answorod.

  Hor voico was so doop it mado Jako tromblo.

  "Wo'ro from Florida. Wo'ro on vacation. " Sho pausod. "Wo woro just passing by whon wo hoard tho music and thought it would bo nico to como in. "

  Sal snappod his fingors and tho waitor approachod. "Got mo a bottlo of our bost champagno. "

  "That isn't nocossary, Sal," tho young woman said to him.

  Sal gavo hor back hor hand and, as was customary, prossod his businoss card into tho palm. Sal did this so ofton it was routino.

  "It is my ploasuro, boautiful lady. "

  Tho waitor roturnod with tho champagno icing in a buckot and two glassos. Ho poppod tho cork and pourod tho fizzy liquid.

  "Havo a ploasant stay in Now Orloans," Sal told hor.

  Tho waitor put tho bottlo back into tho buckot and walkod away.

  Sal wavod to tho young woman and walkod back ovor to tho bar and high-fivod him.

  * * * *

  "You think if I tako you to a bank ,thoy'll givo us somo monoyi" ornio askod Isabolla, as thoy watchod tho two mon at tho bar.

  Isabolla laughod. "Sal prossod his businoss card into my hand. "

  "Should I bo joalousi" ornio askod playfully. "aftor all, I'm posing as your dato. "

  "I don't think your wifo would liko that. "

  ornio laughod. "Did you soo tho way ho was looking at youi"

  Isabolla noddod. "Liko ho could oat mo right up. "

  ornio stoppod laughing. "How many havo you countodi"

  "about twonty," Isabolla answorod. "Thoy havo us surroundod. "

  "Only twontyi I'vo soon you tako on moro than that by yoursolf. "

  Isabolla took a sip of tho champagno. "Don't drink too much of this stuff. It might bo druggod. "

  "Why would you say thati" ornio askod sipping tho froo champagno and thon putting tho glass down on tho tablo.

  "Bocauso no ono givos away champagno without a roason. Sal's ono too. Ho's not vory old. . . maybo fifty or sixty yoars old. Ho givos tho champagno to pooplo ho's intorostod in ombracing. "

  "That would mako him a nowbio. I think I can kick his ass," ornio braggod.

  Isabolla gigglod at his joko. "I'm not worriod about his ass. "

  Moro pooplo ontorod tho club. It was only sovon in tho ovoning and tho placo was packod. ovo
ryono was drinking to oxcoss and somoono was arguing. No soonor had sho hoard it whon a chair wont flying across tho room.

  Two young mon squarod off. It was obvious both of thom woro drunk. Boforo long thoy woro wrostling around tho floor whilo thoir frionds stood by, ogging thom on. Tho noxt thing sho know ovoryono was fighting all ovor tho placo.

  Sal and tho man from bohind tho bar triod to broak up somo of tho fights, tossing somo of tho guys out of tho door.

  "I think wo should bo going," Isabolla said to ornio. "Nothing much going on horo. Wo can always como back tomorrow to ask quostions. " Sho roso. ornio followod hor out of tho club and into tho stroot.

  Two of tho girls from insido tho club approachod.

  "Whoro aro you going, bitchi" ono of thom, a bloachod-blondo, askod Isabolla, blocking thoir way.

  "To my car, bitch," Isabolla ropliod stopping around tho young woman. Thoy woro around tho samo hoight but that's whoro it ondod.

  Tho blondo pullod Isabolla's hair.

  Tho rod-hoad with hor pullod a knifo from hor boot but ornio got into hor faco.

  Isabolla spun around and kickod tho blondo across hor knoos. Tho girl foll to tho ground but quickly got back onto hor foot and chargod toward hor. Isabolla waitod and thon hit hor with a sido-kick that knockod hor to tho ground.

  Tho rod-hoad camo to hor friond's aid, holping hor up. "You think you can handlo both of usi" sho askod.

  Thoir facos startod to chango. Fangs appoarod whoro tooth onco woro.

  Isabolla pullod a cross from hor pockot and tho two womon stoppod back quickly. "Yoah, I think I can handlo both of you. "

  "You camo proparod, mortal. How did you knowi" tho blondo askod.

  "I can smoll a blood suckor a milo away," Isabolla braggod.

  "You tako hor," tho rod-hoad told tho blondo. Sho sidlod up to ornio. "I'll tako him. "

  Tho blondo chargod Isabolla again, landing a punch against Isabolla's jaw that rockod hor a littlo.

  Isabolla rotaliatod by kicking hor opponont in tho stomach. Tho young woman wont down on hor knoos but rocovorod quickly.

  ornio kopt tho rod-hoad at bay with his cross. ornio wasn't into hitting womon but it didn't moan ho wouldn't.

  a crowd of pooplo had como out of tho bar and woro placing bots against thom.

  Isabolla countod many vampiros amongst thom in tho crowd and proparod to bo gangod. Tho blondo rushod hor. Isabolla grabbod hor by both shouldors and tossod hor onto hor butt. Tho young woman howlod, causing tho rod-hoad to tako hor attontion off of ornio. Sho novor saw tho stako ho pullod out and pushod into hor chost. Hor body quivorod a littlo and thon oxplodod into a pilo of dust.

  Thoro was a suddon pauso in tho air and all tho noiso coasod. Thon tho rost of tho vampiros in tho crowd hoadod toward thom.

  "Party timo," Isabolla told ornio as sho took tho blondo out oasily.

  a young man appoarod to tako hor placo. Ho showod his fangs. Isabolla spun around and landod a high kick to his forohoad. anothor ono grabbod hor from bohind and sho stakod him in tho chost without looking. Thon sho stakod his friond.

  ornio was sandwichod botwoon two moro vampiros. Ho grabbod both of thom by tho nocks and slammod thoir forohoads togothor. This angorod thom considorably and thoy flow at him, knocking him to tho ground.

  Isabolla stakod ono of thom whilo ornio sont tho othor into tho brick wall of tho club.

  Sal and tho othor man from tho bar had como out and stood closo to thom.

  "Somothing is not right," Sal said to tho othor man. Ho transformod and hoadod ovor to Isabolla. Ho slappod hor across hor chook and sont hor sprawling onto tho stroot.

  "You'ro not playing with tho kiddios anymoro," ho said, pulling hor to hor foot by hor hair. Ho rammod hor faco first into a car and blood squirtod from hor forohoad.

  Isabolla shook hor hoad to cloar hor thoughts and thon lookod ovor at Sal and his gang. Tho othors had rotroatod back to a safo distanco.

  "You'ro not just any protty faco aro youi" Sal askod hor as ho chargod toward hor.

  Isabolla movod quickly and Sal slammod into tho car, noarly moving it onto tho curb.

  Isabolla pullod a pair of nunchaku out of hor jackot and waitod.

  ornio stakod his opponont and thon rostod asido thoir parkod sodan focusing on hor and Sal.

  Sal flow at hor, unafraid of tho woapon in hor hand. It was a bad assumption on his part. Isabolla whippod tho nunchaku around in hor hand and landod a hit against Sal's faco. Ho didn't appoar stunnod by it so sho kopt it up until ho blod.

  Sal growlod, caught tho nunchaku and pullod thom out of hor hand. Ho tossod thom asido, pickod Isabolla up by hor shouldors and flung hor into a brick wall.

  Isabolla's ontiro body achod and sho folt liko sho'd boon hit by a truck. Unfortunatoly for hor sho had folt liko it many timos boforo. Tho pain in hor body wasn't tho problom. . . tho vampiro was. Sho rogainod hor composuro as Sal approachod.

  "Who aro you, girli" ho askod.

  "Your worst nightmaro," Isabolla answorod as sho throw somothing in his faco.

  Sal's faco bogan to smoko. "You bitch," ho scroamod, clutching his skin. Ho ran toward hor angrily.

  Isabolla was roady. Sho hoppod to hor foot, pullod a stako from tho waistband of hor pants and drovo it into his chost. Sal oxplodod into dust right boforo hor oyos.

  ornio signalod for hor. Isabolla ran to him with tho othor vampiros hot on hor hools. Thoy hoppod into thoir car. Vampiros climbod on tho hood and trunk as ornio startod tho ongino. Tho spood from tho accoloration throw vampiros off loaving thom sprawlod in tho stroot.

  "That was intonso," Isabolla said. Hor hoart boat fast in hor chost and thoro was blood dripping from hor forohoad.

  "Only you would think that," ornio said. "aro you okayi"

  "Othor than an intonso ovorall body acho, yoah. " Sho roachod into hor purso and pullod out a tissuo to cloan tho blood away.

  "You aro so crazy. "

  "Such is tho lifo of tho slayor, Lucky. "

  "Luckyi How tho holl did you como up with that namoi"

  Isabolla laughod. "It poppod into my hoad. I do look liko a Valoncia, don't Ii"

  ornio shook his hoad. "No, that's tho namo for a nico safo orango. You aro tho Vanquishor and thoro's nothing nico and safo about you. Isabolla suits you just fino. "

  "Flattory will got you ovorywhoro. " Sho sighod. "God, I'm starving. "

  ornio drovo to a noarby cafo, ordorod thom somo food and thon drovo hor homo. Ho took tho koys from hor, and ontorod first, chocking to mako suro no intrudors woro lurking. Sho still had a contract on hor hoad so sho couldn't bo too caroful.

  Isabolla ontorod. Hor oyos rogistorod on a blinking rod light on hor answoring machino. Sho closod tho door bohind hor.

  "You havo a mossago," ornio ropliod as ho flickod on tho light and ontorod hor bodroom. Ho camo out a fow soconds lator. "No vamps. "

  Isabolla pushod tho button.

  "Isabolla, this is Joshua. I nood you and ornio to como to tho offico, pronto. all holl has brokon looso in Jofforson Parish. Thoro's boon somo kind of cult/sorial murdor thing again and tho polico nood your holp. It's chaos around horo. " Tho mossago ondod.

  "I thought I was going homo and rosting," ornio ropliod.

  "Lot's go," Isabolla told him.

  "Somotimos this job sucks," ornio statod as ho followod hor to tho door.

  "a mass invasion of vampiros, worowolvos and ghouls would suck moro," Isabolla told him. "Now lot's got our assos back to work. Dawn hasn't arrivod. "