Read Kiss and Tales 2: A Romantic Collection Page 4


  Postpone The Wedding

  by Margaret Wiese

  Our wedding day is tomorrow the

  special day that I waited for but in

  my heart there’s sorrow I’m not sure

  of you anymore

  Let’s postpone the wedding

  until we can be sure

  when I say “I do” I want all of you

  not just a part of somebody else’s heart

  When you say you love me the

  light in your eyes disappears I feel

  that you still love her our marriage

  would bring only tears

  I have the strangest feeling

  as I try on my gown of white

  that you still need and love her

  and you’re crying your eyes out tonight

  Once Again

  by Margaret Wiese

  Today our paths crossed again

  Today new heartaches began

  Old memories I had tucked away

  Came back to haunt me,

  Once Again

  Once again, I'm holding you so tight

  Once again, I'm kissing you goodnight

  Once again, you're in my dreams at night

  Oh, why did you come back

  To hurt me once again?

  I thought our love was over

  That I could just call you friend

  But I still have the same old feelings

  I've started hurting,

  Once again

  Lost Between Two Worlds

  by Margaret Wiese

  You love me and you're true,

  but I don't love you

  The one that I love is so different than you

  he treats me mean and it hurts so much

  but I just melt at his slightest touch

  Hanging in midair,

  Oh, why can't I care?

  Why can't I be satisfied with you?

  I should play it smart and give you my heart

  but I'm lost between two worlds

  Lost between two worlds,

  I don't know what to do

  I really want to give all my love to you

  but he's in my heart and I always find

  I can't return your love

  while he's on my mind

  Destination Heartbreak

  by Margaret Wiese

  I knew where I was headed the first time I saw you but where angels feared to tread I rushed right in

  I had to have your love though I knew it was a sin

  Instead of running from your arms

  I walked right in

  Destination, heartbreak

  I should have played it smart

  Destination, heartbreak

  I should have detoured from the start

  It's too late to turn back now

  I know I must have you

  I've felt your arms around me

  you want me too

  And so tonight

  when we meet

  our share of love we'll take

  knowing that our future holds

  nothing but heartbreak

  This Crazy Mixed Up World

  by Margaret Wiese

  A little while ago I was so happy

  then you called to say we're through

  What happened to our love, I wonder?

  Everything is wrong, in this

  crazy mixed up world

  The sun came out one moment

  then hid behind a cloud

  The stars up in the heavens came tumbling to the ground

  the man in the moon hung his head and cried

  Everything is wrong, in this

  crazy mixed up world

  Why did you turn my happiness to tears?

  Why did you take your love from me?

  Since you’ve been gone life's not worth living

  Everything is wrong, in this

  crazy mixed up world

  On My head

  by Alan Hardy

  Wearing my dad's straw hat he gave me

  - it was too large for his head -

  which I don when gardening,

  I bend forward over the sink

  to wash my hands post-digging,

  it scrapes against the string

  we hang our washing on,

  each time leaning forward

  I stand back,

  worried by an insect's buzz

  I fear near my neck,

  but it's only the old man's hat

  on top of my head

  in my head.

  From Me

  by Alan Hardy

  I let my daughter out at the gates

  with that beginning school

  early in the day feel,

  teachers to meet placate or swerve round,

  such a mass of worries

  to cross off the list

  in order to breast the tape at end of day.

  She throws me a look at times,

  knows moments she lives being re-awakened

  give them retrospective intimacy.

  Sitting by my side,

  she can share my history,

  that I've lived her life,

  like an encyclopedia opened,

  before her.

  About Us

  by Kottyn Campbell

  My nights are empty

  realizing that my

  knight hasn't arrived yet

  I sit patiently waiting

  wanting him hurry up

  and get here.


  favorite drink Jameson is ready

  to pour when he arrives

  I'm relaxed from sipping

  on a glass of Moscato

  fireplace burning lighting

  the entire room

  I receive a text that says

  open the door.

  Dressed in his favorite color

  that hugs my body and show

  off my curves I glide

  to door he greets me

  with flowers and a kiss

  my nose is attached to his scent weakening me.

  This is the first night

  we've been alone

  I'm taking advantage

  of this moment

  I want to do everything

  even the exchange

  of bodily fluids

  See I like the way

  it's his way of making my day

  When we kiss, he holds me like

  I'm his forever he's surpassed

  giving me 24 Orgasms

  because he knows that's not enough

  We sit near the fire and escape from life's drama cause tonight it’s about us.

  “Windows To The Soul”

  by Kristina Jacobs

  When I saw you

  I had no idea you were for me

  Never did I think we'd first be friends, then

  Destined to marry years later

  Often, we wonder together

  What might have been, if only we'd

  Seen a bit of what was to come

  There seems to be so much time lost

  Or, maybe it's as we say instead, all things happen-

  Timed only according to fate's whim

  How lucky we both are

  Entering this place of love and partnership

  So late, long after we'd decided - it was

  Only a dream, to be let go reluctantly

  Unless, somehow- (the real secret is)

  Love wins in the end.

  Maria (Middle School Heartbreak)

  by James Gordon a.k.a. The Greatest Poet Alive

  Dear Maria,

  I like you a lot, a whole lot. I want you to be my girlfriend. I’ll be the best boyfriend ever. Even though we are both only in the 5th grade, we would make a great couple forever. I promise to never ever hurt cheat on you or hurt you. For real!! Think about it, and pick yes or no. My Dad says maybe is for coward

  Love Always,


  PS. When you say yes, I’m going to treat you to a chocolate shake.

  Maria Johnson was in the same 5th grade class as I was, and I loved her (Maybe it was strong like.) Whatever it was, it felt good!! So this was the time to write this letter this love letter to her so she would know my feelings. I folded the letter neatly once then twice. As I was about to place it in the envelope, a thought hit me!! Dropping the envelope, I went to my dresser and retrieved the bottle of Grey Flannel that my Dad had given me. Holding the letter away from me, I sprayed lightly the paper being careful to turn it so all the cologne would soak in evenly. I decided to read the letter one final time. Took a sniff and was satisfied with the result, so I refolded the letter placed it in the envelope, sealed it for good, and placed it in my Batman backpack. Dropping to my knees, I prayed.

  “Dear God. Thank you for watching over my family and this house. Thank you for all your blessings and forgiveness. Oh Lord one more thing. Please let Maria say yes to being my girlfriend. I promise that I will treat her good and never ever hurt her. Amen.” And I went to bed with a huge smile.

  Morning could not come soon enough!! After my morning prayer I hurried to the bathroom to shower and get ready for school. My transistor was loudly playing my favorite song Rod Stewart’s “If You Think I’m Sexy”. And my off key singing was joining along until my Ma told me to hurry up. As soon as I was done in the bathroom and sat down at the table, Gus, my brother, immediately started harassing me saying Bobo (a nickname my Grandma gave me) has a girlfriend over and over again until my Dad told him to stop. Since today was my Dad’s day off, he said that he would walk with me to school. He knew this was a big day for me and was probably going to share some fatherly advice on how to be a great boyfriend. Yes!!! As soon as we finished eating, I watched an episode of Flash Gordon until my Dad called me to go. Rubbing my brother’s head, grabbed my Batman backpack kissed my Man and ran outside to where my Dad was waiting.

  As we walked towards Bradwell Elementary, my school, my Dad began sharing his wisdom with me. Dad was the best father a boy and his brother could have. He provided for his family, always made time

  to listen and could be quite silly with his jokes and wrestling with us. But Dad cheated at Monopoly or he was just very good. (Shrugs)

  “Bobo, you wrote a great letter conveying your feelings. Relax and give it to her. Be cool, and remember, if it doesn’t go the way you want it to, don’t worry. It takes a lot of courage to ask a girl to be your girlfriend.”

  “Dad, I got this. I’ve learned from you and the Fonz how to be cool. Besides I put some of your Grey Flannel on the letter and myself. She’s going to say yes to be my girlfriend, and we’re going to go and have a chocolate shake. Yep.”

  My Dad smiled, handed me my book bag, shook my hand (we were in public), and told me to have a great day. I loved my father because he never pushed what he thought on me or my brother. He just wanted us to be okay. Cool dude there. Well, it was time to put my master plan into action. This was the day!!!

  I decided that the perfect time to give Maria the letter was right after gym and before school was dismissed. This way, I wouldn’t have to wait long for her to say yes, and somehow if she didn’t (Not like that was going to happen), school would be just about done, so I could make a quick escape. In gym class, we were playing Dodge ball. Let me say that I was the best when it came to playing Dodge ball!! Everyone knew I could really play and always chose me first. But today Maria was on my team!! I would not only show her how great of a dodge ball player I was but how a boyfriend should showoff for his girl. Hecks yeah!!! It was only a two players left on the opposing team, while we had close to our full squad remaining. One of the opposing players fired a rocket of a ball directly at Maria. Oh no, I said to myself!! I ran five steps, dove, and caught ball. Only one player was left, but that wasn’t for long because I threw really hard at the remaining player’s legs and got her out. We won! We won!!! Everyone gathered around me and cheered. Maria walked up and told me how good I was. Yeah baby!! She knew that she was going to be my girlfriend. I could feel it.

  After gym, Ms. Jackson, our teacher would take us to the bathroom. Maria never seemed to have to go. But I had been holding it for the last fifteen minutes. Ran into the bathroom, did my business, washed my hands, and came running out at top speed towards the classroom. Ms. Jackson wasn’t having any of that and sternly told me to slow down in the hall. This turned my sprint into a speed walk to my destination. Maria!!! The envelope had been burning a hole in my Levi’s so as soon as Maria was by herself, I walked over to her and placed it in her hand.

  “Maria, here you go.”

  “What’s this?”

  “A letter for you”

  “Who’s it from?” (This really seemed like a dumb question considering that I was handing it to her. But it’s Maria.”

  “It’s from me.”

  “Okay.” She smiled and I knew she was mine. I walked quickly to my seat, pulled out a Batman comic book(loved Batman) and began reading or rather pretending to be reading. What I was really

  doing was watching Maria read my letter and how her expressions changed as she did. She caught me off guard reading so fast because I was caught in a love stare. We met gazes and were locked there. This sealed it!! Just then the dismissal bell rang. I know it was way ahead of time but they could’ve been wedding bells. Quickly I packed all of my stuff of into my book bag, when I looked up to see Maria standing a foot away from me with her arm extended to hand me the letter. My heart was trying its best to come out my chest.

  “Bye.” She said and walked off with some other girls giggling. That must have been her signal for me to meet her outside so I rushed outside of the classroom. Maria wasn’t there. Oh, she went outside and is waiting for me there. I slid to each banister to get downstairs quicker. Ran outside and there was no Maria. Hmmm this was bit funny. Instead of worrying, I decided to read the letter and see my new girlfriend saying yes. My eyes scanned the letter thinking that Ms. Linder, my Language Arts teacher, would be very proud. Finally, the bottom of the letter came, and Maria had said no? Wait maybe I read too fast. So I read again, and when I got to the bottom, the darn “no” was still there. Taking my glasses off and cleaning them, I read the letter again but this time rapidly. Those two letters were still there. I didn’t understand. I wrote the letter very well with all of my feelings. How could she say no? Damn. Oops I didn’t mean to curse. The letter was now wet, and the wetness cause some of the ink to run. Good!! Stupid letter!! I don’t know how long I stood in the spot, but when I looked up no one was there. Then, there was a deep voice that broke the silence.

  “Bobo!!” The voice belonged to my father. This let me know that I had been at school too long. Typically no one walks me home, but my Dad was a bit overprotective of his family. The slightest threat made him seem like Batman (Love Batman and my Dad).

  “She said no Dad. She said no. I wanted her to be my girlfriend, and she said no. Why?” My words were slurred, while my cheeks were stained by tears. Dad picked up the letter and envelope from the ground, placed them in the book bag, retrieved a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped my face, and put the handkerchief back in his pocket.

  “Son, it’s okay that she said no. She doesn’t know how great of a guy you are. Besides, you asked her, and that takes great courage. Now let’s go have a chocolate shake and get one for your mother and brother.” And off we went.


  by Alan Hardy

  Harry was becoming exasperated. He'd been stuck in the traffic-jam for ages. He was still quite a way from the roundabout. He wasn't pressed for time, but the hold-up was getting on his nerves.

  He glanced at the sports-car in front of him, which he was right behind, his fender almost touching its bumper. The woman-driver was quite young, her brown hair drawn up in a bun. He could see something of her face in her rear-mirror. Nothing special b
ut, because of its youngish flesh, relatively fanciable.

  He turned away, wondering whether, as she looked in the mirror, she could see his eyes boring directly into the back of her head or searching out her reflection. He glanced in his own rear-mirror.

  There was an ordinary-looking blue car behind him, jammed in tight. There was a blonde woman at the wheel. Her hair was also tied up. She was a bit older, maybe late thirties. Harry felt a stab of excitement. There was a rough look about her. Something brazen. And inviting. She was looking around, rather restless, and spotted his eyes reflected in his rear-mirror, and fastened on them. He turned quickly aside. Then he sneaked another look. She was playing with her hair, pouting, her bent elbow held languidly in position. She had slightly raised her body, maybe shifting her bum to ease its ache. Harry swallowed. He wondered what she was wearing. All he could see was her black spaghetti-top. He looked ahead.

  The brown-haired woman was sitting impassively in her car. She was wearing a beige top. She didn't seem too interested in her rear-mirror. She reminded him of Alice. In her late twenties, not overly made-up, determined, capable. Alice worked hard, and wanted him to work hard, so they could climb up the property ladder. Eke out a pleasant suburban existence. And, in a year or two, start up a family. The sparkle had gone out of their marriage. He looked closely at the woman in front of him. For a moment, he thought it was Alice. But it couldn't be. Where would she have got the sports-car from? Unless it was something to do with that rich ex-boyfriend she was always going on about. Whenever she wanted to shame him. Gee him up to do a few hours extra overtime. He laughed.

  He looked at his rear-mirror. The blonde tart was eyeing him. As his eyes met hers, she shifted her gaze, automatically fiddling with her hair again with one hand. Her other arm made strange gestures above her head. He assumed she was just exercising herself again, moving parts of her body that were falling asleep in the long, static wait. Or it was a way of catching his attention. She looked like that blonde bimbo who had moved in a couple of houses down the road where he and Alice lived. She'd given him the eye once or twice as he walked past her house on the way to the pub and she'd been casually locking her door, chewing gum and languidly bending a knee as he watched her in her short jeans-skirt. He looked at his rear-mirror again. Maybe it was her. She suddenly revved up her car and, although the traffic was still unmoving, she inched forward towards him. He felt sure there was a touch, a little shudder on his bumper. She was as close up his bum as you could get.

  He looked ahead, breathing heavily. He was met by the brown eyes of the woman in front staring at his reflection in her rear-mirror. She immediately averted her gaze as she met his eyes. Alice had brown eyes. The woman looked straight ahead. He was tempted to get out of the car and see if it was Alice. But he didn't. It couldn't be her. He could be had up for stalking or something. The only way it could be her was if she'd met up with her ex again, and she was driving his car. She had been a bit distant lately; she hadn't even quizzed him this week about how much overtime he had done.

  He was jolted from his reverie by flashing lights. The woman behind him had put her right indicator on. She was peering intently at him in his rear-mirror. Their eyes, meeting in the mirror, looked into each other. There seemed a strong promise in those unashamed eyes. He felt she was sending him a message. Turn right at the roundabout, she was saying, and I'll follow you and give you a good time. Maybe it was that woman in his street, and she'd recognised him. She couldn't wait to wrap her legs around him.

  He suddenly noticed the sports-car in front had its left-indicator on. The driver was unmoving, not looking into the mirror, the slight breeze disturbing some strands of her hair. The traffic ahead was beginning to move. Obviously whatever had caused the hold-up had sorted itself out.

  Should he follow Alice, if it was Alice, and find out what she was up to? Or should he turn right, and, maybe, be followed by the blonde tart, and end up in her sweaty grip? Images of her cavorting, naked body and her passionate, scary eyes flashed through his mind. And moans and cries escaping from her lips.

  As his car approached the roundabout, the sports-car turned left. Harry kept on straight ahead. He glanced in his mirror and felt he saw a dulling of the blonde woman's eyes as her car disappeared from his view. He was carrying on to the weekly five-a-side football match with his mates, and the customary piss-up afterwards. He fancied a night out with the lads. He could leave the women for one night. He had the rest of his life to worry about them.

  Looking Into Your Eyes

  by Madhu Kalyan Mattaparthi

  It's like finding a connection into my own heart,

  To gaze into the beautiful of something that could one day feel terrible,

  Trust in that you won't look away,

  At least not before your heart slips from mine.

  And I wish for it to never slip from mine,

  Because the only music I long to hear are your whispers in my ears,

  The only promises of happiness I need,

  And perhaps a little more taste of your soft lips.

  I love you, incredibly,

  And hope you feel the same indefinitely,

  Because I feel I want you so much you could not possibly imagine,

  And love you in a way where no part of my heart could be left hidden.

  I Love You

  by Madhu Kalyan Mattaparthi

  I love you

  Like birds love to fly

  Like fish love to swim

  Like children love to dream

  I love you

  More than words can say

  More than pictures can show

  More than you know

  I love you

  And I want you to know

  So on this day

  I will tell you

  I love you


  by Madhu Kalyan Mattaparthi

  Like two birds of a single feather

  We have found one another

  And it's really quite true

  That I have feelings for you...

  Just know that I really do care

  And I'll always be there

  I'll be your shoulder to cry on

  Even until dawn

  Even If you are far from home

  You still melt this heart of stone

  You've mended this old heart

  Now, what about yours...?

  You say that you've gone cold

  That your heart cannot take anymore

  But I want to take out the thorn

  So that you can love once more

  But, are our feelings mutual?

  Do you think of me, as I think of you?

  Tell me please, will you be mine?

  Will you be my Valentine?

  Valentine’s Day

  by Madhu Kalyan Mattaparthi

  The smell of flowers, of chocolate and cake.

  The sweet embrace of one heart's intake.

  The lovely writings that are dealt with the soul.

  The uncertainty of your self-control.

  The many hours spent on the gift.

  The lack of thoughts gone adrift.

  The quiet words left unsaid,

  Only for those whose tears were shed.

  The waking to know that you're still single.

  Lest you forget, you're ready to mingle.

  So you arise with a smile.

  And leave it to that artistic style.

  Today would be the day

  That’s gone astray.

  Because today's way

  Is Valentine's Day.