Read Kiss of Stone Page 15

Korin shuffled books and papers around. “As you know, Stone, I’ve been on a long hundred year journey to different lands and have been studying different philosophies, religions around the world.”

  “Go on.”

  “Just saying. You and Samosa may not be the first to go through this type of ceremony. Have you discussed with her what you are asking for?”

  “That’s why we’re here.” Samosa said.

  “I know, Darlin’” Korin said in such Southern syrupy sweet tone, Stone wanted to knock him dead to the floor. “I think you must know that the ritual will be a sort of sacrifice.”

  Stone saw Samosa snap her head in his direction. Good. He was invisible so she couldn’t see the nervousness on his face. Damn Korin!

  “Sacrifice! I did not know that!”

  “Samosa, with all due respect to you, demons like us do not marry traditionally. You have to know that. There is no marriage at all, really. It is simply a ritual to get you completely turned and perhaps cure Stone once the both of you have completed it. I found it in an ancient scroll near the Middle East.”

  Stone watched Samosa’s face go from red to just tired. What was she thinking? Korin probably knew.

  “I take it you are not okay with the arrangement?”

  “Of course not! I mean. I love God, I believe in God. It sounds like devil worship” She watched Korin flinch at the name of God, but he tried to appear benign.

  “But you knew what Stone was at the beginning, right?”

  “In her defense, she didn’t exactly know.”

  “But during the Bond she knew. And after, she still allowed you to stain her soul and she went to bed with you.” Korin said in a matter of fact tone.

  “I did.” Samosa admitted. “But Stone is…different.”

  “This is what will happen: A ritual will be performed by me and a few other jinn will be present. Personally, I do not wish for this ritual to happen. I am not fond of it.”

  “Why not?” Samosa quizzed.

  Korin looked at her and suddenly she felt an electric jolt in her belly and a vision so clear- passion and heat seized her. Korin’s lips were suddenly on her face, neck, hair and his hands moved all over and through her. His tongue danced from her neck, down her back-

  “Stop man!” Stone’s shout broke the reverie. Samosa looked at herself, her legs were twitching. Did Korin just project something horny image onto her mind?

  “Sorry.” He apologized. “I am trying to be good. Do good. I prefer not to sacrifice human souls anymore.”

  “Hypocrite,” Stone spat. He was tired of Korin’s games today. “You are not Cursed as I am which means you are still the Grand Marid’s lap dog bringing souls back to him.”

  “Negative. I’m hanging that up and have for the last fifty years.”

  “You’re old like Stone too?” Samosa said still quivering from the fantasy of being with Korin. “I mean you look so young.”

  “We never age hon’ ”

  “Keep mesmerizing my girl and you won’t have to worry about aging at all.” Stone threatened.

  “How soon do you need this to happen?” Korin went back to business. “By the looks of her and that loud rumbling stomach, she’s going to end up like Cyn in no time.”

  Another bag opened that Korin couldn’t keep shut. Stone cursed.

  “Who’s Cyn?” Samosa asked.

  Korin excused himself. He said they could discuss while he prepared the buttered rolls, then he’ll call them in for an early dinner.

  Samosa turned to where Stone was. “Who’s Cyn?” She asked again.