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  Kissing Cousins

  A YA Novelette


  Heaven J. Fox

  A Fox E. Flinn Publication

  Copyright © 2014 Heaven J. Fox

  Kissing Cousins

  Fox E. Flinn Books

  First Edition Printing: March 2014

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except where permitted by law.

  ISBN- 13:978-1517212957

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Copyright and Design © 2014 Fox E. Flinn, all rights reserved.

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  Table of Contents

  The Cutest Guy…

  He Came…

  He Saw…

  He Conquered…

  He Lied…

  What’s Done Is Done…

  The Cutest Guy On Campus…

  The Cutest Guy…

  He was the cutest guy in school. Well that’s what Nyla West thought. His name was Chase Donovan and he was six feet two inches tall. He wore the brightest smile; it was sort of like a half smile where one side of his lips turned north and the other side stayed neutral. He had a lanky walk that screamed he knew he was cool. Of course he was. He was the most popular guy at James Taylor High, a junior, and on the basketball team.

  Nyla was walking down the hall when Chase Donovan decided to talk to her for the first time.

  “Hey new girl! What’s up?”

  Nyla felt a twinge in her heart. She just knew he wasn’t talking to her, she wasn’t a new girl. She had been going to James Taylor since the beginning of the school year. Nyla turns around and Chase Donovan was looking dead at her with his half smile and beautiful white teeth.

  “Girl, say something!” Gia Nash, Nyla’s best friend since forever, nudged her arm against hers. “He’s talking to you!”

  Nyla was at a loss for words. She just looked at Chase and smiled a nervous grin, trying her best to keep eye contact.

  He and his boys just kept walking past Nyla while Chase stared at her and said “She sure is fine ain’t she?” The guys all gave their nods for Chase’s words were gold. Even if they didn’t think she was fine, if Chase said it, then it must be true.

  Whenever Nyla would look at him her heart would dissolve. Just the thought of him would make her heart beat twenty times faster and her legs weak. Nyla was ninth grade popular, which meant however popular she was in middle school had nothing to do with her popularity at James Taylor high. Let alone attract the attention of a junior. That’s why she never in her wildest dreams would even attempt to let Chase Donovan know how she really felt.

  This mere incident made the rest of Nyla’s life. She couldn’t concentrate on her school work for the rest of the day. She kept her head looking straight forward as if paying attention to her teacher but all she really heard coming from his lips was, “Blah, Blah, Blah, woomwha wam.” The teacher’s voice echoed something from the classic Charlie Brown cartoons.

  Nyla couldn’t wait to get home to daydream about Chase. When she arrived home that’s all she did. Nyla lay in her bed all day daydreaming about the tall handsome guy at school they called C’Don.

  Days upon days, this became the norm for Nyla. She would go to school and C’Don would make his comments to her and she would be on cloud nine until the next comment that he made to her.

  Nyla was a ninth grade virgin that knew very little about boys. Her mother was somewhat strict. Nyla didn’t even talk to boys on the phone. She didn’t have sleepovers or go to the movies with her friends. She was, however; allowed to go to the mall on some Saturday’s but only by being dropped off and picked up by her mother. This never bothered Nyla because her mother was her best friend. They talked about everything. Even about sex, her mother told her that whenever she felt that she was ready to have sex to come and talk to her about it and she would get her some protection and let her know all about the pros and cons that came with this big responsibility.

  He Came…

  Nyla’s mother was a stickler about reputation. She didn’t want her daughter’s ruined nor did she want her daughter to ruin hers.

  After one of the school’s pep rally’s Chase walked up to Nyla to talk to her. “Hey sexy?” he gave his half flirty smile and put his arms around Nyla as they were walking down the hall.

  “Hey.” Nyla said nervously as she took her fingers to remove the strand of hair which escaped from her ponytail and invaded her eye area.

  “Can I call you tonight?”

  “Yeah.” Nyla’s insides began to jump in her stomach as if she ate a thousand jumping beans for lunch.

  “Okay, I’ll call you tonight.” Chase began to walk backwards and never took his eyes off of Nyla.

  “But, you don’t have my number.” Nyla yelled to him.

  “Yeah, I got it. I’ve been had it.” Chase turns around and ran to catch up with the other guys and left Nyla there to wonder how he had gotten her number.

  Months went by and Nyla and Chase talked on the phone almost every night. Nyla told her mother all about Chase and her mother didn’t seem to mind if he called. Nyla loved to hear his somewhat deep voice and the way he said, “Hello” when he answered the phone, it sounded more like “Ello” and the way he said “Hold on” sounded more like, “hold don.

  One night they were talking on the phone and Chase wanted to know when she was going to come over to visit him.

  “Oh, no…I’m not allowed to go over a guy’s house.” Nyla giggled.

  “Well, what your mother doesn’t know won’t hurt her…now will it? His voice still sounding sexy yet cunning.

  “I don’t know Chase…my mom knows everything—“

  “All you have to do is say that you’re walking to the store and then come by here.” He said cutting her off. “Think you can do that for me?”

  “I’ll try…” Nyla felt unsure about deceiving her mother but she really did want to spend time with Chase.

  After hanging up with Chase, Nyla couldn’t sleep for thinking about how she could be able to visit Chase.

  The next day at school everyone was talking about the party that Chase was throwing on Friday night. It sounded like it was going to be really fun but Nyla knew that she was never going to be allowed to go.

  “You are coming to my party on Friday… aren’t you?” Chase asked looking at Nyla like a puppy dog.

  “You know how my mom is Chase. I don’t know if I’ll be able to.” Nyla looked down to the floor because she didn’t want to see the disappointment in his face.

  “Aww…come on. Just ask her, you’ll never know until you try.”

  “Alright, I’ll ask.”

  “See that’s what I like about you. You’re one of those nice girls. I like nice girls.” Chase did his signature smile and walked away.

  “You think your mom is going to let you go?” Gia asked.

  “Hecks no!” The girls laughed. “But I have to try Gigi.”

  “You guys have been talking on the phone for months. Have he even popped the question yet?”

  “No. But it’s k
inda implied, right?”

  “Hmm… I don’t know. If it was me… I’d want something a little more concrete.”

  It was Friday and Nyla still had not asked her mother if she could go to the party. Every time she tried, it just wouldn’t come out of her mouth.

  Finally, the time had come and it was now or never. Nyla walked up to her mother, took a deep breath to try and gather her words and just blurted it out.

  “Mom, can I go to Chase’s party tonight?”

  “Party? I don’t know Nyla…those boys are awfully other than you. They’ll probably be drinking and only God knows what.”

  “Mom, just because other people drink doesn’t mean I have to.”

  “Nyla…you have never been to an adult party. You don’t know what goes on at things like that. Will his parents be there?”

  “I don’t know. Probably.”

  “Well the only way that I will allow you to go is if I take you myself. But then again… I don’t know.”

  “Mom, it’s only up the street.”

  “Nyla….it will be dark outside and there are bad people in this world that can kidnap you, rape you, or even kill you. Now it’s my way or NO WAY.”

  “Okay we’ll do it your way.” Nyla wanted to pout but the thought of being able to go to the party and see Chase won over the pouting.

  Even though Nyla was going to have to be chauffeured by her mother, she didn’t care. She was going to Chase’s party. She ran to her room to plan her outfit for tonight. She couldn’t believe that her mother was going to let her go. She thought about what a great mother she had and wanted to go and give her mother a hug and tell her just that.

  Just when she was about to enter the room her mother was in, she heard her