Read Kissing Cousins Page 4

the phone feeling sadder than ever. He has to be there and just doesn’t want to talk to her. She thought to herself.

  He Conquered…

  At school the next day, Nyla was eager to see Chase but he wasn’t at school. Now this really began to worry Nyla. ‘Why wasn’t Chase here?’ She thought to herself.

  “I can’t believe that happened!” Gia said as they walked to first period.

  “I can’t believe that you didn’t cover for me.”

  “Nyla… I can only cover for you so long! By that time, I was already in dreamland when your mom came by… and by then it was too late anyway.”

  “Yea, I guess you’re right. Sorry about getting you on punishment too.”

  “Girl, it’s cool. It’s not like I have anything to do or anywhere to go. When you’re on punishment I’m automatically on punishment anyway.”

  Upon entering first period, she had gotten called down to the office. She went down to the office and the secretary gave her a note and told her to sign out. The note read. Nyla’s father called and needed her to come home immediately.

  This puzzled Nyla because her father lived in California. She wondered to herself if the event that happened last night was all that bad for her mother to call her father and have him fly all this way.

  As Nyla walked out of the school doors she saw Chase. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw him standing there with his signature smile.

  “Chase…what are you doing here?”

  “I came to get you.”

  “I don’t understand.” Nyla was more puzzled than ever.

  “I called the school and told them that I was your father and needed you to come home. That way we can spend some time together and you can go home when school gets out.”

  Nyla could not believe that Chase would go through all this if he didn’t love her. She obeyed his command and went to his house.

  At his house for the third time, they continued with the usual making out. This time it went all the way. Nyla couldn’t understand what the big deal about having sex was. All she knew was that it hurt, real bad.

  “Now it wasn’t that bad was it? Chase said to her with his signature smile.

  Nyla said, “Yeah…it hurt!”

  “I know. It always does the first time. See all we have to do now is keep doing it and each time it will feel better and better." Nyla wasn’t sure about this but if Chase said it, then it must be true.

  When it was time for school to let out, Nyla began to walk home. After she got home, she decided that she needed to take a bath and soak in some hot water. When she took off her clothes she noticed that her underwear was stained with blood. ‘I must have started my period. That’s odd…I just had one for this month.’ She soaked in the tub thinking about what had just taken place. She began to wonder what would be next and if her mother would know. Her mother always told her that when she had sex, she would know rather Nyla told her or not.

  Chase told Nyla to flick school and come to his house in the morning and she did. They had sex again and it still hurt to Nyla. They did this for a whole two weeks only going to school one or two days out of that week. Nyla knew how to sign her mother’s signature so on the days she went to school she would give the principal a note of an excused absence with her mother’s signature. As for Chase’s mother, Nyla wasn’t quite sure she cared.

  A few more weeks went by and she hadn’t heard from Chase at all or “her friend.” The one that comes to see her once a month. Chase wasn’t at school and he wasn’t calling her at his usual time either. Nyla asked around school if anyone had seen Chase and they all said they haven’t seen or heard from him. Nyla and Gia did a little of research on the internet about possible pregnancy. After what they found out, the only thing to do was to get a pregnancy test and find out for sure. They walked to the store on the way home from school to get a pregnancy test because she knew her mother would be working late.

  “What are you going to do if you are?” Gia sat on the edge of the tub.

  “I don’t know, Gia… have a baby?”

  “I doubt if you get that far, when your mother finds out.”

  In Nyla’s mind, she hadn’t really thought it all out that far yet. She’d been too busy worrying where Chase was and why he wasn’t answering her phone calls. She was too scared to just pop up at his house.

  “Gigi… close your eyes or turn around.”

  “Girl, it ain’t like I was never in the bathroom while you used it before.”

  “I know… but right now it feels different.” Gia turned around and covered her eyes.

  Nyla started reading the directions and followed them to the tee. Now it was time to wait and watch. The pregnancy test she had said one line would be negative and two lines would be positive. Nyla and Gia watched the little stick as it sat on the bathroom counter. Suddenly one line appeared slowly through the tiny window. Nyla began to rejoice. “Yes!” she screamed and began to jump up and down. “I’m not pregnant! Whoa…that was a close one, Gia! I’m not ever having sex again.” Nyla began to gather up all of her sinful evidence one by one and put it back in the box it came in.

  “I seem to doubt that Nyla. What you should be saying is that you’re never going to have unprotected sex again.”

  “I don’t plan on needing protection because that is seriously enough to scare me straight. Hand me the test so I can throw it in with this other trash.”

  As Gia was about to hand Nyla the test, she froze. “Uh, Nyla, I think you might want to look again.”

  “Why?” Nyla peeked at the test in Gia’s hand. “No! It must have sat too long or something. We need another one.”

  Nyla sat and cried as Gia ran to the store and got two more test. She took both test and both test came back exactly the same. Positive.

  Nyla sat there and stared at the little stick crying uncontrollably. “What am I going to do now?”

  “I don’t know, Nyla. Just be glad that it’s not positive for aids or an STD?” Gia sat on the edge of the tub thinking. “But then again, you really don’t know yet because you haven’t been to the doctor.”

  “Gia! You’re not helping!”

  Nyla continued to sit on the bathroom floor wondering how she was going to keep this from her mother. Her mind was wondering a mile a minute. She kept thinking about Chase and how much she loved him. For a split second, she thought about how wonderful it might be for her and Chase to share a life together and get married. They could both get jobs and rent an apartment; everything will be fine she thought to herself.

  Then a picture of Nyla’s mother popped into her head, she knew she would have to run away with Chase because her mother would never accept this. Nyla then became scared and confused.

  “Well, I guess first things first… you need to go find Chase.”

  “How, Gia? I don’t want to just pop up over there.”

  “Why not? You’re carrying his seed; you have as much a right as any right now.”

  He Lied…

  Nyla and Gia hurried to Chase’s house because it was almost time for Nyla’s mother to be coming home from work. As they walked up, a white girl with blonde curly hair was sitting on the porch in a rocking chair. The girl politely spoke as Nyla and Gia approached the porch.

  “Hi. I’m looking for Chase.” Nyla replied back wondering who this girl was.

  “Oh… hold on, I’ll get him for you.” The girl walked into Chase’s house leaving Nyla and Gia to wait outside.

  “Why didn’t you just walk up in the house?”

  “Because I’m not going to do that, Gia… it’s rude.”

  “Yea, ok.” Gia started to become defensive and folded her arms across her chest. “You’re not the least bit curious of who that girl might be?”

  “It’s a lot of people that come in and out of this house. Maybe it’s Carter’s girlfriend or something.”

  Chase comes outside with the girl standi
ng by his side. Still looking at Nyla with his signature smile.

  “Hey cuz.”

  “Hey Chase… what’s up?” Now Nyla became defensive wondering why Chase didn’t greet her in his usual way.

  “Yea, Chase… what’s up?” Gia look him and the girl standing next to him up and down.

  Someone calls Chase from inside the house for him to come here. He turns to the girls and said, “I’ll be right back.”

  Since the girls were left outside alone, Nyla didn’t notice herself staring at the girl’s pregnant belly and wondering, “I’m going to look like that one day.” She had also notice that the girl seemed much older than they were. Nyla thought, she had to be Carter’s girlfriend. But why was Chase acting so standoffish toward her now and where had he been. Inside, Nyla could see the curtains moving and someone peeking out.

  Chase returns and this time the girl was all over Chase. “So Chase tells me that you’re his cousin.” The girl said smiling at Nyla.

  “He said what?” Gia spoke up but Nyla grabbed her by the arm and shook her head letting Gia know to be quiet.

  Nyla looked to Chase for answers as to what this girl was talking about and why she was all over him.

  “Oh…Nyla this is Tanya… Tanya this is Nyla.” That was the way that Chase introduced the two.

  “Hi.” Tanya said to Nyla. “Were having a baby girl in another month.”

  “We? Who? Nyla asked confused.

  “Chase and I, silly… didn’t he tell you?”

  Nyla looked at Chase wearing his signature smile as usual but this time it wasn’t cute to Nyla. She was