Read Kitten's Tale Page 2

  “Well, you are already partially naked,” he said with a smile. “Would you like to experience what a flogger feels like?”

  She eagerly nodded.

  By two o’clock when the dungeon closed, Sarah’s panties were soaked and her mind had been expanded. After parting company with Ray and Oot with a promise to call them later when she woke up, she went home, gave herself three orgasms with her vibrator, and crashed into blissful sleep with a smile on her face.

  Chapter Three

  “So, did we scare you off?” Ray asked by way of greeting.

  Sarah giggled. “Not quite. That was amazing.”

  “What was your favorite?”

  She sighed. “Everything. Do you do ropework, too?”

  “I don’t do suspension. Teufel’s an expert at it. My friend, Mike, he also does it. Teaches, too.”

  “Will you be at the dungeon next weekend?”

  “I was going to ask you about that. Oot and I were talking on the way home. Would you like to get together for dinner one night this week? Our treat. We’d like to spend some more time talking with you in person.”

  Her stomach fluttered. Part of her wanted to jump, headfirst, down the waterslide. She’d seen nothing about Ray or Oot that led her to believe they had nefarious purposes. By the end of their play, she’d hoped they’d suggest doing orgasm play with her, something she’d noticed others doing in the dungeon, but they’d kept their hands noticeably clear of her breasts and pussy.

  She swallowed, hard. “Sure.”

  They agreed on Tuesday night, and she arrived at the restaurant fifteen minutes early. Ray and Arthur, as she’d found out Oot’s real name was, waited until the waitress had taken their drink orders before getting to the meat of their conversation.

  “What I’d like to establish,” Ray started, “before we go any farther, is your intentions.”


  “What do you have in mind? Communication is key. I want to be totally up front and honest with you that we’re not looking for a permanent third to add to our relationship. We’re both bisexual as well as poly, and we love playing with men and women both in the dungeon and sexually. However, right now, we don’t have any women as lovers. We’re open to that, if that’s something you might be interested in after playing with us for a while.”

  She blinked. While he’d been open and forthright in their messages, she didn’t expect this level of communication in person.

  In fact, she’d never had this level of communication in person from someone claiming to be a Dom. “Um, okay.”

  “Let me tell you what we are interested in.” Apparently as the Master, Ray was the designated spokesman because Oot remained silent. “Once the three of us get to know each other better, I’m open to possibly taking you on as our submissive and play partner, if that’s something you’re interested in. Perhaps even as a poly sex partner. But if it did get to that level, we wouldn’t expect you to stay monogamous, so to speak, to us. We would, however, have some safety concerns regarding sexual contact with others. And we would insist that there’s open communication between all parties.”

  She nodded, not sure how to respond.

  Oot finally opened his mouth. “I think she’s speechless, Master,” he said, keeping his voice low so it wouldn’t carry.

  “No, not speechless,” she said. “Just…flattered and floored.”

  Ray’s brow furrowed. “Floored?”

  “Yeah. The three fucktardos I dealt with before I met you guys were real asshats.”

  “Well, I make it a habit to try to not be an asshat or a fucktardo,” Ray said. “It creates too much drama. I’d rather be straightforward from the start so no one wastes time or gets their feelings hurt. I’m also not a mind reader.”

  “It’s refreshing.” She gathered her thoughts. “I’m allergic to drama.”

  “Good,” he said as the waitress brought their drinks. “Then I think we’re off to a good start.”

  When the waitress left, Sarah asked, “Why didn’t we talk about this last weekend?”

  “Because I prefer everyone’s brains be in their heads and not between their legs when negotiating.” He smiled. “We’re as allergic to drama as you are.”

  By the time they parted ways three hours later, Sarah knew with certainty she’d made the right choice. They’d agreed to meet at the dungeon again that Friday night to play.

  She giggled to herself as she drove home. Orgasm play was on the table unless she chickened out at the last minute.

  As she buzzed one out with her rabbit vibrator, she suspected she wouldn’t be chickening out.

  * * * *

  The men exchanged text messages with her for the rest of the week, teasing and tantalizing her and building her sexual tension to the point she thought she could come if she leaned against her washing machine for too long while it ran in the spin cycle.

  That wasn’t to say she didn’t take care of herself with her vibrator every night. Despite that, she found herself walking around in a state of perpetual horniness.

  Friday night, as per Ray’s orders, she wore her shortest sundress, a pair of thong panties she suspected wouldn’t stay on her long, and no bra. She would call him “Sir” once they were all at the dungeon, and while she could safeword at any time, in all other ways she’d submit to him for the duration of the evening.

  A thrill ran through her. She trusted both men, unlike her three failed experiences before them. And she trusted both men more than she’d ever trusted a vanilla boyfriend before that. This wasn’t some juvenile sex game to them. It was a very real part of their daily lives and something they took seriously.

  Ray and Oot had arrived before her, even though she was ten minutes early. When she walked into the lobby, Ray awaited her at the front desk.

  He greeted her with a smile that would have melted her panties had she not been wearing a thong. “You’re early. Good. I like that.”

  She returned his smile. “Thank you. Sir,” she quickly added.

  He noticed. “Good girl.”

  She insisted on paying her own entrance fee and followed him inside. It was fairly early in the evening, and not many other people had arrived yet.

  Ray crooked a finger at her and had her follow him across the dungeon to where a couch sat in a dim corner. Oot stood there, ready, beside a large pillow on the floor.

  Ray turned her to face him, with her back to the rest of the space. In a low voice, and with his hands on both of her arms, he said, “How are you feeling tonight?”

  “Good, Sir.”

  “Still in a mood to play?”

  She nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  “I’m going to put a collar on you for tonight. Do you have a problem with that?”

  A nervous giggle burped through. She smiled. “No, Sir.”

  Both men laughed. “You’re in a mood, aren’t you?” Ray asked.

  “Yes, Sir. You’ve got me pretty horny.”

  He stepped in a little closer. Oot handed him a black leather collar. “Well, my little pet, we’re going to take care of that for you, if you’d like.”

  She eagerly nodded. “Yes, please, Sir!”

  He pointed at the pillow. “Kneel.”

  She did. He leaned over, and she held her hair out of the way as Ray buckled the collar around her neck. “This is an old one of Oot’s,” he explained. Then he hooked a finger through the ring on the front of the collar and gently tugged, pulling her lips close to his. “Are you ready to play?”

  “Yes, Sir!”

  He smiled. “Such a good girl.” He kissed her. No tongue, but passion flowed from every pore in his body. Her juices flowed. She wanted to deepen the kiss, but he used his hold on the collar to gently break their kiss and push her back. Without releasing her, he said, “Let’s go play.”

  With Oot following, he led her to a nearby spanking bench, the same one they’d used the week before. Oot spread a towel out over the top of it, and she quickly peeled off her dress and
kicked off her shoes.

  For tonight’s play, Ray wouldn’t restrain her to the bench. He wanted her to feel as comfortable as possible. Although he made it perfectly clear if their play continued long term, she would be wearing wrist and ankle cuffs.

  The thought made her even wetter.

  She closed her eyes and tried to relax despite her racing pulse as both men began caressing her flesh. Not only did it ramp up her need even more, she knew from the feel of her practically nonexistent thong that moisture had to be coating the insides of her thighs.

  Part of her wanted to beg the men to take her home and fuck her, despite their long and detailed talk at the restaurant Tuesday night. She desperately wanted the feel of a real cock inside her.

  The thought of having their two cocks at the same time, one in her pussy and one in her mouth—or ass—made her cunt contract and her clit throb.

  She tried to rub against the bench, drawing laughter from both men as well as a playful slap on the ass from Ray. “You settle down. No getting off yet.”

  “But I’m horny, Sir.”

  “Master, she looks like Pecoe did when she was in heat, before we got her spayed.”

  Sarah cocked open an eye. “Pecoe?”

  Ray laughed again. “Our female cat. Hmm. You know, Oot, I think that’s the perfect name for her.”

  “Pecoe?” she asked again.

  “No. We’ll call you ‘kitten’ with a lowercase k. How’s that strike you?”

  “Why with a lowercase?”

  He leaned in close, the weight of his body over her back pressing her firmly down onto the padded bench. “Because that’s what I want, kitten,” he said in her ear in a soft, growly tone. “Do you have any objections?”

  She swallowed hard as she closed her eyes. She nearly came right then. “No, Sir. No objections.”

  “Good girl.” He nipped the back of her neck, making her moan. He’d warned her he liked to bite during play.

  Good thing she enjoyed being bitten.

  He kept his weight pressing her against the bench as he reached back and smacked her ass again. He grabbed a handful of her flesh and squeezed, hard, making her squeal.

  “Are you going to be a good girl for us, kitten?”

  “Yes, Sir!”

  His weight disappeared so suddenly she nearly sat up, wanting the contact to continue. A hand appeared in the middle of her back, between her shoulder blades, holding her down.

  Another hand came to rest on her lower back at the base of her spine, firmly pressing, keeping her in place. She quickly found out why as one of the men, she assumed Ray, started spanking her again.

  The strokes alternated between hard, jarring blows to stingy slaps, sometimes stopping to rub and soothe her flesh before starting again.

  She squirmed, wiggled, cried out. She gripped the lower part of the bench with her hands and held on tight, determined to take whatever they could give out.

  The rush she felt, a warm river of need and desire coursing over and through her, threatened to drown her world in a good way. It was more than sexual. She wanted and needed more from him.

  When the blows stopped a few minutes later, she gasped as cool air blew across her flesh. Her chest heaved with each breath she sucked in as her body struggled to process the delicious, stingy pain in her ass cheeks.

  “Give me a color, kitten,” Ray murmured in her ear.

  “Green, Sir.”

  “Good girl.”

  Those two words alone, she realized, said in the tone he spoke them, would be her undoing. They churned her insides in a good way and made her want to take whatever they could give to her and then some.

  By the time he switched to a flogger a few minutes later, her ass stung, but she didn’t want any of it to stop. She felt her juices slicking her thighs and wondered why she even bothered with the thong.

  From the flogger, Ray switched to a cane. Oot held on to her shoulders while Ray took each stroke, starting gently and building up, soothing her flesh with his hand between each strike, until she couldn’t take the sting.

  “Yellow!” she gasped.

  He immediately stopped, rubbing her ass cheeks with his hand. “Good girl. I wanted to see how much you could tolerate so I don’t take it too fast.” He then continued with the cane, varying his strokes from easy to just below her threshold of pain.

  “Five last strokes, kitten. Good ones with a paddle. They’re going to sting.”

  She closed her eyes. Tears had streamed down her cheeks, but she wouldn’t trade any of the pain. “Yes, Sir.”

  The first swat nearly raised her off the bench, but Oot stayed there, soothing her and signaling to Ray when she was ready for the next one. By the time the fifth one landed on her ass, she was sobbing. Not just from pain, she realized, but relief as well. A cathartic release the likes of which she’d never felt before.

  Then she heard a click and a hum. She didn’t have time to process that before Oot suddenly shifted his weight onto her, pinning her to the bench. Ray pressed a vibrator between her legs, finding her swollen clit with unerring accuracy. As the first orgasm slammed into her, she almost had time to think about why Oot had pinned her down. Had he not, she would have come up off the bench.

  She surfed her way through the first orgasm, moaned her way through the second, but by the time she hit the third, she’d had enough, the sensation overwhelming.

  “Yellow, Sir!” she gasped.

  Oot’s weight disappeared off her shoulders and Ray pulled the vibrator away. He leaned in. “Then just one more,” Ray said, biting her neck as he pressed the vibrator to her clit again.

  She felt Oot’s hands grab her shoulders as she screamed, sobbing with the force of her orgasm before Ray finally withdrew the vibrator and turned it off.

  Both men released her. One of them immediately draped a light fleece blanket over her and the other took her hands in his. When she finally felt steady enough to sit up, both of them helped steady her.

  She looked into Ray’s eyes, at the concern there. “Are you okay, kitten?”

  She grinned. “Yeah. Yes, Sir,” she corrected herself. “Can we do that again?”

  Both men laughed.

  Chapter Four

  After three more weekend playdates, and five vanilla dates, Ray and Oot extended an offer to Sarah that she’d been hoping would come sooner rather than later—to spend the weekend with the men, at their house.

  More specifically, in their bed.

  The week crawled for kitten. Both men took great pains to tease her mercilessly all week, Ray and Oot over the phone and through text messages. Ray ordered her not to masturbate or come until she was under his and Oot’s care on Friday.

  By Friday morning, she felt ready to rip out of her skin and run around screaming. She received permission to wear panties at work and when running errands or she’d have a wet spot on her pants as well.

  What she hadn’t counted on was working herself into a frazzle, nervous energy combining with adrenaline as she raced through work before leaving early and heading straight home to clean her house and get ready for Ray and Oot. She plopped down on the couch, dressed and packed and ready to go, with the early news on a little after five o’clock. It seemed like seconds later when the doorbell rang.

  “Crap!” Shocked to see it was ten after six, she jumped up and tried to shake sleep from her system.

  Ray and Oot smiled at her as she threw the door open. Ray’s smile faltered. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I’m sorry. I dozed off on the couch.” Five minutes later, they were in Ray’s car and heading for his house.

  “Honey, you okay?” She looked up, startled, at Oot’s concerned question.


  He laughed. “We’re here. You dozed off again.”

  “Oh, sorry.” She looked around. Sure enough, she’d dozed off in the backseat of Ray’s car. They were parked in his driveway.

  “Hard day at work?” Ray asked.

  She rel
uctantly nodded. “Long week.”

  Oot helped her out of the car while Ray grabbed her bag. “I think,” Ray said, “that tonight is going to be pizza in bed in front of the TV with a movie on.” He smiled at her. “You’re wiped out.”

  She resisted the urge to pout. “I’m okay, Sir.” Calling him Sir felt so natural now, she frequently had trouble remembering to call him Ray when out at a restaurant.

  He let them into the house and handed her bag off to Oot. “That may very well be, but let’s just plan on having a relaxed evening. If you feel up to playing later, we can. We’ve got all weekend together.”

  Ray called in the pizza order while Oot helped her strip and don her leather collar and wrist and ankle cuffs. She curled up on their huge bed with him while he began channel surfing. What felt like only a few minutes later, he was gently nudging her.

  “Hey, Sleeping Beauty. You want pizza?”

  She sat up, fuzzy-headed and trying to get her bearings. “What?”

  Oot smiled. “Master’s right. You’re out of it tonight. Pizza. Food. Mangia.”

  “Oh. Okay.” She followed him to the eat-in kitchen where two pizza boxes lay open on the table.

  Ray had already put three slices on his plate. “Feeling a little better after your nap?”

  She nodded as she sat. “Yes, Sir.” She realized Oot was now also naked and wearing nothing but his leather collar. Ray wore shorts and nothing else. “How long was I asleep?”

  “Almost an hour,” Oot said. “That’s how long it took for the food to get here.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No,” Ray said, “don’t feel sorry. I’m sure we can find ways to wake you up if you feel up to it later.”

  Oot took the chair next to her. He winked at her. “Master hasn’t let me come at all this week, either. You might not want anything to do with us after we get done fucking your brains out, sweetie.”

  She smiled. “When I get my second wind, I just might suck your dick right off your body.”

  His jaw gaped. “Holy fuck. I nearly came just then.” She looked down into his lap and noticed that, indeed, his cock stood rigidly erect, a pearly drop of pre-cum on the slit.