Read Knight in Shining Suit Page 5

  “Sweetheart… please. If you can’t do it for Geena, please do it for Uncle Jack.”

  “Mother… I’m sure, Uncle Jack would understand and forgive my absence.” I said.

  There was silence on the other end of the line.


  “Think about it, dear. You have another three weeks.”

  “Mom, it doesn’t matter if I had three years to think it over, I’m not going.” I went to hang up the phone but one small, vindictive part of me made me raise my phone back to my lips.

  “By the way Mom, Geena’s pregnant. That's how I found out about their affair.” I only listened long enough to hear my mother’s brief gasp and apology before I hung up the phone.

  I still couldn’t believe it when I came back to our table.

  “What? Geena has more bad news for you?” Dannie asked, quite alarmed.

  I sighed. “No. But my mother does.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  I smiled sarcastically. “According to her, everything will be… if I attend the wedding.”

  They all groaned.

  Nicole was almost furious. “Excuse me to your Mother, but what is she thinking? Does she not care about you at all?”

  “I don’t think she understands how it feels like to be cheated on or to be forced to call off your wedding. Or to… see your dream wedding happening to someone else.” Tears rolled down my cheeks.

  Dannie and Nicole put their arms around me.

  “Look up, sweetheart.” John said. “Better things are coming your way. But for now, you need to hold your chin up high.”

  I smiled at them. “Thanks, you guys.” I whispered.

  “Just make sure that when you do choose to attend that wedding, you will not be attending it alone.”

  I raised my brow at John.

  “Well, make sure that you do come with a guy. A date. Some guy who’s ten times hotter than Bryan and can’t keep his hands off you. We guys really hate that!”


  He nodded. “You’ve dated Bryan longer than he’s ever dated Geena. He’s had the hots for you ever since. But he never had you… right?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Of course! I’ve been holding it off until my wedding night.”

  “So, somewhere at the back of his mind, he still wonders what it would have been like to have you… to touch you more intimately. And maybe he just might still have some feelings for you.”

  “If he had feelings for me, he wouldn’t be marrying Geena!” I muttered.

  “He’s a cheapskate, Astrid! He wanted his money back! Or make the most of it, if the refund option was not available!” Nicole said crossly.

  “It’s only been two months. He was madly in love with you for years. Chances are… he still has some feelings for you. It may not be what it used to be but… there’s still a shred of that emotion there. And the lust thing is definitely still there because it was never satiated.” John continued.

  “So, what are you saying?”

  “I’m saying, show up with some guy who’s so handsome and so hot, even Bryan would want to sleep with him if he were gay. And make sure you two get too close for comfort. Send out signals that you’ve already slept with this guy.”

  Dannie beamed. “That’s like a slap in the face for him, isn’t it?”

  “And nobody in that wedding will ever feel sorry for you for what happened. They will think, if this is the prize you got for losing Bryan, then you were much better off.” Nicole agreed.

  “Not only should he be hot, but he should be a lot more than an orthodontist.” Dannie said. “He should be a third-generation millionaire, trust-funded, Ivy League graduate.”

  “Wow.” I breathed. “And what does he do for a living?”

  “He should be running his family business or have investments here and there.” Nicole suggested.

  “And show up in at least a Boxster.” John added. “Bryan loved cars!”

  Now, I must admit that a part of me got a little bit excited about the whole thing. But then again… I’m wide awake and still sober!

  “That is really great, guys! But how will I ever nail a guy like that? And in three weeks? Where will I find a guy like that?”

  They all fell silent after that. Whether because they thought it was impossible for me to end up with a guy born with a silver spoon or because they thought the time limit was too short, I wasn’t sure.

  I took a gulp of my beer again.

  “Well?” I asked finally. “I’ve lived here for years and I haven’t met a guy like that. That’s our first problem. And guys like that only seem to go for supermodels, that’s our second problem.”

  “Think positive, Ash. You could stumble upon a guy like that, you know.”

  “And you have to remember, I never go for the rich and famous.” I said.

  It was my thing since Kevin Moore. In my version of a fairytale romance, it’s the brave, honorable knight who took home the princess, not the spineless prince charming. The rich kids I went to school with were all bullies, with nothing to show for themselves, except for the flashy gadgets and cars that their parents gave them. I swore off guys like Kevin. He taught me not to hope that I would be enough to hold his heart or attention forever.

  So I always turned down the rich jocks who attempted to ask me out after Kevin. I wasn’t impressed with their wealth. I preferred the middle class guy who was smart beyond his years, and was responsible enough to focus on long term goals. Someone who would be loyal and would make me the center of his world.

  “Bryan knows that perfectly well too.” Nicole said.

  “Well, then that might work out well for you too.” John said. “He’ll know how much you have changed since you broke up with him. That will make sleeping with this new guy even more believable.”

  I forced a smile at them.

  “But… three weeks is a short notice. Even if you do find him and date him, how would you get him to be all over you in time for the wedding without giving him an impression that you’re a slut?” Dannie asked.

  “I know! Love potion number nine!” I muttered sarcastically.

  We sat there for a while, contemplating our scheme. I must admit that it was perfect. If I go, even for the sake of Uncle Jack, I don’t want to look like a fool in that wedding. I don’t want to be pitied. And I don’t want Bryan to think that he was better off, or Geena to think that she has taken everything away from me. I won’t be able to stand the sympathetic looks of my aunts and uncles, even of my parents and grandparents. And I will especially not withstand the sneers of Geena’s friends.

  Actually, thinking about all that, I wondered again, why is it that I am contemplating going to this wedding again? When it would be much safer to just stay at home.

  “Guys, I… I don’t think I should go at all. Why are we even discussing this?” I said to my friends. “No. I will be firm about this! I will stay at home… and sulk!”

  That night, I told Adam all about the ring that Bryan gave me. He didn’t even offer a reaction.

  Then, I proceeded to telling him about Mom’s phone call, persuading me to attend the wedding and my friends’ suggestion to find a date for that night.

  “Your Dad would understand if I don’t go, right?” I told him.

  He shrugged. “Yeah, he would. But it would warm his heart to know that… there is hope that you will forgive Geena for what she had done to you.”

  I groaned.

  “But your friends are right. You should go with someone who is like a slap in the face for Bryan. Someone that Geena herself would drool over. You already knew she had envied you all her life. Even though she has Bryan now, it’s still a hard habit to break. So, I suggest you show up happy in that wedding… should you choose to go, that is.”

  “But Adam… how will I get a dream guy like that to fall for me in three weeks? Considering, I don’t even know where to find one!”

  Adam chuckled and then he said, “Oh, little Astrid. Your s
oul is too good, you don’t know how to conjure evil plans, do you?”


  “Find that guy, Astrid. Smoking hot! That’s all you need to do.”


  He shrugged. “You go out more than I do. I don’t know! In bars maybe!”

  “Even if he’s smoking hot, he needs to be rich, smart, has a great career and he must be in love with me.”

  Adam laughed so hard, I actually started to feel insulted.

  “What, you jerk? Tell me!”

  “He doesn’t have to be all that.” Adam replied. “He just needs to be from out of town and not know anyone in the city.”


  “And then you ask him to pretend he’s rich. A nice suit would do the job. As long as he’s not dumb, had a little bit of high school education, he’s good to go. Nobody in our family questions guests scientifically. Well, except for me. But I’m on your side here. So, I’ll keep my mouth shut.”

  “Adam… are you insane?”

  “Are you desperate?” He asked back.

  I sighed and didn’t answer.

  “If you can’t get him to say yes to the whole charade as a date or as a friend, pay him. I’ll lend you the money. Or better yet, I’ll pay for it myself. Whatever takes you out of this misery! Even for just a day!”

  “You really are insane!” I rolled my eyes.

  He shook his head and put an arm around my shoulder.

  “No. Sometimes I’ve wished you were my little sister too.” He smiled at me encouragingly and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

  I sighed and then started to head to my room. Then I looked back at Adam.

  “Thank you, Adam. You’re a great brother.” I said and then I headed to my room.

  Chapter Four


  Répondez s'il vous Plaît, meaning “Please Respond”.

  I’m not going. I’m not going..

  At least that’s what I kept telling myself in the last two weeks. Now, it’s one week to the wedding and no phone calls from my mother begging me to go. Not even an encouraging look from Adam.

  So finding mystery Alpha Male is out of the question. Until I received the call that I thought I would never receive.

  “Sweetheart, it’s Uncle Jack.”

  I took a deep breath., “Hey, Uncle Jack! How’s it going?”

  “Not bad.” He replied. “How are you?”

  “I’m…fine, Uncle Jack.”

  He sighed. Then he said, “Sweetheart, I know that what Geena did to you is just… unforgiveable. I… couldn’t believe it when I found out. I know how hurt you must have been.”

  “It’s fine, Uncle Jack. I’m… over it.” I lied.

  “If you won’t make it to the wedding, I would definitely understand.” He said.

  I didn’t answer. Somehow, there’s a hidden message there. Does he or doesn’t he want me to attend the wedding?

  “Astrid… I’m sorry. For Geena’s behavior.”

  “It’s fine, Uncle Jack. You don’t have to apologize.” I said weakly.

  “You’ve been a daughter to me too. I know your pain, sweetheart. Like I said, I am deeply sorry for what Geena has done. And if you can’t find it in your heart to forgive them… I wouldn’t hold it against you.”

  I took a deep breath and went silent for a while. And then finally, I said, “You must be excited for the wedding, Uncle Jack. You’ll be walking Ge… her down the aisle.”

  His tone finally lightened. “Yes. It’s a proud feeling to be walking your little girl down the aisle. It’s… probably going to be the happiest day of my life…” He trailed off, realizing that he probably said too much.

  “It’s okay, Uncle Jack. I know you feel very proud. And I will attend the wedding. For you. So your joy will be complete.” I didn’t know why I said that. But I guess, I really love Uncle Jack. Enough to sacrifice my pride… just to make him complete on that day.

  For a while there was silence, then I heard his heavy intake of breath. “Oh sweetheart, sweetheart…” He started saying. “Sweetheart, you don’t need to do that.”

  “For you, Uncle Jack.” I said, trying my best not to cry. “I will do it for you.”

  He sighed again and I thought I heard tears in his voice when he said, “Thank you, Astrid. You’re a wonderful woman. And someday, you’re going to meet somebody who will make you happier than you have ever been.”

  Now, I really cried. “Thank you, Uncle Jack. That meant a lot to me. I’ll see you next week.”

  After I hung up the phone, I must have cried for hours until it dawned on me that I have a bigger problem now.

  If I were to bite every bit of my pride, I would do so with dignity and grace! Even if it’s just for the show.

  I stood up from bed and called all of my friends and asked them to meet me at Oil Rig.

  Adam has a smirk on his face when I walked past him in the living room.

  “Ten grand.” He said to me.


  “That’s what I’m willing to pay for your date.” He said without even blinking an eye.

  “Wow! Why so generous?”

  “Because you’re more desperate now than you were two weeks ago.”

  “You’re not kidding, are you?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

  He shook his head. “I don’t have a sense of humor, Ash. You know that.”

  When I met my friends at the bar, I told them about my sudden problem.

  “We could have found the perfect guy by now if you had only decided two weeks ago!” Dannie complained.

  “I know guys! Now, I’m just plain desperate.”

  “Where are we going to find your perfect guy? And how?” Nicole asked.

  “Adam.” I replied.

  “Adam? Are you crazy! He’s your cousin! Even if you are not related by blood, you grew up as cousins!” Nicole said, clearly abhorred by the idea.

  “No, silly! Adam gave me an idea. He said, I only need to find a super hot guy and the rest is easy.”

  “Are you forgetting? We want super hot, super rich, evidently smart and successful?” John reminded us.

  I shook my head. “We only need super hot and maybe desperate for money!”

  They all looked at me as if I just lost my mind.

  “Adam is willing to pay a guy like that to pretend to be smart, rich and head over heels for me.”

  “How much money?”

  “Ten grand.” I replied.

  Nicole sucked in a deep breath, Dannie’s eyes went wide and John almost choked on his drink. “Wow! That’s a lot of money!”

  “Well, he will have expenses. He needs to rent a suit and a nice car. Plus he needs to… act. And act well!”

  “What’s in it for Adam?” Dannie asked.

  I shrugged. “Like you, he’s was my punching bag too, remember? He sleeps next door to me when I cry at nights. It must have been excruciating to live with me for months now. If I know him well, I think he’s willing to pay ten grand for a change of scene. Or maybe he’s hoping this is the push I needed to get my act together soon so I can move out of his crib and move on with my life. Plus, he’s rich. Ten grand is nothing to him.”

  “Okay, so your guy only needs to be sexy and handsome and must have a little bit of education?” John asked.

  I nodded. “He must be in on the deal. He must pretend to be smitten with me.”

  “And you won’t mind if this guy kisses you all over, puts his tongue down your throat, and his hands all over your ass?” Nicole asked.

  I took a gulp of my beer. “If he’s super hot, maybe not.” I know that once I see Bryan and Geena all lovey-dovey, I just might put my tongue down this stranger’s throat!

  We all agreed to scout for that hot guy who will be perfect for our scheme.

  “Remember, he must rent or borrow a luxury sports car, if he doesn’t already own one. And he must come in an expensive suit.” Dannie reminded everybody.

  “Oh, oh! Wouldn’t it
be nice if he rents out the most expensive hotel room in the resort where Geena and Bryan will have their honeymoon?” I asked.