Read Knights of Light: Knight Vision Page 6

“What’s up with him?” Tate asks Ayana.

  “Obviously, this is real for him now,” Ayana replies. “Be a little more sensitive.”

  “Ok, but jock boy doesn’t strike me as being the crying type,” Tate responds.

  “I didn’t even cry when he died,” Schuyler speaks between sobs. “My brother, Kevin. But something else has died, inside me. This quest is real. It’s no joke. I can’t pretend or wish for it to go away. This is mine now. Everything’s changed.”

  “Hey, we’re here too,” Ayana replies. “We’re implicated, just like you said earlier. Besides, you think I’m coming out in 115 degree heat just to humor you?

  Schuyler just stares at her, looking for even a hint of insincerity. “Ok, this is all fine and dandy,” Tate says. “Let’s read the scroll already.”

  Hang on- let’s go find some shade,” Ayana pants. “I’m already getting dizzy from the heat. I need my wits about me.”

  “Good idea,” Tate agrees. “We can head down below that outcropping, next to that grove of Saguaros.”

  “Actually, I was thinking we could just head to my place and check it out in the comfort of air conditioning,” she offers. “My parents won’t care, and we can have lunch.”

  “Food is always good,” mutters Schuyler.

  “Not trying to gain some home court advantage are we?” Tate responds.

  “Whatever Tate,” she replies.

  Schuyler carefully places the scroll back into the tobacco tin. All three take big swigs of water before heading back down the hill. Walking down the path, Schuyler senses an unusual calmness, now noticing a beauty of the valley below on this late summer day. Many desert plants are still in bloom and their distinct fragrance is sweet and familiar, but somehow more vibrant.

  They toss Tate’s bike in the bed of the pickup for the short drive to the Quail Valley Ranch neighborhood. As they go through the back gate to Ayana’s patio she says, “Help yourselves to beverages in the garage fridge while I get lunch going.”

  Soon they are wolfing down sandwiches they barely taste. After a couple, Schuyler pulls out the scroll and begins to examine it.

  “It’s in really good shape for a document that’s been in those hills for a century, or more,” Ayana notices.

  “Yeah, I wonder what it’s all about.” Schuyler poses. “I mean, who buries messages?” They all pause with blank looks on their faces.

  “Maybe, it says stop exploiting these native lands or stealing gold from the earth,” Tate offers.

  “Umm, my guess is no,” Schuyler says. “It looks really antique.” He holds the document delicately with open palms. Ayana has positioned herself with a close lean in over Schuyler’s shoulder. He smells her perfume. “Um, Ayana. It seems like you really want to read it to us.”

  “Oh, I thought you’d never ask,” she responds snatching the delicate scroll with a mischievous smile. She sits back down and begins to read:


  Order of Light

  A Squire’s Guide to Rescuing the Light Within

  As with the Knights of King Arthur’s legendary Round Table, there are certain guiding principles of our Order that, if pursued as a personal quest, will lead one to a light-filled life. Taken in proper spirit, these quests set forth a blueprint for success. It must be remembered, however, that life is not a goal to be conquered, a problem to be solved, but rather an evolving mystery to be embraced. As it is with the Knight’s journey, so also the squire’s.

  Each of our ten foundational quests have a patron knight who exhibited these primary characteristics in their lifetimes. A promising squire would be wise to take up the shield of each one of these patron knights until an appropriate level of mastery has been achieved. The quests are cumulative, in that the accomplishment of one indicates the readiness for the next one. Special care should be taken to afford a level of mastery required to move on. As with all things, your internal compass should be your guide in these matters. At the conclusion of the decem knight’s quest, the steward should endeavor to assist a new candidate – and thereby become a Knight with its required level of mastery. Only in so doing, will a Knight truly know the meaning of ‘A gift not shared is soon lost.’

  As with the ancient Round Table, and time in general, there is no beginning and no ending. So it is with each quest. The focus should therefore be on the mission at hand, and doing the next right thing based upon circumstances, perspective, and increasing wisdom.

  Some words of advice as you take up the shield and pursue the path of light:

  •There will be supporters and mentors along the way. Use them to help you extract further meaning from the ten knight’s quests. Seek guidance in the public works of the day. Remember that wisdom can be taught by many different teachers, but its ultimate source remains the same. No single teacher is monarch of all wisdom.

  •Similarly, there will be detractors and non-believers. This is part of the journey and will allow for deeper learning through challenging experience. Do not be fooled. The difficulties you face are teachers in disguise. If you approach each level of knight’s quest in order, and with appropriate mastery, you will know how to respond in the face of opposition.

  •While many of the underlying principles seem overlapping and related, they are so ordered as to build upon the prior one, much as the top floor of a building is constructed upon the one beneath it. Trust this natural progression.

  •Finally, after achieving a certain level of proficiency within each principle, you will be compelled to find a method to share this newfound knowledge with others. You will not be alone in this quest. The memory and spirit of others who have discovered these mysteries before you will be with you.

  •Take, live and share. The path of light is yours.

  Knights of Light – Knight Quests

  1.Knight Vision: Listen to your heart, the internal compass.

  2.Knight Armory: Thoughts are boundless energy for the journey.

  3.Knight Valor: Those with Faith have Courage. Believe to see.

  4.Knight Chivalry: Love others, be of service.

  5.Knight Scope: Energy, Focus, System.

  6.Knight Moves: Just Do. Act, create, execute, habit.

  7.Knight Fall: Character Crucible. Persistence and Integrity.

  8.Knight’s Order: Unity, Communion, All for one, one for all.

  9.Knight School: Learn and teach something every day.

  10. Knight Life: Stewardship, Wisdom and the meaning of life.

  Now take up the shield of the compass quest.

  “What, is that all there is?” asks Tate. “Are you sure there’s not another page, or some sort of answers on the back?”

  “Very cool,” Ayana says. We’ve got ourselves a real mystery here.”

  “This is all very weird,” Schuyler says. “What is this all about?”

  “Well, sticking with the instructions,” says Ayana lowering her voice, “we only need to take up the shield of the first knight quest: Listen to Your Heart.”

  “Nice narration, but what does that mean, listen to your heart?” asks Tate. “And what does that have to do with Vision? There must be a typo in there somewhere. I use my eyes for vision and my ears for listening, my heart’s got nothing to do with either of those.”

  “It says listen to your heart, not with your heart,” Ayana corrects him.

  “Semantics,” Tate replies.

  “Semantics could be the difference between getting on the newspaper staff and not getting on the staff. We must pay attention to what is important.”

  “O.k., noted,” he concedes. “Where do we go from here?”

  Schuy, your intuition should come in handy with this.”

  “What do you mean by that?” Schuyler replies. “And, I’m not so sure that’s a compliment. Isn’t intuition a ‘woman’ thing?”

  “I guess ‘gut feel’ is the guy’s version of the same thing. What ever it is, you’ve got it. You’re good at guessin
g things about people, like when the two eighth grade teachers were having an affair a couple of years back. You were dead on. The rest of us were oblivious or didn’t believe you.”

  “I’m not so sure it was guessing,” he replies. “I just knew it was happening. I can’t explain how. I just pick up on things.”

  “That’s what I’m talking about,” she answers. “Scientists say we only use ten percent of our brains for conscious thought. The rest is pretty much a mystery. Perhaps this knight quest is about the other ninety per cent.”

  “Quest. Sounds like we’ve got some battle ahead,” Schuyler jokes.

  “I was thinking the same thing,” replies Ayana. “The language is really dated, but that’s what they used to call it. Don Quixote had some ridiculous quests and knights errands.”

  “Donkey who?” Tate asks. Ayana gives him a disapproving look. “Never mind. How do we do this, how do we engage in this quest?” Tate asks with a wry smile.

  “Good question,” says Ayana. “This stuff is hard for me. I’m at my best doing research, and making judgments based on facts. Books and the web tell me what’s real and not real – at least that which I can verify.”

  “Well you guys know, I’m not a big research guy in terms of reading up on things, I’m more of a networker,” said Tate. “I also run things by LaurAx. She’s got a pretty good handle on how things work – for being my mom – I mean.”

  “Yeah, we’ve already established the fact that you’ve got this weird ‘big sister’ kind of relationship with your mom,” replies Schuyler. “Not me, I don’t involve my mom much. She usually turns our discussions into a lecture on something. Parents are to be navigated, not engaged.”

  “Well, you have been into a lot of trouble recently,” Tate replies. “You really think my relationship with LaurAx is weird? It’s normal for me I guess. She was young when I was born. Besides my extended family, we’re all we’ve got. She walked the same path of trying to assimilate while getting family pressure to keep our old ways alive. It’s a tricky balancing act.”

  “Tate, that’s deep, but I’d like to stay on point with our quest issue here,” Ayana interjects in a businesslike manner. “Besides, we’ve all got issues.” She drops off. “My parents treat me like I’m an adult. They come and go with their various schedules, but I’m left to fend for myself. It would be nice for them to actually cook ME dinner once in a while, ask how I’m doing...”

  “If I didn’t know any better, I would say we were just sharing some heartfelt thoughts with each other,” Schuyler observes. “I wonder if that has anything to do with this knight’s quest.”

  “Could be, who knows?” says Tate. “But aren’t we supposed to listen to our own hearts, not each others?”

  “Better semantics Mr. Askin,” Ayana grins. “I wonder if we can find some clues out on the web. I’ll go grab my iPad.”

  “Good idea, although I’d better be getting a move on,” says Tate. “I told my mom that I’d rest up before practice.”

  “I got to get back, too,” Schuyler adds. “I’m on a short leash.”

  “O.k.,” she says somewhat subdued. “Leave the research to brainy girl. But before you guys leave, I’ll photo the scroll and send you a copy so you guys can be thinking about the message as well.”

  “Good idea Ayana,” says Schuyler.

  “I’ll work out my thoughts on it tonight while I sketch out some things,” Tate offers. “I’ll use a shield as a mental focal point. I do some of my best thinking when I’m doodling.”

  The boys take their leave and head down the street. As they approach Schuyler’s house, Schuyler turns to Tate. “Hey, T, what did your mom say the night of my bike crash?”

  “Well, mostly she talked about the Great Spirit, and that it was probably good medicine. She really wants to talk with you. I suppose I can’t tell her about our little discovery today.”

  “I don’t really know what the rules are. I think if we can find people who can help us, we should include them. But none of this can get back to my mom, at least not now. I’m not ready for all that.”

  “I’ll let her know our conditions. If she agrees, I’ll let her in on the scroll.”

  “That sounds about right. Thanks.”

  Tate smiles, and then heads off toward Lone Mountain Road, and the far end of town. Schuyler shakes his head. It is only early afternoon, but the morning’s experience and the Arizona heat makes him feel drained and woozy. He whispers to himself, “What is happening to me?” Then he quickly slips in through the back door.

  Chapter 7: Mogollon Medicine

  And now here is my secret, a very simple secret; it is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.- Antoine de Saint-Exupery