Read Knights of White Bundle Page 69

  “Max,” she whispered, her hand brushing his cheek. She loved him so much in that moment. He was a man of honor, unwilling to take what wasn’t his. But she was his. She always had been. She’d been waiting for him all her life.


  Two weeks later

  Breakfast at the ranch was a big event and it drew a crowd that had now finally thinned. Sarah and Max sat across from each other, at the kitchen table. In some corner of her mind, she was aware of Edward and Cathy arguing. Again. But Sarah had no idea about what. Nor did she care. The two of them were happy here. Cathy was already planning ways their operation could aid the Knights’ work. No. Cathy and Edward were not her concern right now. She and Max were.

  Sarah stared at her plate, afraid to look at Max for fear she might explode into flames—that’s how damn aroused and on edge she was these days. She and Max had been getting to know each other for far too long now. She understood why he’d wanted to wait, why he wanted her full acceptance of his life, his world, but he had that. The ranch was wonderful. The little cottage to the east of the main house that Jag had offered to make theirs was perfect. But so far they were still staying in an upstairs bedroom—together, but not quite. It was time to solidify their mating.

  She shoved her chair back and stood, her eyes lifting to Max’s. “Can I see you a moment?” Heat curled in her stomach the instant their eyes connected, no doubt desire flared in her eyes. She hoped so. Hoped he saw what she felt. Hoped he knew what she wanted.

  Slowly, he rose from his seat, a primal edge clinging to him. He burned for her as much as she did for him. He had to know they could wait no longer. “Of course,” he said.

  Sarah didn’t say anything to Cathy or Edward. She rounded the table and Max followed. In silence they climbed the stairs to the second level of the house, the air crackling with sexual tension.

  The minute they were in the guest bedroom they’d been occupying, Sarah whirled on Max. “Do you want to spend forever with me?”

  Instantly, he reached for her. Her hands settled on his chest, the heat of his body pressed to her. His voice was low, husky, laced with fire and desire, with love. “I love you more than I could ever express and, yes, I want you forever, Sarah. I want you to be my wife, my mate. You’re already my everything.”

  “Then make it so, Max.” Her voice lowered to a soft plea. “Make it so.”

  He kissed her then, a long deep kiss full of tenderness. Kissed her until a firestorm of passion erupted between them.

  Long minutes later, they were in the bed, clothing piled on the floor. Sarah was on top of Max, straddling him, their bodies intimately connected. She lay on top of him, their lips joined, her breasts pressed to his chest. Their hips rocked, their movements a sensual sway. The pleasure almost more than she could bear yet it still wasn’t enough.

  When she thought she might cry out for him, Max sat up, his arms around her back, holding her. Yellow tinged his eyes and she smiled. For she saw the beast in him—her beast.

  Her lips brushed his. “Max,” she whispered.

  “I love you, Sarah.” And with those precious words he bent his head, his teeth claiming her shoulder. Sarah gasped with the contact, a sigh quickly following, the pleasure of the moment darting straight to her core. The happiness filling her heart.

  Now she was home.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-1985-8

  Copyright © 2008 Harlequin Books S.A.

  The publisher acknowledges the copyright holders of the individual works as follows:

  The Beast Within

  Copyright © 2007 Lisa Renee Jones

  Beast of Desire

  Copyright © 2008 Lisa Renee Jones

  Return of the Beast

  Copyright © 2008 by Lisa Renee Jones

  Beast of Darkness

  Copyright © 2008 Lisa Renee Jones

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher, Harlequin Enterprises Limited, 225 Duncan Mill Road, Don Mills, Ontario, Canada M3B 3K9.

  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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  Lisa Renee Jones, Knights of White Bundle



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