Read Koba the Dread Page 26

  Your middle child hails you and embraces you.


  The author and publishers wish to thank the following for permission to reprint copyright material:

  The Estate of Vladimir Nabokov for permission to reprint material from Dear Bunny, Dear Volodya: The Nabokov-Wilson Letters, 1940–1971 edited by Simon Karlinsky, all rights reserved; Viking Penguin, a Division of Penguin Putnam, Inc. for permission to reprint material from Kolyma: The Arctic Death Camps by Robert Conquest © 1978 by Robert Conquest; HarperCollins Publishers Ltd for permission to reprint material from Forever Flowing: A Novel by Vasily Grossman, translated by Thomas P. Whitney © 1970 by Possev-Verlag, English translation © 1972 by Thomas P. Whitney and material from The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union by Dmitri Volkogonov, translated and edited by Harold Shukman © 1998 Novosti Publishers, English translation © 1998 by Harold Shukman; The Random House Group Ltd and HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. for permission to reprint 1370 words from The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation I–II by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn © 1973 by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, English translation © 1973, 1974 by Harper & Row Publishers, Inc., published by The Harvill Press, and 730 words from The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation III-IV by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn © 1974 by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, English translation © 1975 by Harper & Row Publishers, Inc., published by The Harvill Press; Curtis Brown, Ltd and Oxford University Press, Inc. for permission to reprint material from The Harvest of Sorrow by Robert Conquest © 1986 by Robert Conquest, material from Stalin and the Kirov Murder by Robert Conquest © 1989 by Robert Conquest and material from The Great Terror: A Reassessment by Robert Conquest © 1990 by Robert Conquest; Curtis Brown, Ltd and W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. for permission to reprint material from Reflections on a Ravaged Century by Robert Conquest © 1999 by Robert Conquest; The Free Press, a Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. and Robert I. Ducas for permission to reprint material from Lenin: A New Biography by Dmitri Volkogonov, translated by Harold Shukman © 1994 by Dmitri Volkogonov, English translation © 1994 by Harold Shukman; The Free Press, a Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. for permission to reprint material from The Soviet Tragedy: A History of Socialism in Russia, 1917–1991 by Martin Malia © 1994 by Martin Malia; The Harvill Press for permission to reprint material from The KGB’s Literary Archive by Vitaly Shentalinsky © 1993 Editions Robert Laffont, Paris, English translation © 1995 by The Harvill Press; Alfred A. Knopf, a Division of Random House, Inc. for permission to reprint material from The Russian Revolution by Richard Pipes © 1990 by Richard Pipes; Penguin Books Ltd, for permission to reprint material from Kolyma Tales by Varlam Shalamov, translated by John Glad (Penguin Classics, 1994) © 1980, 1981, 1994 by John Glad; Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.: for permission to reprint material from pp. 274, 725, 149, 161–162, 166, 164, 165, 168 of The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression by Stéphane Courtois, Nicholas Werth, Jean-Louis Panné, Andrzej Packowski, Karel Bartoöek, and Jean-Louis Margolin, translated by Jonathan Murphy and Mark Kramer © 1999 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College, all rights reserved, first published in France as Le livre noir du communisme: Crimes, terreur, répression © 1997 Editions Robert Laffont, S.A., Paris; The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.: for permission to reprint material from p. 80 of Russia Under Western Eyes: From the Bronze Horseman to the Lenin Mausoleum by Martin Malia © 1999 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College; W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. for permission to reprint material from Stalin in Power: The Revolution from Above, 1928–1941 by Robert C. Tucker © 1990 by Robert C. Tucker; The Random House Group Ltd for permission to reprint material from Three ‘Whys’ of the Russian Revolution by Richard Pipes © 1995 by Richard Pipes, published by Pimlico; Simon & Schuster UK Ltd for permission to reprint material from Man is Wolf to Man: Surviving the Gulag by Janusz Bardach and Kate Gleeson © 1998 by Janusz Bardach and Kate Gleeson; The New Press (800–253–4830) for permission to reprint material from Intimacy and Terror: Soviet Diaries of the 1930s edited by Véronique Garros, Natalia Korenevskaya, and Thomas Lahusen © 1995; The Society of Authors, on behalf of the Laurence Binyon Estate for permission to reprint material from ‘For the Fallen’ (September 1914); Harcourt, Inc. for permission to reprint material from Journey Into the Whirlwind by Eugenia Semyonovna Ginzburg © 1967 by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore-Milano, English translation by Paul Stevenson and Max Hayward © 1967 by Harcourt Inc.; The New Statesman for permission to reprint material from Weekend Competition No. 2372 by Robin Ravenbourne and Basil Ransome, first published in the New Statesman in the issue dated 29 August 1975 © New Statesman Ltd, all rights reserved; Weidenfeld & Nicholson, a Division of the Orion Publishing Group Ltd for permission to reprint material from Russia Under the Bolshevik Regime by Richard Pipes, material from Stalin: Triumph and Tragedy by Dmitri Volkogonov, translated by Harold Shukman © 1991 by Harold Shukman and material from Stalin: Breaker of Nations by Robert Conquest © 1991 by Robert Conquest; The Stationary Office Ltd for permission to reprint material from The Russian Revolution, 1917; The Marvell Press, England and Australia for permission to reprint ‘Born Yesterday’ from The Less Deceived, by Philip Larkin.

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  Epub ISBN 9781407018546

  Published by Vintage 2003

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  Copyright © Martin Amis 2002

  Martin Amis has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988 to be identified as the author of this work

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  ISBN 9780099438021



  Martin Amis, Koba the Dread



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