Read L'Gem Page 8

  Chapter Eight

  People spread out in invisible cars, often owned by others. Invisible people left slings, slingshots and blowguns made of easily hollowed woody reeds, and branches from other plants, some that had wicked thorns and some from which poison could be made, near public recycle bins in many places, then watched until they were found. IS didn't find any and people who did either left them lay or picked them up and took them home. None were tossed in the cyclers. The people who distributed the natural weapons emptied specific bins of the cyclers, while they were there.

  Over a three-day period, while IS was severely understaffed, due to the epidemic, the people of one continent were taught what "rock, wood and plants" meant. The people of other continents were learning, as well. The distributors didn't need to check to be sure of it.

  Knight and Blade caught up. Nev helped Case until Stats got back to work. Case and Nev had finished the cottages quickly and begun on other jobs before he did. Nev had five empty houses by the time both businesses had caught up. The swimming pool was installed in two days, then the warehouse converted the next. After that, they began working on empty houses a few hours per day.

  Case and Stats had decided to move to the house next door. Danny wanted theirs. Ronnie wanted the one behind her and Dawn wanted the one behind Case and Stats. Since none of them were in a hurry, other houses were upgraded first. One of the things all were getting was a covered walk to the middle of the backyard area. Nev had decided to give them tennis courts, with "health club" on one end. The cover was being installed when two people 'introduced themselves' and asked 'the workmen' about a house. Nev got the story.

  "We came to this side of town because there are more rentals and investment property listing in ads. We saw there was nothing in that house through the window, and were looking in its others when we saw the walk and you. We were going to ask how much more we'd have to pay for that and this. Condo and apt rental prices are too high to make them really price-attractive. That's a real nice house, but no job would still kick a credit app out."

  "You're a surprise, Dayton."

  "Danny messaged get down, get a car, that house as address and an application to the city manager's office with 'homeowner' on it, before the day's over, Knight. They've got a sudden flood of apps, for a position in public works, that are all IS plants. I'm the one with the right resume. Application acceptance closes today. Tate bought a car as soon as he saw it, the first place we went. I'm still shopping. He'll probably find a place of his own, but we're very good friends right now, both wanted to move, and we'll stay friends."

  "I'm going to apply to Caelton. I've got close enough to what they need that I'll probably get the seasonal and it's 'possibly becoming permanent,' so makes sense for someone who doesn't plan to leave. I'm going to get a condo in a party complex on the northeast side after I have a job and other friends. There are about twenty-five more who want to come down here. The rent went up on condos and people are looking at other options for summer. Half-year leases are lower rent."

  "Danny messaged about forty minutes ago. We 'got here' early this morning."

  "You have a house. It's not quite done."

  "Give me a break for sort of camping in it for a few days."

  "Sixty days without payments, but they'll be five-fifty."

  "Twelve thou down."

  "They'll be four-fifty."


  "Let's get it processed."

  Dayton got an interview before he left the city offices. During it, he told the city manager and chief of public works about finding what he thought was the perfect house for rent and buying it fast, owner-financed on terms that went from good to great in a minute. They asked how he heard about the job. He said the clerk at the desk had told him when he walked in to ask where the employment office was and added, "Any city jobs available?" to the question. He said he'd felt blessed since he'd decided Teal Valley, not Mountain City, where he really hoped he didn't have to look for employment.

  The public works chief handed him a container of 'pieces.' He quickly assembled the flow control unit, but handed her the valve as "too worn to go in," and the testing unit as in need of calibration. The city manager told him he didn't need to job hunt in Mountain City and to call early next business day and they'd tell him officially. She said they hadn't had anyone more qualified apply, and he was the only permanent resident who'd applied who was qualified. He grinned widely and said, "Blessed."

  The clerk gave him the message Tate had gone to Caelton to apply for a job and told him where it was located. Tate walked out right after he'd told the receptionist he was waiting for someone and sat down. Tate sat down beside him and indicated the receptionist was a good hear-and-tell prospect of the nice type.

  "I got it."

  "What happened when we decided we want to live here? Job?"

  "It's for the harvest season, but they think it's going to become permanent with a little difference in description. They described the possible difference and it's even better for me. How did you do?"

  "I'll get it. For sure. Application closes in a couple hours. The house got it for me. 'Permanent resident' is what no other qualified applicant has."

  "I thought you decided that… too fast."

  "It's perfect. For me. You're not going to stay, are you?"

  "I'm staying in Teal Valley. It has everything I want and I like everyone I've met. I heard about a wild condo complex on the east side."

  "From an attractive informant?"

  "If you think I'm going to disappear out of your life…"

  "I know you won't, but I didn't realize you were already getting restless."

  "So are you, and more than I am, but you ignore it. Our relationship isn't going to really change, Day."

  "No, we're friends. You're not going to look for a place yet, are you?"

  "Not until you have a car. My place is going to be the best place to party my way, Gorgeous. I want to watch men trip over things looking at you in swimbriefs about that wide. You have great taste in people. When you have a party, I'll come and admire your good taste. When I have one, you'll come and I'll get help keeping you from being drooled on. At my age, wiping it off is a real compliment."

  "You're beautiful, Tate, and the muscle… Let's go home."

  "Let's finish car shopping. You don't have to be careful spending if you've got a job."

  "Tate, what are you planning to talk me into now?"

  "Something at least half as gorgeous as you are. That T Nev has is probably the only thing as gorgeous."

  "He is. Plus. My new neighborhood has great scenery."

  "I don't know how you talked business. We walked back there and I spent the entire time you were talking reminding myself that blond is bigger than I am, the little one has more muscle, too, and they might not consider an erection a compliment."

  "Tate! Why are we sitting here?"

  "He'll have documents for me to sign soon, and a condo complex address. From someone else."

  Dayton found a "beach party car." It was two or four passenger, refreshment storage for twenty and had a great sound system. The person who'd rebuilt it was a good engineer, but had decided to sell it when well-maintained equipment began to go. It had been his new boss's son's car. It was seventeen years old and priced at its value and not its age.

  Dayton was an extremely social person. He enjoyed working with others, a good office environment and going on the jobsite. The variety of things he'd check and repair was wide and the three-year tech school and university course mix was the not-degree on his resume right for it.

  It was called a "prac major." You looked for practical-engineer positions that fit your skills and interests and built a training program for the field. High-tech maintenance and business tech users were the most common pracs.

  Public Health had a lot of unfilled prac positions. They'd moved the budget for them to a "medical e
mergency management" subcontract fund and established a nice new pocket funnel system for the "reserve" for it. Kendra was a little smug there was no one in the gov in her field, not just her profession.

  The government was a corrupt oligarchy. The disease was rampant in the society, and it stemmed from a few greedy people who'd recruited others to control the government of the world, and pour money into their pockets.

  The oligarchy didn't grow if it could be avoided. Money was budgeted for 'need' and the fewer who knew whose pockets it went into the better. The person at the public service counter just put his hand out. Everything but 'special service' was done by a comp. Most departments had many fewer people than budgeted. IS had more.

  The corruption was enough to create zealots. There would be no corruption in IS. It would control everything and take what it wanted. Taxes wouldn't be lower. They were poised to take over the corrupt government with excuse of rebels. It was 'impossible' they be real.

  "Day, are you going to stock it?"

  "Yes, and show it to Knight and Blade. They've got a cooker and I've got the beverage store and party tent."

  "That's for ski parties."

  "I plan on them. Extend supports, attach a tent for twenty, unseal a couple panels and reseal around another car. I like my new boss, Tate."

  "I'm glad you got that job. I feel safer with you watching over my sewer."

  "Thank you."

  "It's a high responsibility position, guarding all the people from odorous inflow."

  "It's interesting equipment to maintain. Going out in the cold doesn't bother me, and I don't have to work on tech in it. Anything I have to do more than plug in a replacement is inside."

  "We're going to the condos in your car."

  "You sure you don't want a house?"

  "I'm sure not now. I want a great big one-bedroom, with two baths and two bars, one in the clubhouse."

  "I hear a printer. My documents are done."

  There was a one-bedroom corner unit available. It was a two-story 'view' unit. The kitchen, with counter and booth space for up to a dozen, and big bedroom were on the ground floor. The second floor was a big room with balconies and big windows on the south and west. It would be sunny in cold weather. In summer, it was shaded by a tall parasol tree, the view unobstructed by the high arching branches, covered with long leaves that turned crimson and gold before they fell in autumn. The only thing behind it was garages and it had a double. The summer people who had rented it every year for seven had decided to move up to a lake. The end entrance to the pool, with clubhouse lounge at the other end, was twelve steps from the front door. Tate said, "resident," "unfurnished" and "half-year" and the per-thirty price dropped forty percent. They drove back to Tate's car, then he followed Day to the big house to show off Day's car.

  "This is beautiful."

  "And coming up on the expensive maintenance schedule, Blade, but it's a schedule."

  "Complete reverse of the T."

  "I found out my boss and his son did this after I bought it, Nev."

  "Day, I'm glad you're there. I'm sorry you were drafted for it."

  "I'm not, Knight. I want to be there watching over the people who work for the people of this town. They made me a rebel. I'm delighted to mess up their plans. That's so pleasant-appearing and it was such a garish blob."

  "You're not supposed to know."

  "I'll look up an image in city records to appreciate it, Nev."

  "He wanted to be down here with you. I wanted to be down here because I really liked the brothel. I may use that as the fast way to learn the personality of towns from now on."

  "He'll love that condo, and the complex. I'm going to like the job. I like four on, three off and on call. It's the perfect career position for me. When my boss retires in about ten, I'll be ready for the office work and responsibility of that one. When we take it apart, I'll introduce my coworkers to my parents. Nev will introduce you to his family. The rebels were in Horgen and Fataner. They fought back. I was just looking for an explanation. I bought a house, a huge house. I love it. I want to choose my colors, put in my own hedges and landscape my own yard with rock walls and trellises I build. I want everyone to think of that walk as an invitation and eventually find the perfect people to share a house with for decades. I want you as neighbors. I wanted to be down here. I'm the one to 'disappear' for two days and smile smugly for three. I'm always on call, but I carry an emergency signal button. I don't forward calls. I'm the outdoor and bedroom type. Forwarding to a hiking trail is impractical and a bedroom impolite. The personal comm will come back in style when IS doesn't pinpoint locations with it."

  "The license fees were just too high for mobile service, Day. The fifteen hundred-year-old convenience wasn't worth it. The gov passed along the cost of service and people decided they didn't want to pay for IS to locate, track and monitor them."

  "Time on the house?"

  "Let's go in and look at bond colors and carpet."

  "Tate's place is being unfurnished."

  "It was nice, but not me. The lovely conversation grouping with planters opposite the bar is going out and workout equipment is going in."

  "Fifth and Dellisi, High Country Sports."

  "Thanks, Knight. I expected to get on a reservation list for after the season. The person who told me about it expected I would. My double-garage faces the north belt road entry, and is the closest. It's one of the most expensive one-bedrooms in the complex. The back balcony has a lift down to the patio and the balcony and patio have sound damper covers."

  "Will the design dump snow?"

  "Melt units and channels, Blade."

  "How much is it?"

  "Seven thirty unfurnished and half-year lease. They were considering making it a ten-day-lease unit. The club and pool complex are nicely full, not overcrowded, and the north entrance is twelve steps from the front door. I figure a third of the rent will be covered by what I don't spend going out, but I'll still be able to afford that and the wardrobe to go with it on the salary. See you later. I want to do some 'furniture' shopping."

  "He loved having 'right off the belt road' as an excuse for grabbing that place. We won't be moving furniture. He'll use it as an intro. 'I've got a trailer full, need muscle to unload' in the clubhouse."

  "I noticed he didn't request the LH or assistance, Blade. Day bought a four-bedroom house, and he loves it."

  "It's a surprise to him. I think some women are going to decide he's the perfect roommate."

  "I can now envision him with 'roommates for decades.' I still have difficulty envisioning 'after,' but I wasn't well-acquainted with before."

  "Knight, the 'rebellion' is being fought in a computer and Danny's doing it. It's going to move out fast."

  "I know, but I think of the days I was too sick to want to get out of bed as a very important tactical victory."

  "The fewer who know, the fewer to pay to keep a secret, and a flu told us how few they're paying. It didn't occur to me there wouldn't be anyone who knew anything about medicine, even though forty-six 'rebels' do."

  "If it had been a Type A, they couldn't have just watched."

  "Neither could the rest of the medical profession, Knight. They knew Public Health was a money sump with greedy bureaucrats at the top, greedy 'inspectors' at the bottom and nothing between."

  "How long do you suppose it'll be before they discover the birth rate is going up?"

  "They probably won't. I want them gone before then."

  Unpleasant people began to disappear. IS informers just stopped sending names in hope of money. Some stopped in hope they wouldn't disappear. Public waste cycler bio-analyzers weren't high-priority maintenance. Most didn't work. Those that did, didn't report.

  The gov had found the program and the bureaucrats, the retired bureaucrats in congress and the branch management of three mining corps kept trying to find their offworld investments and mo
ney. Every person who'd played the game told them offworld holdings were "cheats," and the program would "cancel" them.

  IS still hadn't learned six were gone. All employers had received resignation calls and all bills were automatically deducted from accounts. None had lived with their families for several years, since they'd started university, except Tarse, while he'd been healing. They'd all reduced frequency of visits and calls over a year, and Danny had 'added a little insurance' she hadn't mentioned.

  The mine became busier as people moved out. Some 'summer' roommates were seldom home. Most had manufacturing jobs, building shields, message systems and power storage units, that were the size of a writing stylus and might need replacing in a half-year, if used to power a car shield for most of it.

  None of the former convicts had spouses. The gov "relieved" spouses of them when they were sentenced to life confinement, but almost all had been single when they chose to stop "evil." There were rebels with spouses, but very few. Most had chosen to look for answers, not accidentally learned something. Any time one decided to look, who else was being endangered was first consideration. Almost all had parents, siblings, or grown children, who they longed to see, someday.

  The five hundred forty-eight spread into a dozen large to medium towns, three dozen small ones around them and cottages on lakes. A large percentage found permanent jobs. Doc Larry and Kendra did the statistical analysis on the figures. The results indicated nearly all who sought them would within ten days. There weren't enough local young people to fill positions, as older people retired.

  Since most summer people were in the pre-population-reduction-plan age group, the number needed to support the summer influx hadn't gone down. Since the demand for specialty foods grown in the area was always higher than the amount that could be grown, those industries hadn't shrunk in employment needs.

  Harvest crews were skilled labor and paid good wages. Everyone in the forest cultivation industry was, but produce prices were set to sell all the harvest while it was fresh, not at all they could get. It went to 'better' markets, as well as gourmet shops, fine restaurants and hotels. A lot of it remained in the area and was featured on menus and at markets, as part of the vacation attraction.