Read LDA Chapter 1 "Looking for an opportunity" Page 1


  by Jonathan Ponce

  Copyright © 2015 Jonathan Ponce

  Chapter 1 Looking for an opportunity

  The dream

  "Cathy girl

  I know I've been quiet long enough but I can’t live without you talk to me, please think we all make mistakes in our lives and mine is to leave it so long without saying a word.

  That's why I try to get to you in these words because I know that you like but you know how I am. Now look at me, because I'm willing to remove all clothing at this time and do what I should have done so long ago.

  Touching your body feel your scent excites me insane manner, to the extent of trying to steal a kiss forever.

  And leave things behind, the past is past and see the future because you know that I am the only thing in your life because everything else destroy it for you

  You're mine"

  Jonth read the Charter of Alex, lying on his bed, wiping tears from both mourn. Read to see what it was, curiously. Think that was in such a retrograde like Alex mind.

  Containing rabies because as instructor told him "do not use what they learned here for something crazy" Jonth knew that his training was to be good with your body and soul, in a search for peace.

  Peace was not since the death of his father. Peace was not watching her mother work every day to keep them fed and roof over their heads.

  He wanted to work, but her mother would not let me, "Studies will help you in life. Before money, get all the knowledge you can, because the money helps, but being smart will generate much more" Was right, it was clear.

  Keep his anger and stood up, feeling that something could happen, but with the letter in hand, took the handle of the door, in that she looked in the mirror, was with a plaid shirt and cloth trousers, shoes well-polished and that annoyed him.

  "How I can be this way?" Said inside. Then look in the bed, a worn pants, black with some wear. "I have to change. And the first thing I will do is stop dressing like that."

  Under the first floor of his house and went to the bathroom, took some money and went "I'll change" he said before closing the door and his mother looked surprised.

  It was something new for her this change of attitude, but smiled saying "finally have life, will grow up"

  Time ago. On the morning of that day, Claudia was commenting to Cathy her yesterday. The kids at school, in addition to problems in your family. Then Cathy question.

  - And how these problems Jonth taken, he intends to do now is to finish high school, still thinking of studying related to computer?

  Claudia is weird question, but then fails to understand that should still have interest in his brother is not pleasant being in the middle and try to answer, but he does

  Claudia finds strange question

  - Yes, I think that will study something related to that, but expect the state to support it, perhaps, well, you know, he's smart - the minute, she says in regret because Cathy will change face.

  - Sorry - says Claudia - I did not want to inconvenience you.

  - Do not worry - answered Cathy - plus it's your brother.

  Claudia, this comment will draw attention from the tone of voice her friend,

  - What's up? - Ask Claudia in an attempt to see if Cathy felt something Jonth - Why so many questions? - Cathy looked down

  - For nothing - low, the tone of his voice a little - he has resolved his life - and Cathy, look at Claudia with watery eyes - what about me?

  Claudia, could only hold her and contain it. And she also began to think about it. In the future

  Thereafter, Claudia's up and started walking

  Claudia along with Cathy, walking as they do whenever they feel like going for walks, talking to the guys, who look to pass. No interest in anything, then they are the queens, cataloging men, well actually are destroying, they are not at all to the liking of Claudia and Cathy, they only dedicated to laugh. In that, they found Alex

  - Hey beautiful, how are you? - Leather jacket that was in his body is removed - Shopping?

  - No, we're just looking - I said smiling Claudia - checking. What are you doing here?

  - I knew you would find here, so I've come to accompany them, do not mind the company ... right? - Says Alex, who looks at Cathy.

  - No, do not bother us - Cathy answered, looking at Claudia who sets eyes

  - Okay, where are you invited us ? - Claudia said seriously - it's the least we hope so, if you want to join

  - I invite you to take a few ice cream, ¿like? - Asked Alex, all gentlemanly

  - I love the idea - Claudia answered. - Cathy? - She just shook her head. Just wanted ice cream

  That they go to the row of ice cream and Alex Claudia starts to ask for his weird brother, which has just heard in the distance.

  - Your brother is a special person - Alex said, arms crossed, waiting in line for ice cream - say it's strange, is so well or not - ask Alex.

  - Jonth really is just quiet - responds Claudia, this calls attention but says nothing.

  - But does he practice martial arts so I understand? - Says Alex

  - That's right - Cathy said indicating that it was their turn in line - but, what you going with that?

  - What I think is that it is withdrawn, because it is an aggressive person - Alex said Cathy giving an ice cream – only that such people like practices partial arts

  - Not at all, is a kind and gentle person - responds Cathy, did not like the comment, especially when Alex usually solve everything with violence

  - My brother is not that kind - Claudia said smiling and taking the ice cream - even, he would do anything not to get to a physical confrontation - replied Claudia. She just bothered, but more surprised that Alex considers that his brother was a retracted

  - OK, girls, ok, I understood, it is rather "Quiet" ...... right? - Says Alex wanting to mock a moment the issue, but this will upset Cathy, and what I wanted was that she was upset, rather, he wanted her to have a fantastic afternoon. A fantastic afternoon with him.

  The minute, when Alex goes to the bathroom, leaving Cathy and Claudia alone, Cathy sits on a chair in the park. Angry, threw the ice cream, which had bought Alex

  - What happens Cathy? - Asked scared Claudia

  - Nothing - Said reassuring to talk - I just want, be a moment alone, okay - Claudia understood and took her hand and let him a juice

  - Relax, friend

  And he went, Cathy was angry, not with what I tell Alex de Jonth, if not, still could not really say what I felt. That happened a bag in front of her. Only the wind moved, she was quiet.

  The bag reassured her and reminded her once went out with Jonth and Claudia to buy

  Claudia and Cathy had made a sale of stuff you no longer occupied and went shopping with money collected with Jonth.

  Always quiet eyes staring from the clothes they saw. Cathy smiled as Jonth did not want to show, but felt when he liked a garment or another so whenever proved me watching him, if he smiled a little was that he liked but if you put the right eyebrow was no. It was all internal laughter that evening.

  But in an instant, Jonth received a call, got up and left. Cathy was surprised because it was not his style, let them run like that.

  Then came the evening and they had already finished shopping, but Cathy could not buy that shirt that was noted Jonth likes me because it was quite expensive, so, buy a quite similar

  - Did I pass something? - Ask Alex - are you okay?

  - Yes - Cathy said, wiping a tear on his face - I'm fine

  - Okay, you want to go, can I s
ee a movie or something? - Said Alex Smiling - No Jonth - Alex was silent for a moment. He knew something was going on between Cathy and Jonth, and if he did something fast, lose her. Placed his hand back and squeezed tightly

  - Ok - said Alex serene -'ll call Claudia, to accompany you - Alex realized that Cathy did not notice when she said, Jonth. Looking for Claudia, and leave you with Cathy.

  After that, Alex took way through the park, understood he had to do something clever or lose any chance with Cathy.

  He could not hit, that was clear, had to be smart and came up with a plan.

  A Bad Idea