It was one Halloween that the UN Plaza would never forget. It was the Halloween after Elizas Arab Terrorist fiasco. This time Eliza was watching television, of all things, The Johnny Carson Show. There was a skit with Carol Wayne again and this time they had a costumed horse prancing around the stage as Johnny jumps into Eds arms and Carol Wayne jiggles around the horse. The audience was in serious laughter, as well as Johnny.

  A horse? Gracie Berg was sitting at her desk in math class at school.

  Yes, why not? I saw it on Johnny Carson last night. It would be a riot Gracie, exclaimed Eliza excitedly. They were taking notes in their 7th grade math class.

  The girls now attended P.S. 167, a.k.a. Wagner Junior High School on 76th Street and 3rd Avenue, a very rough and tumble junior high where all the kids were bused in from Harlem and the Spanish Barrio. They had just banned Rookie Day where the new students were methodically beaten up or hazed as her brother Rich was when he started two years prior.

  Gracie and Eliza ended up in the same classes now. Only Rich and Eliza attended the junior high. Glinda was in her last year at P.S. 59, 6th grade. Of course Roy attended his same school across town.

  We can make the costume! said Eliza.

  And who will be the butt of the horse? asked Gracie.

  I dont know well figure it out. Come on Grace, please!

  Well, its kind of weird, but I love trick or treating in your building&

  Oh lets, it would be so fun to knock on Johnny Carsons door, said Eliza, remembering the skit and how Johnny laughed even after it was over.

  Okay, Ill do it even if I am the butt!

  Dont worry, well take turns& Ill be the butt too!

  Both girls laughed. Eliza had a way with getting excitement levels up in so many ways. Her enthusiasm seemed to spread to the other kids at other tables, and they all of a sudden were discussing their costumes.

  Girls, girls, were trying to do Algebra here, said Mr. Scheckel, a frumpy nerd of a math teacher whom everyone made fun of, including his nifty name!

  Mr. Heckle, or is it Jackal & Or Jackal and Hyde? asked the class bully Johnny Weiner! Johnny was no ordinary bully. He bullied Eliza constantly. She was sad when looking at all the photos shed taken and in every single when he was in it, the Jewish good looking kid hid his face with his large beautiful, delicate hand!

  Then Mrs. S. walked over to the girls. Is there something you want to share with the rest of the class? he asked clich??

  Someone in back hissed and someone burped, the whole class cracking up, as if Mr. Sheckels timing was meant to make them laugh. Tommy threw a wad of paper.

  You girls are trouble, he said, ignoring the class, but taking it out on the two girls.

  At that second, the bell rang and everyone got up and ran out of the class. Gracie and Eliza ran with the rest and ignored Mrs. Sheckels cries to halt, halt, now! No one ever listened to him because he always acted like a substitute teacher so everyone acted up. It was, in Elizas opinion, something called psychology of the mind!

  As Gracie and Eliza ran to their next class they talked about the costume more.

  I have an old sheet, said Gracie.

  And I can start on the cardboard face of the horse. Ill show you later, okay?

  Hey, we have Mr. Morris now, right? Asked Gracie, pulling Eliza back a bit as the rest of the class filtered in.

  Yup, mmmmm, we do, said Eliza getting slightly flustered.

  Uh oh, here she goes! You really love Mr. Morris, you are turning so red now, girl!

  So? Hes gorgeous! And he was good looking. They entered his history class and took seats in the back. Mr. Morris was short and well built with blond hair and striking blue eyes and had a nice disposition. He was riveting! He was good looking; he was very smart and knew how to teach. To Eliza he was the ultimate super hero teacher and she did have a huge crush on him.

  Before class began he walked up to Eliza and smiled.

  Hi Eliza, how are you? he asked nonchalantly, but he could tell.

  Good, said Eliza flustered.

  Listen, were reading some Beowulf today and Id like you to read. You really read well, Eliza, he said with a smooth voice and demeanor that almost made Eliza swoon!

  OK, Mr. Morris. I will.


  Hi Mr. Morris, said Gracie, but not as dreamy as Eliza had.

  Hi Grace, what are you girls up to today, I see something written all over your faces, he deducted easily.

  Nothing, really, but Eliza thought up the best costume!

  Oh, what? He seemed genuinely interested and he seemed to perk up when Grace said Elizas name. Both girls noticed.

  They explained how they would make the costume.

  Get a photo for me, he said.


  Class, attention, he said with authority.

  Eliza stared at him. He really was a cutie and really was so sweet and gentle and handsome. All qualities Eliza loved.

  Eli? Gracie whispered to her friend. Eli!

  Oh, yes?

  Geez, Eli, wake up and come to reality kid!

  I think he is so cute, said Eliza in a daze.

  I think hes pansy looking Eli.

  What? Pansy looking, youre crazy!

  Hes probably got a girlfriend.

  Eliza never gave up hope. Maybe.

  You think?

  Both shrugged.

  All I know is that you turn all shades of red when you talk to the guy.

  I know, said Eliza. I cant help it!

  You are so funny. Guess Roland has finally taken a back seat to Randy, David and Mr. Morris! joked Gracie.

  Hey, lets follow him today, said Eliza.

  What do you mean?

  Lets follow him and see what he does and where he goes!

  What if he catches us?

  Hey, the J.J. Newberry is nearby where Ive seen him go, so we can just say were going there!

  Yea, right& Man, you are really falling for him.

  No, Im not. But Ive seen him walk that way to the five and dime store, so he does walk by there!

  Well, okay, but we could get in trouble, warned Gracie.

  How? For walking in the same direction as our history teacher?

  Well, since we do need the horse stuff, okay.

  Itll be fun like spies!

  Oh, alright already, answered Gracie surrendering easily.

  Their next few classes flew by. Eliza sat in Social Studies class as Mrs. Semotas droned on about the government in Siberia. Eliza doodled the horse design on a notebook page. Later she would type it up on her brothers Corona. It would be a large king sized white sheet theyd dye brown. Construction paper fashioned into a mask and then painted. Gracie was very good at painting in the lines and she drew great animal faces. Then theyd staple it all together and presto, costume done!

  Eliza easily saw it in her minds eye. It would be a brown horse, with spots on its back and a cute brown face with an old Barbie dolls hair added as main. They had a million and one dolls stuffed in their toy closet.

  That afternoon they waited until Mr. Morris came out of the teachers entrance. He was walking slowly and wearing cool cowboy boots, tight blue jeans and an emerald green cable-stitched sweater with a gold coin hanging on a necklace. He looked tanned and firm, even his biceps were bulging, he wasnt tall either, but there was a certain something about him, a down to Earth intelligence, his gentle voice so firm and right. Worldly, dreamy, as Eliza fell into those brilliant aqua eyes. In a very slight way he reminded Eliza of Roland, who now had been gone almost 5 years. In that time Eliza had
Randy Mantooth, then David Carradine and even a gangly kid who wore braces on his legs  Stevie Ryder who taught her how to play a good mean game of chess.

  The girls passed Taveys Restaurant where they were the Osberg kids were the only kids that had a running tab that was always paid at the end of the week. It was a teachers hangout and no one could fathom why the Osberg kids out of all the children there, were at Taveys, when they should have either been in the large noisy lunchroom, or maybe the pizza place they all hang out at during lunch, which unbeknownst to the teachers, had been a no mans zone to especially the Osbergs (off limits to whites). The most radical black students set it up, and they enforced it. The only whites to really get in were kids like Gracie Berg who fell in between. But the Osberg kids were barred, like a reverse Jim Crow law. So Mrs. Osberg had decided to let her kids eat at Taveys, a Greek styled greasy hamburger joint up on 57th Street. It was run by a loud mouthed Greek man and his family.

  Gracie and Eliza walked by Taveys when they saw Mr. Morris walking out of the school. They watched him cross over to 73rd Street and followed him like Indian scouts, which is what Eliza felt like.

  Mr. Morris walked briskly with his hands in his pockets, oh so dapper. The girls watched him make his way down 72nd Street, then shoot over to 2nd Avenue. He carried a large brown leather hippy looking bag and reached in and put on his colored sunglasses. The girls drew closer and braver when he didnt turn around.

  I cant believe we are doing this, whispered Gracie.

  I know, its so fun, said Eliza keeping her eye on Morris.

  Mr. Morris ventured to the corner of 72nd and 2nd Avenue and waited at the light. He looked ahead as if scanning for someone.

  Oh, oh, I think this may be his girlfriend or wife, Eli, said Gracie, breaking the spell over Eliza about Mr. Morris.


  They watched him wave to someone across the street but couldnt tell who it was.

  Hey, maybe its the blond or that dark haired lady over there, said Gracie pointing to various pretty ladies in the crowd waiting to cross.

  Theyre not waving back! Eliza was almost relieved, although he was waving and smiling at someone! At that moment, Morris crossed the street, almost against the light in his eagerness to get to whomever he was smiling at. He seemed excited and animated like he was talking about the Egyptian Pyramids in class, except this time he didnt even see them watching him.

  He went through a big cluster of people and the girls watched like hawks.

  Oh, no, Eliza, look, said Gracie!

  No, no, I cant look, I cant bare it, said Eliza ready to shed tears over Morris having some other girl to love.

  You better look. Youll be shocked!

  Eliza slowly turned and looked. She saw Mr. Morris hugging another man! They hugged and even kissed on the lips intimately. The girls stared open mouthed and shocked.


  The men held each other totally oblivious to those around them who openly stared at the couple. They held hands, kissed again and then walked hand and hand down 2nd Avenue in bliss.

  No! screamed Eliza, on the verge of tears and hysteria. At that moment she felt herself going into tantrum mode, and Gracie grabbed her friend and pulled her away into a dark alleyway.

  I cant believe this! Eliza stamped her foot as Morris and pal became little dots in a sea of suits, ties and shirts; swallowed up by the City, going who knows where!

  Oh, Im sorry Eliza.


  Gracie took Eliza in her arms as the tomboy cried.

  Oh, dont cry, cooed Gracie. You shall have Randy, David and even Steve, said the pretty girl to her best friend. She felt for her.

  Its just not the same, Grace!

  Oh my God, dont do this to yourself.

  Im just a klutz to him!

  No, youre not. He likes you. I can tell. Hes just playing it off cause hes a teacher and you are just his student.

  How? She looked up.

  Dont you see what he is trying to do? He always loved your ways, he loves your enthusiasm. Remember that weird Egyptian thing. He kept calling on you and you always knew the right answer.

  Yes, sniffed Eliza.

  And he loves your ideas about things!

  Yea, youre right.

  So cheer up. He likes you. Who cares if he has a&a&a boyfriend, said Gracie.

  I do.

  Well, dont we have better things to do?


  They walked a few blocks to J.J. Newberry and started piecing it all together. Mrs. Osberg loved the idea and gave them monies and encouragement& At least it wasnt some Arab terrorist this year&

  They bought thick staples, tape, thick magic markers, brown dye and even the paints to bring the face and body to life after they dyed the sheet Gracies mother gave them.

  Hey this is going to be fun, said Gracie.

  Yea, I guess so.

  Hey, stop it, hes taken and we always knew it!

  I know, but&

  Hey, how about Stevie? Gracie paid for the staples and other things.


  Hes a loser! said Eliza, who paid for everything else.

  Yea, he is, isnt he, agreed Gracie.

  First Roland and now this, said Eliza. She really was feeling mixed emotions, sort of glad it wasnt a lady he was involved with. That was of some solace.

  They got on the bus and took it down 1st Avenue and got off across from the UN Plaza. They went directly upstairs, not even stopping to talk to Darrin as he let a few ladies out of a taxi, sort of expecting more conversation on one of the more subdued days before the holiday rush.

  They went upstairs and started on the costume right away. Mr. Osberg was home and wandered into Elizas room as the girls worked on the costume.

  Well, whats doing in here? he asked.

  Were making a costume, a horse!

  It was Elizas idea, said Gracie smiling.

  Well thats great kids, he said. Victor kneeled down and helped with the seams. After all, he was into textiles and what the girls were doing was pretty much what he did with womens underwear Its a bit tamer than your Arab terrorist from last year, he chuckled. All 3 of them laughed over that one. Actually, I wasnt really that concerned with your mother, but I did have the Oxygen on hand just in case Gemma and her sister Madge needed it.

  Dad, you are so funny!

  Victor sat with the girls and Glinda walked in.

  Hi Daddy, said Glinda already floating around the room looking for attention. So what are you guys going to be this year for Halloween? she asked. Is it going to upset everybody again?

  Now Glinda, stop. No one was upset last year. Its over and done with, scolded Mr. Osberg as he finished folding the seams on the sheet for the horse body.

  Sorry. She twirled around in little circles. Im going to be a fairy princess, she said, going for her own costume shed laid out on her bed.

  Hmmm, very nice, said Victor distractedly. He was watching Eliza working on the horse& It was a good project. He wished he could go and have fun with them too, but he had to fly out to the factory to look over the new apparel lace designs. Im sure youll take pictures.

  Oh, yes, for sure, we will, said Eliza as she started painting in the horse face where Gracie had traced it perfectly.

  Victor looked at it and came forward. Wow, thats a great sketch Eliza!

  It was Gracies work, but Im painting it in!

  Not bad kids.

  What about me Daddy? Glinda was doing a little of her own chomping at the bit routine trying to get noticed too.

  Oh, Glinda you are going to be a great little fairy, he said getting up and
dusting off his dark expensive suit. The metal designs of his shoes clicked and jingled.

  Can Gracie stay for dinner? asked Eliza.

  Of course she can, said Victor as he made his way around a pile of fabric.

  Thanks Dad.

  When the costume is finished let me see kids, he said, taking one last look.


  Victor left down the hallway to his den to watch the early news.

  Soon, as usual, Gemma rang a very cute crystal bell knowing that guests were present, things were somewhat formal.

  During dinner in the dining room, Eliza and Grace explained the costume and they were really excited. The Osbergs noticed right away that if Eliza had a good mentor like Gracie she could really come up with some great stuff. Her mind was always going off in different directions, so it was hard to pin her down sometimes to sticking with one thing. This time theyd hit the mark with the horse costume. Even Gemma lingered by the dining room doorway to hear about the costume and how the girls were progressing. She thought that it would be a great idea for her kids to try it. It wouldnt be as strange as that terrorist costume from last year that they still whispered about in the laundry room and down in the park where the black women maids gathered to talk while waiting for their paychecks. There was even a suite of maids and servants quarters on the 7th floor that were used a lot.

  Glinda got jealous and tired several times to change the conversation to her, but failed, except for Lena who always indulged Glinda. The boys loved the idea of being a horse, but they were like spectators at a tennis match as conversation batted back and forth between Victor, Lena, Eliza, Gracie and little Glinda! Their little heads were going back and forth and it was almost comical to watch.

  Im not doing it this year, said Rich.

  Its dumb, agreed Roy.

  It is not, said Eliza.

  Is too, shot back Roy.

  Children, please, not at the table! cried Mrs. Osberg.

  They were served a marvelous dessert of little mini chocolate mousses in intricate little cups from the ?clair Bakery on 1st Avenue next door to where Lena got her hair styled at Amatos Salon.

  Lets see the costume girls, prodded Victor.

  The girls ran in the bedroom and put the completed horse costume on. They walked into the dining room and went into their little dancing act and for some odd reason, Gracie did the best imitation of a horse neigh anyone had ever heard! Everyone loved it, even Glinda.

  Fantastic girls, said Lena, getting up to clear the dishes even though Gemma had come to do just that, but was just memorized by the costume.

  Yes, love it kids, said Victor.

  Me too, I like it, said Roy smiling brightly.

  Yea, not bad Eliza, agreed Rich.

  Its okay, said Glinda, not giving an inch. She turned her attention to the chocolate mousse in front of her.

  Now children, thats not nice, said Victor, but not singling out Glinda in any real way. It was neutral, and to get Victor upset, you really had to have done something pretty bad like the time Eliza scratched up the pool table of Mr. Glass. Now that was something.

  But Eliza remembered the years at Camp Sunningdale in Maine how Glinda was the total center of attention during Color War, so maybe now it was Elizas turn to have a little glory!

  As she and Gracie got ready with the costume Eliza said. I wish I could invite Mr. Morris over for dinner!

  Oh God, youve got it bad! Hey, Eli, 72nd and 3rd Avenue? Get real! said Gracie.

  I just want him to praise me and say Im great!

  Oh come on, wake up!

  I know, I know, then I get that image of him running across 3rd Avenue into the arms of another man! Lamented Eliza as they slipped into the horse costume and walked into the dining room.

  Just try not to think about it& him!

  Ill try.

  They paraded around the dining room table and everyone laughed and carried on, even Glinda eventually. Victor saw his youngest pouting over in the corner by the Venus Di Milo and gave her a look that prompted her to get a bit more in sync. Mr. Osberg had that way about him.

  But Halloween always came and the girls were ready. It was a Friday night when they got into the horse costume and Glinda reluctantly followed them.

  Anyone who saw them screamed with happiness and jovialness. They went to every floor and the usual holdouts actually, to their wonder and surprise, opened the door when they saw the horse in the peek hole.

  Slowly they made their way up to the 38th floor. They knocked on Cliff Robertson and Dina Merrills door. The handsome, dashing actor seemed shorter to Eliza in real life than he looked in his movies. It was odd. But it was him. He gave them gourmet cookies in fancy foil wrapping as if there were only a few for the chosen ones, which this year were the Osbergs.

  After that they moved on to Truman Capotes apartment who wasnt home. His bulldog Maggie was barking a very weak get out, get out sound, more like an old man whispering to get away from the door!

  Hes probably at some wild Halloween party in Greenwich Village, said Eliza. They all agreed and shrugged. Gracie didnt even know who Truman Capote was, nor did really any of the kids at Elizas school. Glinda and her friends were just too young to grasp Trumans work. But Eliza knew Truman, he had been the first person to actually get her drunk on some expensive Vodka! Her father had allowed her a few sips of his, but Truman actually handed the young girl his flask and that was years ago by this Halloween.

  They knocked on a few other doors and most answered, some didnt. Eliza even had the gall to knock on Mrs. Morralt's door with no success of course. When no one was looking, Eliza crammed a few Hershey kisses in the bottom cracks of the door and smashed a Three Musketeers Bar into the peek hole.

  Now to the big Kahuna himself, Gracie!

  Who? she asked as they changed positions and Eliza was the head.

  Johnny Carson himself!

  But hes never opened the door ever, said Glinda, who was trying to get into the spirit of things.

  They walked up to his door and just listened first, making sure someone was home.

  Hey, it sounds like a big party inside, said Gracie.

  Yea, lots of music and voices, agreed Eliza.

  Maybe we shouldnt, said Glinda, who was feeling left out.

  Are you kidding, Im knocking, said Eliza with zest. She knocked and at a first no one answered. They knocked again much louder, and Gracie did a great horse cry. A shadow fell across the peep hole, then light mans laughter, obviously Johnnys.

  The door suddenly slowly opened and there stood the man himself  Johnny Carson with a putter in his hands and a smirk on his well-known face as if someone put the girls up to it. So he played along. Probably some studio gag.

  Now this is wild, he said, just like on the show when something strange was about to occur.

  Hey Johnny, said Eliza in a low horse voice.

  What are you?

  Hello Johnny, Im Mister Ed! Eliza did it perfectly, even sounding a little like the t.v. series horse.

  Oh, funny, very funny and now I suppose your going to ask me to grease your hoof with hay!

  Although Eliza didnt totally understand the joke, she neighed horse laughter, as did Gracie, who really did sound like a horse, which surprised Johnny. He came out into the hallway, which was rare for him, and circled the horse, totally ignoring Glinda who looked on the verge of crying. She didnt even know who he was, and she didnt even care, but he wasnt paying her any attention and now she cared!

  Hi, Im a fairy princess, said Glinda lamely.

  Were you put up to this? he asked the horse, still not acknowledging the little girl in the blue fairy outfit.

No, said both girls.

  It was her idea, said Gracie from behind.

  Her? asked the perplexed Carson, but intrigued.

  A finger came out of the horses rear and pointed to the head of the horse where Eliza was. Johnny got it right away and laughed deeply, the type of laugh a man does right before naked ladies jump out of cakes!

  Wow, a double-voiced horse & in stereo, he quipped easily.

  Another man stood behind Johnnys door out of sight. Woooo, it a horse and oh, its little Lady Godiva, he said drunkenly, pointing to little Glinda, whod been ignored up until now.

  Hey, let em in, theyre a hoot!

  The horse clopped in, the girls having the animal moves down pat. Eliza had told Gracie about the horse skit on the show shed seen that gave her the idea. It worked.

  They danced into Johnnys cavernous living room. Believe it or not Johnnys sidekick Ed McMahon was there, as well as Carol Wayne and even the awfully mean Mrs. Morralt sat on the exquisite couch along side Joanna Carson. They didnt give the horse a second glance and went on talking as if nothing was astray or different. Mrs. Morralt had a big martini in her large elegant, painted finger nailed hand. She looked so hard though, so unlike when she was a young model for Vogue. Once Mrs. Carson had even called Mrs. Osberg to complain about the Osberg children, especially Eliza.

  Now none of them even knew who the kids were and most were well past the inebriated stage anyways so the kids pulled it off and the timing was so right.

  Even Johnny didnt recognize Eliza and Glinda was so quiet and insignificant she was easily mistaken for the normal UN Plaza kids that roamed the halls on Halloween. Somehow she must have slipped in. Who knew at this point. No one paid Glinda much attention except the very drunk man from the doorway who gave Glinda candy and then announced: Were going to have a live show folks, he kidded. Lady Godiva is going to ride that horse. Come on sweetie, take off your clothes, he coaxed jokingly. Now get on that horsy and play Lady Godiva.

  Glinda looked on the verge of bolting out of there and seemed like a frozen deer in headlights, but said nothing as Eliza and Gracie got all the kudos from Johnny and his guests. Morralt and Joanne ignored the whole fiasco. Oh droll, we should have joined Truman at that party downtown, said Mrs. Carson.

  Mrs. Morralt seemed even more bored. Ho, hum Darling, this party bites!

  Eliza wondered if Carson remembered the skit the other night on his show seeing as Carol Wayne was there. If he did, he never mentioned it. But Carol was laughing and when Eliza heard the booming laugh of Ed McMahon, she knew shed done all the right things. Shed even prayed for success this year. It was, after all, Hallow Evening!

  Can we be on our next show Mr. Carson? asked Gracie in horse talk.

  Lets see what you can do, Johnny answered honestly.


  The girls danced like a horse and even stood up on two back legs. They had rehearsed and played the game of the horse for so long, that it was second nature. They had the attention of some very important celebrities and it tickled Eliza to know this and recognize it. Now it just wasnt a fake shirt of Randy Mantooth. This was real. This was Johnny Carsons apartment and they were in it!

  I wish my mother could see us, shed be so proud!

  I know she would, so would mine. I cant wait to tell them, whispered Gracie back to her friend. This was exciting for Gracie. Eliza was so much fun and she could not understand why so many of the other children at school didnt like Eliza! Jealousy was the culprit.

  Grace was in hysterics as well as Eliza, and almost everyone at the party, except of course, Mrs. Carson, Mrs. Morralt and Glinda, all looking bored and petulant and used to being the center of attention. Finally Mrs. Carson got up.

  Okay, okay, this show is officially over! With delicate hands on hips, the striking, dark haired woman added seriously, &Make your pick Johnny & the horse or me?

  Everyone stopped what they were doing and listened. Hey, dont ask me to make the decision in front of the company, especially the horse&Youll hurt its feelings! He went for his wife hugging her and then slinging the startled woman over his broad shoulders. Hey, how bout a ride on the horsy, J!

  Put me down now, please, Johnny, I think Im going to be sick!

  He quickly put her down, and she just as fast recovered as the woman grabbed Johnny around the waist and kissed his lips, and he was a little embarrassed. He wasnt used to that kind of impromptu, and he pulled away with a nervous laugh, but with a cute comeback that saved the evening& Okay, Im taking the horse, bye! He came up to the horse and led it away, and the girls followed along as a gag.

  Meanwhile guests, most of them plastered at this point in the evening, including Ed, started stuffing the trick or treat bags with candy, caviar and even $5 bills. One man jokingly tried to throw in an 18K gold lighter on the coffee table, but someone stopped him.

  It was like a dream for Eliza. Her father and mother loved Johnny Carson and she wanted to ask him for an autograph, but didnt. Johnny usually never made himself open to that, just like Paul Newman hadnt, but in the end Paul did come up to the table and did give mom the autograph.

  Eliza knew how to treat celebrities, it was in her blood and her mother always taught her to remain nonchalant like you didnt have any idea who they were and thats what they did here at Johnnys and thats why Mrs. Carson and her friend didnt notice them.

  Then suddenly, just as it had a whirlwind beginning, the horse thing started getting old fast and some of the party goers went to refill drinks. Laughter in other parts of the room filtered in and the distinct odor of marijuana again wafted around like a swirling bitter fog throughout the airy large duplex Penthouse in the East Tower usually like the Berlin Wall to the Osberg kids! But not tonight!

  Okay kids, out, get out, said Mrs. Carson, suddenly recognizing that it was not a studio gag as she got closer to the horse.

  By this time Eliza started laughing. She didnt like Mrs. Morralt and thats when Mrs. Morralt, as if turning her radar on, noticed who it was. Some of the staples in the mask part of the horse face came loose and curly hair now stuck out between the cracks of the sheet and mask.

  My God, its the Osberg kids, cried Mrs. Morralt! She was aghast and said it like a C horror actress queen.

  By that time, they were leaving. The maid had started herding them out the door. It was no commotion, and the kids didnt protest, just wanted to get out. Glinda was sniffing and tears flowing as if theyd done so wrong, but Carol Wayne came up to them and kissed Glinda and hugged the girls. It was so nice kids!

  Yes, we enjoyed your show. Ill make sure to tell your parents at the next board meeting, said Mrs. Morralt meanly and folding her slender arms that hadnt a trace of her age in them yet. The nerve!

  The kids left as they had come. As the door shut, no one said a word for a few moments, and the kids always had the habit of listening on doors at home so this was no different.

  Those kids! cried Mrs. Carson.

  I know, can you believe they got by me? asked Johnny. But he didnt sound upset, just perplexed. Kids.

  Well they certainly didnt have me fooled! said Mrs. Morralt. Not for one second!

  Sure. sure, tell it to your therapist, quipped Johnny.

  Oh, all of you shut the hell up. It was fun, lets have another drink, said McMahon! The kids smiled as they headed back down the hall and rang the elevators. They got back to their apartment with no bad incidents. In fact, the whole evening for the first time since they moved in years ago, there were no complaints. But soon the Osberg kids would grow out of Halloween too. It was a matter of time. For now they were enjoying the freedom of living at the UN Plaza and hoped life would carry them as it had.

  That night as Elizas candy bag hung on
her bedpost as always, and Glinda slept fitfully, her bag dumped on the floor, the girl said a prayer to Jesus and thanked him for all. Amen, said Eliza as she rolled over and went to sleep quickly even with Dads TV tuned to scary movies!


  One week after Halloween Eliza awoke to a rare event. No, not a Blackhawk helicopter landing by the UN, but even better. A snow storm had floated in during the night from the Great Lakes region.

  It was a doosy and for the first time since the blackout of 1968, Eliza saw the city close down and that included the schools. It was Friday and that meant a three day weekend! The Osberg kids were cheering and jumping around. Glinda awoke to the clamor. Whats going on? she asked all cute and sleepy eyed!

  Theres no school today! cried Eliza, jumping on her sisters ruffled bed.

  Glindas big round baby eyes took it all in. She got up and looked outside. Wow, Wow, Yippee!

  Gemma came in. But you kids have got to sit down and have your breakfast.

  Okay, they all said.

  Wow, today feels like Saturday! said Eliza. Even Roys school is closed.

  Once in the kitchen they turned on the TV on the countertop and watched the morning news to see what schools were affected and what the situation was around the city. Of course Eliza avidly watched the news and was keenly interested. She loved watching David Brinkley or Roger Grimsby on ABC Eyewitness News, or Walter Cronkite and Harry Reasoner. Her father would sit in his den before dinner and theyd watch together.

  Now the kids were all riveted to the little t.v. set. Even Gemma watched as she made them the standard breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, juice and chocolate milk.

  Eliza and her siblings ate quickly, then took their baths and dressed in warm clothes. Eliza was so happy there wasnt any school. She really had begun to despise Wagner Junior High school. The kids, mostly black and Puerto Rican, called her Boy and chased her out of the girls gym. Everyone picked on her there, more than when she was at PS 59.

  It had been a fulfilling 6th grade graduation and to everyones surprise, Eliza was awarded many educational certificates, and special pins for reading, math and science and one very special Excellence in Current Events certificate. The curly headed mostly misunderstood girl was the only one on stage who said her speech without having it written down. After the big ceremony the Osbergs ate at Maxwells Plum, not one of Elizas favorite restaurants. They had huge hamburgers, but the meat was spiced gourmet and it didnt taste quite right almost like they added sugar to the meat. The fries were over sized and not crispy. The only thing that tasted good was the tall glass of coke that Eliza drank a lot of! She was wearing a wonderful white short sleeved dress with red flowers on the collar, with a pair of lady-like white paten leather shoes, her feet a large size 8!

  And 2 weeks later shed gone to Camp Sunningdale again and had a wonderful summer even though but Annie the counselor never returned! It still was a fairly nice summer with the 14 other girls in her cabin. Shed gotten Gina who was a lot like Annie, but more Indian looking. Robin was their other counselor and she started at Sunningdale as a cook and server. This was her first year as a counselor.

  Glinda too had a wonderful time and was still cute and a pixy, but because of the fighting that rose among the other younger kids over who would be the camp mascot, Havi Gold banned the practice that usually was with Glinda, so there would be no more Come up and see me sometime antics. It was an end of an era, but a lean summer for Eliza. She had not eaten well and her stomach shrunk to the size of a peanut. She was put on a special list called Nutrition Cookies and given sweets and starches to try and compensate.

  It was at the banquet at the end of the summer, Elizas last at Sunningdale, that she felt the pangs of starvation. She had picked up a lot of awards that summer too, including a plaque for Art and Fencing. At the banquet table Havi had gone all out on the food and there was corn on the cob and fresh baked bread with barbequed chicken, even pot roast and chopped steak which Eliza stuffed herself with like a hungry orphan from the musical Oliver! The baked potatoes were awesome and butter dripped down her lips as Havi passed her and whispered, Nice Eliza&

  But Eliza was so hungry. Soon her stomach filled up and she felt sick, so her counselor Gina walked with her around the camp grounds knowing full well what was going on. They walked to the outer camp ground where Lyn had reprimanded Eliza years before about being Tiffy the dog.

  How do you feel?

  Im feeling better now that things are quiet, said Eliza. She walked around the camp site area. This was the site I had my first camp out at in 1967!

  Wow, now its 1973! Gina sat on a log. She really enjoyed Eliza Osberg and thought the little girl was fascinating.

  Hear the sounds around us? asked Eliza like a little Indian.

  Look, fireflies&. said Gina, pointing out the flickering in the nearby forest. The wind was sweet and cool against Elizas face. She walked around and around the campfire pit until her stomach began to digest the food.

  Ahhh, poor kid, said Gina. The tall lean riding counselor watched Eliza. God, you have such a high energy!


  Its good and its not so good, said Gina.

  What do you mean?

  You have this creative surge but you are a bit hyper and out of control, at least that is how others see you sometimes&

  Yea, I guess.

  Dont worry Kid, you are great! Stay the way you are&just mellow out a bit, maybe ask your parents if you can have a&a&a&


  Where did you hear that?

  On Emergency, the t.v. show!

  Oh&But yes, I guess thats what I mean, said Gina.

  They wont give it to me.

  Okay, case closed.

  Lets head back now, said Eliza.

  Both walked back to the banquet and enjoyed the rest of the evening. The next morning buses arrived to take the kids back to the Natural History Museum in New York where their parents were waiting after almost 9 weeks of summer fun.

  That summer the Osbergs were in Sardinia and toured the Greek Islands, and Roy and Richard were attending Camp Skylemar having out grown Camp Wineko wild west living.

  By September Eliza was off to PS 167 Wagner Junior High on 76th and 3rd. It was downhill from there from the moment Eliza and her brother Richard joined the line in front of the school. They did not fit in right from the start. Eliza looked around, tears forming in her eyes and she tried so hard not to cry. Some rough looking Spanish girls noticed them and began heckling them, but it seemed Richard was used to it.

  I already hate this school so much, said Eliza, eyeing the other girls in line with them. The kids were pretty much black, Spanish and a few tumble looking whites mixed in.

  Then as the school year progressed things didnt improve. The black guys were humping her in the halls; you needed a pass to go the bathroom and there was a lot of riff raff running a muck. Mr. Witchick, the disciplinarian, otherwise known as Sarge at Arms was an ex prison guard and acted as such, and even he teased Eliza!

  Even most of the non-Afro Americans were out for Osberg blood, especially when they found out where the Osbergs Lived at the UN Plaza, but today Eliza was going to hang around her sister and brothers and they always got along and loved each other.

  Glinda walked in from her bath and dressed. Eliza sat on her bed and watched her sister dress. Thanks to Camp Sunningdale Glinda was dressing herself well for the past few years and she was no longer having bathroom issues. In fact, she was taking an interest in modern finer clothing and shoes as well as wearing her hair stylishly as opposed to Eliza who still wore the tomboy clothes and looked and acted like a boy still, her naturally curly hair unruly and out of control. Lately she had begun shunning an
ything frilly or girlish, unlike Glinda who embraced it. But Eliza had other talents like writing, imagination and art. Her parents saw that and encouraged her, but refused to send the hyper girl to a gifted school and opted to simply send her to PS 167, not fully realizing the ramifications.

  Although Eliza was bright, she was put in the second to last class on the totem pole of intelligence. There was another 8th grade class full of total rejects who wouldnt learn and Eliza, the bright girl, was stuck in the second to last class to that one, and there was talk amongst her new teachers (except Mr. Morris) to put her in the last class because of her hyperness and nervous energy prototype The girl could just not sit still!

  There was a plus in all this for Eliza. Since Marla was left back, she was still at PS 59! And finally Eliza was out of the clutches of Mrs. Hamilton which was a relief, although there seemed to be more black girls like Marla and her mother at this new school and they liked her even less than Marla did! It got down right dangerous. But Eliza did her praying and Fern helped her though it all.

  So Jesus made it snow and gave you a break from that horrible school Eliza? Fern spoke in reverent tones which made Eliza believe and have more faith.

  Yes. But Ive been praying to Jesus every day at school. They dont like me there, Fern. Theyre all mean black girls and the guys are worse, and I dont even want to go into what they do to me in the hallways!

  So sorry Honey, but you know your father has the best in mind for you, so think about what Jesus would do, and follow your soul and bare down and continue to pray. It will pass!

  I love you Fern. Im so glad we can talk. Is it snowing over there?

  Yes, Sweetheart, it is& What a blessing. So quiet and calm!

  I cant wait to go outside& Well, Ill be talking to you soon, said Eliza as her brothers came in the bedroom looking for something to do. Fern says hello! she said to Rich and Roy.

  Hi Fern, they both yelled in unison. Those two could have been twins. Richard was so shy, quiet and sweet. Roy was loud, slightly obnoxious and a tease, but all in fun ways.

  The 4 of them were together. They walked up instinctively to the window and looked out at the vast expanse of the city. No cars moved, just a few snow trucks trying to plow out the mess.

  Hey, why dont we go to Times Square and Playland Arcade! suggested Eliza while looking out up First Avenue. It was dead out there.

  In this snow? No buses are running, said Roy who looked out up the street all the way to the Twin Towers in the distance. Not a bus or taxi in sight. In fact, everything was at a temporary and standstill, thats what they were saying on the news.

  How are we going to get there?

  Well walk, said Richard, just like Caine said in Kung Fu and that urged Eliza on.

  Roy and Glinda made faces.

  Walk all the way there? the 2 said.

  Yes, why not? Eliza loved the idea.

  I dont know, said Roy.

  Im up for it, said Rich, who always went for things like that. When they rode their bikes it was usually just Eliza, Rich and Glinda, but sometimes just Rich and Eliza. This was no different.

  Im not going, said Roy. He left and headed for the den to watch cartoons.

  Well, you guys going? asked Glinda, sitting on her bed and picking up one of her favorite dolls.


  Great, lets get going, said Rich, eager to start the trek to Broadway!

  They all went to the pantry closet and got out their winter coats and boots.

  Gemma came over to them.

  Where are you going?

  Times Square, said Eliza.

  Ill go with you, she said, surprising them.

  Okay, said the kids. They loved Gemma and wanted her to come along. She may even have some extra cash and would buy them something, maybe McDonalds!

  Gemma went to her bedroom closet and put on her boots and coat.

  They didnt mind at all. Mrs. Osberg was fast asleep; Mr. Osberg was stuck at his apartment near his lace factory in New England snowed in, and Roy would be fine watching TV.

  Eliza was surprised Gemma wanted to go. She had a natural childlike enthusiasm and she had grown to love them so much like her own kids. The kind Jamaican lady even allowed them to stay at her house in Brooklyn where she lived. Her kids Norma, Pat, Chris and oldest Bernard all lived at home and were very close knit. Their ages just about matched the Osberg children, although Norma was a bit older than Roy. They had a lot of fun when all of them got together.

  Today it would be just the Osberg kids and Gemma. Shed called her home and Lev couldnt even get out of the driveway. Chris was shoveling snow and loving it. Pat and Norma were cleaning out their bedrooms. Bernard was at this friends house, a bass player somewhere deep in the Bronx. In fact, Bernard was a Rasta musician through and through. He was, at the time, playing in a band called The 7 Seals, a play on The Seventh Seal from a Jamaican based religion called the Coptic Church where they smoked marijuana and prayed to Jesus and played Rasta music. The band would be recording several songs in the coming weeks.

  Before they left for Times Square Gemma had Eliza write a note to Mrs. Osberg saying where they were going and when they would be back.

  Bye Roy, well be back, said Eliza. Roy half looked up from his cartoon watching&

  Yea, mmmmm, okay& he drifted off to Tom and Jerry and Space Ghost.

  They left and headed for the bank of elevators. Eliza wondered who would be on duty and made a bet with Rich about who would come. Rich thought it would be Adolfo, but Eliza said it would be Juan. This blizzard might have impacted travel for the UN Plaza staff, although there were several quarters on the 2nd through 7th floors for maids and staff.

  The doors opened and they walked in to see the midget running the elevator. They had always shared a good laugh over him, but not to his face, and they were good kids and didnt want to hurt anyone. Eliza and Glinda had to really stifle their laughing. Theyd seen the midget vacuuming the huge lobby and due to the noise of the contraption he used, the Osberg kids could easily make fun of his height from a distance without him hearing them. Now here he was in close quarters.

  The kids looked at the floor snickering. Rich turned bright red as if embarrassed. They tried so hard to hold in the laugh, like holding it until you got to the toilet which could be a real toil for those Osberg kids.

  The midget whose name tag said his name was Alexander Napoleon stared at them openly. He was used to this type of thing. Suddenly Eliza lost it when she spotted his little shiny white shoes, size 2.

  Something wrong little, uh, little ummm, girl? he asked Eliza, not bating an eye nor backing down.

  Wheres Ching Ling? asked Eliza trying to stifle her laugh. She was trying very hard at suppressing a huge grin as she looked down at the little guy in his little uniform and shoes.

  Well, you realize theres a snow storm, but I made it in, he said.

  Gemma only smiled because the girls and Rich were. She then realized what it was and lightly tapped Eliza on the head. Ras Child, stop it! But the woman could barely contain her own wide grin over the little man.

  Then little Glinda began to lose it and laughed silly. That got Eliza going, then Rich and finally even the midget was roaring with laughter along with Gemma. Eliza could feel tears streaming down her cheeks and her jaw began to ache from all the hoopla. Even her chest began to hurt over it all.

  They all tried to hold in the giggles over the midget standing so much closer to them. It was easy to spy on him and laughing behind a corner wall, but this was just too intense for all of them.

  Kids made fun of him all though school and he was mercifully teased all his life and to this day! Starting with his own family and even the staff here at the UN Pla
za and new tenants like the Osberg kids.

  The elevator ride seemed to go in slow motion, and suddenly Eliza thought that she couldnt catch her breath. Gemma put her delicate brown hand on Elizas shoulder and soothed her. They wanted out of that elevator before they burst! Like a balloon in high altitude.

  I know you are all laughing at me, said Alexander, speaking directly to Eliza.

  We are not, lied Eliza.

  You think because Im short that Im stupid?

  No way! Eliza tried to keep a straight serious face, failing badly.

  After that he started to say more because he knew about the Osberg kids, how they ran wild through the lobby and caused such a ruckus, so he knew he would not get in any trouble. They needed to be taken down a notch and he just figured Mr. Williamson was sucking up to Victor Osberg. It was all about money and power.

  He was about to rant on when he thought better of it and just ignored them from then on. The door opened finally and they raced out of the elevator, even Gemma in her child-like way in her crisp white uniform and white shoes jogged along side the kids who were laughing and hooting all through the lobby.

  Hey kids, Eliza, Glinda, Rich, Ras! Gemma ran after them. She raced head on through the lobby to catch up with them. She wore her heavy camel haired coat and gloves Mrs. Osberg had given her.

  The kids sailed through the revolving doors when Gemma caught up with them finally.

  You kids are very mean to that man, that was not nice, cha, said Gemma half heartedly.

  We couldnt help it! said Eliza.

  Cha, Ras&Ill box yer ears if I see you do it again to him!

  Were sorry Gemma, said Rich.

  You better be.

  We are Gemma, said Glinda.

  They walked up the driveway into a winter wonderland. Sammy lived in Astoria Queens so was stuck.

  You kids have got to learn how to act better, cha, said Gemma. Dont make fun of someone who is different!

  Eliza started it, said Glinda. She started laughing.

  I couldnt help it. She was still sort of snickering about it.

  I know you are teased at your school, Eliza, said Gemma.

  They tease her about her fingers, said Rich quietly.

  So Eliza, you as the oldest girl must know better to set the example, Ras!

  Yes, I know, said Eliza hanging her head.

  What if Fern knew you did that to that poor man? She would not like it one bit!

  Oh, I know. But you wont tell her will you Gemma?

  I dont know, answered Gemma vaguely. Maybe.

  Please dont do it!

  I have a good mind to tell her, and your father too.

  Oh, Gemma, dont do it! We wont make fun of him anymore!

  Okay, said Gemma. But if I catch you, Ras&

  They reached 1st Avenue and started walking down 51st Street, a pretty tree-lined street of brownstones and antique stores. They had to push aside snow drifts left by snowplows that were passing them in the morning light. They did see a few people out and they said hello to them as they made there way to Broadway.

  The snow had finally stopped and the sun came out with fluffy white clouds crowing it. It was clear and crisp smelling as they walked at an even pace toward 42nd Street and Times Square!

  They talked and joked about things even discussing what caused the snowstorm in the first place. Glinda always ran a little ahead and looked back just to make sure they were still following her. Rich had not said a word though. He didnt want Gemma to tell their father anything. Evening in the elevator he was quiet as a mouse like he wasnt even there.

  Rich, look at that! Eliza point.

  Wow, Cool!

  It was a police car stranded in the middle of the street with tons of snow piled up, but the red lights were blinking and it looked so surreal. Rich went up to it and looked, sticking out his gloved hand and rubbing snow off the roof. He seemed hypnotized by the blinking red and blue lights going nowhere.

  Then they started walking faster. 2nd Avenue, 3rd Avenue, Lexington Avenue, 5th Avenue, Madison, Park Avenue, 6th Avenue and finally 7th Avenue and 51st Street.

  They threw snowballs at each other and ran their mittened hands over all the snow on cars and trucks, even taxi cabs. Street vendors were starting to set up and Gemma bought them all hot peanuts and roasted chestnuts and each got a steaming cup of hot chocolate. They walked down 7th venue to 45th Street, and then cut over to Broadway and 45th Street where there was a new McDonalds next door to Playland Arcade. As they p assed the Burlesque Theater, Reich and Eliza tried to look inside the peep door, but a fat guy chased t hem away.

  It was the same fat man as had always been there at the door. As time passed the guy began to recognize them. They laughed at him as always and went into their haven Playland Arcade. The man who ran it resembled a mobster and through the years he began to grow Warts on his face and a gut to match, plus hair loss and how he wore a bad toupee.

  Gemma gave them each a $5 bill to play games and skeet ball for prize tickets. The place was practically empty except a few other diehards that were feeding quarters to the machines. Elizas favorite was Pole Position and d tempest, which were new video games. They had old and new there, but were starting to re stock with better video games as the years passed. They all played Skeet ball and were winning tickets. Gemma gave her tickets to Glinda, who was not doing so well as Eliza and Rich were. They played air hockey and shooting gallery. Eliza loved when shed aim for the bear and hed howl in pain when her gun hit it. They played for over 2 hours.

  Im hungry, said Glinda after shed cashed in her tickets for a plastic purse with Barbie on it.

  Me too, said Rich. Hed used his last quarter on pinball.

  Okay, lets go to McDonalds, Kids, said Gemma.

  Yea! They were excited.

  The McDonalds was almost empty as well. They went in and Gemma ordered hamburgers, fries and shakes for them all. They ate it up quickly.

  Afterwards they walked around Times Square which was filing with snow and few people and cars. It was like they ere the only ones left in the city. Eliza and Rich ran into the street and were chasing each other. It looked very weird not to see traffic and people! It was like the world was on a big white ice age period.

  Get, git, git, out of the street now, Gemma ordered. They didnt heed her and continued to play in the street as the famed Billboard of the Kent Cigarette man puffed smoke out of his mouth. They began imitating him and puffing smoke from the cold out of their mouths.

  Hey watch this, said Eliza.

  Gemma prayed that Eliza wasnt going to roll up into a ball! Eliza didnt. Instead she dropped down on her back and made an angel in the snow. Rich and Glinda followed suite and soon all up and down the street were little angels in the snow.

  Yaall gonna get sick, shouted Gemma.

  But seeing there werent any cars or traffic she let them do it.

  Hey, look over there, said Eliza. Thats the theater Grandma Hazel took me to see 2001 Space Odyssey. That was weird, said Eliza, looking up at Radio City Music Hall in the distance.

  There? asked Rich.

  Yes, remember? She took me in 1968 and during the really scary parts shed look over at me to see if I was afraid.

  Were you? asked Rich.

  Well, sort of, but more so that night, and when that monolith was humming and then that astronaut sees himself as an old man laying in bed dying, God I was afraid to go to sleep. Even at camp. I thought Id wake up an old lady, admitted Eliza who was still affected by it to this day and probably the rest of her life. It was slightly traumatic.

  Wow, Grandma Hazel liked to get you scared a lot, said Rich. Why did she do it?
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  I dont know, maybe I look like mom so much and she couldnt control mom anymore, deducted the girl.

  What are you talking about? asked Rich a bit perplexed.

  Psychologically, began Eliza. &Grandma Hazel sees me as mom!

  What? Thats nuts, you are not mom. How can Grandma Hazel see you as mom if youre Eliza? Rich was confused.

  By that time they were walking back to the UN Plaza. It was quite chilly and snow was piled in huge drifts on either side of the street. Some of the snow was dirty and became slushy and more people, mostly children were out running in it. Also, lots of residents were skiing down the street which made the street go back in time 100 years, looking at the old brownstones and tenements. Kids ran by with sleds and pieces of plastic to slide down Beekman Place.

  What were you saying about Grandma Hazel? asked Glinda.

  I said that she just wants to control me and scare me like she used to do to mom! said Eliza.

  Im sure she meant well and just wanted to educate you, said Gemma.

  Yea, sure, educate me, said Eliza sarcastically.

  Ras Child, dont say that about your mamas mother, God rest her restless soul!

  Well, I know how she was Gemma!


  I talked to Fern about it and she explained. I prayed for Grandma Hazel too.

  Ras, put that out of your mind, youre just too young to be thinking about things like that, said Gemma.

  It comes to me sometimes.

  Your Grandma didnt take you to the movies to scare you, said Gemma.

  Yes she did.

  Listen Child, dont talk this stuff around your mother ever, said Gemma, taking Eliza in her arms and hugging her tightly. You are a smart girl.

  I wont because mom is very sensitive about it, said Eliza.

  Cha, yes, just be a girl and have fun!

  Thanks Gemma, I love you.

  And I love you child.

  Whats for dinner tonight Gemma?

  Hmmm, probably Spaghetti and meatballs, how does that sound?

  Yes, great. The kids agreed and cheered.

  The all headed back, but took 48th Street all the way to the entrance of the UN Building.

  We had fun today Gemma, thanks.

  Hey, thanks Gemma for walking with us.

  Ras, no big deal kids. Lets get on home now, no more trouble!

  They all ran to the UN Plaza and into the building. It was a great day and they felt good. Roy was there about to make some popcorn. The smell of buttered popcorn and expensive perfume floated around the apartment as Mrs. Osberg got ready to have dinner upstairs at Eva Glass apartment.


  Indian Summer in New York City was spectacular. Early October progressed quickly into absolutely perfect weather, not a cloud in the clear blue sky. Thousands of trees were turning colors and Fall was approaching.

  Central Park was burning with color and plumage. Of course Eliza wondered why they called it Indian Summer. Anything on Indians got Elizas attention.

  Glinda ran into the living room where Eliza was actually meditating. She had learned it on her new favorite TV show Kung Fu. She had related right away with the flashbacks of the oriental mystical temple in China. She identified with that little bald kid!

  What are you doing? You better not let mom catch you in here, said Glinda, pointing to the incense burning quietly beside Eliza in a brass holder just like on the show. It sat up on the window sill.

  Im mediating, said Eliza. She went into Lotus Position so easily it was amazing, but just something Glinda took for granted.

  It just looks strange, said Glinda.

  Well, its different, so what?

  That's what that place smells like ... strawberry. Like Gemma burned a cake!

  So, mom will think Gemma burned a cake then, okay! Eliza went into meditating mode, just basically going through the motions.

  You arent doing anything, thats stupid!

  Shut up, Glinda, said Eliza putting out the incense and getting out of Lotus Position. She got up and stretched.

  Youve been acting so weird since that show came on, said Glinda.

  What do you mean?

  Youve been doing weird stuff like this, and sort of out there!

  Its that show Kung Fu, I love it!

  I think its a dumb show, I like Emergency better. What about Randy? asked Glinda in earnest.

  Hey, you think its dumb because you dont understand the Oriental philosophy behind it.

  God, you are starting to sound like Dad! said Glinda in frustration.

  Rich came in. Hey what are you guys doing in her?

  Shes acting weird, said Glinda.

  Shut up Glinda, Im mediating.

  Rich liked the show and the first thing he did was bow. He began imitating the cheater that had taken the place of Randy Mantooth & Caine! I am Caine, I wish you no harm! said Rich bowing to Eliza.

  Please, said Eliza, joining right in with him. I do not ride the horse. Eliza bowed back at Rich.

  Well then what do you do? said Rich changing his voice into a menacing cynical cowboy type.

  Eliza answered like Caine would have. I walk, said at a near whisper.

  I walk, repeated Rich bowing. They both cracked up laughing.

  You two are just strange. I dont get it. What about Randy? No more Emergency? cried Glinda.

  Eliza shrugged and Rich stood silent.

  The 3 ran into the den where Roy watch the color set, his pudgy two knuckled fingers (like his sister Eliza) ready to click the remote at the turn of the dime.

  It was Saturday afternoon. Lena waked in and said, Girls, boys, a good friend of mine is coining over today and I want you all looking nice! Your father is shaving now and Ive ordered form Star Deli.

  All the kids cheered. They loved deli, with cold vegetarian beans and all sorts of cold meats like tongue, roast beef, corn beef, turkey and all sorts of sandwiches smeared with mustard, onions, tomatoes, mayo, dill pickles that made your mouth water, even Swiss cheese slices too all topped off with slightly hard rye bread!

  Who is it Mom?

  It a surprise, she answered them cryptically her hazel eyes dancing with joy and mischief.

  Oh, mom, who is it, who is it, they all yelled at her at once.

  Now kids, youll see soon enough.

  Eliza remembered the party they had when all the famous people were there. Miss USA too. It all was so exciting to them. If Eliza knew her mom (and she did), than chances are this person was semi famous, especially the way Mrs. Osberg was acting about it.

  Mom, can I were my blue taffeta dress? asked Glinda.

  Yes, Sweetie, you can, answered Mrs. Osberg to her youngest, so proud shed made that fashion decision on her own.

  Ill wear my nice pants suit, with a tie, said Roy.

  Good, you boys can handle it.

  She turned to Eliza.

  Now, Eliza, I want you to look nice, so come on, lets see what we can find in your closet.

  OK, Eliza followed her mom from through the large apartment down the long hallway to where their bedroom was situated. Mrs. Osberg started going through Elizas closet of mostly boy clothes. She did finally find an old style blue navy dress, a little sailor suit with white trim and gold buttons on the sleeves. She hoped it still fit Eliza. And where your Mary Janes?, asked Lena. Your paten leathers, okay? She reached in and grabbed everything.

  What about Glinda? asked Eliza.

  Glinda knows what to wear, Eliza, said Mrs. Osberg handing her oldest daughter a pair of stockings, then underwear and shoes.
  Okay, said Eliza. So, whos coming? asked Eliza, trying to act casual, but failing badly.

  Lets put it this way, she is well known and you know her from television.


  Yes, really, said Lena imitating her daughters high pitch excitement tone, but adding a bit of opera sound to it. I want you to be surprised!

  Wow, cool, said Eliza, as she slipped on the blue dress and slid the stockings up and over her fathers brand of underwear, then slipped on her Mary Janes, and her mother fussed with Elizas curly, out of control hair!

  Ive got to tell them to cut your hair like a little page boy, get it away from your face, said Lena, pushing at the curly locks falling in front of Elizas round James Dean looking face. She did look and act like a boy, but when she was all dressed up like that, Lena saw her oldest daughter emerge as a woman one day in her mind. Now, put on your dress and look pretty!

  Lena made sure the brothers were aptly dressing. Things would be just right. This would be the first time Tia Louis was visiting at the UN Plaza. Her college roommate and fellow Broadway castmate hopeful was beautiful and exotic and the kids would really get a kick out of meeting the actress who they will instantly know from t.v. Theyd known each other since their college days of the late 1940s on u p to the early 1950s when Lena was in the business on Broadway singing and performing, well as Tia Louis. Her friend had landed a t.v. series and have a very good Career. Lena thought back to their days in Teaneck New Jersey. Tia had been around long before the UN Plaza. Her first time here, said Lena as she adjusted her hair in the hall mirror. Lena was excited to see Tia and show off the apartment. The kids waited in the living room as Victor joined them all. He looked very dapper as usual.

  What is that strange smell? asked Roy, looking Elizas way.

  Lena walked in dressed as usual for her --- White silk, etc. Usual elegance and style. It was great.

  What is that odor?

  Smells like incense, said Victor.

  Mrs. O. opened a few of the small rectangular windows. Who is lighting the incense, kids?

  Glinda piped up, Eliza, who else?

  Why? asked Mrs. O.

  Because I medicate and incense helps you focus on being calm and quiet in inward, explained Eliza easily and confidently, trying to act like nothing was wrong.

  Well, from now on you do that the park, thats a fire hazard, scolded Mr. Osberg.

  I cant believe you would light it in our living room, thats just not good, Eliza, said Mrs. Osberg shaking her blond head. Her cherry red lips went into a frown and her hazel eyes seemed to flash a brilliant green more than blue when she was stressed.

  Eliza, give me the pack of incense, said Victor.

  Where on Earth did you get it? asked Lena.

  They call it punk in school, said Richard shyly.

  I got it at a little Chinese store in Times Square, said Eliza.

  She has weapons too, snitched Roy.


  It isnt weapons, its like Richards replica gun models, fakes, said Eliza, so hoping they would not take those away from her, what she sees in every beginning episode of Kung Fu as the young bald wanna be Shaolin Priests threw the dart-like stars into a dummy made of bamboo! They played the scene in slow motion and Eliza loved to reenact it.

  Let me see what it is, Eliza, go get it, ordered Victor, but not in a mean way, more concerned.

  Daddy? Eliza stamped her foot. The strap on her left black leather Mary Jane broke.

  Now look, screamed Mrs. Osberg. Youll have to wear your white ones from the graduation, she said. Lena ran down the hallway and got Elizas white Mary Janes which were one size too large for the girl.

  The rest of the kids sat quietly and looked on, as if it was a normal everyday thing that Eliza was in a bit of trouble.

  Eliza put on her white shoes then brought the little metal colored spiky stars to her father. She was on the verge of tears and red faced, but not totally breaking down.

  Whats with her today? asked Mrs. Osberg, as she went around straightening everything and moving some sculptures around. First this Jesus thing, then an Arab Terrorist, then Randy Mantooth!

  Now calm down Lena, its all part of growing up, said Victor.

  Have you seen what she did it on the walls in her bedroom?

  What? asked Victor evenly. He disliked having to be the King Solomon and wanted things to go smoothly. It wasnt his fault that he was away 3 days out of the week. Things with the kids has to be handled, and he loved them so much and wanted to give Lena a good life like she always dreamed of. Victor was achieving it too.

  She used your cement epoxy and glued her Randy Mantooth posters all over the walls, said Lena, on the verge of tears herself as Eliza came in and handed the stars to her dad.

  You cant get them&him off. The wallpaper is ruined, said Mrs. O.

  I helped her do it Daddy, it wasnt all her fault, said Richard stepping up to bat. Roy didnt say a word and backed off.

  I saw her do it, Daddy!

  Then Roy piped up finally from the corner I told her not to do it Dad!

  Eliza watched Victor handling the stars.

  This is a Chinese weapon! explained Victor. A star shaped metal star you throw at a wooden target. These were not sharp and had neat red designs running along the base. It isnt that sharp, but for now, let me keep it and well talk about this later, okay Eliza? said Victor. But unbeknownst to everyone Eliza had gotten a knife stone and oil to sharpen it later on. Thank God she didnt sharpen it.

  Victor played with the two stars gingerly, bringing him briefly back to his Navy days in Pusan, Korea.

  Eliza, you can take somebodys eye out with this, do you realize that! Victor knew how clumsy his oldest daughter could be.

  But Dad, its not for that! Its to focus and mediate on self, said Eliza quoting lines directly from Kung Fu! She had learned that one must be humble and through the humbleness you will gain knowledge and power. She looked over at Glinda who could be very fickle flitting in and out of love, betrayal and sibling rivalry!

  Suddenly, the apartment phone rang, the pax phone as it was called.

  And what about the posters? asked Victor.

  Mom said she could put up the posters, but not glue them up, said Glinda.

  Mrs. O. was on the phone staring daggers at Victor, getting him in motion. OK, enough, your moms friend is here, so come on kids, well talk about everything later, he said dropping the stars on the living room table amongst costly statues, sculptures antique coasters and even a bowl of Faberge Eggs!

  Never mind Bouge, said Mrs. Osberg.

  Okay kids, everyone in the living room and sit down, okay! He patted Eliza on the shoulder assuring her she was not in trouble. He doubted she had a violent bone in her body, except occasional tantrums, but even that was staving off lately. He just wished Lena would get off her high horse and see that Eliza was growing.

  The doorbell rang and Lena ran to open it. Thats Tia, she shouted sounding like a little girl.

  Helloooooo! She exclaimed with exciting bubbling out of her high soprano voice.

  Lena, shouted the strikingly beautiful red head. Even without her costume and t.v. series role, she looked like a movie star&

  Lena came in, Shes here!

  Obviously, said Victor sarcastically but with fun.

  Lena threw him a cool, pouty look, still ravishing to him after almost 20 years of marriage. She certainly had color and pizzazz!

  Gemma, Marge, quickly now, shes here, bring out the drinks and other things.

  The two Jamaican sisters jumped to it and laid many small goodies on silver trays out on the table. Marge went to the
day bar in the den and was on stand by there. Tia was led into the living room by Lena like an entourage and Tia thought it endearing of Lena. Due to Lenas excitement level, even Richard was bubbling with excitement. All the kids were like holding their breath before presents are opened.

  The very athletic looking red head walked in smiling brightly and for a split second Eliza felt embarrassed and actually wanted to run and hide and mediate in her room alone.

  Hello, said Gemma. You must be Tia Louis, Ras, she said in awe.

  Tia was used to it. Hello, yes. She was wearing a red turtle neck sweater with a nice sun dress underneath hugging her skinny tall shapeliness. The stylish Chanel skirt complimented her sweater and hair and she wore gold earrings and mostly gold jewelry which really accented her pretty features. Tia Louis walked in with Lena. Oh Tia, its great to have you here, Darling! They were holding hands like school girls. Welcome to the Osberg Estate, said Lena in a thick Jewish Brooklyn accent. Everyone laughed.

  Lena, you look great! said Tia looking her friend up and down approvingly.

  Thank you Darlink, she said in her best Joan Crawford. You remember Victor over there with our children?

  Of course, said Tia, sauntering up to Victor and planting a nice kiss on his lips. He didnt mind and neither did Lena. The kids were in shock. One of their favorite t.v. show stars came to life right before their eyes, although Eliza would have loved it to be David Carradine, or even Randy Mantooth at this point.

  Wow, kids, Ive not seen you since Teaneck, and at that time Eliza was in a crib, and Glinda was in your moms tummy, and well, you boys were so little! she said circling the kids like some beautiful bird with plumage and class.

  All the Osberg children stared transfixed at Tia Louis standing there in the flesh, not on her usual t.v. show theyd watched after school.

  Are you still doing the show? blurted out Roy.

  Tias laugh sounded like crystals dropping into a glass bowl. Oh, that was years ago, Kids, no, we dont film it anymore, she said, getting a faraway look in her eye, almost not wanting to breach it or talk about with the children.

  They walked into the living room where everyone settled in and the two Jamaican sisters came in with drinks and goodies.

  Well, you remember my Victor, said Mrs. Osberg still holding that weird Jewish accent. Victor walked up and took Tia into his strong arms and gave her a big bear hug.

  Tia, nice to see you!

  You too Victor, she answered trying to right herself and whipping out a small compact to fix herself up. Attention then turned to the children.

  Hi kids, said Tia smiling knowingly at them. These fans she could take, they were like family to her.

  Glinda couldnt get over it. Your, your, & youre the lady on that show!

  Yea, on t hat show, said Roy.

  Yes, very good kids, said Tia.

  Yea, you are so pretty on there, said Glinda sweetly.

  Tia seemed touched. Thank you Sweetie, she said, planting a red lipstick kiss on Glindas cheek. Glinda laughed and hooted, amazed at seeing someone on t.v. come to life which always seem to happen with the Osbergs, seeing as they did live at UN Plaza and there were tons of celebrity types roaming around.

  We love that show! exclaimed Richard.

  Yes, youd really on so good on it!

  Its so funny! added Glinda. She felt the urge to curtsy and felt like her mothers friend was royalty.

  Mrs. Osberg broke in. Let the woman breath, kids!

  Sit down all of you, said Victor. Can we get you anything Tia?

  OK, Ill have a scotch and soda please, she said

  Marge made drinks for everyone. Victor had his standard vodka on the rocks, the kids drinking soda; Tia had her scotch and Lena had a brandy. Everyone settled in and relaxed.

  Glenda sidled up to Tia trying to look cute and adorable. Come here darling, sit on my lap, said Tia. You are such a cutie! she added taking Glinda into her embrace.

  You smell like roses, said Glinda, which to Eliza sounded like the Come up and See me sometime routine at Sunningdale that Glinda seemed to coin.

  They seemed to gel together Glinda and the movie star!

  After drinks they took Tia on the grand tour of the place. They slowly made their way from the large living room with the windows to die for, to the far end of the apartment. Tia 'oh-ed and ah-ed and loved it all.

  Lena, Im impressed!

  Thanks Tia, coming from you, Im honored!

  This even tops that apartment you and Victor lived at on 52nd Street!

  Lena went back to 1956, over ten years ago and remembered that glorious apartment they shared before marrying. Her father had paid the rent and secured her very well. Victor would take over and did it well. They paired to well. They looked like the grand dame couple in Tias mind and party of the actress was just a little bit jealous. It's simply beautiful and elegant, I love what youve done with the wallpaper and columns. Its just drop dead gorgeous!

  Like you, said Victor actually lightly patting Tias taunt butt. It didnt bother Lena in the slightest she knew her husband and had been with him long enough to know what he felt and did.

  Oh Victor, stop it, said Lena& She came up to him and tried to put her arms around him and get him to kiss her, but he pretended to not want too and made a very funny clown like face, and Eliza could detect a small blush rise up on Victors cheeks.

  Okay, okay, stop the display, said Victor. He reached for a cigarette and lit it up, playing indifference, even though it was so obvious he loved Lena with all his heart, and wanted to give her the world. That is why he moved here.

  Yes, it is quite the pad, hey? said Lena walking over to the large windows with views of the UN Building and East River, First Avenue and Tudor City in the distance. Straight ahead about 15 blocks down, were the just now finished Twin Towers and they rose up darkly and mysteriously. It was such a place and such a view and Lena and Victor and family had it all at that moment.

  Indeed this is a pad, said Tia, mirroring her friend and joining her at the window.

  We should take her up to the sun deck Bouge!

  Honey, really, its a bit much.

  Shell love it. But not the kids&.too dangerous!

  Ahhh Mom, protested Roy and Rich.

  I want to go too, said Eliza.

  Everyone relax, just relax, said Victor.

  They all settled again in the living room and Gemma came in with fresh drinks and more snacks. Lunch will be served in about 30 minutes, said the Jamaican woman dressed in all white.

  Thank you, said Tia.

  Gemma stared at the beautiful actress and had seen the show too with the kids. They never hesitated in pointing out Tia whenever the show was on, which was like every day after school after Magilla Gorilla and Yogi Bear.

  You know, Ive always wanted a place here, said Tia absentmindedly staring off into the distance at the twin towers. What a view, she added. Lena, you should sing!

  Really? asked Lena, wanting to, but not at the moment.

  Yes, you could do a light opera selection, said Victor. That is, if you want to Len!

  Well see. Not now though.

  Could you put a word in the president of the board for me Victor?

  I could, if there is something available that suits you. These are pretty huge units, mostly 3 and 4 bedrooms, like this one, some duplex types, but Ill see.


  Meanwhile, Eliza and Glinda wanted so much to ask Tia questions about the show on t.v. They were sort of squirming and moving around in their chairs wanting to burst.

  When Victor left for the restroom and Lena went to see if Gemma was ready to se
rve lunch in the dining room.

  Each girl sat on either side of Ta. Roy and Richard were shy and didnt say much. They mostly looked out at the view or at their shoes, but Tia asked Rich a question and he turned bright red. Roy, who never at a loss for words, was rendered speechless.

  Eliza just wanted interview Tia for something later on.

  Tia looked around at the 4 adorable children and got that pang of envy, but she loved how they looked like their mother and father&but Eliza really resembled Lena, although Glinda had her fathers family jaw line, she was her mothers daughter for sure! It was all so endearing to Tia, where on the norm, she hated talking about that show! It did mark her in the t.v. history books, but she wished typecast hadnt been part of the picture, but she was working on new projects that put her in serious roles, even if it was guest starring on hit cops shows and the like.

  Of course they knew the show had been in reruns for years, but all the kids knew the show and most loved the humor and slapstick of it.

  But Eliza was the brave one. So what was it like on the t.v. show?

  It was fun! said Tia non-enthusiastically. It was always like this, people asking her about that crazy, goofy show she did years ago, would she ever shake it? But the kids, oh, the kids of Lena and Victor were so sweet she couldnt be mean so she just let go!

  We always watch it after school, said Eliza. What was the cast like?

  The kids edged forward now, because Eliza hacked the path to Tia so easily.

  The cast, explained Tia as plainly as she could, were very nice to work with. Good people!

  They were all so curious. If they were not Lena and Victors kids, she doubt she would have spoken to them.

  I knew they were, they seem so nice, said Richard.

  Very nice, said Tia sipping her second scotch.

  Lena came in like a whirlwind. Kids, stop it.

  Ohhhh mom, they protested.

  You didnt react like that when Warner Klempner came over last year, said Lena. Whats so different than that?

  Oh, do you know him?

  Who? asked Tia.

  The guy who plays Colonel Klink on this show called Hogans Heroes!

  No, cant say I have met him or even heard of the show. Believe it or not, I dont watch much television. Im too busy, said Tia.

  That was a bit hard for the children to swallow because t.v. was such a staple in their lives and they could not imagine Tia Louis not watching it or even her own series.

  Gosh, if I had a show I was on, Id want to see it, stated Eliza.

  Well, youre just a child Dear. Its different when you are older like me and looking for better things.

  Lena and Tia exchanged knowing looks and both mouthed the bad word in the industry & Typecast!

  Kids, I want you to stop now, said Lena breaking in to the little circle of the 'paparazzis' that her kids seemed to become when she has some celebrity over to the apartment. But it was endearing and Tia didnt seem to mind.

  Ohhhhh Mom!

  You hear me, she said trying to sound tough. Turning to Tia Lena admitted, They did the same when Warner came over.

  Its normal, Lena, I didnt mind, really I dont, said Tia, shaking her handsome head back and forth sincerely. They both smiled at each being taken back to that Broadway musical they first were in together even though they were roommates in college too! Of course, at the time, Tia had a bigger part than Lena, but that was and that was in 1952, just about 20 years ago! And they were still friends to this day!

  Well then, fine, but dont let them wear you down! Lena said wear you down almost like a black woman who had it with the children causing a ruckus!

  Lena, Ive never heard you talk like that & I like it& wear you down, She said also taking on a black womans voice. Everyone started laughing.

  Victor lit a cigarette and tried to start a normal conversation, more tempered. It worked and everyone settled in. Even Lena, who didnt even smoke lit up one of her husbands More brown cigarettes, feeling young again!

  You dont smoke, said Eliza.

  Be quiet Eliza, said Lena, take a little puff.

  Tia laugh. I never have this with my own daughter, but shes only 3!

  Just then Gemma and Marge came to announce dinner!

  They all went to the dining room. Mrs. Osberg with the help of her maids had every under control and flowing. There was shiny china plates and crystal glasses, minus Elizas plastic fake. There was a light wonderful view of the outside through a big picture window, which greeted them like a butler. They all looked at the view first of the United Nations Building and the East River but in the living room the view of First Avenue was more secular and artistic looking.

  Tia stayed all day and finally told the kids little funny white lie secrets she told little kids. How did you get all the clothes? they asked her artfully.

  She would close her eyes and state seriously, but sounding like a Mickey Mouse Club member Oh, we wished for them Darling!

  After lunch they the women went down to the park next door the the UN Plaza and sat by the old chess tables. The red head stood out right away in her summer dress with flowers and flowing hair. Others in the park stared openly trying to place her face. The Osberg kids ended up playing with a few of their friends from the other buildings they had met at the part. A young boy came up to them. It was the one kid theyd met on the day of the big gas explosion down the street. He was the one that encouraged Eliza to buy the Chinese star weapon. When they told him Tia Louis was there with them he couldnt believe it. As soon as he walked up he knew it was her. He said he had to go home and ran away sort of scared.

  What happened to that little boy? asked Tia as she sunned herself and chatted with Lena and Gemma. The kids ran around playing tag for a bit as the sun slanted in the New York sky. It had been a great day for everyone and in a funny way Tia was touched by their love of her old show that she loathed by this time. She loved them, and they respected her.

  This is would be for the kids for many years. It was an interesting life to meet celebrity types through their mother or from someone at school. Times were exciting and the Osbergs lived it to the fullest.


  The weekend after Tia Louis came to have lunch was uneventful besides Glinda being very cranky, it had gone quite well. Tia was so nice to the kids, and for the most part answered their questions about her comedy t.v. series.

  Victor had taken away Elizas Chinese weapons so she decided to buy that cute Chinese outfit at the oriental store near Times Square. This time she went with her brother Rich who never tattled on her. She could not believe how Roy and Glinda had literally turned on her on a dime.

  In fact, since the lunch with Tia Louis shed barely even spoken to Roy and Glinda unless she had to. Mr. and Mrs. Osberg sensed her anger at Glinda and Roy.

  It will pass, just relax, said Victor to Lena one late night as they lay in bed, having just made very quiet love so the keen ears of Eliza didnt hear. They knew she didnt sleep well, but they were always careful.

  I know, but I really worry about Eliza.

  I know Darling, said Victor.

  Shes not into feminine things like Glinda, related Lena.

  Well, thats normal. Shell straighten out, said Victor, taking Lena in his arms. They kissed and cuddled a bit.

  Ive had a few discussions with her about it, said Victor.

  Bourge, I just worry. What are we going to do with her?

  Let it be, Len, as I told you, shell straighten out and fly right.

  I hope so, said Lena. First that damn essay she wrote about Jesus, then she dresses as an Arab Terrorist on Halloween, and thats bad enough, related Lena,
seeming to get very frustrated over it.

  Lena, shhhhh, whispered Victor.

  And now shes into some strange Oriental thing, said Lena turning her greenish-blue striking orbs on him full force. Im sorry to have to say this Victor, but offhandedly you encourage her! Her eyes showed so much emotion.

  What are you talking about?

  Indians, Hippies, watching the news, discussing these terrorist issues with her, and the list goes on!

  Hey, hey, slow down, most of it is from television. Its that t.v. show the kids are watching, said Victor trying to brush it all away.

  Whatever, its just very disconcerting.

  I know Sweetie, but its going to be okay. Its just a phase. All kids go through phases, said Victor.

  Well, thats easy for you to say, she talks to you. I cant relate to her antics, explained Lena, as Victor began rubbing her back.

  Shes creative and insightful, and beautiful, said Victor.

  But on the other hand, she is unruly, and out of control!

  Shell grow out of it. Remember when Roy went through his give a speech phase?

  Lena laughed. Yes, but thats normal to want some attention, but Eliza goes too far!

  Victor chuckled and took her in his arms again and kissed her deeply. Lena noticed he was so different to her alone than when the kids were around. In fact, the kids always asked why their father wasnt affectionate with their mother, but Lena knew he was very loving, just not in front of the brood. Lena understood that, but she was always and would always be an exhibitionist. It was in her nature.

  Victor had a lot of control over the fluttery Soprano opera singer concert pianist he married, much to the chagrin of his parents who would have rather seen him marry someone out of the entertainment business.

  Finally they both slept. Victors thoughts floated away to another time, before hed even met Lena, to when he was training as an officer for the Navy in San Diego during the early 1950s. Hes met Mary, an American Indian woman in his building. They fell for each other and lived together for a bit. It was so explosive and she was a beautiful woman, but she had a clubbed foot and walked with a slight limp. Theyd shared many things and thoughts during those early days of his Navy career, but soon, like all Navy men do, he shipped out and toured the Pacific and Orient, finally putting in his time that he was too young to do during World War II. Hed lost track of Mary, but always loved her culture and ways and of course her skin! But Lena had taken up a lot of space in his heart and body and mind, so he considered himself lucky and hoped, as he drifted into a deep dream state, that Mary had found someone and was happy. Victor knew at that moment that he was living a good life and hoped things would stay put and everyone stayed healthy and robust.

  Meanwhile the city outside the window went on all night as the Osbergs slept. The next day Eliza and Rich got off to an early start to Times Square.

  The siblings took the 2nd Avenue bus and then another bus to Times Square. They knew the route so well they could have found the store blindfolded. First they stopped at the Chinese store and Eliza got another star, a bigger one and much sharper. This time the shop owner recognized them and helped them chose more carefully. He showed them different colors and styles for the Chinese outfit. Eliza wanted the bright yellow one, but settled on an interesting yellow and red fake silk looking one.

  Pants and top only $4.99, said the old man bowing out of habit and to impress the tourists who came in.

  Rich and Eliza looked at each one and laughed. Okay, Ill take this one, said Eliza. And this too, she said, holding a pack of incense and a bigger star than shed dared to try and hide from her father! She knew that the other stars were in his closet way up in a box on the top level of his dressing closet.

  Id also like this little vial of Chinese Musk Oil, please, she ordered feeling like she was back in the days of her present hero Kwai Chang Caine! She and Rich would soon fall into that funny banter as they imitated the actor David Carradine and how he played the role on t.v. It made them laugh and carry on and Eliza never remembers too many incidents where Rich was out of control like he was with this new oriental thing they fell into one winter.

  Eliza handed the old man a $20 bill shed been saving up for months, saving her $5 a week allowance carefully and in secret so her dad wouldnt be suspicious. The man put everything In a big paper bag with a Chinese symbol and an Ox on the front of it. They left and headed across the street for McDonalds.

  I want to change into my new outfit, said Eliza.

  Wasnt that funny when he bowed like Caine does, Rich asked. He bowed like on the show, marveled the boy as he walked with his sister to the McDonalds.

  Oh yes, that was so cool, agreed Eliza.

  Rich went into Caine mode & We go now, he said, easily picking up on the character from Kung Fu Kwai Change Caine, a mild-mannered skinny, not very handsome guy, but he had very special abilities and ideas on people of that era, the Old West, which Eliza loved very much with her American Indian roots.

  Yes, we will walk, said Rich, passing the Burlesque theater and seeing the usual guy barring his gaze into the place.

  Eliza ran up and said as Caine would have, We wish no trouble, just some cold water!

  Get the hell away from here kids, you know the rules, why do you kids push push push, he asked, spitting out some tobacco from his well smoked, well chewed cigar. Both Eliza and Rich bowed and backed away silently as the man looked at them like theyd gone nuts.

  You kids need some serious help! Ill bet yer parents dont even knows yous are out here! said the man sneering at them as they walked away.

  How would you know, you probably are mean to your mom, said Eliza.

  Ahh, get the hell outta here, and stop bothering me, he said, turning his rough looking back away from them.

  Eliza and Rich laughed and ran down the street carefree. It always brought them to near hysterics when they did come here. They walked into the McDonalds and Eliza went straight to the ladies room after ordering her lunch.

  In the ladies room she changed into the Chinese outfit. She stared at herself in the mirror and loved what she saw.

  This will beat that time I wore that Indian outfit in Mrs. Greenbergs class years ago! she said aloud, remembering how silly she looked when she thought back to that Indian skirt her aunt had given her for Christmas sewed into pants. Im in a different school now, so what the heck, she said to no one but herself. She took the outfit out and put it on, loving the feel the of the soft fabric against her skin. It smelled so clean, like a Chinese incense in a temple. She watched herself in profile then took out the large star and played with it.

  Eliza walked back out and Rich had already been standing in line, which was very long. Eliza walked up to him and did a little Karate dance. Hey Cool, he bowed and said, I wish no trouble!

  Some patrons in line watched them as they ordered some food. Eliza was easily making a spectacle of herself loving the attention, just like her mother, although people always seemed to compare Glinda to her mother.

  They sat at a booth and ate; even when they ate they role-played and pretended they were on Kung Fu.

  I must eat, eat, said Rich in Caines same calm low voice. You must eat too, he said, handing Eliza a burger.

  Eliza bowed and took the burger with reverence. I do not eat meat!

  I am sorry I did not wish to offend you. I am a man of peace.

  Hey that last episode was great, hey Rich? asked Eliza taking a huge bite out of her burger.

  Yes, I loved it. He kicked butt, hey?

  He always kicks butt even though he is so calm and peaceful.

  They ate and joked around.

  I love this outfit, said Eliza, smoothing her finger
s down its silk flower patterns.

  Mom wont, said Rich as he munched on hot French Fries and ate his Big Mac.

  I know, agreed Eliza, eating her hamburger with extra pickles and sipped her chocolate shake.

  You upset her a lot, Eliza, said Rich honestly. He really loved his mother and hated seeing her sad or nervous.

  Sometimes I cant help it.

  Yea, I know, he agreed taking a huge bite out of his Big Mac. He smiled shyly and bowed his head. I eat, you eat too! They both laughed again.

  Just dont tell on me about the star, she warned as she took the one out and held it up. A few people saw it in the McDonalds.

  The two finished their food and went next door to Playland for a bit. They really had a nice easy time together. Theyd always been close, even as little kids theyd shared a lot and talked late into the night. When Eliza was crying, or upset, no one seemed to be able to calm her except Rich, who would bring her a glass of water from his favorite marble colored glass from his bathroom. The water from his bathroom tasted different from the water in the kitchen. But she would immediately calm down when hed sit on her rumpled bed and talk top her and try and make her laugh and drink the water, which Eliza would do. She would quiet down and get very sleepy. Hed sit there until she was asleep or dosing. That would be the end of her tantrum.

  Now that Eliza thought about it, it could have been Rich who shook the crib she was in to make her cry so that he could come to her rescue and tell her not to worry, which is what he did. He saw it as a game back then. It made them closer than Eliza was with Roy. Besides Fern, Rich could relate to Eliza. But at first, he had to admit he didnt it out of wanting attention, but later he really started to care about his little sis.

  They walked back down toward the Burlesque place again tried to sneak a peek into the place with the same results. It was a habit, but that one guy always chased them away. They ran down Broadway to 51st Street. They caught the 3rd Avenue bus back to the UN Plaza.

  Eliza loved Rich. They really connected & He loved the police and maybe one day would be an officer or something similar. She couldnt see the shy sweet kid as a cop, they had to be tough, but maybe something else like a fireman. It seemed in the cards for Rich, Eliza could feel that. Thinking back, Eliza remembered what Mrs. Greenberg had written in her autograph book& the career for Eliza is going to be Journalism. She often wondered what she would be and could just barely imagine herself going out in the world and living on her own, maybe have a family like she had now, but in one million years she could never imagine herself having a baby. It looks so gross, so instead she imagined herself like Marlo Thomas in That Girl, the t.v. series.

  When they came into the apartment there was a ruckus going on in Elizas bedroom. Roy came over and said, Ohhh, Eliza, you are in trouble.

  Why? asked Eliza, her heart beating wildly In her chest.

  Glinda ran up to them, her cheeks aflame with excitement. Theyre in our room now looking at the damage to the walls. Mom is really mad, said Glinda.


  Yup, you are in hot water now.

  Shut up Roy&

  She walked in to her bedroom. Lena, Victor, Gemma and Marge were in the room looking at the posters of Randy Mantooth that Eliza had just gotten used to being there.

  Young lady stay right there, said Lena who was livid.

  What Mom!

  Look, look, cant you see it! She said pointing at all the Randy Mantooth posters big and small, covering a whole one half of the room.

  I see it, said Eliza looking at her feet. Shed gotten so wrapped up in her new Oriental phase that shed neglected to take down Randy Mantooth posters, but it was more than that.

  Do you realize how this is going to cost to redo?


  Why Eliza, why you do it ?

  She loves Randy, said Glinda laughing.

  Randy, Randy, to hell with him! Cried Mrs. O. stamping her foot and actually breaking the small heel on her flats.

  Now Lena, calm down. Victor turned to Eliza. He was angry, almost holding back. This isnt good Eliza. Why did you cement it with my epoxy? You went to my closet without my permission and took the glue!

  But Daddy, that was 2 years ago! I didnt mean it, and I would not have done it now!

  If you had grown up a bit we wouldnt be standing here in the first place!

  Grown up a bit? said Mrs. Osberg looking at her daughters outfit. She was on the verge tears, but held herself fast. All her classical training paid off here. Oh, Eliza&Eliza&Where did I ever get you? lamented Lena. Eliza waited for a musical to start up, but there was no musical& just tsk tsk tsk silence and the occasional snickering of Roy and Glinda. Eliza was on the tear streaked path herself. She tried remaining calm, said a small prayer to Jesus and wondered how Caine would deal with this.

  Eliza held tight to her paper bag, not wanting her father to see the new weapon or her mother to spot or smell the incense.

  That has got to be fixed and redone, said Lena. She sat on Glindas bed.

  Eliza went over to one wall and attempted to take a small poster of Randy down, but the paper had hardened and actually become part of the wallpaper, so as she began to scrub it with the Cleaner Gemma and Marge had brought, it was obvious it was a hopeless cause.

  It will cost a fortune to fix, said Lena.

  Eliza, I want you and your sister to clean this up as best as you can, said Victor. What more could he say. They were kids and Eliza was right, it was over 2 years ago.

  How? Eliza was perplexed. Rich came forward to offer his help with a shy smile. Thank God for Rich.

  Do I have to do it too Daddy? Glinda was looking for a way out.

  Ill help, offered Rich.

  Roy walked out of the room and didnt say a word. No one questioned him.

  What are you wearing Eliza? asked Mrs. Osberg, already on the verge of semi nervous breakdown. God she needed a Valium and a shot of scotch to chase it down.

  Its a new outfit I bought.

  Where did you get it?

  Times Square, answered Eliza, as she scratched a big poster of Mantooth in full firemans outfit. Rich stood beside her scrubbing off another close up of Randy. He looked at Eliza and smiled, then mouthed the words, &We work, we, we eat! Both laughed.

  Eliza, your outfit looks very cheap, said Lena.

  But Mom!

  Oh, what am I to do with you Eliza? Lena sounded exasperated. I just cant take much more aggravation.

  Eliza, I want you, your brother and sister to scrub these walls as best as you can and get off all the posters, maybe I can find a good painter to give me a deal, said Victor shaking his head. He turned to Gemma, Get the kids more sponges and buckets of Spic and Span, okay?

  Yes sir, Yes sir, they both said running to the kitchen.

  But Daddy, I want to play with Samantha Susskind upstairs, said Glinda.

  All play-dates cancelled. Just do what I tell you Glinda&. Clean it up. Help your sister.

  What about Roy? asked Glinda.

  Mrs. Osberg got up and stormed out of the bedroom, she just couldnt take it.

  Never mind Roy&Just do what I tell you, he said, even taking a brush himself and working a huge poster of Randy on a mountain top. God, Eliza, you really had it for this guy!

  They laughed. Sorry daddy, but I promise not to do anything with my new one!

  Hmmm. Maybe just concentrate on getting Randy off the walls, and Ill calm your mom, okay?

  Yes Daddy.

  Your mother is very upset about this. I didnt realize the scope here, Eliza, said Victor, trying not to lose his temper. At first he wanted to put Eliza over his knee which he hadnt done in many

  Im sorry.

  Well, sorry doesnt really cut it all the time. Youve got to start thinking, and be responsible for your actions, he preached.

  Gemma quietly came in with the brush and sponges. She knew that if it was one of her children she would be livid. Sometimes these kids just didnt think of what they did or why. Of course she kept silent and hand out the sponges and buckets filled with hot water and spic n span powder.

  If this stuff doesnt get removed, Im grounding you.

  OK Dad, said Eliza fully realizing what he said and she would try and change after this, not be so impulsive.

  Glinda felt badly and came over and put her hand on Eliza shoulder. She wanted to go off on Eliza and snitch, but when Eliza cried about it Glinda became saddened deep inside. Eliza began to really let her tears flow this time, but she dutiful continued her task of scrubbing the posters of Randy off the white wallpapered walls. Her love, Randy. But as she scrubbed, she remembered that David Carradine was her man now, but she still cried as if Randy Mantooth was killed. Glinda and Rich helped and scrubbed with all their might. Blue and brown ink rolled down the walks and got stuck in puddles along with the expensive molding running all around the room. Like Elizas tears running down in rivers.

  They scrubbed more for about one more hour. Elizas hands became a bit chapped, but she had stopped crying and contained her emotions. Glinda and Rich tried to make her laugh.

  Rich went into his usual mode. I work, I wish no trouble, he said, copying Kwai Chang Caine.

  Eliza didnt respond. She continued wiping and scraping at the posters that were becoming mucky and wet. She could hear Roy in the den watching t.v. with his dad. Gemma and Lena were in the kitchen as she and her sister Marge tried calming down Mrs. O. who was crying and carrying on about the whole incident.

  I should have seen this coming, said Mrs. Osberg coming back into the bedroom. She was breathing hard, but calmer.

  Its fine, Mrs. Osberg, after the kids scrub it down, Marge and I will go in and clean it better, and all you will have to do is get Lev to give it a quick cheap coat of white paint and it will be as good as new, Ras!

  Youre right, its just so upsetting to me when Eliza does things like this& Why? Why does she do this? Asked Lena, not directing addressing Eliza.

  I dont know, but she loves you very much! Said Gemma.

  I know she does, and I love her too, said Mrs. Osberg, ringing out a wet napkin Marge had handed her when shed first come into the kitchen.

  Mrs. Obberg drifted into the living where they sat at the round glass table looking at the gorgeous view of the United Nations.

  Shell learn, dont worry, said Gemma. Marge sat beside Gemma.

  I know, but when?

  Just be patient Mrs. Osberg. Eliza is a special little girl. She does not do things out of spite or being mean or cruel, you know that!

  Yes, I do! Oh, you 2 are a dream and Im so glad you are both here. Fern and Ginny think you two are great, a godsend!

  Thanks Mrs. Osberg, but you know we love your family and are doing our job, right?

  Of course, but you are the best. I m glad we found you. Youve done wonders with the kids, said Lena, using the napkin to wipe her sweaty forehead and pat her red face and neck. She was calming down and the sisters were making an effort to help her calm down.

  Back in the bedroom Rich continued to try and make Eliza laugh.

  After our work, we eat, he said eagerly in Caines calm broken English voice.

  I know, but I love Randy.

  Youve gotta say sorry to Mom. Shes very upset about it, said Glinda wisely.

  Victor came in to se the progress. The posters were coming off, but they had left a bluish impression. If Lena wasnt so postal about it, it might have been funny. But Victor kept up his authority type voice and demeanor.

  But this time Lena would decorate the room, not Aunt Dorothy as he watched his children scrub and scrub and scrub and he realized that when he entered the room the kids picked up the pace and were seeking attention and therefore making it a competition. Their dad watched his kids as his somber face gave way to a smile. It was sort of amusing, but they took it very seriously.

  OK kids, thats enough. Im proud of you for not complaining too much and for helping your sister too!

  Thank you, sniffed Eliza to all. She had spots of blue and brown on her clothes and face, arms even toes. Same with the other two.

  It was like being Tom Sawyer, wasnt it kids? You can go to school and tell your teachers& suggested Victor kiddingly.

  Thats okay Dad, Ive had enough, you wont ever see us put anything up on these walls unless we ask, said Eliza, speaking for all of them.

  I sort of helped her put up some of them, admitted Rich, the ever present comrade brother by Elizas side.

  Well, you kids didnt really mean any harm, you just got carried away, said Victor.

  He went up to Eliza and offered his arm to her. She hugged him and he patted the top of her curly head. Dont worry, Eliza, Im not going to ground you, relax, no clutch, he said gently. We were thinking of up dating your bedroom anyways!

  I didnt mean it, Daddy, said Eliza. And I didnt mean to upset Mom either, she said honestly.

  Mom will be okay, Im going to talk to her later when she is calmer.

  Okay Dad, said Eliza.

  Rich and Glinda came up and hugged Eliza. We helped you with Randy, but maybe it was time, said Rich sagely, truly feeling for his sister.

  Dont worry Eliza, well find new ones of David Carradine and make a scrapbook, said Glinda out of the blue.

  Good idea Glinda, said Victor.

  Yea, I like it, said Rich.

  It was time for Eliza to grow up a bit, and she was being helped along by many forces roaming the halls and causeways of the UN Plaza.