Read LOVE? Page 1





  This is not just a story; this is an illustration to convey all my philosophical ideas on Love and its related topics. This book is not a literary work; it is a philosophical book with a scent of entertainment just to keep readers involved and to explain well my thoughts on Love.

  I am aware that most of the readers will not agree with me but if you give the ideas a thought, the purpose of the book will be achieved.


  Love, it is one of the most commonly used words besides terrorism, money, fuck and others. But what does it mean? There are different theories about it, different meanings according to different people but whatever it is; it has a deep profound effect on creatures of God and God himself. There are thousands of books written on this one word “Love”, about its two faced nature, about its loyalty, about its deception, about its charm, about its harm. They say its what differentiates us from beasts and binds us together, but does it really help accomplish anything?

  Well I am not here to write another essay on love I am here to tell you a story, a story to let you decide. A story about a 19 year old boy John Norton who felt or perhaps I should say fell in love.

  It was winter, weather was harsh in Ohio, Columbus, USA. The boy lived with his parents on Lexington Ave, Springfield, Ohio. He was an average looking guy with a little bit of charm, neither rich nor poor, a junior at high school and a brilliant boy whose brilliance was about to be tested.

  January 28th, John got up and went to school; it seemed like an ordinary day, except it wasn’t. As John entered the school, he saw a girl whose sight paralyzed him and he stood there watching that girl walking straight towards him. She was a honey blonde; John had never seen her before in his life. She came to him and asked about Sir Ribbery’s Math class but as john was still in the midst of the boom caused due to the sight of an overwhelmingly beautiful girl so he couldn’t get a word out his mouth. He tried desperately to speak but what can a person do when he is swept off his feet by the girl who is just like a drug which paralyzes the person and simultaneously gives him the pleasure.

  Suddenly a friend of John’s came and told the girl about Sir Ribbery’s class thus saving John’s ass. The blonde girl smiled at John and went to the classroom. As soon as the girl left John felt idiotic as he had blown the first impression but actually he hadn’t.

  Now most of the people think that it is stupid not to control yourself when you see a beauty goddess but actually there a kind of girls that find it quite cute that the boy was stunned by their beauty, well it could go both ways because I also strongly believe that there is another kind of girls to whom if you don’t pay any attention regardless of how beautiful they are, makes them want you even more. It depends on the personal nature of the girl you are trying to get. If you are trying to get a girl first you will have to know which kind she is. Though it is certain that the way you behave in first few meetings of you and her will decide that who is going to be dominant over who and there is absolutely no denial to this, that in a love affair one of the two people is dominant over the other. This may be due to a number of reasons which includes insecurity, the imbalance of ratio of love, ego issues, etc.

  Anyway continuing the story, John kept thinking about her all day long as he could not get that face out of his head. He found that she was a senior, an year older than him and that her name was Lilly Adams. After school he tried to find her but he couldn’t. He stumbled his way home and spent the rest of the day in deep and overpowering thoughts of how to make a second first impression. John decided that he was going to talk to her and get himself out of that state of embarrassment he got himself into due to the first meeting of him and Lilly.

  Next day he woke up earlier and was determined and eager to make a better impression on Lilly. He went to school and started to look for the face he couldn’t forget. There she was again, looking even more bewitchingly beautiful than yesterday. She was wearing a cream color shirt and a skinny dark jeans causing “the stars to collide in the galaxies” according to John’s heart. Although she took John off the track for a moment but he got back on track as he was determined to not act like a total idiot again. As she walked towards him John’s pulse rate began to rise. John greeted Lilly, she smiled at him first and then replied,

  “Hello! How are you today?”

  John felt ashamed but he continued, “Sorry I couldn’t introduce myself to you yesterday, my name is John Norton.”

  “Oh its no problem at all, I am Lilly, Lilly Adams.” she replied. They shook hands and continued the conversation,

  “I heard you are not from here” John

  “Yes you’ve heard it correctly I have just moved from Alaska”

  “So how do you like Ohio?” John inquired.

  “Well its nice, people are all very welcoming and the house we have is also good.”

  The school bell rung, disrupting their conversation, “It was nice talking to you.” Lilly said.

  “I’ll see you around” John added. Then they both headed to their respective classes. John kept staring at her in the cafeteria with eyes wide open like a spotted owl, while Lilly pretended that she didn’t know that John was staring at her, but in fact she knew it or in other words enjoyed it.

  Most of the guys think that the girls don’t know that someone is gawking them , but actually the girls are a lot smarter than guys in this particular scenario, they not only know it but they also enjoy it most of the times. But the guys which don’t seem to pay any attention to girls pinch them. Who wouldn’t want the attention and the appreciations that girls get from guys.

  Rest of the day was full of subtle things. At the end of the school, John tried to find Lilly to talk to her but he couldn’t because she already had left.

  Lilly was extremely polite to everyone and John knew that there was nothing special about that day’s conversation between him and Lilly so he decided not to pursue her, he decided to stay away from her because he didn’t want his heart to be broken, that is the reason why he never had a lover before. But John was undeniably in love with Lilly since the very first moment he laid eyes on her. People call it “Love at first sight”.

  I have a theory, that there is no such thing as “Love at first sight” there is just the crush that is confused with “Love at first sight”. You don’t agree? Here is an example, when we see a movie star with extreme hot and good looks for the very first time we sigh and we wish that we could get her/him, we dream about her/him, we fantasize her/him and we think about her/him unwantedly for days but we do get over it and eventually they are replaced by new movie stars which are much more attractive than the previous ones. What do we call it? A crush or “Love at first sight”? Now what happens with people on who we also have a crush and we are subjected to see them frequently in person and we know that there could be a chance of us getting together is that we are driven by false hopes that there could be a chance and we get habitual to them so when we think of everyday life without them we feel that there will be something missing in our life without them so we call it “Love”.

  John had decided not to try on Lilly because he wasn’t sure about how it would end and he was scared as he never had a girl before. A week passed and John was painfully successful so far in avoiding Lilly but he couldn’t avoid the haunting thoughts of her. Next day at school the science fair was announced to be held a month later. At the end of school Lilly came to John and said, “Hey John, how are you?”

  “I’m ok, how are you?”

  “I’m good too. Long time no see, you must have been very busy”

  “Yeah I had a lot going through my mind” John tried to cover. “So what’s up?”

  “Hey I have an amazing idea for the science fa
ir, I was wondering if you could pair with me.”

  John coughed and asked as if she was talking to someone else “Me?”

  “Only if its fine with you”

  “I am not so sure if that’s a good idea”

  “Are you already paired with someone or is there something wrong with me?” Lilly asked.

  “Not at all. I just don’t want to let you down” John explained with an embarrassed face.

  “Hey don’t be ridiculous, you won the science fair in middle school and everyone calls you the science master”. “Come on it’ll be fun” Lilly insisted.

  “Ok” John said unwillingly but also happy inside. “When should we start?”

  “Here is my number give a call and I’ll let you know. Ok then partner, talk to you later”

  “Bye.” John said.

  John was still surprised, it was all starting to go well for him but he couldn’t refuse Lilly. He wandered at night thinking about calling Lilly , for a moment he thought that he shouldn’t , then he picked up the phone and called her.

  “Hello, its John Norton”

  “Hey what took you so long?”

  “I was stuck in something”

  “So listen, what are you doing after school