Read LUCID Nightmare Page 1



  A Novella by

  – E. clay–

  This book was inspired by true events, but names and some events have been changed to protect the privacy of those portrayed.

  Lucid Nightmare

  Copyright © E. Clay 2017

  New Paradigm Publishers-All rights reserved

  ISBN 978-0-9971954-4-6 (paperback)

  ISBN 978-0-9971954-5-3 (eBook)

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by photocopying or any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage or retrieval systems, without permission in writing from both the copyright owner and the publisher of the book.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1: The Eyes Have It

  Chapter 2: Indecent Proposal

  Chapter 3: Paradigm Shift

  Chapter 4: The Pleasure Principal

  Chapter 5: Thief in the Night

  Chapter 6: The Last House on the Left

  Chapter 7: The Assessment

  Chapter 8: The Fine Print

  Chapter 9: The Harvest

  Chapter 10: Immortal Combat

  Author’s Corner


  Clay Thompson is an American writer based in a small English town outside London, where he enjoys a comfortable lifestyle with Claire, a recent love interest. After years of enjoying good fortune, Clay experiences a calamitous setback that threatens his livelihood and even his new found relationship. Desperate to get his life back on track he seeks out a renowned local gypsy to “fix” his recent misfortune. Clay’s encounter pays dividends that exceed his a price. Will Clay successfully navigate through this maze of a nightmare? Or will he find out...

  When you dance with the Devil, the music never ends.

  Chapter 1: The Eyes Have It

  November 5, 2017 10:30 a.m.

  Radio Station HZR 104 FM, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

  Five, four, three, two, one!

  “It’s a quarter past the hour. I’m your host, Kill Bill, and with me is Clay Thompson, a local author. Good morning.”

  “Good morning,” Clay responded, semi relaxed.

  “Hmm, I detect an American accent. Tell our listeners where you’re from and how did you wind up here in the UK.”

  “Originally, I’m from Detroit. I retired from the U.S Marines some years ago and found a job here in the U.K as a technical writer. Now, I’m a full time fiction writer for New Paradigm Publishers. I’m 55 now, so I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks.”

  Well, I read your book, and I liked it.”

  Clay gave a sigh of relief. His shoulders dropped. Clay knew the radio host wasn’t one to pull punches on his critiques. Clay welcomed the opportunity for a lively discussion with someone that connected with his story.

  “Bill, I’m so glad you liked the book. I’m just hoping readers here in the UK and in the US will too,” Clay responded as he leaned forward closer to the mic.

  “So, the story is set in Huntingdon. Did you know that Huntingdon is the most well-read town in all of the UK?” asked the host.

  “I only recently found out as I was doing market research for the book. This story is a little dark; I just hope it’s not too dark.”

  “Clay, what can you tell our listeners about your new book without revealing any spoilers?”

  “Well, Bill, I would classify the book as paranormal. Through various characters in the book, we see a battle of spiritual warfare, a fight for one man’s soul. There’s also a budding romance that’s challenged by dark experiences; experiences that would weaken even the strongest of men and women.”

  Clay continued. ”The book explores the incredible impact of dreams on the human psyche and our everyday lives. I believe our dreams can reshape our thought processes during sleep, whether we recall them or not. Dreams really do matter.”

  “Nightmares too?” Bill interjected.

  “Most definitely, especially nightmares.”

  “Hmm, the thought of waking up with a new way of thinking based on a dream that I couldn’t recall is kinda scary, don’t cha think?”

  “I agree, but I can give you a real life example. A few years ago, I had a horrible personality conflict with my supervisor at work. It was awful. I saw her threat to my career and I’m sure she saw me in the same light. I lost several nights’ sleep and the issue completely mind hijacked my every thought.”

  “Well, I had a dream, a very realistic dream that I was at work drafting my resignation letter from my computer. As I was about to hit the send button, I got an instant message from Barbara, my nemesis, on our work chat.

  “Clay, I’d really like it if we could reset our work relationship. It’s causing me too much grief and it’s affecting others here at the office. Let’s put our differences aside and work together. Wanna go for a coffee? My treat.”

  “Bill, I felt such a tremendous weight lifted in that dream. I woke up happy with a smile on my face. My resentment had vanished. I couldn’t wait to go to work and engage her without the heavy baggage. I remember the conversation perfectly.”

  “Good morning, Barbara. Did you do anything exciting over the weekend?” I asked with a sincere smile.

  “Barbara looked around because she could not fathom that I was speaking to her in such a friendly tone. I then asked if I could treat her to a cup of her favorite caramel macchiato at the café downstairs. She accepted. From that moment on we started to repair our work relationship. I call her a friend now, something I could’ve never imagined before the dream. Dreams do matter.”

  Bill stoked his mustache. He appeared to appreciate Clay’s take.

  “Interesting. Very interesting. You may have a point there. Let’s shift gears for a second, and chat about the purpose of dreams. Dreams must serve some purpose other than entertainment for the subconscious during sleep. So what is your personal opinion?”

  “There are a few schools of thought on the subject. One theory suggests dreams allow us to carry out risky behavior in a safe environment, to allow us to make better decisions without real life consequences. I personally believe I dream for two reasons. First, I would have to say problem solving. If I’m confused or unsure about an important decision, sometimes I dream about it to get better clarity.”

  “So what’s the second purpose?”

  Delayed response.

  “My dreams serve as a portal, a gateway…”

  Bill glanced over at the flashing phone lines. “I think we have time to take a couple of questions from our listeners. Caller one, you’re on the air.”

  “Hi Clay, I just finished your new book. I gotta ask—is this a true story?”

  “Yes,” Clay responded eagerly. “The story is based on a personal experience.”

  “Oh, my. Thank you.”

  “Caller two. Go.”

  “Clay, I read your new book. Is it your belief that the dead can interact with the living during a sleep state?”

  Clay took a very deep breath and gently rubbed his forehead. His answer would challenge his Christian beliefs. His response was subdued and somber.


  One year earlier

  November 9, 2016

  Clay’s Residence, 1 a.m

  “Whew. What time is it, Clay?” Claire asked as she stared at the ceiling, clutching the duvet.

  Clay reached for his glasses on the nightstand.

  “It’s almost one in the morning, babe. What time did you get here?”

  Claire offered a devilish grin.

  “I pulled into your driveway at eight. I think it was only a few minutes past when you got me naked.”

  “A whole three minutes. Man, I must be losi
ng my touch,” Clay said in jest.

  Claire rested her head on Clay’s chest.

  “Clay, it’s been a long time since I’ve been with someone, and although I want to take it slow…this is anything but slow. I want to know more about you. I want to know what’s in that head of yours.”

  Clay stared into Claire’s soft green eyes and kissed her lips.

  “I know. There’s so much to tell you. Things you need to know. I’m a little cautious because I value what we have and I don’t want to scare you away. But after two months, I guess it’s time for a truth-in-lending conversation. Soon. I promise, sweetheart.”

  “Okay, my sexy man.”

  Claire sat upright in the bed and grabbed the remote control. Clay rested his head on her lap.

  “Clay, the US election was last night. Did you vote?”

  Distracted by the softness of her thighs, he feigned interest.

  “Yeah, I voted. I wasn’t excited about the presidential ticket.”

  “Hmm. Not surprising.”

  Clay started to kiss her navel. “The down ticket has so much more appeal.”

  “Clay, you are so naughty.”

  “That said, I have little interest in the body of Congress,” Clay continued. “I’m much more interested in the body of Claire at the moment. Just to warn you, the southern part of your body is under threat. You might have to call in the National Guard, my love.”

  Claire slowly rolled back the duvet, exposing her tempting nude body.

  “Well, if the invasion doesn’t begin soon, I will have to invoke my NATO policy.”

  Clay looked slightly perplexed.

  “NATO policy? What’s that?”

  “NATO—nothing after two o’clock,” Claire whispered in Clay’s ear, laughing.

  The Next Morning

  Relentless chimes of the doorbell were followed by loud knocks at the door. Claire donned Clay’s robe and scurried down the stairs.

  Claire whisked open the curtains to investigate, inviting the soft rays of the sun into the living room.

  “Babe, you’ve got a package and a certified letter. I can sign for it if you want.”

  After Clay and Claire feasted on a hearty English breakfast, Claire pointed to the parcel and letter on the kitchen counter.

  “Aren’t you interested in what’s in the post, my love?”

  Clay’s eyes widened. “Hmm, let’s see. What do we have here?” Clay said as he stood over the items.

  Clay opened the parcel first. “‘Congratulations. You were one of a few select new customers in our drawing last month. Please accept this home security system as a token of our appreciation.’ Wow. This is an elaborate setup. It’s a Wi-Fi system that I can monitor on my phone. Nice.”

  “You have a letter too, my love.”

  Clay beamed as he read the return address. He returned to his seat. Claire sat on his lap.

  “Good news?” she inquired.

  “I love mail stamped Private and Confidential. Especially mail from the Veterans Evaluation Services,” Clay exclaimed. “After being retired from the Marines over seventeen years, I finally submitted for a VA disability examination,” he clarified. “I just never got around to doing it until six months ago. I finally have an appointment. The VA disability process for veterans overseas is slightly more complicated. The VA has to outsource for exams to meet the demand of vets like me living abroad. Looks like I’ve got my appointment in downtown London.”

  Clay noticed a change in Claire’s demeanor. She appeared to be sad.

  “What’s wrong, baby? You look worried,” Clay asked.

  “Sigh…disability? Is there something I should be concerned about?” Claire asked. Her voice quivered.

  Clay gently touched the side of her face with his right hand. It was time for transparency and openness.

  “I guess there’s no other way to tell you. I should have told you after we started getting serious.”

  Claire seemed moments away from shedding a tear. Clay saw it in her eyes.

  “The truth is I have a heart condition and a respiratory ailment.”

  “Oh my God,” Claire gasped.

  “The problem with my heart is…it was stolen by a five-foot-two-inch brunette with amazing eyes. The other issue is, whenever I look into those soft green eyes, she takes my breath away.”

  Chapter 2: Indecent Proposal