Read LUCID Nightmare Page 11


  Claire waited patiently for hours in visitor’s area, pacing the floor.

  Clay’s doctor waved to Claire from the reception desk.

  “Good evening, I’m Doctor Kendrick, and not to worry, he’s going to be just fine.”

  Claire was immediately relieved. A massive weight had been lifted.

  “It seems Mr. Thompson had a panic attack that set off an asthma-like episode. Has he been under much stress lately?”

  Claire nodded.

  “You can see him now, he’s asking for you.”

  Claire walked into the hospital room that Clay shared with three others. He had a nebulizer attached to his face and there were leads on his chest that monitored his heart rate. He was unable to talk but alert.

  Claire kissed him on the cheek and sat next to him on the side of the bed. Clay’s eyes were teary.

  “What happened?” Clay scribbled on a piece of paper.

  “You experienced shortness of breath while we were making love.”

  Clay’s eyes rolled to the ceiling. “Are you serious?” he wrote.

  Claire elaborated. “Oh, it gets worse. I panicked and called 999. Mrs. Sinclair resuscitated you.”

  “Not so bad,” Clay wrote.

  Claire smiled. “You were naked on the kitchen floor, spread eagle.”

  Clay’s eyes widened like saucers.

  “Did see she see my junk?” Clay wrote.

  Claire giggled. “Yup.”

  “Oh, great. I can never look her in the eye again. It’s a good thing I’m moving. ”

  Clay spent the night in the hospital for observation.

  The next morning, Clay was notified that he had a visitor, someone anxious to see him. It wasn’t Claire.

  “Good morning, Mr. Thompson. A Captain Steward would like to see you. May I send him in?”

  Clay sat up in his hospital bed and stretched.

  “Mr. Thompson, how are you doing this morning?” the captain inquired.

  “Doing much better. I should be out of here later this afternoon. How did you know I was here?”

  “Oh, I live three doors down and I heard all the ruckus. I’ve been meaning to pay you a visit before this, but I’m going on leave soon and thought I’d speak to you before I left.”

  “Speak to me? About what?”

  The captain stood by Clay’s side and exhaled.

  “Well, I’m separating from the Marines this summer because I got passed over for promotion. So basically I’m getting my walking papers.”

  “So, why do you want to talk to me?”

  “I’m applying for my VA disability and I was told that you have the hookup, that you know someone, a woman. I’ve got a buddy who’s in the same boat as me.”

  Clay covered his face with his hands. He was mildly disturbed.

  “What do you want?”

  “Well, I heard she’s pretty hot,” the captain joked.

  Clay sighed in disgust. “Oh, she’s hot, alright. Hot as hell, I’d say.”

  “How much does it cost?” the captain asked.

  Clay mustered enough energy to offer a flippant response.

  “How much does it cost? I don’t know, I’m still paying.”