Read LYCCYX Episode 1: The Declaration Page 3

is that we believe that all 303 people aboard Lunar Base 127 survived. Our thermal scans show all life forms intact and there appears to be a good bit of movement.”

  “The bad news?” I inquired aloud, before my mind had a chance to catch up to my mouth.

  “The bad news is that we have made an interesting discovery regarding the LifeSeed technology. It appears that the unexpected detonation of the Haven warhead altered the structure of the viral bots. We don’t yet know the full extent of the effect this will have on the inhabitants.”

  “Could you take a guess?” By now I was getting annoyed at his vague pretense. I needed some straight answers.

  “That’s enough, Captain.” The Colonel interrupted.

  “It’s quite alright, Colonel.” The good doctor replied as he took off his glasses. He seemed like an honest guy and I could tell he knew more than he was sharing.

  “To be honest, Captain Xander, I have run a few simulations on the possible effects of this new virus – which I have tentatively named LYCCYX due to its possible symptoms and it’s appearance under a scanning electron microscope – it resembles a tiny wolf. I believe LYCCYX has the ability to alter the DNA of its host and literally morph the victim into the most extreme version of himself… or herself.”

  “Say what?” I asked.

  “LYCCYX could turn a man who has anger management issues into a hulking beast with uncontrollable rage.”

  “You mean like a werewolf?”

  “Well, sort of… more like a… caricature. For example, it may possess the power to transform an individual with greedy tendencies into an opportunistic, cunning monster bent on thievery. It apparently brings out the worst characteristics of its host.”

  This was all a bit more than I could handle. My heart was racing and my hands felt deathly cold… a sinking feeling of dread took hold of me. On the one hand, our friends did survive the explosion but what are they now? Are they even human? Can they be saved?

  “There is one more item you might consider good news.” Dr. Brason announced. “Before the Haven Project was ever implemented, we created a contingency plan in case the viral bots malfunctioned. We developed a compound called STRIPES – Stable Reconstructive Inoculant in a Protein Enhanced Solution. STRIPES works by destroying LYCCYX in the first three stages of infection, before the mutations go too far. Much like LYCCYX, it is also based on nanotechnology but instead of harming the host, it heals and has a number of positive benefits. LYCCYX infection consists of a total of four stages, marked by progressively increasing mutations. If we can deliver the antidote in any of the first three stages, the victim should recover completely. Additional doses of STRIPES will be necessary to undo the mutations done by LYCCYX.”

  “What about the fourth stage?” I asked.

  “We don’t really know for certain, Captain, but it appears that the changes become permanent and the victim is beyond assistance.” He answered solemnly.

  Dr. Brason made it clear – we had to get down there and administer the cure before it was too late. Though I knew there were women and children in need of the antidote, all I could think about was helping my best friend, John Stephan.


  No Place to Raise Your Kids

  Back on Lunar Base 127:

  “I have never felt so alive!” Stephan exclaimed as he leaned back and stretched while flexing his biceps. “Whatever happened during that blast was amazing! It was like a catalyst toward the next step in our evolution.”

  “We have a lot of work to do in order to get the manufacturing facilities back online, Lt Stephan.” Madras said.

  “Right you are, Sgt Madras… or should I say Kent? Let’s do away with these silly titles.”

  “But… you… you’re still the highest ranking officer here, sir.” Madras replied with a slight twinge of disappointment.

  “You are absolutely right, Kent. In that case, rally the survivors – men, women, and children. I have an announcement to make at 13:00.”

  “Yes, sir!” he complied.

  Reaching out

  “Captain, sensors detect a sudden spike in radio signal activity coming from LB127.” Dyas reported.

  “Acknowledged, Corporal Dyas – they have restored the communications equipment.” I replied. “Let’s hope that this is a good sign.”

  The plan was to give the survivors instructions before a team was deployed to LB127. It would be a massive effort to inoculate all 303 individuals aboard and would require full cooperation of the remaining personnel. We were now standing by aboard WPF4 (water production facility 4 – one of AMC’s orbital facilities that not only generated water from pulverized asteroid matter but also served as a great launching point for lunar landings).

  We sent the following message:

  “To all base personnel and family members:

  It is with deepest regret and sincere urgency that we inform you that all individuals aboard Lunar Base 127 have been infected with an experimental virus called LYCCYX. Fortunately, we have an antidote available to every person affected known as STRIPES. If left untreated, LYCCYX causes severe mutations and could be fatal. We will soon be dispatching a team of SEF Alpha troops to deliver the antidote. Please follow any and all instructions they give you in order to ensure that all infected individuals are treated in a timely manner.

  All UCM personnel aboard LB127 are hereby relieved of their military duties until a full medical examination can be performed. We advise extra rest and adequate nutrition to help slow the spread of LYCCYX.

  Very Respectfully,

  UCM Space Command”

  A Declaration of Independence

  “Such arrogance! How dare they make such demands?!” Stephan growled.

  “Maybe they’re right, sir…” Madras said sheepishly. “Maybe we should all get some rest and wait for the SEF team.”

  With that Stephan quickly turned around, grabbed Madras by the throat and lifted him off the floor.

  “Right?! Just like they were right when they were putting performance-enhancers in our food?”

  “We cannot trust the UCM; we are the dominant species now! We are Hyans!” He snarled and then threw Madras to the floor.

  “Yessss… sir.” Madras gasped as he sat in a crumbled heap. “What… what is our next move?”

  “We’ll send them a message: our declaration of independence from Earth.”

  Stephan and his troops had made a very interesting discovery beneath LB127. Now that they were no longer under UCM protocol they broke into the top-secret subterranean labs located deep in the bowels of the moon. AMC had been testing rapid cloning technology for decades and had relocated their center of operations beneath LB127 to avoid the scrutiny of Earth’s human rights groups. They also pioneered BioHybrid technology (mechanically enhanced clones) with the intent to build a massive labor force for constructing more facilites and weapons.

  John Stephan was not only a fierce warrior, but also possessed an IQ on the northern side of 180. He is a genius – apparently he has now chosen to use his cognitive abilities to serve his own desires rather than the needs of the people he swore to protect. He now refers to himself and the other occupants of LB127 as Hyans (a play on words – “high-ends” or “high-and-mighty”) because he is convinced that the “incident” freed them from the limitations of being human and now they are the next step in the evolution of the human race.

  Stephan’s reply to the UCM directive:

  “On behalf of the Hyan People of New Earth:

  We hereby declare our independence from The United Continents and Planet Earth. We have discovered a new and revolutionary way of life that has freed us from the limitations of living as weak human beings. Thanks to LYCCYX, we have embraced the next step in the evolution of man, that of the Hyan – a new race created by the Miraculous Catalyst that UCM is calling an “accident”.

  We offer the chance to join us to any humans of Earth who wish to become complete as we n
ow are. Receive LYCCYX and experience the freedom we now enjoy. Also, let it be known to any who would oppose us that we are prepared for battle. We have discovered and activated the rapid cloning, BioHybrid, and weapons manufacturing facilities developed and hidden by the Asteroid Mining Corporation. We have also weaponized the remaining Haven warheads and are prepared to launch them toward Earth at a moment’s notice.

  Choose for yourselves, Earth-dwellers: remain on an overpopulated planet torn by war and politics as pathetic humans or join us – the Hyans as we progress toward higher levels of life and freedom. Together, we can cast off the restraints of tradition and religion and pursue true freedom through Science and Technology thanks to our savior – LYCCYX.

  John Sebastian Stephan

  Chancellor of New Earth

  Leader of the Hyan People”

  Freedom Reigns

  Disbelief and shock filled my psyche after reading Stephan’s response. At the same time, it made sense. He was always suspicious of authority figures. It probably had to do with how his father was such an overbearing, controlling oaf. His mom left and took him and his brother, Todd, to the States (back when we were still called the United States of America – those were the good old days). John Stephan had a horrible excuse for a father, unlike my dad, who was and is the best dad a guy could ever ask for. I thought back for a moment to all the times John was over at our house and how my folks sort of adopted him as part of our family. He often seemed to lack any