Read Lady Jessica, Monster Hunter - Episode 1: Heart Of The Empire Page 11

  JESSICA FLICKED THE button on her tooth.

  'Atsu! Come back, it's a trap!'

  Nothing. Either Atsu hadn't activated her transmitter device, or she was unable to speak. The music changed tempo, continuing to swell throughout the theatre. Jessica's limbs were powerless.

  She was unable to move as she watched Atsu climb the steps to the stage, moving stiffly like one of the automata in the Queen's birthday parade. Flint too was stuck fast; his eyes were glassy, still under whatever spell the vampyres were weaving. Jessica gritted her teeth as Atsu stopped in front of Mephisto, looking up at him as if he was a kindly uncle.

  Mephisto clicked his fingers and Atsu's eyes snapped shut. Then, positioning himself behind her with his hands either side of her head, he walked backwards. Atsu's upper body descended as her feet began to rise, until she too was lying vertically, suspended in mid air. With a bow and a flourish, Mephisto took a step to one side and pretended to blow the unconscious Atsu a kiss. Her body floated out of sight, off to where the previous woman had disappeared.

  The music increased in volume, hurting Jessica's ears. As Mephisto spread his arms wide, the fire-eater, the trio of alleged nymphs and Salome returned to the stage. They stood in a line, bowing to the motionless audience. Mephisto gave another click of his fingers, and the music stopped. There was a second or two of complete silence, then the theatre erupted to the sound of applause and cries for an encore. Everyone was on their feet, including Flint, who threw his hat into the air and cheered.

  The strength returned to Jessica's limbs. 'Snap out of your stupor, William!'

  He looked at her with a puzzled expression, still cheering.

  'I'm sorry, William.' She slapped him hard in the face. Flint's eyes snapped alert and he stopped applauding, glancing around him with a bewildered expression.

  'What? Where...? Where's Atsu?'

  'They've taken her, William.' Jessica had to shout to make herself heard above the tumultuous applause, but nobody paid them the slightest attention. 'This whole thing, it's nothing but a front. The music, the acts: they create a glamour, William. Stupefying people, so that vile creature can choose his victims like a child in a toyshop!'

  'The gent in the middle?' The cast of the show were still receiving their acclaim. Mephisto bent down to scoop up another armful of flowers which had been thrown onto the stage.

  'He's the nest leader, Flint. And he's got Atsu.'

  'We have to get her back! Damn these bloody creatures!' Flint flung his hat towards the stage. It fell several rows short, hitting an elderly gentleman on the back of the head. He didn't flinch, continuing to clap with gusto.

  'We shall, William. Now, in fact. Our plan is unaltered: we go backstage and cleanse this place of the vermin infesting it. Though we must proceed with caution. Not only is the tavern's daughter held captive here, but now so is our navigator.'

  'If those bastards lay so much as a filth-encrusted fingernail on her, I'll rip their bloody heads off with my bare hands and stuff them up their bloody —'

  'Excuse me.' The red-robed attendant leaned over and laid his hand on Flint's shoulder. 'You must come with me. Both of you.'

  Flint whirled round, grabbing the attendant's hand and twisting it. The man yelped with pain and cowered from Flint's raised fist.

  'No, William,' said Jessica. 'I imagine this gentleman is simply wondering why we are not showing our appreciation like the others?' The attendant glared at her, rubbing his wrist. 'Why yes, of course we'd be happy to go with you, sir. Please, lead the way.'

  'No false moves,' he said, ushering them out into the aisle. 'You won't last longer than a second if you try anything.'

  'You can trust us, sir. We wish to cause no trouble here,' Jessica said. She could tell Flint was struggling to remain silent. 'Not when there are so many innocents around.'

  'We'll see who's guilty and who's innocent in a moment,' said the attendant. 'Now stay quiet and walk.' He led them past the front row of the stalls, then towards a small curtained opening to the left of the stage. The audience were still gazing forwards, clapping and cheering with no sign of diminished enthusiasm. No-one noticed as they stepped behind the curtain.

  No-one apart from Mephisto, who stared down at them with his black marble eyes, a cruel smile twisting his face into a mask of triumph.


  'Stop.' They were in a small chamber, the applause from the auditorium thundering behind them. The walls were covered in rich red paper, with light from a small gasburner providing the only illumination. The attendant clapped his hands and a panel in the wall ahead of them slid open. Through it came two more figures: one male, the other female. The dullness of their eyes and the pallor of their skin betrayed them as vampyres.

  'Take them,' said the attendant. 'Prove your worth as new members of the nest.'

  The male gave a guttural growl and leapt forward, fingers hooked into claws.

  'At last,' said Flint. With a flash, his knife was in his hand. And with a second flash, even quicker, the blade was protruding from the vampyre's chest.

  Jessica ducked as the other beast lunged towards her. Its claws knocked off her hat, which tumbled to the ground.

  'Now that was very rude,' she said. 'Please allow me to teach you some manners.'

  The vampyre had time to open its mouth, but not to scream. Its head rolled to a stop beside the top hat, separated from its body by the lightning-fast sweep of Jessica's sword.

  'So,' said Jessica, turning back to where the attendant had been standing. 'Where is it you would like to take us, exactly?'

  The man was on his knees, his hands clasped together. 'Please, don't kill me! I'm only one of their servants. I'm not like them, honest I'm not.'

  'Then why,' said Flint, prodding his knife under the man's chin, 'do you stay with them? They're an abomination, man!'

  'It's Mephisto. He has put me under a curse. If I leave this place, I'll burst into flame, just like the Great Infernus!'

  Flint sneered down at him. 'Do you believe him, Jessica?'

  'I don't know, William. I suppose there's only one way to find out, isn't there?' She grabbed the attendant's robe and hauled him to his feet. 'Now, which way was it to the exit?'

  'No, please! I beg you! I'll do anything!'

  'Tell us,' said Jessica, loosening her grip, 'where Mephisto keeps his captives.'

  He looked from Jessica to Flint, then sagged. 'In the basement. They've converted it into a crypt. It's where they decide, Mephisto and Salome.'

  'Decide what?'

  'Whether to turn them... or to feast on them.'

  'And it is through that passage?'

  The man nodded.

  'Thank you. Now that wasn't so hard now, was it?' Jessica smiled sweetly. 'Oh, William?'

  Flint grinned and took a step forward. 'Yes, my lady?'

  'Two hours should do it, I think.'

  'This usually does the job for at least three,' said Flint, then head-butted the attendant unconscious.


  The Crypt