Read Lady of the Eye and Ear Page 4

  Chapter 4


  A lesser nymph sang while a troupe of pixy nymphets danced with her and clapped. “Delightful, are they not?” Mother Dellinnay asked Lord Haudriss.

  “Yes,” the greater he-fay smiled. He chuckled at the sight of a little fay being tall, a head taller and even more shapely than other elves.

  The nymph and her nymphets ran in place. The little fay sang, “As I run through the woods, among the bushes and the trees...”

  “I am unseen,” the pixies added in their shrill little voices. “I may do as I please!”

  “I am alone,” the fay stopped and looked about, “so where is the fun?”

  “I am without playmate!”

  The sprite resumed her immobile stride, “Alone do I run.”

  Pixies watching the show giggled.

  Haudriss whispered to Dellinnay, “The little pixies are delightful... but not so delightful as the sprite who leads them.”


  “Look at her face. She is aglow upon beholding the smiles and hearing the giggles of littler ones.”

  “Yes,” Dellinnay noticed.

  “The pixies are to her what she is to a greater fay.”

  Dellinnay nodded. “Milord, your insight enlightens me.”

  “I only see what there is for all to see.”

  Dellinnay and Haudriss continued to watch the show, when the priestess asked, “Milord, why is Dame Vorla not here?”

  “She must prepare.”


  “Dame Vorla shall do what Dame Vorla must do.”

  “Yes, milord.” Dellinnay pursued her question no further.

  “Milord,” a lesser nymph whispered into Haudriss’s ear from behind.


  “The Ambassador for Duria is at the gate and seeks audience with you.”

  “I shall see her now.”

  “Yes, milord.”

  Mother Crystalline was greeted by Lord Haudriss himself. “Your Reverence,” he bowed.

  The dwarf told the elf, “I have come to petition for the release of your prisoner.”

  “Petition for her release? Of what concern is an elfin spy to the Ambassador for the Dwarfish Kingdom of Duria?”

  “Until your government opens diplomatic relations with Elfland...”

  “Forgive me, honorable dwarf, but my queen is the Queen of Elfland.”

  “Who rules from another land.” Haudriss scowled. “The Queen of Elfland,” the dwarf obliged him. The dark elf nodded, as if accepting an apology. “Lord Ambassador Haudriss, the Kingdom of Duria commends you for your mercy. Will you hear my plea for the release of your prisoner?”

  “Your Reverence, do you recognize Her Majesty’s right to do with a spy as She so pleases?”

  “Yes. My plea does not contest your right.”

  “Reverend Mother Crystalline, the Queen of the Elves has decreed that all elves who oppose Her are traitors and shall be destroyed. She has already sentenced our prisoner to death.”

  “You promised you would not harm your prisoner if Aylith never again raised her hand against you!”

  “Yes. Her Majesty shall honor my pledge. In Her mercy She has graciously imagined to pardon all sprites and pixies who now oppose Her.”

  “Do not pretend you cannot release the prisoner!”

  “I shall send word to Her Majesty and implore Her to hear your plea.”

  Crystalline huffed and stormed away.

  Aylith sat on the floor stretching, when Lord Vellizar entered the room. He watched her and said nothing. “Milord?” she wondered what he was here to tell.

  “Though she bore no obligation to do so, Mother Crystalline has pled with Lord Haudriss for the release of Twaylee.”

  “Crystalline pled for little Twaylee?”

  “Yes. She has failed to persuade him.” Vellizar turned to leave, then said, “As Minister of the Eye and Ear, I hereby command you to act according to your own heart.” Though he left her, Aylith knew Vellizar was with her.

  Mother Dellinnay addressed Lord Haudriss, “Milord.”


  “Our little prisoner has escaped us.”


  “Yes, milord. The nymph who guarded her is dead.”

  “Aylith has returned?”

  “No, milord. The window of the chamber was opened from the inside.”

  “The collar failed to kill the prisoner?”

  “Milord, the prisoner’s collar was found with a pin lodged in its lock.”

  “Search the palace and the grounds. Our prisoner may not have entirely escaped us.”

  “Yes, milord. Do you wish me to tell Dame Vorla of all this?”

  “No. She is still not to be disturbed. Continue to command the guard in her stead.”

  “Yes, milord.”

  Twaylee was wearing the blue, sleeveless body shirt and the black, leather corslet, boots and bracers that had been the attire of the guard she had killed. She could have taken Nindee’s spear-sword, but without a scabbard, it would be impossible to climb while bearing it. Twaylee preferred daggers to swords, anyhow. Why fight a ready opponent when one could cut their throat or stab their back?

  Twaylee heard footsteps! She hid and watched as a sprite priestess led a dozen sword-girls in obvious search for her. “There!” the cleric pointed. Twaylee fled deeper into the palace.

  Aylith walked the streets of the City of Peace, carrying a sword wrapped in a blanket. Elves, dwarves, gnomes, trolls and even an orc and goblins passed her by. Some smiled at her, but none seemed to suspect that she was armed and on a quest that would surely draw blood. So long as the war was unheard and unseen, all would say that this was indeed the Isle of Peace.

  Aylith hid among the bushes, trees and flowers of the garden park nearest the Palatial Embassy of the Uncanny Court. She looked and listened to be certain she was alone. She was not alone! Two arrows zipped over her as she ducked and rolled! Aylith darted for cover behind a tree and hurriedly unwrapped her spear-sword. She glimpsed movement. Aylith dove aside as another then another arrow shot at her! They struck the tree instead.

  A little dark elf wielding a bow and arrow sat on her haunches, behind a patch of flowers. She moved to the side, hoping to again spot her quarry. Sensing a presence, she peeked over her shoulder. She cringed and screamed!

  A little nymph wielding daggers waved for one wielding a bow to follow her. While running to the cries of their fellow, someone shot up from behind and cut down the archer!

  Dame Aylith pointed her wet blade at the remaining enemy and told her, “Your fellows are fallen and I doubt you are my match, little one. It would not be shameful to flee from me.”

  The little dark elf sheathed a dagger... then hurled a knife! She drew the dagger as she lunged! She jabbed and swiped at Aylith... but grunted when run through.

  Aylith plucked her weapon loose as the little dark elf dropped. She wiped her blade clean, thinking aloud, “It is indeed a shame.”

  Haudriss complained, “How do we keep finding her, yet never catch her?”

  “Milord,” Dellinnay tried to explain, “she zigzags swiftly. She hides well even behind the sparsest of cover or even the shallowest nook. When we corner her, she climbs out windows or jumps to lower floors.”

  “Where is she now?”

  “Milord, we do not know.”

  Lord Haudriss sighed. “Seeking this little Twaylee is like chasing a mouse.”

  “Milord, we shall again find her.”

  “It matters not unless you catch her. Kill her if you must.”


  “I shall not tolerate an enemy prowling throughout Her Majesty’s embassy.”

  “Yes, milord.”

  Twaylee peeked around a corner. “Hey!” a guard spotted her. Twaylee ran up a wall and hoisted herself up over a bannister.

  Outside: A sword-girl was startled wh
en snatched over the mouth and pulled down!

  “Did you hear that?” a guard nearby asked the other with her.

  “Hear what?”

  The two watched and listened, their hearts pounding in fear that it was Aylith. They unnoticed as she crawled towards them from behind!

  Twaylee hid behind racks and shelves full of barrels, bags, crates, jars, and bottles. “Sustenance,” she helped herself. She hoped not to be found until she was done eating and drinking!

  A sword-girl guarded a corridor... when her blood cooled and her spine tingled. She looked over her shoulder. She cringed and whimpered as her death loomed over her!

  Twaylee was eating a meal of fruit, nuts, bread and berries, and drinking juice... when she spotted a cricket crawling by. The elf snatched it up, chewed and swallowed it, and smiled. Twaylee wondered, “Will Aylith try to rescue me?” The sprite feared, “Is she angry with me?” Twaylee did not wish to ponder unpleasantries. She continued her meal.

  “I believe you!” a sword-girl laughed, “but I am still amused to hear it.”

  “As you should be,” the other assured. “Flatus will sour even the sweetest words.”

  “Is a troll ever sweet?”

  “They fear for their lives. They know to sweeten their words.”

  The two watched as a procession of their fellows passed them. “They still have not found the prisoner?”

  “I do not know. Perhaps Aylith has returned.”

  “I hope not!” The two shuddered but quickly resumed, “Did Mother Dellinnay kill the troll for his foul stench?”

  “No. She bade him to eat more fruit than meat.”

  The little nymphs giggled... until their heads were knocked together! Dazed, they did not resist as their heads were parted then slammed together! The two dropped.

  Twaylee was resting when she heard a door open. Someone was coming in! Twaylee peeked from between barrels. The blue crystal atop a sprite priestess’s black staff was glimmering. A dozen sword-girls were with her and all of them were tiptoing. They knew Twaylee was here! The little high elf crawled away and snuck out of the chamber.

  Aylith was tiptoing down a corridor... when tapped on the shoulder! She swung around and slammed the culprit against the wall! “Twaylee!”

  “Aylith,” groaned the littler elf. “That hurt.”

  “Twaylee, had my sword been drawn, I would have surely cut you down!”

  “Forgive me.”

  “Twaylee...” Aylith embraced her. “I found you!”

  Suddenly a little priestess and a dozen sword-girls appeared. “Aylith!” the cleric cried. She cringed as the greater fay lunged at her and cut her down! Little nymphs bled, screamed and dropped as the bigger nymph pierced and slashed them.

  “Aylith!” Twaylee called as more sword-girls poured in from behind. Twaylee snatched up a spear-sword and met their onrush. She feigned with her blade then busted a head with the heavy pommel! She ducked, wove and parried. She gutted a sword-girl then pierced the bosom of another... but she was being overwhelmed!

  “Behind me!” Aylith shoved past Twaylee and pressed into the fray. The sprite watched as her towering companion slashed and stabbed their assailants to the last!

  “Milord!” Dellinnay addressed Lord Haudriss, “Aylith and her underling are now together. They are fighting us! Should I not tell Dame Vorla?”

  A voice said from behind, “I already know.” Mother Dellinnay turned and beheld Dame Vorla. The captain of the guard was smiling, seemingly delighted rather than troubled by the news.

  Twaylee battled but one sword-girl whilst Aylith slaughtered a dozen others! The dueling high elf and dark elf hopped about, poking, swiping and smacking blades. The dark nymph taunted, “It is your doom to fight me.” Twaylee jabbed and her opponent grunted! The dark elf groaned and dropped. “Come Twaylee!” Aylith urged. “More will be coming!”

  Vorla followed the screams and bodies of her underlings to find her hated rival.

  Ayltih was crossing a hall... when swarmed by three dozen sword-girls! She parried their onslaught and stabbed and slashed them. Twaylee crept behind and around the assailing sword-girls... then pounced and killed the witch who commanded them! She took the dead magician’s dagger– then went about snatching and stabbing the sword-girls who faced Aylith.


  Lord Haudriss asked Mother Dellinnay, “Where is Aylith and her underling?”

  “Milord, we need only follow the bodies to find them! Where is Dame Vorla? Milord, why do I still command the guard?”

  “Obey me. Do not wonder why.”

  “Yes, milord.”

  Six sword-girls stood poised to strike, but none attacked as Aylith moved towards them. Twaylee followed, her captured dagger held ready.

  Suddenly Dame Vorla appeared from behind the guards. “Madam,” the sword-girls were surprised to see her.

  The greater nymph smirked, but did not draw her blade. The six little sword-girls awaited her command. Vorla mumbled, her eyes glowed crimson... and blood-red lightning shot from her fingertips! The guards, Aylith and Twaylee all jolted and screamed when struck by the impartial storm! The little dark elves dropped. Aylith charged, brandishing her spear-sword.

  Vorla drew her own sword and met steel with steel. She laughed and proclaimed, “This day is mine!” She shoved Aylith back then jabbed at her. She pressed the attack, thrusting and swiping at the loathed high elf.

  Aylith struggled to parry the fast and furious assault... when she tripped and fell backwards. Twaylee was sprawled on the floor– and Aylith had tripped over her! Vorla laughed, enjoying the irony. She stepped on Twaylee and stabbed at Aylith. The high elf smacked the blade aside, then plunged her own up into the dark elf! Vorla screamed! Aylith sprung up and shoved her back– and her blade deeper. The impaled dark elf still swung and poked at the high elf. Aylith plucked her blade out– then stabbed Vorla again.

  “No!” the dark elf disbelieved. “Not by you!” Vorla wildly attacked.

  Aylith pitied, “Proud fool.”

  Vorla mumbled, her eyes glowed red then she blasted Aylith with a storm of Life’s Blood Lightning!

  Aylith screamed and fell back. Vorla lunged! Aylith leaned aside and tripped the dark elf. Vorla looked up– and cringed, then shrieked as the hostile blade sunk into her!

  “Twaylee!” Aylith shook her little companion. “Twaylee, are you all right?”

  “Huh?” Twaylee noticed the sprawled guards and the smoke that wisped from them. The girls were dead, slain by their own mistress. Dame Vorla was also down, lying in a pool of her own blood. “You defeated her?”

  “Yes,” Aylith helped Twaylee up. “My victory means nothing if you do not live to escape with me.”

  “I am your companion, Aylith.” The giddy little nymph smiled, looking as if inebriated, and assured the greater nymph, “I shall protect you.”

  “Thank you, Twaylee. That is why I cherish our companionship.”



  Aylith led the way outside. When she found the dead bodies of two guards, she surmised, “Good. If we are stealthy, we may reach the wall uncontested.”

  Twaylee remarked, “I hope they neither see nor hear you.”

  “I was not the one captured.”

  “Aylith, that is a cruel thing to say!”


  “I whispered.”

  The two crept and tiptoed towards the wall. “Hey!” a guard shouted as they went over it.

  The guard had lost a priestess, a witch and sixty-nine sword-girls that day. It nearly lost its captain.

  Vorla awoke in bed. “Haudriss?”

  He leaned over and kissed her. “Rest, my love. You nearly perished.”

  The nymph choked, “She bested me!”

  “What does it matter? My joy is that you live.” Haudriss caressed Vorla’s cheek and stroked her hair. “Vorla, my darl
ing, the high elf failed to kill you. There is nought for her to boast.”

  “She bested me.”

  “So be it.”


  He interrupted, “We have come in the name of the Queen... and we have not failed Her. Take heed of our success, for vengeful triumph shall follow. The Usurper and his elves shall fall for the dwarves shall not help them.”

  Vorla sniffled and her teary eyes stared into the warm, loving eyes of Haudriss. She squeezed his hand and choked, “Thank you. Thank you for forgiving me.”

  Haudriss chuckled, “Vorla, I delight in all my troubles with you.”

  “I trouble you?”

  “Always.” The he-fay sobbed, “I feared greatly upon hearing that you were found clinging to life. Oh, what joy when you gasped for breath!” He wept.




  “I shall ask you what I have longed to ask you.”


  “Will you... marry me?”

  The nymph wept for joy and cried, “Yes! Haudriss, I shall surely marry you!”

  Aylith and Twaylee were eating together when Lord Vellizar entered the room. The sprite cringed as the towering gray elf glowered down at her. She told him, “Dame Aylith has already swatted my buttocks and scolded me.”

  He returned, “Spankings and scolding are chastisement for pixies.”

  “Milord, I only wished to help. She was beset by dozens of sword-girls but I slew three of them! I killed the witch who commanded them! I was helping!”

  “Had Aylith perished trying to save you, would you deem yourself helpful?”

  “No, milord.”

  Twaylee flinched when Lord Vellizar touched her head. He leaned down and whispered into her ear, “Never do such a foolish thing again.”

  “Yes, milord.”

  “If you do, then you shall be my companion rather than Aylith’s.” Vellizar winked at Aylith then stood upright. “Dame Aylith.”

  “Yes, milord.”

  “I leave her to your care... and your discipline. Please punish her again.”

  “Yes, milord.”

  With that, he left them.

  Twaylee mumbled, “Grumpy gray elf.”


  “Huh?” The little nymph worried when the big nymph stood and walked behind her.






  Twaylee obeyed... and was swatted on the buttocks! “Aylith?!”

  “Lord Vellizar is a grumpy gray elf, but only when little nymphs are naughty.”

  “Aylith, I meant no disrespect!”

  “Did I embarrass you?”


  “Good. May humility teach you wisdom. Come. Gather your things. Also, I have new tools and daggers to give you.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “A ship awaits us.”

  “It does?”

  “Yes. We are embarking on a perilous quest. If you fear to join me, then tell me now.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “You shall know when we arrive.”

  Twaylee bounced and giggled, excited to be going on a perilous quest with Dame Aylith!

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