Read Lallys Lost Wand Page 2

another one as long as you live, and that could be a long long time.” Lally said with a tear trickling down her cheek.


  Miggie wrapped an arm around her friend.


  “Well then, we’ll have to think of something. You’ve been pretty lucky so far. Last time Quiver found it.”

  Mr. Feathers reminded them.


  “Yes, I found it.” Quiver said squirming through the hole in the barn and approaching the three of them.


  “Quiver, I hope you haven’t been eating the new salvia I planted yesterday. It’s hard enough for me to get around; I don’t need you chomping on my annuals.” Mr. Feathers warned.


  “I don’t like your silly old salvia.” Quiver said. “And I wouldn’t eat it if you handed it to me. And, that would scare me if you tried.”


  “Oh Quiver, just leave and go bother someone else.” Lally cried.


  “Of course, and next time you find your own wand. I won’t help you again.” With that Quiver scrambled back through the hole in the wall and was gone.


  “Well now you’ve done it. He won’t help us anymore.” Miggie sighed.


  “Of course he will.” Mr. Feathers laughed. “He always wants to know what’s going on and he likes to be a part of it.”


  “He’s right Miggie, Quiver is nosey.” Lally agreed.


  “All right girls, I’ll have a talk with my niece and see what can be done about Lallys wand.”


  Mr. Feathers eased up out of his rocking chair, and slowly headed out of the barn.


  “Did you hear him? He called us girls! How sweet was that?” Miggie cooed.


  “He is the nicest human I’ve ever met.” Lally said as she and Miggie followed Mr. Feathers out of the barn.


  “He’s the only human you’ve ever met.” Miggie corrected.


  Thorn the raven was perched on the barn fence as the two fairies flew by.


  “Where are you going?” He squawked as they flew by him.


  “It’s none of your business Thorn.” Miggie squeaked back at him.


  Thorn joined the fairies in their quest to get Lallys wand back.


  “You lost that thing again didn’t you?” Thorn laughed. “Well, I hope you don’t get it back this time, it would serve you right.”


  “Go away Thorn, you are mean and have no idea how much trouble Lally is in right now. A little human girl found her wand and took it.”


  Thorn especially thought this was funny and flew away to tell all of his friends.


  “Why did you tell him Miggie?” Lally asked sadly.


  “Everyone will know sooner or later, so why bother trying to hide it.” Miggie replied.


  Lally and Miggie settled themselves on the windowsill of Mr. Feather’s house, waiting for him to give them some good news.


  “Uncle Dan! It’s almost time for lunch and we’ve had so much fun today near the pond.” Fiona told him excitedly.


  “Well then, tell me all about it.” Mr. Feathers sat down in a kitchen chair and Fiona climbed up on his knee.


  “First of all, I’ve never seen such beautiful flowers, we picked some for mama and she put them in water.”


  “Well now, that was a very nice thing to do.” He said.


  “Then, wait until you see what we found. It’s amazing and, it’s magic.” Fiona reached into her dress pocket and brought out the tiny lost wand.


  “Well well, what do we have here?” Mr. Feathers looked toward the kitchen window and saw two fairies excitedly watching everything going on.


  “It looks like a pink match stick like Daddy uses to start a fire in the fireplace at home. But, it isn’t a matchstick. Look, it has a yellow tip on it; and it blinks, and if you run it across your arm, like this…”


  Fiona took the little wand and ran it across her arm. As she did this her arm turned blue and sparkly. Then she turned and ran it down Elizabeth’s arm and her arm turned sparkly pink.


  “Isn’t that wonderful?” Fiona’s eyes brightened.


  “Yes, I’d say that was a real find you have there. So what are you going to do with it?” He asked.


  The fairies drew closer to the window and both put their little hands on the windowpane.


  “Oh, I’m going to take it home and then I’ll take it to school with me for show and tell day. I will win a prize with this.” She said triumphantly.


  “Could I see it for a second?” Uncle Dan asked.


  “Of course.” Fiona gently handed the precious wand to her uncle.


  Lallys eyes grew wide when she saw her chance to retrieve the wand.


  Mr. Feathers turned it over and over even holding it up to the light. But in the end he handed it back to his niece and told her what a prize she had found.


  Both fairies slumped to the windowsill, discouraged.


  “How could he do this to me?” Lally sobbed. “He had it right in his hand.”


  “Well, he couldn’t exactly tell her who the real owner was, now could he?” Miggie said logically.


  “I suppose not.” Lally said through tears.


  “Don’t worry Lally, Mr. Feathers will find a way.” Miggie encouraged her.


  “Alright, put the little match stick away, it’s time for lunch.” Fiona’s mother announced.


  “Mama, it’s not a match stick, I keep telling you that. Besides, I’m not allowed to play with them anyway.” Fiona said.


  “Absolutely right; oh, I think I know what that is; it’s probably a part for a little drummer doll. Yes, I’ll just bet that’s what it belongs to, a little drummer boy toy. He would use it to play his drum, right?” Fiona’s mother said placing a large bowl of soup on the table with a ladle.


  “You know, you just might be right.” Mr. Feathers agreed.


  “Well then, there must be another one; because he’d need two, right?” Elizabeth said excitedly.


  “Gosh, I’ll bet there is another one.” Fiona agreed.


  Miggie’s eyes grew quite large and she hugged her own wand close to her.


  “They aren’t getting mine.” She squeaked as loud as she could.


  As the two fairies continued to watch the family, they had no idea who was flying towards them out of the bright blue sky.


  “Well, it seems that one of my blue haired fairies has lost her wand, again.” A familiar voice was heard.


  “Queen Serika!” The two fairies shrieked and turned around to see an angry Queen fluttering above them.


  “Yes, I did lose it for just a little while.” Lally stuttered to the queen.


  “All right, so where is it?” The queen asked.


  “Right there!” Miggie said pointing into the kitchen at the two human girls examining the little wand.


  “OH NO!” Queen Serika cried looking in the window.


  “This cannot be! Two huma
n girls with a fairies wand! Oh, the danger they could cause! We must do something immediately.” The Queen said.


  “I know what you should do.” Quiver made his appearance just below the windowsill.


  “No one asked you Quiver.” Lally said glaring at the rabbit.


  The Queen narrowed her eyes at the rabbit and fluttered down to have a closer look.


  “I will listen to any reasonable solution rabbit. What did you have in mind?”


  “Well.” Quiver started a bit frightened of the fairy queen hovering above him.


  “Yes?” Queen Serika asked giving him her full attention.


  “I just thought maybe they could make another wand, a fake wand that looks just like Lallys.”


  “Indeed.” The queen said thinking for a moment.


  “Excellent idea rabbit, excellent.” The queen fluttered back to Lally and Miggie and told them of the rabbit’s suggestion.


  “Oh, that is a good idea.” Miggie agreed.


  “Okay, but how do we make one?” Lally asked.


  “Figure it out. You have until sundown.” With that the Queen fluttered off.


  “We have to get Mr. Feathers attention somehow.” Lally said trying to knock on the windowpane.


  “No one is going to hear that, you silly fairy.” Quiver laughed.


  “No, but they’ll hear this.” Thorn squawked and squawked and flew around the clothesline making some of the clothes fall off the line and onto the ground.


  “Oh no!” Fiona’s mother said as she looked out the window and saw a large black bird bouncing on her freshly washed clothes.


  “Come girls, help me with the clothes.” All three ran out of the house to the clothesline.


  As soon as the door opened the fairies quickly flew to Mr. Feathers.


  “It’s us Mr. Feathers, we’ve figured out a way to get Lallys wand back.” Miggie whispered in his ear.


  “How?” He asked.


  “We must make another wand that looks like mine. They’re going to be looking around the pond anyway. We’ll make lots of pretty wands the same size and throw them into the flowers.” What do you think?” Lally asked.


  “Great idea; I’ll bet I can find some old whittlings out in the barn. Come on let’s go.” Mr. Feathers got up and hurried out the kitchen door towards the barn, with the two fairies flying close behind.


  The three of them searched the