Read Lancaster's Choice Page 16

  "Oh, Leonora!" cried her aunt, dismayed.

  "Yes, dear aunt," cried the girl, dauntlessly, "I am not the poor,dependent girl you and every one else thought me. My father made hisfortune in California. He was very wealthy, and he left me his wholefortune, with the exception of a legacy to yourself that will keep youin luxury all your life."

  "But why did you let us think that you were poor, my dear?" exclaimedthe good soul.

  Leonora laughed gayly, in spite of her enemy's angry, wondering face.

  "I did not exactly let you," she said. "You see, you all took it forgranted, and I did not contradict it, for," with a shy glance into herlover's face, "I wanted to see if any one would love me for myselfalone, and I am richly rewarded; for

  "'He does not love me for my birth, Nor for my lands so broad and fair; He loves me for my own true worth, And that is well--'"

  Lady Lancaster could have killed her for her brilliant triumph, but shewas powerless to do anything but carry out her angry threats, so sheretired from the scene and went to her dower house, where she actuallyadopted a scion of the house of Lancaster and made him the heir to herwealth; but this lad was too young to marry the earl's daughter, so thedowager never had that honor in the family.

  But her spleen and venom passed harmlessly and unheeded over the headsof Lord Lancaster and his fair Leonora, for, in the far-famed languageof the story-book, "they were married, and live happily ever afterward."




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