Read Larco The Wizard Page 1







  The Snub Nubbins

  Larco the Wizard

  Copyright 2014 Brian Cain

  The information, views, opinions and visuals expressed in this publication are solely those of the author and do not reflect those of the publisher. The publisher disclaims any liabilities or responsibilities whatsoever for any damages, libel or liabilities arising directly or indirectly from the contents of the publication.

  Previous general and adult publications by Brian Cain

  Circles of Fear

  The Sword And The Dagger



  Once Upon A Time In Australia

  In The Name Of The Mother

  Jodi Ann

  Bella Elizabeth

  The Hunt For Rose

  Louise Legrande

  Larco and the Quog

  Larco Builds a Bok Bok

  Return of the Wizard

  The Cave of Knowledge

  Larco and the Dictionary

  For Aidan and Rhiannon, who are growing up hearing stories, and drawing pictures of the Snub Nubbins.


  Larco is studying in the cave on knowledge, and after many palliums draws near to reading the books within the wizard's cabin. Wizard must decide if he is to endorse Larco as a wizard.





  Larco was walking the beautiful gardens in the cave of knowledge, he had been studying for many many palliums, and was pondering his learning's. He had only one more book to read from the great wall of knowledge; he would then read the books in the wizard's cabin.

  It would be a few pecks before Wizard visited to discuss progress and consider questions Larco may have, last palliums visit Larco had been very angry when he read certain things, and Wizard calmed Larco with consultation and negotiation.

  Larco read the last book on the great all of knowledge, and it changed Larco, for it was a book written by the very first grand wizard, and he found it very interesting.

  Larco had learnt well for he harboured no anger over things he had learnt, but was annoyed at the grand council he and others had recently replaced. How could they be so silly, banning schools and learning, this he couldn't understand? But Larco was an educated Snub, and the old grand council wobbly's had been starved of information, and wizards had fallen away to just one. Nothing was written of whom was responsible but it was obvious to Larco over the last few million palliums something had gone drastically wrong, and nothing was written of this. The educational books along the great wall of knowledge dealt with pure science and nothing of every day life as an everyday Snub.

  Larco resisted reading books in the cabin with the peck he had left before Wizard would again visit him. He noticed over the palliums of study that he had become a lighter blue, and Wizards skin had darkened to a shade of blue Larco was when he entered the cave of knowledge. From the books of science along the grand wall Larco had learnt about different spectrums of light such as ultra violet light, and was aware the light from blue Quog was not as powerful as the light from the sun.

  Larco sat on the edge of the sweet water stream, the plants around him had leaves of rainbows. He had learnt of the colour spectrum of rainbows, and knew of having to be at the angle of forty two degrees from the light source when looking at droplets of water for the optical illusion of a rainbow appearing. He had seen these rainbows in the sky when it rained, and on the plants as they shed droplets of water, he thought it was all very wondrous, but rather boring.

  Larco also now knew the dark hole of rainbows was time machine, and not a window to beyond the galaxies. When Larco stuck his head in the black hole of rainbows it gave vision of a spiralling tunnel to the past, and the future. The humans he could see were long past, and he knew all Snubs were of the period beyond human existence on Snub when the planet was called earth. He was far less enthusiastic about travelling to far off planets down the dark hole of rainbows, for his belief he could, had been shattered by fact. His universe had become far smaller, but he still harboured the will to travel to far off planets.

  Larco drank of the running waters in the stream, he now understood why he felt so good when he drank the sweet water full of the minerals needed to keep his body functioning. He wiggled his feet into the dark soil along the streams edge and ate the nutritious proteins and carbohydrates required to fuel his body. He now understood the evolution of these things and how important they were, but he found them very boring. Larco was far more interested in flying a Bok Bok to another planet. He was also surprised to read that a Bok Bok and the dark hole of rainbows had been discovered by accidents during experiments.

  On the last day of many palliums Wizard arrived right on time. They walked to the great wall of knowledge and back again talking of science and how once learnt could be a bit boring. "It is what a wizard does with science to find new frontiers that is exciting," said Wizard.

  "Yes," replied Larco, he wore a smile, he had read the science of emotions and understood his smile perfectly. "Are any Snubs at the school ready to study in the great cave of knowledge?"

  Wizard was cautious in his reply. "Possibly, we should not jump to assumptions that having more wizards will be wondrous."

  Larco questioned his stance. "If a pallium is a year, a peck a day, twenty four hours a day, and sixty minutes an hour, a few minutes can be a long time. Have we lost this sense of urgency?"

  Wizard replied instantly. "Snub does not, and never has developed in a few minutes, we are dealing with thousands of palliums before things can adapt. I question your understandings of our past, and how it will lead to a future."

  Larco was silent for some time as they walked among the rainbow ferns next to the creek. "None of what we walk within would be possible without a sense of urgency to achieve it, the pursuit of purpose. The discovery of Quog was a breakthrough, the demise of these things I have found nothing of in my study of the books along the great wall."

  Wizard was quick to reply. "I must remain as you read the books in the cabin, for they tell of good and evil."

  "Evil brought with the human in the time machine." asked Larco.

  "Yes," replied Wizard. "This emotion must remain banished from Snub."

  Larco questioned Wizard. "I think evil is from elsewhere, if it does not exist on Snub and was thought to have come from a human in the time machine, it must come from elsewhere. Or I would be able to summon the emotion, I cannot do this I have tried. Evil is not an emotion but a mental and physical act beyond our own acceptance."

  Wizard had Larco read the books in the cabin, and Larco became very angry. It took many pecks for Larco to read of lies, deceit, corruption and evil. He didn't like it, nor did he understand it. The books he read were written by his friend Wizard, and Wizard didn't like it either, but he knew the stories should be told, for Snubs like Larco. The destiny of Snub would be carried by Larco and the learned.

  Larco had a dream, he knew he could call it that as he had read of the word in the dictionary, Snubs don't dream as they don't sleep, but dream had another meaning. Something good that you hope you have or achieve in the future, and Larco was full of dreams.

  Larco was left for another pallium to ponder his learning's among the gardens of the cave of knowledge. Wizard returned to talk with Larco on the very last peck of the pallium he always had. Wizard found Larco at peace with the past problems, and he was keen to investigate something he had always been interested in, the dark hole of rainbows. To Larco the planet Plop Plop was still a
reality for he could travel to this ancient time when Snub was earth and things were far different. The earth rotated as it revolved around the sun and there was day and night, hours and minutes, what had caused the humans to become extinct.

  Wizard decided to allow Larco to go forth and investigate the realms of science to try and find answers to these things, for Wizard didn't know either, he only had suspicions and opinions. Wizard knew without fact these things could be dangerous, and so Wizard asked Larco some final questions as they sat by the stream in the cave of knowledge. "And if you are a wizard, what exactly does that mean?" asked Wizard.

  Larco rubbed his hand together as he spoke. "Someone is a story, who has magical powers, but I am not in a story, I am in my time and place. A wizard is also someone whom is very good at what they do, a whiz. Indeed if I am learned and can foresee my destiny and purpose, and be good at it, then I am a Wizard."

  Wizard smiled and was content with Larco's learned answer. "You have learned of fear, but never experienced it, what is your answer to what I have just said?"

  Larco was calm as he looked at Wizard while dangling his feet in the sweet waters of the stream. "I feel I will fear those whom think knowledge will make them wise, for wisdom and knowledge are different things. To think knowledge will make you wise is foolish, silly in fact, the first word I ever really understood. I think of old the grand council, and how wisdom was lost in the black swamp due to a lack of knowledge. Knowledge must be held by the wise or all is lost."

  Wizard was impressed and asked more. "Have you learnt of war?"

  Larco again looked at Wizard with calm. "I have learnt of this, but I do not understand it, I have no need for it, I am too wise. Whom would I war upon, and for what?"

  Wizard asked a final question. "What of times gone by, when Snub was earth and had day and night?"

  Larco was quick to answer. "The Quog, something used the Quog for what it is not intended?"

  Wizard put his hand on Larco's shoulder and looked him in the eye. "I am of the same opinion, the science of Quog brings me to believe it could be used for evil, my knowledge stops there, for my wisdom takes over." Wizard stood and helped Larco to his feet and they strolled along the waters edge toward the cabin. "The time has come for you to leave, and for me to stay. For you are a Wizard Larco, Larco the Wizard."