Read Last Dance Page 1

Last Dance


  J.T. Lewis

  Copyright 2012-2013 by J.T Lewis

  “I never thought I could get this old.”

  That’s what had come to mind as everyone gathered around the cake a few moments ago, waiting for me to blow out the bonfire of candles before me.

  I had gotten it done, but it seemed to have taken a lot out of me in the process. Finally I had to ask my daughter to help me to my chair.

  An old woman now in her own right, we made our way slowly across the house to my favorite chair in the living room. My body creaked as she helped me down into the leather recliner…creaked!

  “You ok dad?” she asked as she placed her hand on mine.

  Patting her hand with my other, I smiled at one of the greatest joys that I had been honored to experience.

  “I’m fine kid,” I said with a smile, “how could I not be with you and your brood here with me?”

  And a brood it was! She had given me two grandbabies over fifty years ago now. They in turn had given me three great grandkids, and so far there were two of their kids running around here.

  Mix in the wives, husbands and dates, and it was indeed a household.

  And it made me happy!

  I had spent too many years alone early in life, unaware of the bond that could be had with one’s offspring.

  Betty, my first wife, wasn’t able to have children. Betty had taken it harder than I at the time, me being but a lowly male of the species and her being the one with the ticking clock. I did my best to convince her that it didn’t matter, that I didn’t think any less of her nor did I think that kids were even that important. Besides, I would argue, in our line of work, a child could be a liability…and we did have the dog!

  She never let on how stupid this all must have sounded to her, but I think she did love me for trying. I loved her with all of my heart, and she knew that! And she knew that we would always have each other, because that was the kind of love that we had…the kind that still lived in my soul.

  So we moved on and made an exceptional life together. She was my soul mate, and I hers. I have never experienced such a love as the one I had shared with her, nor did I ever expect to when we were finally brought together on that fateful day…


  The sudden crack of the lightning lit up my world with brightness as the noise pounded on my ears like a Company of drummers.

  I found myself lying on the ground, dumbly staring up at the huge tree above me as a lightning bolt danced its way down its trunk in slow motion. As the ground around the tree exploded in bits of dirt and wood, I discovered Betty at my side. Her beautiful blue eyes were twinkling at me as the remnants of the explosion rained down around us, followed closely by a cold wet rain.

  “Come on!” she shouted, her eyes twinkling as we quickly gathered up our picnic and ran at a sprint to the nearby barn.

  We found ourselves yelling to be able to hear each other, our ears ringing from the explosive force of the lightning. My heart was beating a thousand beats a minute as we entered the barn laughing.

  The next few moments were spent catching our breath and nervously laughing at how close we had come to death. As our breathing started returning to normal, I took the blanket and wrapped it around Betty’s shoulders, the closeness of her tingling on my skin. Looking down at her, our eyes locked onto each other’s… those beautiful pale blue eyes of my dreams.

  She was shaking. “You’re cold,” I whispered, my eyes never leaving hers.

  The rain pattering the metal roof reverberated throughout the old building, inundating it with noise. She quickly shook her head before reaching for the back of my neck with her hand and gently pulling my lips toward hers.

  “Nervous,” she murmured, her eyes twinkling before our lips met for the first time.

  Electricity crackled around us as a bolt of lighting struck the roof at that exact moment, surrounding us with flashes of blue as it made its way around the inside of the barn, dancing gaily along the beams before diving into the ground.

  Mesmerized by the show, I looked back at Betty to find her smiling at me, whispering only “WOW!” before she pulled my lips back onto hers.

  Thunder echoed around us as our souls joined as one, the electricity in the air and the close call of earlier feeding our passion for one another to a fevered pitch. Caressing each other passionately, we started exploring each other’s bodies with a fervor such that I never knew existed.

  Building in crescendo as we tried to satisfy the pent-up hunger for each other, our whole beings climaxed as a clap of thunder engulfed our noisy release of joy and emotion, rumbling the ground beneath us in a deafening show of approval.

  Long past being cold any longer, we laid naked on the blanket in each others arms, enjoying the warmth of our love, our souls entwined…forever. (1)


  I smiled at the thought of Betty in my arms, a shudder involuntarily moving up my spine. Our souls were as one as we built a life together, enjoying every moment of our time together, and enjoying each other every chance we got. I couldn’t have asked for a more idyllic life than the one I shared with Betty in those few short years. Of course, our time on this world together had been cut short; she was cut down in the prime of her life in the final moments of a case…


  I looked over at may partner Frank to see if he is ready. He nods his head in affirmation, tensing himself to break through the door. I take one last look in the window; Jasmine is cocking the automatic and holding steady while she finishes her story.

  “I damn you to Hell Sheriff; you should feel right at home there.”

  The room suddenly fills with the sound of splintering wood and glass as Frank and I rush in from the porch, temporarily blinded by the darkness of the room. There is movement to my left and I realize that Betty has also entered the room from her position at the side door.

  My eyes are locked on her as she rushed to the Sheriff’s position, pushing the nearly catatonic man out of the way as she set her sights on Jasmine.

  Jasmine screamed in anger as her plans fell apart, targeting the one that had gotten in her way. Squeezing the trigger, she released her shot simultaneously with Betty’s.

  My heart stopped.

  The room slowed as I see the muzzle flash of both weapons, the explosive sound hitting me like a low long rumble. I can see the bullets cross each other and head for their targets. Another explosion to my right tells me that Frank is also getting off a shot, risky as he is shooting at the side of her body.

  My eyes are drawn back to the scene in front of me, as Betty’s shot hits Jasmine in her chest, right in the middle of her deputy’s badge.

  Turned to the left with the force of the bullet, Frank’s shot now finds a target and punctures the chest on her right side, a reddish spray exiting from her back as she falls toward the ground.

  My attention moves back toward Betty again…she is standing with knees slightly bent, her right hand still holding her weapon while she leans it against the door frame behind her for support. A small patch of red is now slowly growing on her left shoulder.


  Time is back to full speed as I rush to my injured Betty, my thoughts full of fear and dread as to the extent of my wife’s injury.

  As I approach, she tries to smile, more of a grimace really.

  “Through and through,” she gasps, pain and relief showing at once on her face. There is blood, but not a lot, and no spurting like you would see with a nicked artery. Tears of joy are freely running down my face as I move to help her.

  The Sheriff hesitantly heads over to his daughter; Jasmine is laying there clutching her chest, trying to catch her breath and coughing as small red bubbles appear on her

  Tears stain her face as she looks up with pain filled eyes. She sees her father standing over her, the pain in her eyes changing to sorrow as she whispers…“daddy”.

  The Sheriff looks lost as he slowly turns away, walking to a corner of the room. He lets out a loud bellow as his ribs wrack in spasms, bringing his hands to his face in intense sorrow.

  Frank is on his cell, loudly calling in everybody, forcefully telling them to get a life squad here NOW.

  I turn back toward Betty, saying “we need to get you out to the car for some bandages until the EMT’S get here.”

  “Give me a hug first, willya?”

  I gingerly hug my love, taking care not to put any pressure on her injured shoulder; the near miss of almost loosing her has made me weepy.

  “I love you Betty,” I whisper into her ear; “I don’t know what I would have done if I’d lost you.”

  As we separate she is looking at me lovingly, a big smile on her face. “I lo…,”

  Suddenly, the air is again filled with a horrendous explosion; Betty’s smile disappears as she looks down at another patch of red that has appeared on her shirt.

  I reach down, quickly sliding the Glock out of its holster while simultaneously rotating to the right. The gun is cocked as the sights land on the again depraved face of Jasmine, her gun now aimed directly at me. I pull off the shot that adds a hole between those evil eyes, an act that brings our investigation finally to an end.

  I immediately drop my weapon, turning quickly to see to my spouse.


  I rush the doorway where she had been standing, realizing now it is an old basement entrance, the stairs now gone. I look down and am greeted by the terrifying sight of my beautiful Betty lying on the basement floor, a pool of blood beginning to form around her angelic face like a halo.

  “BETTY!” (2)


  She lingered for days in the hospital, my hopes disintegrating with each breath her comatose body took. I wouldn’t admit to myself that she was dying…couldn’t admit it to myself or anyone else. People would come into the room, always leaving with the look, the look that said that Betty was no more.

  I ignored them; they didn’t know Betty like I knew her. She was the strongest person I had ever known, and there is no way in hell she was going to let this stop her!

  One night, when my weariness had overcome me, I slipped off into a fitful sleep…


  Betty was glowing, literally. She was at the side of the room that I always went to in my dreams. As I watched dumbfounded, her ghostly appearance slowly became more solid, more normal…but with a more-than-average glow still surrounding her.

  She looked wonderful, out of the hospital bed and fully recovered, a smile crossing her lips as she looked upon me. She was wearing a wonderfully white gown, her hair down and beautifully framing her face. I jumped up and bounded toward her, enveloping her in my arms, determined to never let her go.

  She let out a contented giggle as she wrapped her arms around me in return, then finding each other’s lips we kissed long and hard. There were tears in my eyes when we finally pulled apart far enough to look at each other; she gently wiped my tearstained face with her thumb as I looked upon a miracle.

  “Thank you for saying all of those nice things last night in the hospital, it really meant a lot to me,” she said with a smile, “I knew I picked a winner when I picked you.”

  “It must have worked, you’re fully recovered!” I crowed, my heart trying to jump out of my chest with joy.

  I pulled her to me again, the feel of her sending electric through my skin as my heart skipped several beats.

  “I really thought I’d lost you,” I said into her neck, “I don’t think I’ll ever let you go again.”

  Suddenly, I pulled away. I had been so happy that I hadn’t given a thought to where we were, a room that I can only see in my thoughts.

  “This is just a dream isn’t it,” I stated as a sad reality set in, “I knew it was too good to be true.”

  A knowing smile crossed Betty’s lips, “Oh I’m real alright, but we need to sit down; we have much to discuss and I don’t have a lot of time.”

  A confused look crossed my face as Betty took my hand and led me to my chair before taking a seat on the chair opposite me, a vision of radiant beauty.

  “What do you mean you don’t have much time, and why is it you are in my dream?” I blurted out, mystified at to what I was both seeing and hearing.

  I slumped in my chair, covering my eyes with my hands with frustration. This was somebody’s idea of a bad joke, and I didn’t have enough strength left in me for any more disappointments. I was barely hanging on as it was; to hope, to life itself.

  “Gabriel, please look at me,” she said gently.

  I slowly lowered my hands to reveal Betty still sitting there, the radiant glow still surrounding her. She smiled then, melting my heart and instantly relaxing me.

  “Gabe, I am here because my body died this morning.”

  My heart instantly sank in despair, tears again streaking my face in sorrow. Somehow she was instantly kneeling in front of me, one hand on my leg, the other palm gently touching my face with concern, my sorrow reflected in her eyes.

  “Please don’t be sad, my dear, it was painless and there was never any real hope of recovering. You have been hearing me coming to this point for weeks.”

  The creaking floors! I had been hearing a mysterious creaking in the room of my dreams…as if someone was approaching me.

  My God! If only I had known, I could have done something to stop this!

  “There is nothing you could have done, my sweet man,” she cooed as if reading my mind, “some things we have no control over. Everything is as it should be.”

  I gently pulled her up, setting her on my lap, tenderly holding her face in my hands and looking into her eyes, those pale blue eyes I’ve always loved.

  “I can’t live without you, Betty, stay with me here. We can be happy here,” I begged shamelessly.

  “I can’t do that, Gabe. I’m expected, and you still have things to do before you come,” she stated tenderly, putting her arms around my neck and hugging me lovingly.

  “Where are you going, and how do you know all of this stuff?” I asked. “Maybe you’re just dreaming too.”

  Lifting her face and stroking mine with her hand as she looked at me with kind eyes, she patiently continued.

  “Listen to me, I’ve never lied to you and I won’t start now. I’m going to heaven; at least it looks like heaven from here. I see people I know that have passed before. My mom’s there. She’s smiling, Gabe, and you know she hardly ever smiled when she was alive. And I know these things because there are others here helping me, angels I think. I am sad at leaving you my dear husband, but they told me they had more for you to do, and that you would join me when you were done.”

  “Are we in heaven now?” I asked, scared of the answer.

  She turned her head and pointed. “I guess mine is right there, I can see it beside the fireplace. They said this room is a glimpse of yours. Everyone has their own it seems, but they are intertwined.”

  “I’m so scared,” I said with trembling lips, “I don’t want to do this without you.”

  Holding me around the neck, she whispers in my ear, “You’ll never be alone. I’ll be watching over you, always.”

  Turning again as if listening, her eyes return to mine.

  “They say I have to go now.” Giving me a gentle kiss, she stood up, still holding my hand.

  “I need you to know that you are the best thing that ever happened to me in this life, and I love you beyond words, Gabriel Celtic.”

  Tears streamed down my face again as she started disappearing before my eyes. “Back at cha, buddy,” I reply before she disappeared completely, a smile forming on her lips right before the last wisp of her faded away. (2)


A tear streaked down my face as I relive the death of my soul mate. Although I’ve seen her again periodically in my visions, her loss drove me to a darkness and despair that lasted over a year.

  If it hadn’t been for Abby entering my life when she did, my life would have ended long ago…a broken man with anger in his heart. I have been exceedingly blessed by Abby being in my life.

  And I’m proud to say that I have kept up a relationship with each and every one of her children and grandchildren! They are all so different, yet I can see a grain of our family in each and every one of them. Some of the younger ones don’t quite know what to make of me yet, but hopefully there is still time.

  “What are you thinking about dad?” Abby asked as she eyed me worriedly from the chair next to mine.

  I looked up from my reverie, smiling at the amazing woman that crossed an ocean to find me all those long years ago. Unaware that I had fathered a child when in Vietnam, Abby had found me when she was a young adult. We had hit it off immediately, even though she had initially kept our relationship from me.

  “I was thinking of you my daughter,” I said with a catch in my throat. “How blessed I have been since you appeared in my life…”


  We were pinned down in a church basement by a madman named Pierce Leffler, and he had all of the advantages…so far.

  Abby looked over at me as we lay behind the temporary barrier, her grimy face soaked in sweat. Although she seemed composed considering the danger, there was also worry, more worry than I had ever seen on her face before.

  Looking quickly over the pile of tables we were hiding behind, she ducked back down quickly as another ping landed close to her face. Looking at me once more, she seemed frustrated as she whispered, “I’m drawing a blank Gabe, got any cool tricks up your sleeve?”

  “I see you brought company Gabriel,” Pierce shouted gaily from across the room. “A shame really, you were the only one on my list, but now….I can’t leave any witnesses don’t you see.”

  Already wracking my brain for a solution, Abby’s developing uncertainty and Pierce’s menacing drove me to look for a new angle.

  “How many in your clip?” I questioned, working through a plan in my head.

  “It’s full, nine, why?”

  “You any good with that thing kid?” I smiled after I asked it, realizing that it probably sounded like a pretty stupid question at that moment.