Read Last Days - Orbit the Sun – Part 10 Page 2

  Andrew would have to go, he needed Emma to look after him. That left ten male crew: Matt wasn’t sure how many of them could go? He could in fact kill the proverbial two birds, by designating Peter’s boys to stay; maybe Peter alone would be less of a menace, but the thought of being tapped on Earthrise with Vincent and his mates wasn’t something Matt looked forward to; it was likely he would be killed in his sleep. Matt shook his head there was going to be trouble whichever way he went. Peter wouldn’t like losing his boys, and there would be protests about male equality. It was one thing saying ladies first when it was just being polite but another when it could mean you were going to die. Matt closed down the terminal; he needed to talk to Alisha again.

  To put Earthrise close to Mars they had to make the encounter at just the right angle. Too shallow and they would skim the atmosphere and miss: too acute and they would burn up: they had come far too far to risk either. Five days before the closest approach they were going three thousand kilometers an hour too fast. They needed to loose around twenty-five kilometers an hour. It seemed such a trivial amount, but it was critical; too fast and they would shoot in front of the planet too slow and they would arrive after Mars had passed.

  They had begun communications with the colony, and Matt was discussing the arrival with Shashi. “It was cleared for use with drones; it’s far too short for the shuttle?” she said

  “We don’t have any choice; we have to land.”

  “Hayatow has already been out with the dozer extending the length, but we can’t do anything about the grounds load bearing?”

  “We just have to hope Alisha can make a soft touch down?”

  “Mathew I know you have no options but you have to accept that it’s verging on impossible?”

  “No I don’t accept that; I trust Alisha, and she has said she will give it her best shot?”

  “Then we both hope she does… she’s taken account of the atmospheric differences?”

  “Yes; drag; lift, she’s said she will have to fly by the seat of her pants?”

  Shashi laughed. “I haven’t known anybody do that since computers took everything over, anyway make sure you tell her to follow the beacon.”

  “Two beacons?”

  “Yes, two; one at the start and the second at the end of the cleared strip. Come in with them co-incidental; once she passes over the start it’s critically important she maintains direction, Deviate even by the smallest amount and by the end she will be off the side of the cleared area?”

  “I’m beginning to wonder now if I’m doing the right thing sending as many as I can down; I could kill them all?”

  “Yes, possibly, but as you said what are the alternatives…oh.” Shashi was quiet for a moment. “Have you have considered getting over to the Mars Explorer?”

  “The Mars Explorer?” Mathews mind was in overdrive. “That’s the original exploratory ship?”

  “The one and the same.”

  Matt was intrigued. “It’s still there?”

  “Yes; it’s what we think of as our emergency exit?”

  “It’s still operational?”

  “Yes… It was mothballed, so it should be?”

  “Then why didn’t your team use it to go back?”

  “Tom probably told you it was going to be packed on their ship; he’s right, but the Mars Explorer is ancient technology to what we have now. Actually if your desperate there’s probably no reason why you couldn’t get all the way home on it: at least some of you, it can only take eight?”

  Matt was elated; it was just about the number he needed. “That could work well.” He said enthusiastically. “The Lander, I assume it’s on the surface?”


  “Then our pilot could bring it back up?”

  Shashi wasn’t so enthusiastic. “I though you were concerned about getting down. A worse case scenario could see your pilots not able to?”

  “So what do you suggest; sending it up to us?”

  “No we can’t control it from here; once it’s out in space it needs a pilot.”

  Mathew’s eagerness was fading.

  “It can be remotely controlled from the Explorer though. If you could get your second pilot over to it they could get it up from there?

  Mathews excitement had completely gone. “We don’t have a second pilot.”

  “You don’t; all shuttles…” Shashi didn’t end the question.

  “He was killed in an accident?” Matt decided telling her about the Zombie bug could wait.

  “That’s a problem… then you need to get down safely for all your sakes?

  As Matt closed the communication he decided to keep quiet on what he discussed with Shashi. It was already hard enough deciding who would go, and who would stay, without choosing who could go home? He picked up the report from Emma; right now he had other things to do, including confronting Peter.

  Matt arrived at the entrance to Peters pod and was confronted by Silvio. “I’ll tell him you want to…”

  “No,” Matt interrupted.

  Silvio looked nervous, but he stood his ground until Matt lifted his hand to Silvio's cheek. He tried not to but Matt saw him flinch away as matt gently tapped the man’s cheek. “Don’t trouble yourself.” Matt stared threateningly straight into Silvio’s eyes. “I’ll tell him myself.”

  Nervously Silvio moved and Matt stepped through the door.

  Ralph was in the corridor; Matt couldn’t tell what he was doing but he looked up in surprise as Matt strode towards him. Immediately Ralph made for the door to Peters apartment; he had barely time to rap it with his knuckles before Matt was stood in front of him. “Thanks; I’ll take it from here?” Matt turned to the door as Peter opened it. He looked annoyed; especially when he saw Mathew.

  “I need a word.” Matt said as he barged past and into the apartment. Vincent and Peter Player got up from the lounge they were sitting on as he stormed in.

  “Is there any point in me protesting that this is my private apartment?” Peter said angrily.

  “None whatsoever.” Matt replied as his eyes were drawn to the cable dangling from Vincent wrist, before turning to face Peter. “You obviously know about Sara?”

  “Sara?” Peter gave the impression he had to think. “She was one of your staff I seem to remember?”

  ‘You can cut the innocent. You were prostituting her?”

  “Oh her? “

  “Yes her.”

  “And what if I have; she came and asked me to get her clients; why should I refuse?”

  “I don’t believe that”

  “You can believe whatever you want to believe?”

  “I believe you killed her?”

  Peter seemed unperturbed by the accusation as he walked over to the drinks cabinet. Mathew wasn’t sure if he did it deliberately to draw attention the row of bottles, but Matt took note of those as well.

  “I’m assuming you have evidence?”

  “I also believe that you are responsible for at least three other deaths?”

  “And you also have evidence for those as well?”

  “She never left these apartments, so at the very least you are implicated?”

  “Why would she leave, she enjoyed our company.”

  “She despised your kind.”

  “Maybe she changed, maybe she wasn’t the woman you though you knew? Being trapped as we have been; peoples inhibitions break down.”

  “Your telling me that she suddenly wanted to become a hooker?”

  “Who knows what fantasies lurk inside us, after all who would suspect you would be obsessed with a prostitute?”

  “I hold you responsible for her death, and I’m going to make sure she gets justice?”

  “Oh dear then you had better call security… oh wait a minute that’s me?”

  “I’m not laughing and I’m making it my job to see you…” Matt glanced at the other faces. “And whoever else is responsible, pay for her murder.”

  “That all sound very th
reatening; unfortunately you have no way of carrying out your threat; unless you intend to kill me; is that what you intend to do? I seriously advise you to star counting numbers and you will find that you are just full of hot air.” Peter unconcernedly took a swig of his drink.

  Mathew could see Peter’s boys laughing. “I’ve said what I came to say, and sooner or later I’ll prove you murdered her, and you will pay the price?”

  “I’ll keep that in mind, as should you that half of all the men we share this prison with were her customers: including Andrew, maybe you would like to accuse him of murder too?”

  Without another word Peter turned away from him dismissively.

  Matt stared at him in anger, but to stay would do nothing more, so he left.

  Peter silently watched him go. Once the door closed he looked at Vincent. “I think it’s time to put a little more pressure on our new commander: and solve our clients supply problem at the same time?”

  Vincent smiled. “Then I can kill him?”

  “Be patient; the time is coming very soon: very, very soon?’


  Matt stood facing Alisha and Andrew. “You can do it?”

  “That’s the wrong question?” she replied defensively. “What you need to ask is can anybody do it?”

  “We don’t have the luxury of alternate pilots; it’s you or we all stay here?”

  She stared at him. “What happens if I say I can’t?”

  “Nothing; we stay aboard Earthrise until the food, or water or the air runs out; which I have to point out in the case of the latter, probably earlier than it we would hope?”

  “I’m scared… launching into space is dangerous enough, but this has never been attempted before; everything is different; gravity; the atmosphere. The shuttle just wasn’t built for what you are asking of it?”

  Andrew reached out to touch her arm. “Alisha nobody wants to say it, but we all die anyway.”

  “Peoples lives will depend on what I do?”

  “As peoples lives depended on me, and now depend on Mathew. It’s never easy to make a decision knowing you hold the power of life and death, even when it’s made with all the knowledge and best of intentions. Each day we make those decisions; maybe they’re not life and death decisions, but everything we do we try to make the best ones we can when we care for someone?”

  She nodded. “We practice simulations of off-runway landings; in case the shuttle is forced down, but it’s not Martian landscape, and it’s not on all kinds of terrain. It won’t be a comfortable landing and it’s almost certain the shuttle will never take off again… but if it can be got down I’ll get it down?”

  “Andrew smiled. “That’s all we ask.”

  She drew in a deep breath. “It’ll be rough?”

  “Don’t they say that every landing is just a controlled crash.”

  Emma was teaching Jennifer in the different uses of bandages when Vince walked into the surgery. Both women tensed: Jennifer fearfully, as Ralph followed him. Both men stopped and Peter entered: then came Peter Player and Silvio; who both stood blocking the entrance. It was how Peter and his boys entered when they wanted to make a statement. It was dramatic: almost theatrical, but with all five men staring threateningly at the two women it had the effect of instilling fear in even those who it wasn’t intended to intimidate.

  “I heard you boyfriend kicked you out?” said Peter casually. “It was only a matter of time, what decent kind of guy would want a whore if it wasn’t for sex?” Peter eyes looked directly into Jennifer’s. “I can’t imagine what she was thinking of, can you guys?” Peter grinned and turned to either man beside him, as they both smirked back. “Soiled goods that’s what you are, a whore, a prostitute; whatever made you think any decent man would want trash like you?”

  Tears had begun flowing down Jennifer’s cheeks, but she was too afraid to move or speak.

  “Now your boyfriend doesn’t want you anymore, I’m gunna put you in my spare room,

  Emma stepped between her and Peter. “Leave her alone.” She said as harshly as she could.

  Peters leer didn’t change as he turned to her, for all her defiance he could see fear. “It’s got nothing to do with you bitch.”

  “Get out before I report you to the commander?”

  “Ohhh,” Peter made a low sucking sound. “That’s got me really worried, what about you guys?” They grinned even more. “Didn’t you hear I’m head f security?” he turned to the others. “You guys are gunna have to arrest me?” They didn’t move and he turned back to Emma.

  “She’s mine, I own her and she’ll do as I tell her.”

  “She’s not yours.”

  “Oh yes she is I paid for her I tell her what to do.”

  Peter slowly looked Emma over from head to toe, and back; “Nice body.”

  Emma felt the chill of fear as he mentally striped her.

  “You aint as good looking, and there’s just a bit of too much meat on you, but a few days going hungry should sort that. I’ll tell you what; if you want to take her place; you know entertain… me and my mates, and anybody else I decide to give you to I can arrange that.”

  “Get out.” She snarled.

  Peter said nothing but he brought his hand up and across slapping Emma brutally across her cheek. She yelped in pain and stumbled to the side.

  He turned to Jennifer. “Come on bitch.”

  Suddenly Emma was in front of him again, but this time she had a scalpel in her hand, holding it barely a centimeter from his stomach. Peter didn’t flinch but he looked slowly down; then he looked up back at her.

  “You saw what I did with one of these last time?”

  He smiled and looked past her. “We’re waiting bitch, don’t keep us waiting too long, or…” He gestured with his head and the others made for the door.

  Peter again looked at Emma. “You just be careful; two whores are more useful than one.” He backed off and followed the others out of the surgery.

  Emma stared after him until she saw Jennifer move towards the door. “Where are you going?”

  “He’s right, I can’t escape sooner or later he will make me come back.”

  “That’s not how it has to be?”

  What can I do we’re trapped’ I cant run away, and even once we get to Mars I cant hide for two years. Sooner or later he will find me even if he has to hurt somebody like you, its better for everyone if I just do as he says?”

  The most Matt had been on Earthrise had been just under two months: two being the maximum time Wubic lawyers could prove had negligible effect on the human body. The thought that Wubic’s lawyers would have a hard time when they got back wasn’t so much at the forefront of his mind, as was that he felt almost claustrophobic just being stood in the shuttle bay. What it would be like fully loaded he shuddered to think.

  Retaining straps were still covering the seats. He was thankful that in the panic to send the St. Louis up nobody had, had the time to do the job properly and strip out the interior. He shuddered again thinking how they could ever get people down if they were just laid on the floor? The door beyond the shuttle compartment was open and every few minutes someone would come aboard with a package or container and another would leave. Leeshia was checking everyone in and adding their load to her manifest; as she did she called out the weight marked on the container. Occasionally he could see Alisha as she moved in and out of sight beyond the door: invariably muttering as she sought where each weight would be best placed. Matt shook his head in wonder at how she had put names on each seat for the same purpose; he dreaded having to tell her things could change.

  Matt looked at Andrew. “How does she feel?”

  “About the same; Emma gave her a couple of pills to calm her down a bit.”

  “I wish we didn’t have to ask her for so much?”

  “It’s not as if we have any options?”

  Matt thought of the Mars Explorer, but it wasn’t an option that would help Alisha whatever he decided
. “No… How much longer?”

  “Don’t worry; the moment we arrive we can launch.”

  “I want to get there and I don’t want to get there?’

  Andrew smiled. “Welcome to the responsibilities of being in charge.” Andrew avoided looking at Matt. “I’m still prepared to stay?”

  “I know.”

  “I was told only recently that a commander staying with his ship is a bit outdated.”

  “Yea, I’m beginning to wonder if I should have accepted it?”

  “Everybody sees the commander as strutting around in a nice uniform and doing what he wants; they rarely think that it’s about not asking others to do what you wont?”

  Before matt could think of an answer Emma came aboard. She looked flustered.

  “He’s taken Jennifer.” She said quickly.

  “Who has?” said Andrew, but Matt instantly knew.

  “Peter… he came to the surgery, he threatened us; he hit me?”

  Andrew looked at Matt.

  “He forced her to go with him.”

  Matt went to move but Andrew grabbed his arm. “Matt think what you are doing?”

  “I can’t do nothing… he assaulted Emma.”

  I know; it’s why he is doing it that worries me. He’s always been careful not to go too far; or at least not be obvious about it. He’s got a plan?”

  “As you were saying I’m commander; some thing’s I cant turn a blind eye to?”

  As Matt approached he could see both Ralph and Silvio were stood outside and they were both holding plastic weapons.

  Matt stopped a few paces away. “What do you intend to do with those?”

  Ralph answered. “Peter said we don’t do anything… unless we do it in self-defense.”

  “And what am I supposed to threaten you with?”

  “Dunno, it’s up to you to try to get in and we’ll both find out?”

  “Tell him to bring her out.”

  Ralph leered. “Wouldn’t want to disturb him right now?”

  Matt was bursting with anger but he calmly turned around and quickly strode to the control room.

  As matt entered Tricia looked up. “That was well timed there’s a call…” she looked in surprise as Matt went directly to the emergency alarm and lifted the cover.

  “Matt? What are you…” The shriek of the emergency siren cut her off. “Matt what’s happening? She called after him as he wordlessly turned and left the room.