Read Law Man Page 37

  My breath hitched again and this time I didn’t succeed in holding back the thousands of tears. Luckily, I did succeed in not bursting into loud ones, just lots of silent ones.

  Mitch divested me of my wineglass, I burrowed into him and when he’d put my glass by his beer on the coffee table, he pulled me into both of his arms.

  It took some time but I pulled myself together.

  Then I whispered into his neck, “I love you Detective Mitchell James Lawson.”

  Mitch’s arms gave me a squeeze. “I know, baby. I love you too.”

  “That was done well, honey.” I shifted to kiss his throat then tilted my head back to look at him to find he’d tipped his down to look at me. “Thank you.”

  “Anytime and every time, sweetheart,” Mitch replied.

  I liked that.

  Anytime and every time, now and throughout our lives with our family.

  Again, my soul sighed but my mouth smiled.

  “Proud as hell of you, what you did earlier with your mother and aunt,” Mitch told me.

  My smile got bigger and I informed him, “Just so you know, your kiss communicated that.”

  Mitch smiled back at me. “Right.”

  “Something else you should know,” I whispered. “I was able to do that because of you.”

  “Mara –” he started but I shook my head and pressed deeper into him.

  “No, it was in me to say it but it was you who opened my eyes to who I am. I’ve always been a decent person and even if you weren’t standing there, I’d do everything I could to make certain I kept those kids safe. But it felt good standing there with you. It felt good realizing that was who I am and who I always was. And it felt good to move beyond what I believed myself to be. And you guided me there. So…” I grinned and pressed even closer, “thank you.”

  Mitch dipped his head and against my lips whispered, “You’re welcome, baby.”

  Against his, my grin became a smile.

  Mitch brushed his mouth against my smile, pulled back half an inch and noted, “I’m done with heavy. Time to zone out in front of a game.”

  Zoning out on the couch with Mitch, wine, candles and baseball.

  The perfect end to an (almost) perfect day.

  “Right,” I whispered. Mitch grinned then in thirty seconds the TV was on, Mitch’s boots were off, he had me tucked between his reclined body and the couch, my wineglass in one hand, my cheek on his chest, his arm around my back, hand curved around my hip, his beer in his other hand.

  I sipped wine and zoned out.

  Mitch sipped beer and watched the game.


  The perfect end to an (almost) perfect day.

  Me, Mitch, wine, beer, baseball and, sleeping in the next room, Billy and Billie.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  The Rain Always Stops

  Two days later…

  I was dressed for work because I was going to work after.

  Tight, light beige pencil skirt. Cute, light peach blouse. High-heeled, tan slingback pumps. My hair pulled back in a twisted bun at the nape of my neck.

  Mitch liked the way I dressed for work; he told me he thought it was sexy though he didn’t like me selling mattresses to men dressed that way. Most nights, however, I had four mouths to feed. He kicked in feeding those mouths so he understood the need.

  I was sitting at the little desk. Mitch, like last time, was standing behind me.

  I was not nervous. I was not worried. I had no idea where the money would come from to pay for the meeting with the lawyer we had yesterday and the work he would do in the coming months. And I had no idea what reaction I was imminently going to get.

  I also didn’t care.

  I’d find the money and the man who was about to get bad news didn’t deserve my nerves or worry.

  The buzzer sounded and I felt Mitch’s tension at my back as my head turned toward the door.

  Mitch, unlike me, was concerned. But his concern was about me. I told him I was okay but he didn’t believe me.

  He would see he had nothing to worry about.

  I watched Bill in his orange jumpsuit and white t-shirt move through the door.

  He looked thinner but he had better coloring and a decent haircut. Apparently, they had barbers in jail. Or, at least, they had them and they were probably free so Bill availed himself since he didn’t have to make the taxing decision on whether to use his money on a haircut or filth to inject in his system.

  Bill’s face screwed up when he saw me but he came to the chair at the little desk beyond the glass opposite me. He sat, his eyes on me then they went to Mitch.

  I grabbed the phone.

  Bill’s eyes dropped to me.

  He didn’t move.

  I held the phone to my ear and waited.

  He still didn’t move.

  It was Mitch who lost patience, leaned in and rapped on the glass with his knuckles. Then he jerked two fingers toward the phone.

  Bill scowled at him then snatched up the phone.

  The instant he had it at his ear, I spoke.

  “Don’t be nasty, hang up and walk away,” I said swiftly. “What I have to say is important and you need to hear it.”

  “Not sure anything you have to say is important, Mara, not anymore,” Bill replied, his eyes filled with hate, his mouth and nose creased into a sneer.

  “It’s about Billy and Billie so if you think that’s true that means what I’ve decided to do is definitely what needs to be done,” I returned then went on, “Though, I knew that anyway.”

  Bill glared at me then his eyes flicked up to Mitch before coming back to me.

  “Say what you gotta say so I can get you outta my face. I’d rather be in lockdown with a bunch of psycho slimeballs than sittin’ here with you so I think you get where I’m comin’ from when it comes to you,” Bill retorted.

  “Oh,” I whispered, “I got that when you sent my Mom and your Mom after me. And if I didn’t get it then, I got it when you set them to finding Jez in order to use her to threaten me, Billy and Billie.”

  Bill’s face didn’t change; he kept up the glare and the sneer. He felt no remorse, not even knowing how him doing that would affect me and not even thinking that it might also affect his children.

  I kept talking.

  “When Billy saw Jez, he remembered her and he freaked out, Bill.”

  Bill just continued glaring at me.

  “So bad, he was shaking.”

  Bill uttered not a word.

  “Just in case you care, Billie was asleep and didn’t see her.”

  Nothing from Bill.

  I sighed thinking I shouldn’t be surprised considering he was an assclown.

  I got down to the matter at hand.

  “Mitch and I met with an attorney yesterday and we hired him. We’re moving forward with getting permanent custody of the children.”

  “And I care about this because…?” Bill asked and I blinked.

  Then I asked back, “Pardon?”

  “I got a lotta shit to worry about, Mara. I don’t need more. Because of you, I got a twenty-four, seven job of watchin’ my back. Don’t need to spend my time thinkin’ ‘bout whatever the fuck you’re up to. You’re all fired up to show your pig boyfriend you’re a good person by takin’ my kids, have at it. I end this gig breathin’ then I’ll worry about you.”

  “And Billy and Billie,” I put in.

  “What?” he clipped.

  “You end this breathing, you’ll worry about me and Billy and Billie,” I stated.

  “Whatever,” he muttered.

  God, my cousin was an assclown.

  “Not whatever, Bill. Your son thinks you’re a piece of shit and your daughter has shed tears worrying about you. So it’s not whatever. Those are your children and –”

  Bill cut me off, “Not for long, if you and your cop get what you want so what do you care?”

  He had a point.

  Time to move onto the hard part.

/>   “You could make this easier if you cooperated,” I told him and he grinned but it was not a nice grin.

  “Right,” he whispered through his ugly grin, “that’s not gonna happen.”

  Total assclown.

  “You don’t get this, Bill. I’m not asking for me. I’m asking for Billy and Billie.”

  “Not gonna happen,” he repeated.

  I stared at him.

  Then I pulled in a deep breath.

  Then I said softly, “All those nights, I escaped Mom, her men, her parties I went to you. All those nights, we talked in the dark about what we were going to do, where we were going to go, who we were going to be. All those nights, all we talked about was that wherever we went, whatever we became, it had to be a place where we could be who we wanted to be, not what people thought we were. I never gave up that dream, Bill, and I don’t know when you did. I also don’t care. I’m not responsible for what’s happening to you. You are. But you want to pin that on me? Fine. Do it. I don’t care about that either. What I care about, the only thing I care about is making certain that Billy and Billie do not lead the life you and I led through no fault of our own. Now they have nice beds. They have nice clothes. They have new shoes. Billy’s getting really good at playing catch and Mitch is teaching him how to bat and he’s getting good at that too. Billie sleeps every night with a pink teddy bear that she loves. They’re clean. They go to school. They eat three meals a day. They laugh a lot. They’re around people who care about them and that they get their homework done and to bed on time. All of that is simple but you and me, Bill, we know that the simple stuff is everything. I’m giving them that. So is Mitch. You didn’t. I’m asking you to do me a favor and that favor is letting Mitch and I keep giving them that. You have to sign a piece of paper. That’s it. You do your time, sort yourself out, you get out, we can talk about you having a place in their lives. But only if you sort yourself out and only if you never, ever lay claim to them again. They have a family now. They’re content. They’re happy. Do me a favor and let me keep giving them that. And doing me that favor is you giving them that.”

  Bill leaned into me, eyes narrowed and said slowly, “Not…gonna…happen.”

  I nodded. I knew it.

  Still, I had to give it a shot.

  Then I said, “Fine. But it is going to happen, Bill. It’s just going to take longer. And after it’s done, you get to live the rest of your life knowing your son hates you and coming to the understanding that as time passes, you’ll become just a hazy memory to your daughter and you squandered the love she gave to you. And you can twist that in your head to try to pin that on me too but I know, deep down somewhere inside you, you’ll know that’s not true. You’ll know I gave them what you and I always wanted. And you’ll know when Billy finds someone he loves and wants to spend the rest of his life with, he’ll be dancing with me at his wedding. And you’ll also know when Billie finds someone to give her heart to, she’ll be dancing with Mitch. And you know that’ll be on you too.”

  His face twisted and he hissed, “Fuck you, Mara.”

  But I shook my head.

  “You’re saying fuck me but what you’re doing, you’re fucking Billy and Billie. What you do to me affects your children. So, Bill Winchell, you just proved you are what everyone back home thought you were. You’re an assclown with shit for brains who doesn’t care about anyone but himself. And you have to live with that too.”

  He opened his mouth to speak but I didn’t hear what he had to say.

  I put the phone back in its cradle, pushed my chair back and didn’t look at him as I turned to Mitch. I caught his hand, his long, strong fingers curled tight and warm around mine and I didn’t look back as we walked out.

  We were out of the room and walking down the hall when Mitch muttered, “I’ll call the attorney.”

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  His fingers squeezed mine. “You all right?”

  “Yes,” I answered.

  His fingers squeezed mine again but his hand also tugged as he brought us to a stop.

  I looked up at him.

  “Sure?” he asked softly.

  “The only thing I have to worry about is paying the attorney. I spent a lot of years saving for a rainy day.” I gave him a small smile. “So, it’s raining. Whatever. The rain always stops.”

  Mitch’s eyes moved over my face. Then he smiled back. Then he lifted his other hand, curled it around the side of my neck and pulled me in and up.

  Then he kissed me, fast, hard but closed-mouthed.

  Then he whispered against my lips, “Get to work, sweetheart.”

  I grinned against his.

  Then I moved away, Mitch walked me to my car and I got to work.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Operation Drunk Sex Later

  Two weeks, two days later…

  “I’m back, baby!” Mitch called from my living room-slash-kitchen-slash-dining room.

  He’d taken the kids to spend the night at Penny’s not so we could have a night out, so I could go out with the girls and he could go to work. He had something happening with a case he was working on and he was doing overtime. I had a new little black dress and new sexy, strappy, high-heeled black sandals and I was meeting “the girls” (“the girls” being Roberta, LaTanya, Elvira, Tess and Elvira’s friends Gwen, Cam and Tracy) for drinks at Club.

  The little black dress and sexy new shoes I was currently wearing were purchased because we were in throes of Pierson’s Mattress and Bed’s annual summer madness sale and apparently half of Denver needed a mattress and/or bed. I was run off my feet but my commissions were killer.

  Of course, I wanted to bank them to pay attorneys fees but, with Mitch’s overtime on this big case and seeing as he clearly absorbed Elvira’s lesson about little black dresses, he encouraged me to go shopping with her (which I did) and spoil myself (which meant spoiling him).

  So now I was wearing my first ever LBD. It was sleeveless. It was black jersey. It was shorter than any dress I’d ever worn. It had no back (at all). It was clingy in a lot of places and tight in all the others.

  And the shoes even turned me on they were so hot.

  I’d added heavy makeup (something I never did but it looked pretty good even if I did say so myself). I’d also added lots of hair (something else I never did but ditto with it looking good).

  And now I was good to go.

  And good to go meant Mitch driving me to Club. I had to work that day but the girls had met for dinner at Club and I was meeting them there. I ate a quick turkey sandwich when I got home. Mitch took the kids to Penny’s, was going to take me to Club before he went to do his thing and then I was going to text him when it was time to come home. If he could get me (and LaTanya), he would. If he couldn’t, Elvira promised that Hawk, who was showing to get Gwen and Elvira and anyone else who needed a ride, would give me a ride.

  My night was all planned and effortless for me. All I had to do was get glamorous, show up and suck back cocktails.

  After a day of selling mattresses, that was all I had in me.

  Incidentally, I was not worried about meeting three women who were curious about me. Yes, this was how far beyond my classification system I was. Three months ago, sitting down with three women who would be judging if I was good enough for Detective Mitch Lawson would have sent me over the edge.



  If they didn’t like me, I didn’t have it in me to care.

  Mitch liked me. That was all that mattered.

  I turned from the mirror in the bathroom, hit the light and called back to Mitch, “I’m ready to go if you are!”

  I went to my bed, grabbed my little black purse, turned out the lamp I had on by the bed and sashayed on my four inch heels out the door. I moved down the hall and saw Mitch at my bar, eyes down, he was flipping through a file on the bar but as I moved out of the mouth of the hall, his eyes came to me.

  “Do you want to leave now???
? I asked, continuing toward him. “LaTanya texted me. They’re there already so…”

  I trailed off because the look on his face finally registered in me.


  In me.

  In fact, it registered in me, through me, on me and all over me.

  I stopped dead.

  When I did, Mitch immediately moved and he did this toward me, his eyes on my dress.

  “Mitch –” I started.

  “I don’t wanna leave now.”

  Oh boy.

  “Mitch,” I whispered and started moving back because he was nearly on me and he wasn’t stopping.

  When I started moving back, he kept moving forward so I kept walking backwards.

  “Jesus, baby, knew your legs were long but…fuck.” His eyes were now on my legs and his voice was hot, low, growly and intense. I felt hot just listening to it.

  Oh boy!

  “Mitch, you have to catch bad guys,” I reminded him as I moved backwards through the shadows of the hall and he kept after me.

  He shifted swiftly in a way that I had no choice but to shift with him and this meant we moved through the door to my bedroom.

  “Mitch!” I cried, putting my hands to his chest. “Bad guys?” I reminded him.

  His hands curled around my hips. “They’ll still be bad guys after I fuck you.”

  Oh boy!

  “Mitch.” I was back to whispering.

  Mitch’s fingers curled into my tight, stretchy skirt and yanked it up to my waist.

  Admittedly, that skirt was so short, it didn’t have far to go.

  Still, this was hot.

  I dropped my bag and my fingers curled into his shirt to hold on seeing as my legs had gone weak.

  Mitch shifted again, I felt bed behind my legs then he moved and the lamp by my bed was back on.

  I stood there, legs trembling as he leaned back several inches and his hot eyes traveled down my fevered body stopping at my hips where he could see my little, lacy black panties. Then his hot eyes moved to mine as his body moved into me and his hands moved back, both of them diving into my panties to cup my ass.