Read Laying a Foundation Page 20

  “Nope. Everybody has a different path. Not my job to judge anybody for the path they’re traveling.” He watched as her shoulders relaxed and the redness in her face faded. “Now, for my game.”

  “If it’s spin the bottle, I’m all in!” she giggled.

  “No. It’s better. I’ll start.”

  “I don’t know how to play,” she protested.

  “You’ll catch on very fast. Here goes. So, what’s your favorite color?”


  “Now ask me a question.”

  She thought for a few seconds. “So what’s your favorite color?”

  “I think, um, gray.”

  She laughed. “Oh my god, that’s not a color!”

  “It is if you’re in my closet!” he laughed back. “Okay, my turn. Favorite movie?”

  “The Princess Bride. Your dream car?”

  “A Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder, the LP 570-4, in silver. See, you’re getting the hang of it. Where would you most like to go on vacation?”

  “Hmmmm . . . any small Caribbean island that’s not a tourist magnet.” Tony made note of that answer. “And I like the Smoky Mountains a lot.”

  “’Zat so? Well, since you couldn’t know, I’ll tell you – I have a house there.”

  “Really? I’d . . .” she caught herself “. . . bet it’s beautiful.”

  “If things keep going the way they are, you’ll probably see it pretty soon.” He tried to give her his most provocative smile and she threw her head back and laughed, a glorious sound like wind chimes on a breezy day. He couldn’t help but think how sexy she looked when she did that.

  “My turn,” she said. “So, if you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?”

  “Physically? Personality-wise? What do you mean?”

  “I literally mean anything. Anything at all.”

  “My nose. It’s too big.” He pointed at the Aquiline feature that was the dead giveaway to his Italian heritage.

  “I think it’s a perfectly beautiful nose. I wouldn’t do a thing to it.” She leaned over and kissed it, and Tony’s heart skipped a beat. It was too late to stop it – he’d already fallen for her.

  “Question for you. If you only had one more day to live, what would you do with it?” When he saw the dark cloud pass over her face, he wished he could take the question back. What was he thinking, with her history?

  He watched her shudder, then she straightened, took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and began to answer in a whisper. “First, I’d watch the sun rise. Then,” she said, her voice growing stronger, “I’d spend the rest of the day making love, if I had a willing partner, of course.” She smiled and squeezed his hand, then continued. “I eat chocolate, take a walk and listen to the birds.” By the time she ended the answer, her voice was strong and clear. It was odd, almost as if she’d thought about it before. Then he remembered what she’d said when she told him about her family: I ask myself every day why I couldn’t have died too. She’d definitely thought about it, maybe too many times.

  A lump formed in his throat; he couldn’t lose her. He wanted to see that sadness taken from her, wanted to know that she didn’t go home, close the door, and plan ways to leave the world behind. As clearly as if someone had spoken it aloud to him, the thought formed in his mind, solid and complete: It’s my job, from now on, to make sure every day is a day for you to be glad you’re alive. She still sat perfectly motionless, her eyes closed, and he moved silently to her and kissed her eyelids one at a time, then wrapped his arms around her. She pressed her face into his shoulder and wrapped her arms around him. Neither of them spoke. They sat in that embrace for what seemed like forever, him floating along on the scent of her hair, her listening to the beating of his heart and absorbing the heat from his skin like flame consuming dry tinder.

  Finally, he moved his hands to her face, drew it to his, and kissed her, a slow, unfurling thing that started out with his lips pressed, closed, to hers, and grew into its own being. His tongue parted her lips and found hers, and danced along its length and breadth; hers responded, going deeper and stronger as it explored his mouth. Taking her hands from his chest, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him even closer. His hands drifted down the sides of her neck, down her chest, and around the sides of her soft, warm breasts, feeling her respond to his lusty touch as she pressed herself against him. Cupping her breasts briefly, he drew his big hands down her sides, latched them onto her waist, and pulled her longingly into him, drawing her hard against him and tilting his stiffening cock against her. The hitch in her breath told him she felt it, wanted it, and she leaned back until she fell onto the sofa and pulled him down on top of her.

  “Nikki, baby, I don’t know if I can say no to you,” he moaned into her neck, his hips grinding into her, hers rising to meet them in an erotic dance.

  “Then don’t,” she whispered. She put her hands on his face and raised his head so she could stare into those warm, melted-chocolate eyes. He saw the need there in her blue-green ones, consuming and mesmerizing.

  “No. No – not like this,” he told her, coming to his senses and pulling back. “We’ve got some ground to cover first.”

  Her face flushed in embarrassment and she tried to squirm out from under him, but he held her firm. “I’m sorry. I guess I got carried away. It’s okay.” She looked like she’d cry at any moment, her vulnerability raw and exposed.

  “No, baby, stop. It’s not you. You’re fine. You’re fucking hot. I want you so bad I can hardly think or breathe,” he managed to say, his voice husky and strained with enough longing for them both. “But I don’t want to mess this up. It’s too important.”

  “Mess it up? I don’t get it.” She looked completely confused.

  Tony sat up and ran his fingers through his hair, then took her hand and pulled her up to a sitting position. “Remember, Friday night, when you said you thought people should communicate, especially about sex? I think you’re right. So let’s have our talk Sunday. Whaddya say? Next step?”

  He could see that the light bulb had clicked on behind her eyes. “Next step. I think that’s a good idea. Let’s do this thing right.” She licked her lips.

  “That’s my girl. Now let’s both get some sleep. It’s been a long day, and this is just Tuesday. Start thinking about what you might like to do Saturday.” He smiled and kissed her on the nose. “Come on and I’ll walk you out.”

  After their phone call before bedtime, Nikki reached into her nightstand and pulled out her vibrator, then checked to see if she had extra batteries in the lower drawer. She was pretty sure she’d need them, maybe all of them. And maybe she should get another pack.


  The text notification on Nikki’s phone pinged. What are you doing at lunchtime?

  Eating lunch, I suppose. Why?

  Can you get a little extra time? I need a favor, please.

  Nikki replied after Marla assured her that she could take a little longer for lunch. Instead of texting her, he called.

  “Hey, baby, can I pick you up?”

  “That works! See you in a bit.” After she hung up, she realized she hadn’t asked what the favor was. Couldn’t be anything very serious or he would’ve told her, she was sure.

  Once she was in the truck with him, she asked him, “So, is this a big mystery, or can you tell me where we’re going?”

  “It’s not far; we’re almost there. Hang on a minute,” he said as he wheeled into the parking lot of a large medical building. When he’d parked he turned to her. “Remember, we’re having our talk Sunday?”

  “Yeah. So what’s this about?” She was really getting curious now.

  “Well, I was thinking, if we’re going to have the talk Sunday, that means we’re getting closer to the deed, right? So, let me be really clear about this: I trust you. Completely. No reservations. I believe you when you say you haven’t been with anybody since Randy. And I’ve told you the truth too; I haven’t been with
anybody in over two years. But don’t you think, for peace of mind, that we both should be tested? I mean, get the green cards and show them to each other?” He looked anxious, almost pleading.

  But Nikki had a question of her own. “I need to know something. Are you seeing anybody else?”

  Tony was taken aback. “No! Of course not!”

  “Are you interested in seeing anybody else?” she asked pointedly.

  “Absolutely not! I thought I’d made that pretty clear,” he stammered, sounding kind of put out.

  “So, are we saying we’re exclusive? That this is an exclusive relationship?” she asked straight out.

  It only took Tony a second to respond with “Yes. As far as I’m concerned, this is an exclusive relationship. I hope that’s okay with you.”

  “Very okay. And in that case, yes, I’ll gladly be tested, but I didn’t want to be bothered if there was a third person in the mix; would’ve kinda made it pointless. So, is that why we’re here?”

  “Yep. I called my doctor. I thought maybe we’d like a little more privacy than a testing center could offer. He said to come on over and he’ll have the results by Friday.”

  “Wow, that’s quick! Okay, let’s do it. I think it’ll be good for both of us,” she agreed, climbing down out of the truck.

  In the lot across from The Passionate Pansy, he leaned over and kissed her before she got out. “See you at the gym after work?” he asked.

  “See you there, sweetie!” she said and went back to work. But she didn’t want to. She wanted to stay with him.

  Friday night was quiet at the gym. After her post-gym shower, dressing, and driving over to Tony’s, Nikki walked into his house and went straight to the kitchen. There, on the counter, was a large manila envelope, and she recognized the name of Dr. Coulter’s practice.

  “Yep, drove over and picked them up this afternoon.” Tony turned from the sink, dried his hands, and picked up the envelope. “Are you ready?”

  “Sure. You?”

  “Let’s do this thing.” He opened the envelope; inside were two smaller ones, one with his name on it, and one with hers, and they each took the other’s envelope and ripped them open. Both of them pulled the letters out at the same time and opened them.

  He looked up at her, and she at him, both of them breaking into huge grins. “Well,” Tony announced, “looks like all systems are go, huh?”

  She laughed. “That’s right, Houston! Looks like we’re ready for liftoff.”

  “I’m home. See you in the morning, baby.”

  “Yeah, see you then. Hey, Tony?”

  “Yeah, babe?”

  “I wanted you to know, today was the most fun I’ve had in a long time.” They’d spent Saturday afternoon having lunch, then they went to movies and back to the green space to walk and talk. “It was so relaxed. And there’s something I really want to say to you.” It’s now or never, her heart told her.

  “Nope. Don’t say it.” Nikki’s heart froze until he said, “That’s a face-to-face thing. I want to look you right in the eye, and I want you looking back. Get it?”

  “Got it.” Her heart trembled; he knew what she was about to say. And he wanted her to say it. That meant that he . . . Oh boy! Yeah, he felt it too!

  “I’ll see you in the morning, beautiful girl. And by the way, today will be a memory that I carry with me forever. Night, baby.”

  “Night.” Nikki hit END and laid the phone down.

  Sweet mother of god, she thought. I’m in love with Tony Walters. And he’s in love with me!


  “My house or yours?” Nikki asked Tony when they were finished at the gym on Sunday morning.

  He stopped at the door of her SUV and thought for a minute. “Let’s go to the big house. It’s quieter there, and we won’t be disturbed.”

  “Good idea. Can I bring Bill and Hillary?”

  “Sure! Make sure they have some toys and something to eat, some snacks or something, because there’s nothing there for them and we might not get back until late.” Tony opened her door and she slid into the seat. “Buckle up, sweetheart.” He leaned down to kiss her. “I’ll be over as soon as I’m showered and dressed.”

  She was almost dressed and ready when she heard him set the alarm on whatever he’d decided to drive. She got a surprise; when she finished getting ready, she found that he’d gone into the kitchen and packed up a zippered storage bag of food for the dogs, found a tote, and put the food and some toys into it.

  “Well, you must be in a hurry!” she laughed.

  “Actually, I kinda am,” he grinned back. “I’d like to get this show on the road.”

  When they stepped out the front door, Nikki gasped – at the curb was a huge, pearl-white Yukon. The Denali. He’d mentioned it. It was some kind of gorgeous – gold package, the whole enchilada. “Wow. I’m going in style,” she said, using her sexiest voice.

  “Yeah, I thought it would be quieter, and bigger, since the dogs are with us.” He opened the rear passenger door. Nikki was startled to see that he’d put a large blanket across the back seat, and there were a couple of dog toys on the seat.

  “You bought those for them?” She couldn’t manage to hide the surprise in her voice.

  He gave her a sheepish grin. “I thought that would give them something to do while we rode.” She wondered at him – he was just full of surprises. It appeared he genuinely liked the two little monsters.

  The ride gave them a chance to talk about benign things. He told her his full name – Antonio Luigi Walters – and that his birthday was September nineteenth. She told him her full name – Nicolette Renee Wallace Wilkes – and that her birthday was on September eighth; he was surprised that her parents named her such a French name. He asked her questions about Paganism; she asked him questions about Catholicism. They talked about school, growing up, things they did as kids. It was so quiet and sweet that Nikki almost forgot to be nervous.

  But when they turned down the lengthy, winding driveway to the big house, her stomach lurched. This conversation, more than any other, would determine whether or not their relationship would move forward. She felt kind of sick knowing what was riding on it, but she was determined to be honest and straightforward.

  Helene was at the big house when they got there, putting the finishing touches on lunch. It was one o’clock and, even though she was a bundle of nerves, Nikki was starving. She noticed Tony seemed anxious too.

  Helene set the table, then left them to eat alone. Nikki was getting Bill and Hillary settled when Tony groaned, “My god, that smells good and I’m really hungry, but I’m so nervous I’m not sure I can eat.”

  So he was nervous! She felt a little better and giggled.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I wondered if you were as nervous as I am. Guess I got my answer!” She sat down at the table and picked up her fork.

  “Probably more. Can you eat?”

  “I don’t know, but this smells and looks so good that I’m going to try!” The salmon Helene had baked had an aroma like nothing else, and the baby asparagus and roasted red skin potatoes looked like something from a cooking magazine. Nikki hadn’t been sure she could eat, but once she tucked into the food, the deliciousness of it all took over and she ate ravenously. Tony seemed to be enjoying his lunch too. He entertained her by telling her about some of the improvements they’d made to the house over the years. When they were finished eating, he poured them both a second glass of wine while Nikki carried all of the dishes to the sink and put away the leftovers.

  With the lunch taken care of, Tony handed Nikki her glass of wine and took her free hand. “Let’s go sit in the great room. We’ve got to get this started. It may take awhile, and I don’t want us to feel rushed.”

  He led her over to a huge, overstuffed armchair, filled with soft, brightly-colored toss pillows. He sat on the adjacent sofa.

  She pretended to pout. “You’re not going to sit with me?”

; “If we sit together, we won’t get to have a conversation. Things will happen that we don’t intend, and, well, this is probably how it should be.” Nikki nodded. He was right – that was exactly what would happen. She was already itching to touch him, and having him beside her would mean she wouldn’t be able to control the urge.

  “So, how do we begin?”

  “At the beginning. Why don’t you start?” Then he added, “You can start with when you lost your virginity, and we’ll work our way up.”

  Nikki took a deep breath. This is it, she thought. “Well, that’s a funny story. I had this high school friend, and we decided if we hadn’t gotten laid by the time we were fifteen, we’d sleep together. And that’s exactly what happened. It was pretty wretched, but at least we could say we weren’t virgins anymore.”

  Tony started laughing. “That’s one way to solve that problem!”

  “Maybe not a good way, but that’s what we did. After that, I pretty much screwed anybody who showed an interest in me.” She hadn’t meant for it to sound that way, but it was fairly accurate. “I was quite the little slut. I liked sex, and I had a lot of it. Until I met Randy. And I got knocked up almost immediately. But we were crazy mad in love with each other, so we got married when I turned eighteen, and Jake was born a few months later.”

  “Nikki, I need to know,” Tony started, his voice deepening and turning serious, “were you ever unfaithful to Randy?”

  Nikki’s gaze was unwavering. “No. Never. There was no one after Randy. It was just us, always. I thought he might’ve cheated on me a couple of times, but he insisted he didn’t and, in the end, I believed him. But I never, never, ever cheated on him. I swear.”

  “Oh, I believe you. But you have to understand how important that is to me. I’ll never tolerate that. I’ve put up with too much to go through that again.”

  “I’d never do that to you, babe. Never. I’m just not like that. If I were that unhappy, I’d leave. I wouldn’t sneak around and hurt you.”