Read Laying a Foundation Page 29

  “Let’s go.” She grabbed her top and bra from the floor and led him toward the bedroom. “Makeup sex is the best. Come on!”

  “I’m with you.” And with that, he let her lead him down the hallway to heaven.

  Did she ever get tired? Tony couldn’t believe she was still riding him, or that he was still hard as stone. Even though he felt like he was going to blow his balls, he was concentrating on making her come again. Nikki had already exploded once, and he was determined to wear her out, even though he wasn’t certain that could be done. Picking up his pace, stroking her clit as fast as he could, he watched her writhe and go wild, screaming and fucking him with an absence of consciousness that blew his mind. Nikki’s pussy clamped down on his swollen shaft, milking his cock of every drop, and then she dropped onto his chest, limp and drenched in sweat.

  Tony flipped her over and crawled down between her legs. His cum ran from her slit and down onto the sheets, but he didn’t care; hell, he reveled in tasting himself all over her, his scent mingling with hers, creating a heady, intoxicating blend that rendered him very nearly mad. He slid his fingers up her slit, under her hood, and moved it up so her tender nub was completely exposed, then watched with glee as that one simple action caused her pussy to weep profusely. Nikki moaned and wound her fingers in his hair, then tipped her hips up so she was offering herself to him. Instead of using his tongue, Tony wrapped his lips around her clit and sucked. She cried out and shook. He continued to suck, occasionally running his tongue up and over the swelling bud, then sucking again. Knowing it was driving her nearly insane, he kept it up. She pulled his hair ever so slightly, and he attacked with greater gusto, sucking hard, making her hips shiver and buck. As he drew the tiny nub into his mouth, it hardened and lengthened like a tiny cock, and Tony could feel his own hardness readying to take her. He stopped for a minute to adore the root of her arousal and blew on it gently; it was beautiful, an exquisite pearl in its soft, lovely shell. Nikki gasped when his breath hit her sweet spot, then moaned long and low, and Tony went back to work. Her hips started to thrust and her moans turned to a continuous, guttural sound that told him she was getting closer.

  Nikki’s thrusting became more frantic and she cried out, “Tony, I’m coming! Oh, god!” He could tell she was there – almost. Then he stopped.

  Nikki looked down at him, confused. “Whaaaa . . . what are you doing?” she cried out.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” His voice was as smooth as warm syrup.

  “Oh, god, I need it. Please!”

  “Okay,” he said simply, and started back in, sucking and pulling on her clit, harder and more vigorously than before. Her hips started to thrust again, and her moans got louder. Tony could tell she was right at the edge of her orgasm, and he stopped again.

  The look on her face was a mixture of confusion and frustration. “What are you doing?” she practically screamed. “Are you kidding me? Tony, give it to me! Please! I want it so bad.”

  His voice was cool and detached. “Want what?”

  “Sweet mother of god, what are you trying to do to me?” she whined. He watched her belly shake with orgasmic tension.

  Tony grinned up at her; she didn’t look amused. “What’s wrong, sweetheart? Something bothering you?”

  Nikki threw her head back on the pillow and arched her back. “Make me come or I’ll take care of it myself. I can’t stand this.”

  “Sure that’s what you want?” he asked again in an ominous tone.

  “Yes! God, yes. I need it,” she whimpered.

  “As you wish,” he replied calmly and tucked into her. He sucked her clit back into his mouth roughly, and she screamed and thrust her hips toward his face. As he sucked, he ran his tongue up and down the center of the enflamed bud, and her screams got louder, her thrusts more violent. Grabbing her hips, he held them down, which made her cry out more frantically and thrash wildly as he continued to suck and lick, hard. Nikki’s hands wound into his hair again and she pulled a handful while he sucked as hard as he dared, so hard that his teeth raked her tender nub. Her back arched impossibly high, and she screamed his name as she fought to thrust, her hands grabbing the headboard, her biceps straining, every muscle in her body coiling like a cobra ready to strike. Tony didn’t let up, and the waves of her orgasm consumed her, burning through her like wildfire. Nikki shrieked incoherently as Tony continued to tug and suck, and she begged him to stop, to turn her hips loose, to take his mouth off of her, but he wouldn’t. Finally, her voice turned to a hoarse whisper, her body convulsing uncontrollably, and Tony stopped.

  Nikki didn’t move or make a sound. Tony propped himself up on her thighs, leaned down, and kissed her clit, by then swollen and enormous, rising up and out from under its hood. When his warm lips touched it, her hips jumped. He kissed up her soft belly, over her navel, up her ribcage, first one nipple and then the other, and up her chest and neck, watching the twitching as he touched each spot, until he reached her mouth, claiming it with his tongue. Nikki kissed him back and whispered, “Please, baby, I need you inside me.”

  His dark, hot cock throbbed for her, and he knelt between her legs, wrapped his arms up and under her knees, and lifted her up to him, then slid into her. She was so wet that there was no resistance, and he fell into a perfect rhythm with a singular purpose; to fill her masterfully and forcefully, control her body and soul, and to remind her that, beyond any doubt, she was his and his alone. The sight of his bulging pecs set her heart racing and lit her skin on fire. When she moaned and stiffened, he pumped her harder and faster, smiling with satisfaction as he watched her lose all control. Within seconds the orgasm ripped through her and she came violently, crying out his name over and over and reaching for him. Tony pounded into her until he yelled out, “Oh, baby, fuuuuuck me!” and filled her so full of his hot essence that he was sure he’d soaked the sheets. He fell backward onto the bed, spent to the point that he wasn’t sure he could move.

  Silence filled the room; only their breathing stirred it. Tony finally pulled himself together enough to crawl up the bed and wrap his arms around her. Nikki kissed his chest and teased the triangle of dark hair there, then buried her nose in it and breathed his scent in deeply.

  “Still mad at me?” Tony whispered.

  “For what?” Nikki asked, weak and drenched in sweat.

  “Best answer in the world.” He kissed the top of her head and heard her let out a long, satisfied sigh just before she dropped off.

  Tony looked down at the sleeping woman in his arms, her head on his chest, her hair crazy and draped across his arm like fine brocade. Morning light was seeping in around the drapes and blinds in her little bedroom, but the alarm clock hadn’t gone off yet, and Nikki was sleeping the sleep of the dead. With great tenderness he pushed a lock of hair off her forehead, and she opened one sleepy eye and looked up at him. The smile he gave her was full of so much adoration that it made her smile back.

  “Are you watching me sleep?” she asked in a whisper.

  “Yes. You know, this is my favorite time of the day.”

  “Morning? You like morning best?” She stretched against him.

  “Yeah. I love waking up with you in my arms, your head on my chest, your soft, even breathing. It’s so quiet and peaceful, and for those few minutes there’s no one in the world but you and me. I love it – I love you. There’s nowhere else in the world I’d rather be.” He kissed her on the forehead.

  She kissed his chest. “I love you too. I don’t ever want to wake up and find myself without you.”

  “I wanted to talk to both of you before the holiday.” Tony was supposed to be working out in the garage’s home gym on Saturday morning, but Clayton had stopped by, and Tony had dragged him into the garage; then he called Annabeth and put her on speakerphone. “There’s something I want to do, and I wanted to get your opinions before I do it.”

  Clayton nodded. “Okay. Let’s hear it.”

  “I’d like to ask Nikki to move in with me. How do
you guys feel about that?”

  There was silence. Then Annabeth made a sound – was she crying? He looked at Clayton, whose eyes were turning red. Tony’s face was crestfallen. “Geez, is it that bad an idea?”

  “Oh, Daddy!” Annabeth gushed. “I love her so much. I feel like I might finally have a shot at having a real mom!”

  Tony looked at Clayton, and his son managed a hoarse, “Yeah, what she said.” He cleared his throat and looked away.

  “Well, by god, why didn’t you two tell me this before? I’m planning to ask her the afternoon of the party, after everybody’s gone. I want to make sure she can handle the whole family. So it’s a go for you two?”

  “Absolutely.” Clayton’s answer was strong and clear. “I wish you guys would have us over more often too. I’d really like to spend more time with her. So would Brit. I’m not so sure what kind of grandpa you’re going to make, you old fart, but I think she’s going to make a wonderful grandma.” Tony shook his head and grinned.

  “Katie and I feel the same way, Daddy. Please, don’t let her get away. Our family needs her,” Annabeth sniffled.

  Tony was astonished – and very relieved. “Okay, it’s settled. You’re getting a new mom. I haven’t asked yet – it’s still a few months away – but I’m hoping we’ll be married by the end of the year.” Annabeth squealed, and Clayton cracked a wide grin. “And I think she’d love to spend more time with all four of you. She’s crazy about you guys, but I think she’s kind of hanging back, afraid to get too close because she’s not sure where we’re going with this. I’ll fix that on the Fourth.”

  One thing was sure: This was going to be a holiday for the Walters family history book.

  As Nikki toweled her hair after her shower, she watched Tony dressing in the other room, her heart slamming against her ribs. He had his back to her and his shoulders rippled as he moved, the muscles playing against each other as he pulled a shirt from the closet, looked at it, then put it back and chose another. Watching him move was like watching sunlight on water, or watching a stand of silver maples on a breezy day. It made her sigh with longing and set her pulse dancing. If she lived to be a thousand, she’d never get enough of him.

  “Where are we going?” she called out to him. They’d both taken a half day off in anticipation of the holiday. The next day would be prep for the party on the Fourth, and they both needed a little extra time for all of that.

  “I’m taking you to the gun range.” He buttoned his shirt as he walked toward the bathroom. “I want to teach you to handle a gun. I’ll feel better if I know you can protect yourself if you have to.”

  “Okay.” She bent forward with the blow dryer and turned it on. She heard him say something over the racket and turned it off. “Did you say something?”

  “Yeah, I asked aren’t you going to argue with me about it?” He looked puzzled.

  “Why would I do that?”

  “Well, I may be a liberal, but you make me look right-wing. I thought you’d be anti-gun.” Her heart nearly stopped at the sight of him leaning against the door facing, his arms crossed. Sometimes she still had trouble believing that this man was hers.

  “Nope.” One simple word. She didn’t elaborate, which he thought was very uncharacteristic for her. Something was amiss, but he couldn’t figure out what.

  “I thought I’d start you out on something small and lightweight, like maybe a nine millimeter or a three-eighty.” He stopped and waited for the backlash.

  “Okay,” she replied again. Something’s just not right here, he thought. She’s taking this far too well. But he still couldn’t put a finger on it.

  Once they’d gotten dressed, Tony pulled the Yukon around to the front and waited. Nikki came out of the house, and she was carrying a good-sized box that looked something like a toolbox. She knocked for him to put the tailgate up and she stowed the box in the back before she climbed into the front seat beside him. “What’s in the box?” he asked her.

  “Stuff.” She didn’t say anything else.

  The range was quiet for a Monday afternoon, with only one other station in use. Tony led her down the hallway to the door of the range they’d paid to use, and held it for her to go inside. She was carrying the box he’d seen her stash in the back of the Yukon. He asked her again, “What’s in the box?”

  “Stuff.” That was all she said. He couldn’t figure out what it could be. It looked like a sportsman’s box of some kind, but he wasn’t sure what.

  Tony had carried in a double-sided pistol case and a carton of ammunition. He opened one side of the case and took out a beautiful Heckler & Koch nine millimeter. Nikki gasped.

  “Baby, don’t be afraid of it. Guns won’t hurt you; ignorance of guns will hurt you. So I’m going to show you how to hold it, how to load it, how to shoot it, and then how to clean it. That’s the most important part. It’s important to keep your weapon well-maintained so it works properly when you need it.”

  “Oh, I always keep my weapon clean,” she countered with a smirk.

  “Yes, you do,” he replied, smirking back. She tried to look away, but he saw her grin.

  “Okay, watch me.” He shoved a loaded magazine up into the grip, racked a round into the chamber, and held it out for her to look at. “Want to try it?”

  Nikki looked at him for a second. “Sure.” Then she stopped and looked at him pointedly. “But wasn’t there a sign about eye and ear protection?”

  “Yes. That’s important. I thought you might want to practice loading it and chambering a round. But we can go ahead and put on our protective gear if you want to.” He opened the case again and produced a pair of safety glasses for her, then handed her some ear plugs. He had some for himself as well and, when everything was in place, he held the gun out to her. “Here you go. All ready for you.”

  Instead of taking it, she reached into her pocket and laid a full magazine on the bench in front of them. Then, before he could process what was happening, she reached into the back of her jeans, pulled out a pistol, flipped off the safety, took her stance, and started firing at the target. Eight spent shells flew onto the floor. When the pistol was empty, she ejected the magazine, picked up the one on the bench, slammed it in, racked a round into the chamber, and started firing again, sending seven more projectiles into the target.

  Tony stood stock still and his jaw dropped. What the hell?, he thought. She turned to him and simply said, “No thanks. I have my own.”

  He couldn’t say anything; he couldn’t think of anything to say.

  “Close your mouth, baby, you’re catching flies.” Tony hadn’t realized his mouth was hanging open, and he snapped it shut. “Now, I’m sorry, honey, what was it you wanted to teach me?”

  “Apparently nothing,” he answered, embarrassed as hell.

  “Okay.” She ejected the second magazine and reached into the box she’d brought with her to get more ammo. She started reloading the magazines, keeping an extra round out to replace the one she would chamber.

  “Where the hell did you learn to do that?” he asked, still stunned.

  “Randy was a competitive shooter. Me, I just like the guns.”

  “Okay, so what have you got in that box?”

  “Oh, stuff. More ammo,” she said matter-of-factly, “cleaning supplies, my custom Browning shooting glasses, my favorite ear plugs with strings, things like that.”

  Everything had happened so fast that he really hadn’t had a chance to see what she’d pulled out of her jeans. He reached for the pistol; a Walther PPK-S with custom grips. “Nice piece,” he said.

  “You’ve told me that before, darling,” she purred. He winced.

  “Got anything else in your arsenal?” he asked sarcastically.

  “Yeah, matter of fact, I’ve got another three-eighty, a vintage Browning. I’ve also got Randy’s Smith & Wesson nineteen-eleven which, in case you didn’t know, is a forty-five.” When she said that, he shot her a dirty look. “Plus a Rossi thirty-eight special rated for
Plus P, and a nine millimeter Glock 19. Oh, and enough ammunition to last a couple of years. And I’ve got middle-of-back carry holsters for everything except the nineteen-eleven. Bastard’s too heavy to carry.” She looked at the H&K. “That thing’s beautiful. Is that your carry gun?”

  Tony looked a little disappointed. “No. I carry a nine millimeter Ruger.” He pulled it from his holster and showed her, then put it back. “I bought the H&K for you, as a gift. I guess you probably don’t want it though.”

  “Want it? I love it! It’s a beaut. Mind if I shoot it?”

  He looked relieved. “No, of course not. It’s yours if you want it.”

  She stopped and stared at him for a second. “Tony, that’s the first gift you’ve ever given me. Do you realize how fucked up that is? My first gift from you is a gun to protect myself from some wing-nut who’s trying to hurt or kill you and/or me. That’s fucked up.”

  “Yeah, that is fucked up,” he agreed. “I take it back. You can’t have the gun – not yet. I’ll loan it to you now, and you can have it after I’ve given you something better first.”

  She laughed. “That’s fucked up too. Okay, so you shoot the H&K. I want to see it in action.”

  Tony pulled the target up to change it. Damn, the girl had fired all fifteen rounds into the kill zone. They hadn’t all gone into the bull’s eye, but they’d all been in the critical range. He put up a new target and sent it to the wall. Then he pulled the weapon up, stared down the sights, and started pulling the trigger. Casings flew, and Nikki watched with an appreciative eye.