Read Laying a Foundation Page 32

  Tony laughed, picked her up, and spun her around, then kissed her. “Baby, I love you so much!”

  She threw her arms around his neck and whispered in his ear, “You have no idea how much I love you back.”

  “Where’s Nikki?” Mark asked. “I was hoping we’d all get to know her a little better.”

  Tony popped the top on another beer and sat down on the end of one of the chaise lounges on the patio. “Got something on her clothes while she was straightening up the kitchen. Changing. She’ll be down in a minute.” He took a draw on the bottle. He’d noticed she’d changed, so that sounded better than She was bawling ten minutes ago and she’s pulling herself together. If he had anything to say about it, they’d never know they’d gotten to her, especially Molly. He’d known the stress of the day would get to her, but the thing with the rolls had pushed her over the edge. He hadn’t paid enough attention to her, hadn’t been supportive enough, and he wouldn’t make that mistake again.

  They were all chatting and laughing, enjoying the warm breeze coming across the patio. Freddie was telling everyone about a new car he was looking to buy and was in mid-sentence when he dropped his voice and growled, “Holy shit!” Everyone turned to get the same view he had. Vic whispered, “Oh, wow!” Molly scowled. Tony turned too, and a long, low whistle escaped his lips.

  Nikki stood on the steps leading to the patio, and she looked unsure as to whether or not she should join everyone. After Tony had left the bedroom, she’d changed again, this time into a black, bustier-type camisole, and she’d pulled a sheer, lacy, red and black top over it. Her black diamond pendant shone against her creamy breastbone, but the guys were mostly staring at her legs, shown off to perfection under some skin-tight capris. Her red toenails matched her top. She’d pulled the sides of her glittering hair back low into an elastic band and tied a black ribbon around it. As she glanced around, she fidgeted with her nails, clicking them together, and she tried to decide what she should do, where she should go. With everyone staring at her, it was even harder to feel comfortable. Somebody say something, she thought. Please!

  “Ah, there’s my baby now!” Tony called out, finally coming to his senses. He stood and closed the gap between them in less than a second, wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her as he lifted her off the flagstone. When he set her back down, he took her hand and led her back to the chaise, where he sat down and drew her onto his lap. “Everybody, we’ve got an announcement to make. Sweetie, why don’t you tell them?”

  Nikki looked into Tony’s face, and he nodded and smiled. She addressed the family in a voice barely over a whisper. “Tony asked me to move in with him.”

  “And?” Annabeth squealed.

  Nikki was beaming. “Oh, I said yes, of course.” Tony’s arms tightened around her waist, and she hugged them to her.

  “Well, it’s about time!” Clayton said as Annabeth, Katie, and Brittany jumped up and ran to Tony and Nikki, hugging them, each other, and anyone else who’d hug them back in their excitement. One by one, the brothers and their wives hugged Nikki and Tony and congratulated them.

  Then, over the ruckus, they heard the sound of crystal ringing and turned to see Raffaella standing, wine glass raised, gently tapping a spoon from the dessert table against it. When they quieted, she spoke.

  “For more years than I can count, I have wished for my sons, all of them, to be happy. It seemed all of them had found happiness – all but one. Today, we celebrate the birth of my adopted homeland and my pride at being a citizen of the greatest nation in the world. But we also celebrate the happiness Antonio has finally found with this lovely woman. Nikki, welcome to our family, and thank you for finally bringing my son happiness.” She raised her glass, as did everyone else.

  Tony lowered his face to Nikki’s and pressed his forehead against hers. “Well, baby,” he smiled, “if there was any question before, this locks it – looks like you’re in!”

  Nikki was enjoying herself immensely. Victoria and Kathy were chatting with her about when they should get together to start the planning for the annual Thanksgiving feast, and were already wheedling her about a wedding date. She tried to tell them that Tony had only asked her to move in, but they were running right ahead and, if she’d been honest, she would’ve told them she wondered about it too. Would he ever ask her? Was this the beginning, or would living together be the end of the road? She didn’t care; as long as she was with him, nothing else mattered.

  Vic, Bart, and Tony were in a lively discussion about the economics of the construction industry. Clayton and Mark were talking baseball while Bennie sat with them silently, and Caroline sat next to Raffaella, answering the older woman’s questions about the grandkids. The three girls chatted with Molly about summer fashions; Molly ran an exclusive boutique Freddie had bought in Anchorage, the Louisville township where Tony lived, and she always had a leg up on the newest trends, not to mention that the only time she could manage to be civil was when she was talking about herself or something she knew more about than everyone else. It seemed every member of the family was having a very pleasant evening until a voice rang out from inside the house: “Helloooo? Where is everybody? I’m late, but I’m here!”

  Nikki heard the voice; she didn’t recognize it, but it was clear everyone else did. There was a mad scramble, and Nikki found herself on the move, Vic’s hand on her arm. When they reached the back edge of the patio, Vic slipped in behind her and wrapped both arms around her waist.

  What the hell was going on? As Nikki watched, Bart, Freddie, Mark, and Tony moved to the front edge of the patio just below the steps, feet shoulder width apart and arms crossed across their chests, with Tony in the forefront. Raffaella joined the brothers, standing next to Mark. Nikki wasn’t sure what was going on, but the five of them looked as imposing as any group she’d ever seen. There was movement at her left, and Clayton pressed himself against her, reaching to take her left hand and hold it tight behind him. Vic’s right arm left her waist, and she glanced over to see Annabeth fold into his side and his arm wrap securely around her. From the darkness of the house, a form emerged.

  Nikki’s eyes went round. It had to be Dottie.

  The woman standing on the steps was about five foot six and the biggest mess Nikki had ever seen. She had a head full of wild, dark, unbrushed hair, under which a dark, unkempt unibrow resided, and her face was covered in a mess of makeup the likes of which Nikki had never seen before, so muddled that her features were hard to distinguish. She was dressed in the most gosh-awful junk Nikki had ever been unfortunate enough to witness, dark green drawstring capris that were two sizes too small and a blue and purple wraparound top that barely covered her breasts. Anyone with eyes could see she wasn’t wearing a bra, which was a real shame, because having breasts that large and heavy meant she could’ve used a really good one. She was wearing flip-flops that didn’t match each other, and also didn’t match her outfit, and a big wad of fifteen different kinds of jewelry, all in a mismatched confusion. Trying to sort her out was impossible. She put her hands on her hips and asked, “So, where’s the food? I’m starved!”

  Everyone was silent for a few seconds. Then she heard Tony snarl, “Dottie, what in the hell are you doing here?”

  “It’s the family gathering. I always come. Why wouldn’t I be here?”

  “Gee, I don’t know. Maybe because you haven’t been a member of this family for sixteen years?” Mark shot back.

  “Yeah, Dottie, why are you here?” Bart asked.

  She pointed at Tony. “That man right there is my husband, and I have as much right to be here as anybody else.”

  “I haven’t been your husband legally in sixteen years, and emotionally for a long longer than that. I think you need to leave. Everybody was having a good time before you got here.” Tony practically spat the words toward her.

  “Oh, honey, you don’t mean that. I know you don’t,” she whined. She walked up to Tony and put her hand on the side of his face. Nikki tried to
move forward but she felt Vic’s arm tighten around her waist. She looked up at him, and he gave her a look that told her he wouldn’t be turning her loose any time soon.

  “Yes, I absolutely do mean that,” Tony snapped and moved her hand away.

  “Mom,” Clayton begged, “please leave. This has been a really good day for us. Please don’t ruin it.”

  “Yeah, Mom,” Annabeth pleaded in a tiny voice. “Please?”

  “Well, there you are – my kids! Hey, guys! I’m so glad you’re here! I was hoping to see you.” Dottie walked toward them, then stopped and grinned at Nikki. “So, who’s this?” She turned her weird smile to the big man standing behind Nikki. “Why, Vic, you old dog, you’ve got yourself a girl! I was beginning to wonder about you, you know, thinking you were queer or something.” Annabeth winced at the vinegar in her words, and Nikki had trouble hiding the disgust she felt just listening to her. She couldn’t imagine how badly Dottie had hurt Annabeth over the years.

  “Dottie,” Vic nodded, digging his fingers into Nikki’s waist to keep her still. “You need to run along. Nothing for you here.”

  “Oh, but there is. I’m still a member of this family and I still want to be here with all of you.”

  Then Raffaella spoke up. “Dorothea, you are not welcome here. Please go.”

  Dottie turned to reply to Raffaella, and when she did, she caught Tony’s face. Tony was looking straight at Nikki, trying to reassure her without speaking, and Dottie saw it, saw the way he was looking at Nikki, saw the concern on his face, the silent exchange between the two of them, and she knew. She whipped her head around to see Nikki’s face and caught all the unspoken emotion directed toward Tony.

  That was when Dottie just couldn’t manage to behave herself any longer, and she flew at Nikki. “Oh my god, you slut! That’s my husband! You bitch!” She reached for the smaller woman, but not before Vic wheeled Nikki around and stood in front of her. Clayton instinctively stepped in front of Dottie, and Tony jetted across the patio in a split second and grabbed Dottie around the waist, heaved her away from Vic and Clayton, and set her down a full ten feet away.

  “Dottie, I’m warning you,” he barked as she broke free and spun around to face him. “Don’t do this! I’ll have you arrested, I swear! Now, get out. And don’t come back.” She stood her ground and glared at him. “I mean it, Dottie. Go!” he yelled, pointing toward the front of the house. Then, since he knew she’d figured out his relationship with Nikki, he decided to lay it all on the line. “And if you bother her, if you touch her, if you so much as look at her funny, so help me god, I’ll make you wish you’d never been born.” As he spoke, his voice grew in volume. “You hear me?” he shouted at her.

  “Whore!” she spat at Nikki, ignoring Tony’s warning. “I’ll get you, I swear. You can’t hide from me!” She struggled to get around Tony, but he, Freddie, and Bart wouldn’t let her by. Mark stood protectively next to Raffaella.

  Nikki struggled to loosen Vic’s arm from around her waist, but he wouldn’t budge. She looked up into his face again, but Vic mouthed No and wouldn’t let go. Clayton took her hand again and held it tight. Annabeth was crying softly, and Katie had come to her side and was stroking her right arm. Brittany was huddled with the wives on the other side of the patio, trying to stay out of the way.

  After staring Tony down for what seemed like forever, Dottie shouted, “Okay, fine – I’m leaving! You should all be ashamed, treating me like this. And you,” she thundered, turning and pointing at Nikki, “your ass is mine, slut!” She stomped up the steps and lumbered toward the front door.

  No one moved for a very long, painful time. Finally, Tony went into the house, then came back and told them all, “She’s gone.” The whole group let out a collective sigh and visibly relaxed.

  Vic put his other arm back around Nikki, hugged her tight, and whispered in her ear, “Sorry, sweetie. I wanted to keep you safe,” then let her go. She stood there, not knowing quite what to say or do. Everyone else was speaking low and trying to console Annabeth, who was sobbing uncontrollably. Clayton looked furious, and Brittany was talking to him and stroking his arm and face. Freddie took Raffaella to a chair, then went to get her a fresh drink.

  Tony slipped up behind Nikki without her realizing he was there and wrapped his arms around her. At first she thought it was Vic again, but then she felt him sigh against her. She turned to face him and put her arms around his neck. “God, honey, I’m sorry. I never dreamed she’d show up. I hate that you had to see that.”

  Nikki shook her head. “It’s okay; it’s not your fault. But holy shit, she’s scary-looking. I can’t believe you were ever married to her.”

  “She wasn’t always like that, even though it’s hard to remember a time when she wasn’t. But at least she’s gone now.” He looked around, then announced, “Hey, bar’s still open. Anybody want another drink?”

  Choruses of “hell yeah,” “absolutely,” and “hit me again” rang out, and Tony kissed Nikki and made his way back inside to the bar. All of the men, even Bennie, followed him. Most of the women did too. Nikki crossed the patio to Caroline, curious about something.

  “Caroline,” Nikki started, “where was Bennie when all of that was going on?”

  Caroline turned a nervous eye toward the house, then turned back to Nikki. “I know why you’re asking and, honestly, I don’t know why Bennie is so hostile toward Tony. He’s even admitted to me that nothing has happened between them, but he’s openly hurtful to Tony, and he won’t tell me why. I’m so sorry.” She looked more sad than before.

  “Oh, well, I was hoping to get some insight.” Then she gave Caroline a kiss on the cheek. “I’m so glad I’ve gotten to know you a little. I hope I get to know you better.”

  “Me too.” A tiny smile broke at the corners of Caroline’s mouth.

  Freddie hugged Tony and then Nikki as he and Molly left, and told Nikki once again how glad he was to have her in the family. Molly took Nikki’s hand and told her goodbye, but was very cool to her. As she walked away, Tony looked at Nikki and shrugged.

  Bart and Kathy had brought Raffaella with them so she wouldn’t have to drive home to Louisville by herself after the fireworks. At eighty-three, she was still very independent, but no one would let her drive after dark. All of the out-of-towners were staying at the big house and all four kids had decided to stay too so they didn’t have to drive home. After everyone had told Bart, Kathy, and Raffaella goodbye, Tony and Nikki walked with them to the car. Tony hugged his mother and kissed her on the cheek. Then Raffaella turned to Nikki.

  She took both of Nikki’s hands in hers and looked the younger woman in the eye. “My Antonio clearly loves you – we all see it.” She smiled. “You will be good to my son, yes?”

  “He’s very easy to be good to, Mrs. Walters. He treats me like a queen,” Nikki said, tearing up.

  “Please, call me Raffaella.” Nikki nodded. “We must have lunch one day, you and I. I hope you will be open to this?” she asked in her thick accent.

  “Absolutely. My boss is very easy to work with. I’m sure any time you’d like to go would be fine. Just let me know.”

  “I will do that. And thank you for working so hard today to make everything beautiful for our family.” Raffaella stopped, then added, “Your family,” and winked at Nikki. Nikki leaned over and gave the older woman a kiss on the cheek, which Raffaella returned.

  Vic was the last one out the door. As he walked out, he turned toward them, then turned to leave, then turned back to them again as though he was trying to decide what to do. “Um …” he started, then reached into his pocket and pulled something out.

  Nikki turned three shades of burgundy – it was her panties from Monday night. They’d been lying there, in the foyer, for two days. She wondered who else had seen them before Vic found them. And apparently he’d been carrying them around all day.

  “I kinda found these right inside the door and under there; well, Zia Raffie pointed them out to me,?
?? he admitted, pointing to the table by the door. Nikki buried her face in her hands and groaned. He handed them to her and fought to keep from laughing. “They were kinda halfway under the table and I, um, I kinda thought you wouldn’t want to leave them there. This was the first chance I’ve had to give them back without a bunch of people around.” When Nikki managed to look him in the face, he was grinning with absolute devilment, and then had the audacity to wink. “How they got there? I don’t want to know, really.” He snickered. “I thought about just keeping them, but they looked expensive. Got the bra to match?” he asked, trying to look serious.

  By that time, Tony was laughing so hard he was wheezing, and Nikki didn’t quite know what to say. “Um, thanks?” she said barely above a whisper.

  “Um, you’re welcome?” Vic burst into laughter. He leaned in, punched Tony on the arm, and gasped out, “She’s a keeper!” Before she could say anything else, Vic hugged Nikki tight and kissed her on the cheek. “I did not sniff them, swear to god! And by the way, Raffaella didn’t find them; I was just kidding about that. Welcome to the family!” He chuckled as he pulled his keys out of his pocket and strolled down the walk toward his car.

  Nikki and Tony stood on the steps and waved goodbye, his arm around her waist, Tony still gasping and wiping his eyes. When they turned to go back into the house, Nikki growled, “I thought you picked up all of our clothes yesterday morning!”

  Tony had finally regained his composure. “Well, I obviously missed something! I don’t know how we missed them before, but leave it to Vic.” He chuckled as they closed the door, then slapped her on the ass as she turned to the stairs.

  Tony sighed as they lay side by side in the big bed, staring at the ceiling. “Well, I guess there’ll be no lovin’ for us tonight with a house full of people.”

  “Yeah, neither one of us can be quiet when we’re screwing, so here we are.” Nikki smiled to herself. She didn’t bother to mention the banging headboard. That thing really bugged her sometimes, but at other times she loved hearing the sound of that headboard amplifying him pounding into her.