Read Laying a Foundation Page 35

  “Honey, I’m so sorry.” Tony’s voice was low, and there was a sadness in it she hadn’t heard before. She glanced over to see him looking down, a pained expression on his face. “I never meant for all of this to be so harsh and overpowering. And I saw her leave the table too, so I’m guessing my mother caught you in the restroom?”

  Nikki sighed again. “Yes, she did. If I wasn’t completely beaten down before, that pretty much capped it off. I feel like somebody’s taken a baseball bat to me. I’d cry, but I’m just too tired and stressed out.”

  Tony reached over and took Nikki’s hand. “My fault, all my fault. But it had to be done, and I couldn’t come up with a better way to do it. I’m so sorry. I just love you so much . . .”

  “I know, baby.” She reached up to stroke his face. As soon as her fingers touched him, he scooted down in the bed and scooped her into his arms. The relaxing effect was instantaneous, and she curled into his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist. The heat from his skin was soothing, and she was comfortable for the first time all day. “I love you too, and I want to do what needs to be done, but damn, I’m in over my head, you know?”

  Tony kissed the top of her head. “No, you’re not. You’re going to be fine. You’re smart and tough.”

  “It feels like everything’s being taken away from me,” she whispered as she nuzzled into the hair on his chest. His scent always gave her a peace she couldn’t find anywhere else, and she almost forgot everything that had happened since she’d slept last.

  “Actually, you’ve been given a fantastic opportunity. You’re a new, rising employee of one of the biggest, strongest businesses in this area. You’ve got full support of management,” he reminded her, kissing her forehead, “a company vehicle, insurance, benefits, a security team at your disposal, and access to all the money you could possibly need. And a guy who loves you more than anything in the world, don’t forget that.”

  “By the way, about this thing with the accounts, why did you do that?”

  “Well, I happen to know you haven’t had a physical in several years because you didn’t have money or insurance to pay for it. I also know you buy most of your clothes at consignment or Goodwill – you admitted that. And I know about all the little things, a magazine or book, popcorn at the movies, a new hairbrush – all things you pass up because you don’t have the money. Those days are over for you. If you go out and buy a fifteen carat diamond, I might be upset. But if you go to the mall and spend two hundred dollars on bras, I’m not going to bat an eyelash. Hundred dollar jeans, four hundred dollar boots, whatever you want – go buy it. I’ve worked hard and, apparently, you’re the reason, even though I didn’t know it the last thirty-six years. Whatever I have, it’s all yours.” He stopped for a minute, then added, “And a future mother-in-law who thinks you’re the greatest thing since gorgonzola.”

  Future mother-in-law, huh? “Oh, yeah, and there was that thing you said in the office . . .”

  “About being married by the end of the year? Caught that, did you?” He’d known she’d ask about that sooner or later.

  “Yeah, that’s the one.”

  “Baby, I’m sorry. I know that’s not the dream proposal a girl wants. I plan to do it and do it right later on, but you needed to know right at that moment what I was thinking.” He gave her a soft smile. “I don’t know for sure what you want, but as for me, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “I want to spend the rest of my life with you too.” She grimaced. “But if I have another day like today, the rest of my life may not be much longer. Not to mention I’m going to be subjected to driving a monster truck.” She frowned.

  “I can make it all better.” Tony gave her a dreamy smile and scooted down under the covers. Nikki felt him get hold of the top of her panties and pull them down until they were gone, snatched off to that far-away place where panties go when hot guys make them disappear. “Want me to take you far, far away?” he asked, his voice muffled by the sheet and blanket. “I can make that happen, beautiful.” He slipped under her leg and, next thing she knew, she was being transported to that wonderful place where only he could take her, face down and making a bedtime snack of her. His tongue probed into her pussy and she sighed; then he lapped at her tender, swelling bud, and she groaned and squirmed while he held her hips down.

  Nikki needed it. She didn’t care that she was making noise, or that Vic was right down the hall and probably listening to the whole thing. None of that mattered – all that mattered was her and him and right that minute. When she moaned and cried out, “Oh, god, Tony, I’m coming!” he stopped abruptly, drew her legs straight up his torso, and plunged his cock into her, rubbing her clit vigorously with his thumb. Wailing like a banshee, she rode into her orgasm full-throttle until she was out of her head with ecstasy. He pounded away, jarring everything inside her as he drove himself home over and over, the sight of her long, shapely legs and her hard nipples propelling him. She was so out of it, so enraptured, that she vaguely heard him murmur something about how tight she was, and then felt his hot cum flood her. He drew her legs wide apart, fell on top of her unceremoniously, and wrapped his arms around her waist, thrusting two or three times more for good measure, milking both their climaxes for everything he could get out of them.

  “Oh. My. God. That was a head rush,” she whispered, still panting and wriggling.

  He chuckled. “You think that was good, you just wait. I’ve got a new trick up my sleeve – literally – that I’m going to spring on you tomorrow night.”

  “Do I have to wait until tomorrow? What about now?”

  He laughed. “I thought you were tired and stressed out.”

  “Well, I was! I think you’ve got the cure, big boy,” she laughed back.

  “That’s right, baby – the doctor is in.”


  Saturday was relaxing, with nowhere they had to be and nothing they had to do. They invited the kids to come over that evening and Tony grilled. After everyone was gone, Nikki told Tony, “I’m so proud of you.”

  “Huh? Why? What did I do?”

  “Because of how hard you work. Because of everything you give back. Because of how you love your family, your friends, this community. I’m so lucky to have you.” She was beaming.

  “Thanks, baby. I’m pretty proud of you. You’ve stood up to my family, and you’re going to make a great coworker, I just know it,” He squeezed her hand and smiled down at her.

  “I wish there was something I could do for you so you’d know how much I appreciate you.”

  He leered at her. “Oh, I think there’s something you can do. Let’s go down the hall and I’ll let you do it.”

  “Oh, Mr. Walters! Whatever do you mean?” she whined in her best fake southern accent.

  “Come on and I’ll show you.”

  Tony had been running it over and over in his mind, and he wanted it so much for her that he hurt just thinking about it. Nikki had done everything he’d ever asked her to do in bed; she’d even offered to do things he’d never thought of. And he knew she wanted this. If he could give it to her . . . he wanted to fulfill every desire she had, felt like it was his duty. He loved her too much not to. Besides, if she were asked who the greatest lover she’d ever had was, he wanted her to honestly be able to say it was him. It was just a damn point of honor.

  “Fuck me again, baby,” Nikki growled under her breath. “I need you so bad.” She reached between her legs and found that huge cock she loved so much right where it had left off, stroking it to keep it hard and ready again. “Please?” She’d found the more he fucked her, the more she wanted him. She was addicted, and she didn’t mind that he knew.

  “I promised you something else last night, and I aim to deliver tonight, right now.” Tony plunged his tongue into her mouth and breathed into her before breaking away. “Ready?”

  “I have no idea. I don’t know what you’re up to,” she said, breathless and aching for him. “
I just want you back inside me.”

  “Oh, I’m gonna be inside you all right,” he snickered. He got out of bed and stood at the edge of the mattress, then grabbed her ankles and pulled her to the edge while she squealed and giggled. Once she was in place, he shoved a towel under her ass and knelt down in front of her. “Drop your legs open as far as you can.” When she’d opened as much as possible, he stopped, admired, and said, “Damn, baby! I think that’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen!” She giggled again. “Now, put your feet on the outsides of my shoulders and leave them there.” His arms were lying on the mattress, so it was easy for her to rest her feet there, and she waited, wondering what he was up to. “Gonna be cold, sweetie. Hang in there. I have to do this.” She heard a snap and felt a flood of something cold and wet – lube, had to be. But god, that much of it? Nikki looked down and tried to see what he was doing, but he chuckled and snapped, “Uh-uh! Close your eyes and relax.”

  She felt him slide a finger inside her, then two, then three. He drove them in and out a few times, and she moaned. Then he put one finger of the other hand in with them, and the stretch was yummy. He added a second on the other hand, and she felt the added stretch and moaned louder. The sounds of her pleasure were exactly what he wanted; every time she made a sound his cock got a little bit harder. When he added the third finger on the other hand, she groaned out, “Oh, god, that feels so good.”

  “Yeah?” he snickered. “You may change your mind in a minute.”

  She felt him rotate his hands so that his palms were out and his thumbs down, fingers still inside her. Then everything changed – he was pulling outward with both hands, opening her up farther, and she felt the pressure on both sides of her sheath. It was excruciating and delicious at the same time. He pulled and relaxed, pulled and relaxed, and she wondered where he was going with it.

  “How’s that?” he asked. “Good?”

  “God, yeah. Incredible. But I don’t like being empty. At all. I’ve gotten used to that giant dick. Where is it?” she whined.

  “Oh, I’ve got something to go in there, but I don’t know if you can handle it.”

  She snorted. “I’ve never backed down before. What makes you think I would this time?”

  “This will push your limits, baby. Ready?” Tony asked.

  “Oh, yeah, bring it on!”

  Tony removed his fingers, and Nikki felt his absence, was maddened by it. Then she felt him push into her again, but this time, it was fuller somehow. The fullness opened her deliciously and grew with each subsequent stroke. Then he asked, “Little girl, remember your safeword?”

  “Of course. Red. Will I need it?” Oh, I hope, I hope, I hope, she thought.

  “Maybe. I’m going to tell you what to do, and you’ve got to keep your wits about you and follow my instructions. Hear me?” He slapped the inside of her thigh with his free hand to bring her into the moment and get her attention, and she squealed.

  “Yeah, okay. What do you want me to do?” she asked to let him know she was listening.

  Tony put his free hand just above her mound, right above her pubic bone in the soft hollow of her belly. “Remember when you had your kids?” Nikki nodded. “When I tell you to push, you push like you’re pushing something out. Keep pushing until you feel it – there’ll be something like a ‘pop’ and you’ll know. Can you do that?” he asked, his hand insistent, the pressure inside her growing.

  “Yes,” she whispered; she’d just realized what he was doing. She’d wanted it for years, and she and Randy had tried it but never succeeded; then she remembered he’d told her Cinda had taught him how to fist. Her whole body flushed and her mind started to whir. Tony was going to reach inside her, to touch her in a way no other man had. Apparently he wanted it too – the thought made her smile.

  “Listen to me: If it hurts too much, say so. I’ll die if I hurt you, angel.” Tony pressed even harder and deeper into her, and ordered, “Okay, baby, get ready.” She heard the lube bottle cap pop again and more of the liquid dripped. He stroked twice more, then instructed, “Okay, babe, push – push hard and don’t stop until I tell you to.”

  Nikki bore down, dropped her knees farther apart and pulled her glutes in tight. The stroking stopped and she felt the pressure from his hand building when, suddenly, there was the sensation he’d described as a “pop” as his hand breeched her pelvic bone. Nikki screamed out, “Ohhhhhh myyyyyyy gaaaawwwwd,” and thrust her pelvis upward.

  She heard Tony gasp, and then he whispered, “Oh god – wow!” The sensation was unbelievable, so full, so tight, so deliciously painful, a deep ache that sent every nerve ending into overload. “Baby, please,” she whined, “please, move inside me, please. Oh, god, please, I can’t stand it!”

  “Nik, I wish you could see what I see,” Tony whispered. “Oh, my god. It’s beautiful – you’re beautiful. I see it but I don’t believe it. Give me your hand.” She reached out and he took her hand, then placed it on her belly where his had been. Through her own flesh, she could feel ntedhis hand inside her, feel it moving, and she was overjoyed at the way it connected them, like she and this man, this precious, beautiful man, were linked in a way she’d never been with anyone else. She felt him flex his fingers and make a fist, and she cried out in utter bliss and gave herself over to the sensations.

  Even the tiniest movement inside Nikki was intensified by the incredible stretch, and when she felt him start to circle her clit with the fingers of his free hand, she came completely unglued. She cried out over and over at the top of her lungs until, at one point, he asked, “Baby, you okay? Need to safeword?” She shook her head wildly and he kept up the exquisite torment until she finally succumbed to the orgasm and her body convulsed uncontrollably. Tony coaxed her along with, “That’s my girl,” and “Keep it up, baby, don’t stop,” until she was a jerking, breathless mess. The contractions around his fist made his cock throb, and the joy in his heart at being able to give her something she’d wanted so badly made the ache even sweeter. He didn’t want it to ever end, but he finally straightened his hand inside her, relieving some of the pressure. She wiped her eyes with the backs of her hands and tried to make sense of everything she’d felt.

  “Sweetie, I’ve got to take it out.”

  “No! God, no! Please?” she pleaded, awash in a sea of satisfaction.

  “Yes – have to. Same way it went in. You push and I pull. Ready?” Tony asked. Nikki nodded. “Okay, push, baby – give it all you’ve got.” Nikki bore down again, and she felt a snap, then a heartbreaking emptiness.

  With a swipe of the towel to clean her up, Tony had her back up on the pillows and pulled her into him. “Oh, god, baby, that was incredible! I’m so glad I could give you that. Was it good? You liked it?” he asked her.

  Nikki started to sob, and she whispered, “Oh, god, Tony. I love you so much,” and wrapped her arms around his neck, crying into his shoulder.

  “Oh, baby, I’m so hard for you, I want you so bad. Think you can handle it right now? Feel okay?”

  “I feel okay, but I need to wait; hurts a little, you know? Like it’s supposed to; not bad. And besides, I have other plans.” She wiped her eyes again and slithered down his side, then snuggled down into the space between his legs. “I want to do something for you.” She didn’t waste any time settling her mouth down over his cock, and it was as hard as she’d ever seen it. The ache between her own legs drove her onto him, and she sucked him greedily like a bird pulling at a worm on a warm spring morning. He moaned and thrust into her mouth, and she took him deeper.

  Nikki wrapped her arms around his legs and flipped them both onto their sides. In a velvety voice, she purred, “Fuck my throat, baby. Take whatever you want. I’m all yours.” Tony’s hands wound into her hair and he pulled her to him as he drove his hardness into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat. Nikki relaxed to kill off her gag reflex, and her eyes watered as he slammed harder and faster into her. About every third stroke she tried to remember to swallow ar
ound him, and he moaned louder and stroked into her harder. When she thought she’d completely lose her breath and drift into unconsciousness, she felt his balls tighten, and he unloaded into her, his salty cum filling her throat and her mouth and running out the corners of her lips.

  Tony released his hold on her hair and his arms dropped in exhaustion. Nikki was gasping for breath as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, then crawled up to lie in his arms. In the kiss she gave him he could taste his own saltiness on her lips, and he forced his tongue into her mouth, savoring what she’d done for him, the way he felt at that moment, the way he felt about her.

  “Is everybody happy?” he asked her, cuddling her tight.

  “Over the moon here. You?”

  “Never happier. If you’d told me a year ago I’d find a woman I’d be this much in love with this fast, I’d have told you that you were crazy.” He gazed down at her. “Nothing crazy about this. God, I love you. I can’t imagine ever being without you.” He stopped, then asked, “You’d really let me do anything I want to you, wouldn’t you?”

  Oddly, Nikki felt herself blush. “Yeah, I guess I would. I trust you completely.”

  “Precious, I will never take that trust lightly, and I’ll never betray it, I promise.” He kissed the tip of her nose.

  “I know that. And that’s why this body is yours to do with as you please.”

  “I feel the same way. You’ve never brought me anything but bliss. And I hope I never bring you anything but bliss. That was okay, what we just did? You’re okay, not hurt?”

  “Sweetie, I’ve never felt better in my life, more free or more satisfied. And I need to tell you something.”

  “What’s that?” he asked, kissing the top of her head.

  “When we first got together and you told me about your history, I was really worried.”

  “Yeah? Why?”

  “Because you’d only been with two women. Because you’d been exposed to so little.”