Read Laying a Foundation Page 57

  “I love New Year’s so much.” Clayton stuck his hand in the bowl of m&m’s. “I love the bowl games. I love the parades. I think it’s the best holiday ever.”

  “Daddy, can I has a cupcake?” Little T asked.

  “Go ask your mommy,” Clayton told him, not really paying him much attention.

  “She said ask you!” The little boy whined and stomped his foot in frustration.

  “Then yes, you can have a cupcake. And bring me one,” Clayton told him.

  “Me too, little man,” Tony seconded.

  “Der won’t be none foe me if you eat dem aww,” Little T pouted.

  “Then have mine.” Tony turned to him and gave Little T his full attention. “I love you, buddy. I want you to eat mine, okay?”

  “Okay, Big T! I eat you cupcake!” He ran to the kitchen. Tony beamed, and Clayton chuckled, watching his dad get so mushy over the little guy.

  “You let him get away with murder,” Clayton snarled. “You didn’t let us do that shit.”

  Tony laughed. “Yeah, well, you were cute, but you weren’t that cute!” Clayton threw an m&m at him.

  Nikki came into the great room with a huge platter of hot wings and a roll of paper towels under her arm. “Here, guys. Have at!”

  When she set it down, Tony grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into his lap. She squealed and kissed him. “You look like you’re feeling a lot better!” he grinned at her.

  “I do. I feel really good. I think it’s that therapy I’m getting,” she said, nibbling on a pretzel.

  “Therapy? What therapy?” Tony asked her, puzzled.

  “The therapy! You know . . .” she repeated, her eyebrows raised.

  “Oh, that therapy!” he laughed. “Yeah, it’s doing wonders for me too!” Vic groaned, and Clayton made a barfing sound. John Henry looked really, really confused.

  “Okay, I’m going back to the kitchen with the girls now. You guys have fun and try to not make a huge mess, please?”

  “As soon as you leave the room, we’re going to start throwing food,” Vic told her straight-up. “You should probably just get ready for it.”

  “Thanks,” Nikki snarked, shooting him a look. He laughed and threw a marshmallow at her back as she walked out of the room.

  Vic looked over at Tony. He’d never seen his cousin as happy as he was right then. “Hey, cuz, is life good for you?”

  Tony turned and looked at Vic thoughtfully. “I didn’t think it was possible for a human being to be as happy as I am. Every day is like a huge gift. I don’t think it could get any better. I’m not just happy; I’m having fun. She’s such a joy.” Then he leaned in and whispered, “Plus she makes me feel like a man, something I’ve never had before.”

  “Good, ’cause you’re one helluva man, the finest man I know. And she seems pretty damn happy with you! You’re both so lucky,” Vic told him and winked.

  “No luck – fate. We were meant to be together. Now we’ve got to work on your life. I firmly believe that there’s someone for everyone, and there’s someone for you out there, Vic. You’ve just got to find her.” The doorbell rang, and Tony called out, “I’ll get it.”

  When he looked through the peephole in the front door, he was surprised at the view. “Hey, stranger! I didn’t know you were coming!”

  “Nikki invited me. I brought these.” Laura tried to hand him a container of something.

  “Just take that on into the kitchen; all of the girls are in there. Here, let me take your coat.” She slipped it off while he held the container, then they swapped.

  As she walked through the kitchen door, Nikki cried out, “Laura! You came! I’m so glad to see you! How are you feeling?”

  “Pretty good. Still pretty sore, but pretty good. Thanks for inviting me.” She handed the container to Nikki. “I made these. I hope they’re good.”

  Nikki opened the container – white chocolate macadamia nut cookies. All of the girls sampled them; they were past yummy.

  “Hey guys! Have some cookies!” She took them into the den, and every one of the guys took one.

  “Oh my god, these are delicious,” Vic mumbled, his mouth full, and he reached for another one. “Where’d you get these?”

  “Laura made them.”

  Vic’s head swiveled to the doorway where Laura stood. She gave all the guys a small wave. “Laura! Hey, how are you?” Vic called to her around the cookie in his mouth.

  “Good.” She hesitated for a second. “Thanks for coming to see me at the hospital,” she said shyly.

  “Thanks for what you did for Nikki. We all owe you.” Vic grinned at her, then turned back to the container. “Hey, put that back!” he yelled at Tony, who was taking his third cookie.

  “Share, big boy! If we eat them all, she’ll make more. Right, Laura?” Tony laughed.

  “I guess I will,” Laura chuckled, but when Vic had spoken to her, she’d noticed that same weird feeling she’d had before.

  Nikki watched closely. There was some kind of chemistry between Vic and Laura, but she wasn’t sure what. She decided she’d have to keep an eye on that.

  The clock struck midnight and everyone in the big house cheered. Tony kissed Nikki, Clayton kissed Brittany, Annabeth kissed Katie, and Vic kissed everybody, everybody except Laura, who pushed him away and barked, “I don’t think so.” Nikki couldn’t help but notice how hurt he looked. Wonder if I can do something to push that along?, she thought.

  They’d all agreed to stay at the big house for the night so no one would be driving after their adult refreshments. When everyone started to calm down, Tony announced, “I have one more surprise for everybody. Come with me.”

  He started up the hallway toward the living room, and it hit Nikki. “Is this what I think it is?” she asked him quietly.

  “Yeah. It showed up yesterday. I went ahead and hung it. I was sure you’d seen it. Didn’t look?”

  “No. I noticed the door was closed, but I really didn’t think anything of it. Shoulda been more curious, huh?” she smiled.

  “Oh, wait ’til you see. It’s amazing.”

  Tony stopped at the door to the living room and everyone gathered around. “We did this the day after Thanksgiving, before our whole world went to hell. I’d completely forgotten about it until they delivered it yesterday. I know what I think about it, but I’d like to hear what everybody else has to say.” He ceremoniously threw open the doors and everyone stepped inside the room.

  There was a collective gasp, and then a hush came over them as they took in the portrait. Every Walters who’d lived in the big house over the years had sat for a painting or photo, but this one was different from anything the family had ever seen.

  “Wow.” For once, that was all Annabeth could get out.

  Above the fireplace was a photo portrait of Tony and Nikki. Taken from a low angle, the setting was one of their jobsites, with three stories of steel rising in the background. In the foreground sat Nikki’s big blue F-250, its front driver’s side corner facing the camera so that the brush guard, Warn winch, and massive grill were exposed, the angle emphasizing its length. The sun was setting behind the jobsite, and the sky looked like it was on fire.

  Standing at the corner of the truck was Nikki and behind and beside her stood Tony, his hands on her shoulders, her right hand on the truck, and her left up on his left, arranged in such a way that the eye was drawn to the rings they wore; they’d put them on just for the portrait. They were both wearing their steel-toed boots and each had on a pair of form-fitting jeans. Tony had on a black tee-shirt with a black and green plaid flannel shirt over it, and Nikki had on a red tee-shirt with a red and navy flannel shirt over her tee. The colors were vivid and bold while still fitting in with the background and the theme of the photo.

  But it was them, their countenances, that made the photo remarkable; they were striking. In typical Walters portrait fashion, neither was smiling, but their expressions were heart-stopping. Tony’s eyes were deep and smoky, and h
e had a seriousness about him that was both alarming and comforting. Nikki’s expression was far more steely and fierce. Her gaze was intense but warm, her eyes narrowed ever so slightly, and one eyebrow was slightly raised. She looked like she was poised for battle against anyone who threatened the people she loved. Lit from the back by the setting sun, Tony’s hair had an auburn sheen to it, while Nikki’s looked like golden silk falling around her face and down to the tops of her breasts. The overall appearance, however, was astounding – one look, and the viewer knew that these were two people who knew exactly who they were, exactly who they loved, exactly who loved them, and exactly where they were supposed to be and what they were supposed to be doing. They knew their path was correct, and they were comfortable with each other and comfortable in their own skin. The sense of power and confidence was breathtaking.

  “I see it, but I don’t believe it. That’s really you guys. I don’t know who took this photo, but they captured it – what we all see when we look at you.” There was a reverence in Vic’s voice that took Tony and Nikki by surprise.

  “Dad,” Clayton choked out, “that portrait makes me proud to be a Walters.”

  “Me too,” Annabeth murmured.

  Leaning down to whisper in Nikki’s ear, Tony asked, “Well, whaddya think, baby?”

  “Oh my god,” Nikki whispered back, her eyes round. “Look at us. We look like . . .” she stopped and let out a shuddering sob, “like we belong together.”

  Tony already had his arms around her, and he pulled her closer. “We do, baby. Forever. Happy New Year.”

  “Happy New Year to you too, my love.” She turned and kissed him like they were the only two people in the room.

  The big house was quiet, everyone in their rooms for the night, and Tony walked back into the kitchen to help Nikki finish cleaning up, but it was spotless and she wasn’t there. He went to the great room, but it was empty too, so he continued up the hallway, looking around, until he came to the living room. When he looked in, he saw her standing in front of the fireplace, gazing up at the portrait again. Quietly moving nearer to her, he saw her face was wet with tears, and he wrapped his arms around her.

  “Whatcha doing, babe?” he whispered into her neck, then kissed it ever so lightly.

  “I can’t believe that’s us. I can’t believe that’s me,” she whispered back, her voice coarse with tiny sobs.

  “Why can’t you believe it?”

  “That woman in the photo, she looks confident and smart and strong. She looks like she doesn’t have one question in the world about her tomorrows.” She turned and looked at Tony. “What do you see when you look at it?”

  “I see everything you said, and I see you.” He pulled her closer and kissed the other side of her neck. “When I met you all those months ago, I saw a shy, quiet, simple woman with a good, kind, strong heart. But when I got her, I got so much more. I got everything a man could want or need in a woman, and surprises I didn’t know I wanted but I’ve come to love.”


  “Like the fact that you’re the most complex person I’ve ever met. You’re a fabulous mom, and an even more fabulous grandma. You’re brave, and gutsy, and determined – when you set your mind to something, you make it happen. You’ve got the touch of a light spring breeze and the power of a hurricane. And you love me – you really love me, not to mention that most men would kill for a lover as hot as you. You are absolutely the best thing that’s ever happened to me in my life. This is the first time I’ve ever felt really happy, and I hope it never ends.”

  “So,” Nikki giggled a little, “do I rock your world?”

  He turned her to him and laughed. “Oh, beautiful girl, you definitely rock my world – every second, every minute, all day, every day, twenty-four seven, three sixty-five! What about you? Have you got what you want? What you need?”

  “You are my world.” She pressed her cheek against his chest. “I love you so much. I just want to go upstairs, make love with you and fuck you like there’s no tomorrow, but we’ve got a house full of guests,” she sniffled.

  “Yeah, I know,” he said, kissing the top of her head. Then he grabbed her and looked down at her, a huge, naughty grin spreading across his face. “But there’s nobody in the barn! And there’s all kinds of rope, and riding crops, and plenty of hay . . .”

  Nikki grinned back at him. “Grab a blanket and let’s go!” she squealed, breaking away and running for the back door.

  Tony snatched a throw off the sofa and ran after her. “Right behind you, Mrs. Walters!”


  The Love Under Construction series consists of a prequel and four novels, the prequel and first novel of which are now available as a combo volume (although the prequel can still be had alone and free). You’ll learn the backgrounds of the characters by reading the introductory volume, and then see them continue on in the remaining books. These books are not stand-alone stories; while they can be read independently, there will be aspects of each that will not be clear unless they’ve been read in order. Enjoy them fully by reading them that way.

  Introductory volume:

  The Groundbreaking – Summer 2013 (still free as an ebook)

  Book 1:

  The Groundbreaking & Laying a Foundation – Summer 2013

  Book 2:

  Tearing Down Walls – Fall 2013

  Book 3:

  Renovating a Heart – Spring 2014

  Book 4:

  Planning an Addition – Fall 2014


  Deanndra Hall lives in far western Kentucky with her life partner and three crazy little dogs. She spent years writing advertising copy, marketing materials, educational texts, and business correspondence, and designing business forms. After reading a popular erotic romance book, her partner said, “You can write better than this!” She decided to try her hand at it. In the process she fell in love with her funny, smart, loving characters and the things they got into, and the novel became a series.

  Deanndra enjoys all kinds of music, chocolate, kayaking, working out at the local gym, reading, and spending time with friends and family, as well as working in the fiber and textile arts. And chocolate’s always high on her list of favorite things!

  On the Web:


  [email protected]




  Substance B

  Mailing address:

  P.O. Box 3277, Paducah, KY 42002-3277


  This recipe makes two. If you only want one, half it.

  6 banana or 3 bell peppers – your choice

  1/2 sweet onion (I like Vidalias)

  2 teaspoons minced garlic

  2 Tablespoons olive oil

  2 gallon zippered storage bag

  1 gallon zippered storage bag

  2 pounds meat (I use one pound of ground beef and one pound of ground turkey)

  2 eggs

  1 stack soda crackers (I prefer unsalted tops, but it doesn’t matter)

  1/2 cup ketchup or barbecue sauce

  2 Tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

  1 teaspoon ground ginger

  1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

  1 teaspoon celery salt

  1 box/2 packets onion soup mix (any brand, total of about 4 ounces)

  Ketchup to taste

  4 bread heels (optional)

  Cut up peppers and half an onion into small pieces. On medium, heat the olive oil in a sauté pan; put in garlic. When hot, put in peppers and onion. Sauté and stir until they’re cooked down and soft and the onion is translucent. Put them into a bowl and into the fridge to cool while you follow the next steps.

  Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Put the soda crackers in the gallon zippered storage bag. Take a large
spoon and beat the daylights out of them until they’re crushed. It would be tempting to use bread crumbs here, but trust me, it won’t be the same.

  Put the meat into the 2 gallon storage bag. Smush it around until it’s completely mixed together. Throw in the eggs, soda crackers, 1/2 cup ketchup or barbecue sauce, Worcestershire sauce, ginger, nutmeg, celery salt, and onion soup mix. Smush all of that around until it’s mixed thoroughly. Then take the pepper, onion, and garlic mixture from the fridge, pour it in, and smush it all thoroughly again.

  Divide the mixture into two parts. If you have meatloaf pans, use them; otherwise, put it into a loaf pan that has two bread heels in the bottom (soaks up any grease). Bake for 50 minutes at 450 degrees, then remove from the oven, spread however much ketchup you want on them, and put them back in the oven for 10 minutes. Let sit for about 10 minutes before cutting.

  If you want to freeze some of it, slice it first and put it in individual bags. Makes a great sandwich!

  Here’s a sneak peek at

  Tearing Down Walls,

  Book 2 in the

  Love Under Construction series:

  The club was starting to fill up, and the bar was busier than usual. Laura was drawing a couple of beers from a tap when she heard a woman at the bar say, “Holy shit, who’s that? That’s one extremely tall, dark, and hot Dom. Wonder if he’s got a sub?” Laura turned to see who she was talking about and nearly fainted.

  It was Vic Cabrizzi. And it was a Vic Cabrizzi she’d never seen before.

  The mild-mannered man who’d sidled up to the bar and tried to make small talk with her was nowhere in this guy. Vic was six feet and eight inches of pure, dark, steaming sex in leather. He had the top half of his elbow-length black hair pulled up in a half-tail with a leather wrap, and his torso looked like it was trying to escape through the skin-tight black tee he was wearing. As he made his way toward the bar, the crowd parted to let him through as though they were in awe of the masculinity gliding across the room like a panther. Her eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to his ass, and it looked especially fine under those leathers, not to mention the more-than-obvious bulge in the front of them. The room started to get spotty, and Laura realized she’d been holding her breath. What the fuck? was all she could get to run through her mind.