Read Layla Page 18

All the force in the world couldn't have kept me from smiling. I pursed my lips, bit them, turned them upside down, but no matter how I tried, they would just flip back into a big grin. My heart raced, and my blood pounded. Any moment I was to see the castle of Tentaleigh rising over the hilltops. I forced Clupint to speed on, and I paid Coca hardly any attention.

  Then it came! The glorious towers arose from the ground and pierced the sky. It looked magical. I gave out a long hoot for victory.

  I sped Clupint up again. "Coca, get here. I don't want anything to happen to you. You could easily get lost!" I put the monkey on my head as I approached the gates. Then realizing my joy, I kicked the horse's sides even harder. Not trying to be cruel, of course, but I had to hurry him. The wind blew through my stiff brown hair, blowing the un-brushed mess behind me. I smiled into the sun. I heard cries from the guards at the gates, telling that the princess was back, and they needed to prepare to let me in. They seemed so excited! About me! I sighed, for the thought made me feel needed.

  I zoomed up to them and stopped Clupint so hard he almost skidded. "Hi!" I squeaked excitedly.

  "Hello, Princess!" The guards gave cheers for my return.

  "Please open the gate for me. I am so?" I couldn't find the words for how I felt. Excited. Nervous. Everything you could feel wrapped up into one emotion.

  Slowly the door inched down, finally thudding on the earthen floor. "Yah!" I whacked Clupint's flanks and we started with a jolt.

  I was greeted by a servant who took my horse. He bowed stylishly, exposing a bald spot on the middle of his head. "We are deeply honored to have you back with us, your highness." I handed him the reins after I plopped off. He reached for the monkey atop my head.

  I stopped him. "Do you think it's a good idea? He hasn't been around anyone in his life but me," I asked him.

  "Maybe you are right," He smiled. I grinned back and brushed by him. I was eager to see Father!

  I ran into the palace and tore through the halls. A manservant caught up with me and told me he was to escort me to the throne room. As we walked, I stole a side glance at myself in the mirror. When I saw what a sight I was, I stayed for a longer look. I was too thin and had straggly, wiry hair strewn about my head, and my complexion was freckly and sunburned. But one could tell what person lay behind the mess, and she was actually someone worth something, a person worth knowing. The freckles caught my eyes again. LaShebah was going to have a time with lemon juice, scrubbing them from my fair complexion!

  When the doorway came into sight, I could spot father sitting on his throne, looking rather bored. His head was tilted onto his hand, and he was talking to his counselors. I broke from the manservant's grasp and blazed across the way into fathers arms. I took him completely by surprise!

  "Oh, Father!" Despite myself, I started weeping. "I'm so glad I'm home."

  My words came out in a hoarse whisper. I wept and kissed his neck. Then I stepped back, remembering my duty. I pulled out the box Byre had given me. I knelt before him and held it over my head. "I have brought you these as proof that I killed a Colie. And this," I pulled out the Faash's shoe. "This is proof that I fought off some Faashes on my way." Father took them in awe. I felt important as I stooped down before him. I felt like I had found where my destiny lay.

  When I stood up and turned around, I found an embarrassing, yet astonishing site. The whole court was now in the throne room watching me. Like a wave they dropped to their knees. I felt Father rise behind me. He put his hand firmly on my shoulder, and ushered me down the long red carpet. Everyone surrounding me was in as much awe of me as I was of them. So many people at once.

  "Princess?" I spun my head to the front and found Brye, kneeling in front of me. Then he stood, and held out his arm.

  "Oh, Prince!" I threw my arms around him, ignoring his awaiting arm. I was tired of being escorted. And what a relief to see him again! As I hugged him, he seemed to melt into me. Then he lifted me up and spun me around a few times. He set me down, giving me a clear view of his sparkling eyes.

  "Can you believe it?" I whispered to him as I took his arm. Thus we strolled inside, mocking a formal greeting.

  "You did it! You really did it, Layla." His smile grew wide.

  "I know!" Giggles of glee gurgled happily in my throat. "If it weren't for you, none of this would have happened!"

  Brye protested. "It was completely your own idea to run away."

  "Yes, but you came up with the idea to give me a chance! Stop trying to give me credit," I slipped him a sly grin.

  But my grin wasn't returned; only an uneasy smile was offered. Brye pulled out a chair for me, and I sat down. As we began to eat, all the frowns were lost in merry chatter.