Read Layla Page 26

Chapter 14

  It all worked out fairly well. LaShebah brought me my favorite flowers and my tapestries from my old room. All of them strongly believed I was content. I gritted my teeth at the thought. What a lie. I was in midst of bitter pain from a torturous life. One day whilst I was pitying myself, I heard a quick rap at my door. Knowing it must be important, I opened the door as slowly as I could. I had become the most irritating person in the castle.

  LaShebah poured in like a waterfall. "Quick, Layla! Get into your finest clothes!"

  I stared numbly at her.

  She rolled her eyes impatiently and whispered, "You have a visitor."

  Who would want to visit me, with my present moodiness? I put on my lavender gown, full of ruffles and detestable frills. After I was dressed, she put a silver band around my head, with a V that dipped down my brow. Sort of like a last minute crown. The second we had finished, I heard father knock on the door. I knew it was Father, accompanying my visitor. I sat down, as un-ladylike as possible, legs extended and ankles crossed, hips jutted out and arms crossed.

  My eyes felt as if they were growing in my head as Father entered the room? with my guest. I immediately knew what the guest was. A suitor.

  "Daughter Layla, this is Prince Easton of Drywood-" Dry brain! "-who wishes to seek your hand in marriage." Father announced.

  I got that "look at me and I'll slap you" look on my face as I stood up. I burned with anger. I stood with my fists clenched, and made certain I did not smile. Feeling seditious, I decided to get loud.

  "Father!" I exclaimed, arms flailing every which way. "I am not-"

  LaShebah got a firm grasp on my wrist trying to shut me up. "I will not be quiet! Now let go!" I pushed her off. "I am not going to be married off to some brainless lout! Never!" I glanced over at Easton, a goofy smile resting on his face. "Now you might as well get out!" I shouted.

  "You listen to me!" Father raised his voice. Something he never did. He started turning pink, then turned down his volume. "Prince Easton is seeking your hand to unite our two kingdoms."

  "With a little encouragement from you?" I shouted back. This would not be happening if mother were still here. But she wasn't.

  Then I got an idea.

  "No thanks, but I thank you for coming, Easton. I am not doing anything until I am released." I began to act absolutely normal, and calm. I held in the wrath of hell that had built up within.

  Father's face turned red again, and his mouth dropped open. No words came out. He just cleared his throat.

  "Released?" Easton asked. He seemed to be completely oblivious of this whole situation.

  "Yes. I am being held hostage."

  Easton came forward and took my hand, and knelt before me on one knee. Oh please, I thought.

  "Marry me, Princess Layla! I shall rescue you, from the claws of despair. Forget your life before you and come with me. You shall be free to do as you please, as we rule, hand in hand."

  I stared deep into his empty green eyes, and saw nothing but rehearsed speeches and a bunch of play-acting. He had run his words together like he was reading them for the first time.

  "I am sorry. But I fear I will not allow myself to do anything unless my rights, my privileges, my freedom, and my life are given back to me."

  "We will return in a fortnight, so let this be on your mind," Father gave a few last words before leaving. Why couldn't I come to them instead? Then again, I was supposed to be making them think I was perfectly happy here as I was. But, I had probably just completely ruined that plan. But I had another one.

  I watched as they closed the door. LaShebah pulled it to, but I stuck my finger in. She pulled tighter. I screamed inside. It would be black and blue later. I was ready for her to re-open the door and scold me for trying such a devious thing, but she left. She left me with an open door.

  I was completely still for a second, until I realized? I was free! The door was open! But, what to do now? I thought with my hand firmly clasped around the knob. Then I silently slid out of the room. How nice a change of scenery was! I tiptoed to the stairway, and stopped. I looked to make sure nobody was coming from behind me. When I turned back around, Easton was in my face!

  "Aaahh!" I stumbled back. Then I got scared. Fury and insanity were on his face. Maybe he wasn't as stupid as I had originally believed.

  "Hold on!" Brye was at the foot of the stairs. "Don't say a word!" Oh, thank you Brye! He ran up the stairs silently. Suddenly my stomach leaped to my throat.

  Brye put a firm hand on Easton's shoulder. "Now we are all royalty here, so no matter what we do or say, we won't be disrespectful." He breathed heavily, his gaze shifting from me to Easton. Two princes and one princess. Fascinating.

  "But she was supposed to marry me!" he whined. "King Duryea promised! And now, since she isn't supposed to get out, I'm going to stop her." He grabbed my arm, but I jerked away.

  Brye rolled his eyes. "She doesn't have to marry anyone. If Layla doesn't want to do something, she isn't going to do it. And she doesn't want to." He looked at me. "Do you?"

  I responded with an insulted look. Only an equally idiotic maniac would marry him.

  "Just making sure!" Brye almost laughed. "Now, you shut up, or-" He was cut off by soldiers running up from the rear and pinning my arms behind my back. I let out a wistful sigh.

  "Well, farewell. I have to go back to the dungeon."