Read Le mystère de la chambre jaune. English Page 26

  CHAPTER XXV. Rouletabille Goes on a Journey

  That same evening Rouletabille and I left the Glandier. We were veryglad to get away and there was nothing more to keep us there. I declaredmy intention to give up the whole matter. It had been too much for me.Rouletabille, with a friendly tap on my shoulder, confessed that he hadnothing more to learn at the Glandier; he had learned there all it hadto tell him. We reached Paris about eight o'clock, dined, and then,tired out, we separated, agreeing to meet the next morning at my rooms.

  Rouletabille arrived next day at the hour agreed on. He was dressed ina suit of English tweed, with an ulster on his arm, and a valise in hishand. Evidently he had prepared himself for a journey.

  "How long shall you be away?" I asked.

  "A month or two," he said. "It all depends."

  I asked him no more questions.

  "Do you know," he asked, "what the word was that Mademoiselle Stangersontried to say before she fainted?"

  "No--nobody heard it."

  "I heard it!" replied Rouletabille. "She said 'Speak!'"

  "Do you think Darzac will speak?"


  I was about to make some further observations, but he wrung my handwarmly and wished me good-bye. I had only time to ask him one questionbefore he left.

  "Are you not afraid that other attempts may be made while you're away?"

  "No! Not now that Darzac is in prison," he answered.

  With this strange remark he left. I was not to see him again untilthe day of Darzac's trial at the court when he appeared to explain theinexplicable.