Read Learning To Fly Without Wings Page 5

alone. “Oh!” She finally exclaimed. “I think I understand now! It's all about focus.” Proud of herself for figuring out what the eagle was teaching her, Taiyra changed her form again, finding even that was getting easier the more she did it, and trundled back up to the top of the swell to stand beside Blackwing.

  When the swatting wing came again, Taiyra was ready for it and managed to retain her balance and her form. Blackwing made the attempt several more times before deeming the lesson learned. Spreading her own large wings, the eagle gave them a single flap and a hop, sailing easily to the bottom of the swell, then looking up at the young doe as if to say that she was to do the same.

  Taiyra grew excited and stretched out her own wings, giving a small hop as she flapped, but instead of sailing gracefully down to the ground, she flipped onto her back. Blackwing's laughing caw filled her ears as she flapped wildly, trying to figure out how to right herself.

  The rest of the lesson, once Taiyra figured out how to roll back onto her feet, was spent in learning how to make the short hop from the top of the swell to the bottom, and the young doe prided herself on her ability to crash or flip over, which she did frequently, without losing her borrowed form.

  When she finally managed to succeed, she first feared it had been a fluke and promptly charged back up to the top of the lump of land to try again. When she did it a second and a third time, she let out a cry of triumph and let her bird form melt away.

  Too late, the young doe realized her mistake as her vision was suddenly filled with a torrent of black feathers and she fell over.

  The following days were spend on a progression of higher places to launch from and Taiyra crawled to her bedroll sore and exhausted every night, but she was too filled with elation to complain. By the end of every day the task felt easier to complete and she was beginning to master the air. The short soaring lessons were helping her to work on both her landings and the subtle shifts of her wings and tail that would allow her to steer.

  Finally came the day where she was expected to fly. Blackwing perched on the top of a short cliff. While Taiyra watched, the eagle hopped tilted downward like the usual glide, but about half way down she gave several flaps of her wings and instead went up into the air, flying a short distance before coming down to land.

  Taiyra was expected to go next. She ruffled her feathers as she gathered up her courage, then hopped just as Blackwing had done. When she reached the half way point, she spread her wings and gave a flap, then two, but only managed to slow her decent. Another flap sent her forward. Taiyra gave out a short caw, then strained her muscles to flap as hard as she could just before reaching the ground, and finally managed to send herself into the air.

  The excited cry of the young doe echoed across the plain, and she flew higher and higher, finding that she could relax a little as she found wind currents farther from the ground. Taiyra thought her heart would burst as she glanced down at the ground far below her. She was flying! It was no longer just a dream, she really was flying.

  Blackwing soon appeared beside her, showing the inexperienced doe how to turn and glide. Together the two of them circled the air above the tarous camp for several minutes before heading back down to the ground and perching in the lower branches of a tree.

  Taiyra let out a cry of triumph, and then a second, the piercing call of an eagle. Her third cry was cut short by the surprise swat of a large black wing that sent her tumbling to the ground.

  The two following days were spent on learning how to launch into the air from the ground, easily the most difficult of all the lessons, in Taiyra's opinion, but soon even that was mastered and the young doe could finally both transform and fly with relative ease.

  Taiyra was reluctant to end her training with the elder bull and large black eagle. She had enjoyed her time in their company, and told the elder so as they sat together drinking the medicinal tea.

  “And we have enjoyed your company as well, young one.” The elder replied with a soft chuckle. “You have been a wonderful pupil and I have no doubt that you will soon make us all proud as a druid.”

  “Thank you, Elder Swiftclaw.” Taiyra said, smiling broadly. “I will certainly do my best.”

  “I know you will, Taiyra Sunmourn.” The elder responded, using her full name for the first time. “And I think we need to celebrate your accomplishments so far. What do you say the three of us go flying together tomorrow?”

  “That would be wonderful, Elder Swiftclaw!” The doe exclaimed. “Blackwing has been doing her best to teach me what she knows.” She grinned slightly as she rubbed a bruise on the back of her head. “I think she went easy on me.”

  The elder laughed. “Her lessons can be harsh, but almost every druid here has gone through them and become better for it. Those that could not handle her methods went without her gift of flight.” He took another sip of his tea and pulled his blankets tighter around himself. “So it is decided then. Tomorrow morning we shall meet here and go for a flight together, all three of us together.”

  “I look forward to it, Elder Swiftclaw.” Taiyra replied, and the rest of their time together was spent in companionable silence.

  When morning came, Taiyra eagerly rushed over to the elder's tent, surprised to find him slanding just outside of the closed flaps, waiting for her. He smiled as she approached and rose slowly to his feet, joints popping loudly with each movement. “Good morning, lotha degahr.” He greeted her warmly. “Eager as always, I see.”

  “Of course, Elder Swiftclaw.” She said cheerfully. “I always look forward to our lessons. This one is especially exciting.”

  The elder smiled broadly at the young doe, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder while leaning heavily on his walking staff for balance. “Taiyra, I try to treat all of my apprentices equally, but you have easily proven to be my favorite. Where misfortune and pain often smothers the light in a soul, it has only made yours shine brighter still. I hope you never lose that, no matter what should cross your path.” The young doe did not know what to say, so she said nothing. “Now come, druid. Let us join our sister Blackwing, who already circles the sky above us.”

  Without waiting for her reply, the elder dropped his staff and changed seamlessly into the form of a large grey eagle, almost the size of Blackwing, and easily twice that of Taiyra's shifted form. He gave a piercing cry as he tilted his head to the sky, which was echoed by the circling Blackwing, then launched himself easily into the air.

  Taiyra followed closely behind and the trio circled for several moments before turning away to glide high above the grassy plain. Taiyra watched the waving grass pass below, her sharp eyes able to spot the movements of small animals. When she let out her own excited cry, it was mirrored by the other two.

  The wind blew through her feathers just like in her dream. The smell of the high air was crisp and clean. The sky was lightening into a nearly cloudless blue. Another cry. Another echoing response from the elder and Blackwing.

  The open plains turned into a much darker green as they gave way to thick forest, which gave way to another plan before changing to the deep azure of an ocean. Another cry. Another reassuring response. Her flying companions moved to either side of the young doe, dipping their wings respectfully at her as they flanked her. In this formation they made their lazy way across the sky as they eventually circled around to head back to the encampment. Slowly the other two began to hang back, as if giving Taiyra the free reign to fly by herself, but they still echoed her cries to reassure her that they were there.

  As the forest gave way to familiar plains once again, Taiyra gave an excited cry, but this time there was no echo. Concern suddenly darkened the doe's joy, and she cried again, but there was still no reply. Tilting her head to look back, she saw only open sky behind her. She turned around to look for her missing tutors, but only the first of the suns occupied the sky. When yet another cry was met with silence, Taiyra began to fly lower, concerned that the elder had fallen out of the sky and was unable to respond, despite Bla
ckwing no doubt there to help him, but she could find no trace of either of them.

  The second sun had risen high into the sky by the time Taiyra finally went back to the encampment, hoping to find the elder and Blackwing waiting safely inside the tent, but the closed flaps looked undisturbed. Still clinging to hope, Taiyra pulled apart the flaps and entered the tent.

  Everything looked just as she remembered it from before except for a large wrapped bundle in the center of the floor, surrounded by candles. A note addressed to her lay atop the bundle, which she took outside to read.

  Taiyra Sunmourn, as you have no doubt noticed by now, Blackwing and I did not return with you from your flight. You came home alone, and so shall it be from now on. We have taught you all that we can, and you must now face what fate comes without us. But I know that you are strong and able to handle anything that you should encounter if you face it with the same wisdom and unwavering tenacity you showed us.

  Take what you wish of my possessions, they are yours now, to help you long your path as a true druid. To get you started I have left you a gift. May it help you remember all that you have learned.

  And may your winds be ever gentle.

  Elder Maidro Swiftclaw

  With slow and dreamlike