Read Leaving Page 30

  In addition, she’d received a laceration across her liver and internal bleeding. Emergency surgery her first day in the hospital had stopped that and stabilized her, but there was no telling exactly what the long-term damage to her organs might be. She had also broken her lower right leg, broken her ankle, and fractured her wrist. She would likely need surgery to repair the broken leg, and possibly surgery on her back as well.

  Cody kept singing. There was something stripped down and raw about the hymn, its message painfully honest. No matter what a person might go through, God was faithful. He was merciful and loving … and His abundance was new again every morning. Like he’d once heard Bailey’s father, Jim Flanigan, say: “We can have as much of God as we want.”

  Cody needed a lot of Him right now. He closed his eyes and his song filled the room. “All I have needed, thy hand hath provided … great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me.”

  He finished that last line and was just about to head into the chorus when Cheyenne moved. Not a lot or with any sound, but her fingers flexed, and then her arm shifted a few inches on the blanket. Cody breathed sharply and set his guitar down at his side. “Cheyenne … It’s Cody. Can you hear me?”

  Again she moved, and this time she winced. Cody sat up straighter, his heart thudding hard inside him. If she could feel pain … if she could respond like that, then she had to be better off than they thought, right? “Cheyenne … I’m here.”

  She breathed in deeper than before, deeper than she’d breathed since she’d been in here. She was responding to his voice! She had to be. Slowly, like someone coming out of a winter-long trance, Cheyenne tried to blink, tried three times before her eyes opened just the slightest.

  Cody looked over his shoulder at the door to her hospital room. Should he call for the nurse … tell them what was happening? He looked back at Cheyenne and decided to wait. Better to put his full attention on her right now and not worry about what the doctors would say, what tests they might want to run now that she was showing signs of consciousness. At least for the first few minutes.

  More blinking, more movement — and again she made an expression that showed how much pain she was in. “Cheyenne … I’m here.” He stood and leaned over the bed, touching her healthy hand with the lightest sensation. “It’s Cody … can you hear me?”

  Cheyenne turned her head so slowly it was almost hard to tell she was moving at all. But she did move, and this time she blinked a little faster than before and her eyes remained open. As they did, she looked right at him and their eyes held. Cody hadn’t known her very long, but he knew her well enough to be absolutely sure about this — Cheyenne remembered him. Her eyes searched his, and she seemed to have a hundred things to say.

  “Can you talk, Chey?” He didn’t want to push her, but he was desperate to know exactly how much of her might come back … her mind, her intelligence, her kindness … her love for God and people.

  She moved her mouth a few times and then closed her eyes, clearly exhausted.

  “Don’t work too hard. It’s okay. You don’t have to say anything. As long as you can understand me.”

  Again she opened her eyes and looked straight at him, and in a way that was unmistakable, she nodded. Yes … she could hear him. She understood. Another blink and the slightest sound came from her throat.

  “Are you trying to talk?”

  She nodded again.

  “It’s okay … You can talk later. You’re very tired … don’t overdo it.” Once more he wondered if he should call for the nurse. But she looked a little more uncomfortable than before, so he let her have this moment. He soothed his hand gently over her dark hair. “Does it hurt … are you in pain?” His voice was soft, his tone quiet so she wouldn’t feel startled.

  A sigh came from her and she nodded again. But then the corners of her mouth lifted just a little and a hint of the familiar sparkle danced in her eyes. Almost as if to say, Of course it hurts. But none of that mattered as long as she was alive.

  Still, again she opened her mouth, and this time in a scratchy whisper she began to speak. “Cody …”

  She knew his name!

  A fierce sense of protection and caring came over him. This precious girl had been through so much, so many seasons of heartache. How could she face the days ahead without someone who looked out for her, who understood and appreciated her? He ran his thumb over her brow. “I’m here for you … I’ll stay no matter what.”

  Peace filled in the pained lines on her forehead and she nodded, more slowly this time. Her eyes looked deep into his soul, to the places that might’ve doubted the wisdom of being here. “Please … stay.”

  “I will.” Cody felt the commitment to the outer edges of his heart. He put his hand alongside her face, speaking close to her, directly to her lonely soul. “You have my word, Chey … I’m not going anywhere.”

  (To be Continued — June 2011)


  Dear Reader Friends,

  When I wrote about Bailey Flanigan for the first time — years ago in the Firstborn series — I never dreamed that one day she would have her own story, her own set of books. Her own series. As most of you know, the character of Bailey Flanigan was inspired by my daughter, Kelsey. In real life there is no Cody Coleman, no Brandon Paul. But the way Kelsey lives for God, her passion for her family, for God’s Word, and for His truth are a mainstay in her real life story—the way they are with the fictional character of Bailey.

  In addition, Kelsey is the oldest of six kids — the others all boys, three of whom were adopted from Haiti. When I write about Jenny and Jim Flanigan, I am — for the most part — writing about my family. Kelsey and I have the relationship that Bailey and Jenny share: an open communication that has allowed Kelsey to trust me with any conversation, any decision, any heartbreak. I have had the privilege of raising this one-in-a-million girl, and the very great responsibility of seeking God’s wisdom in helping shape her into the young woman she is today.

  And so, along the years — through five Firstborn books, and four Sunrise series books, and especially during the four books in the Above the Line series — as I watched Kelsey (and Bailey) develop a love for musical theater and a longing for the dreams God has placed in her heart, I could feel the time coming when the character of Bailey would need her own story.

  But here’s the part I didn’t see coming.

  As the time drew closer to write the first book in the Bailey Flanigan Series, Kelsey announced that she wanted to attend university in California — fifteen hundred miles from our home in the Pacific Northwest. That meant that while I was outlining Leaving, I was helping Kelsey pack her things, helping her get ready to leave home. (Talk about an intense time of research.)

  I remember sitting on my porch one day, feeling like all of life was about to change. I felt heavy with the hurt of actually reaching this season: the season of goodbye. But I also knew that I couldn’t end a book called Leaving with only sadness. See, there is a joy in knowing that our kids are ready to leave home and become who God made them to be. No matter how sad, it’s right that they grow and become … and yes, sometimes even that they leave.

  The story of Bailey has many twists and turns ahead—believe me. The books to come will be Learning, Longing, and finally, Loving. And I think you’ll be amazed at where God takes this fictitious girl in the books ahead. Here’s a funny, fictional fact. The books in the Bailey Flanigan Series will release over the next eighteen months. But during that same time, we’ll follow Bailey through three years of life.

  Ahh, the marvels of storytelling.

  Anyway, thanks for joining me on Bailey Flanigan’s journey. And, yes, the journey of one more ride with the Baxter Family. Some of you might have seen Landon’s lung issues coming. I have to admit, I saw it … even though I didn’t want to write about it. Only God could’ve given me the strength to take Ashley and Landon through yet another trial. But even with that there is much ahead.

  As always, I look
forward to your feedback. Take a minute and find me on Facebook. I’m there at least once a day—hanging out with you in my virtual living room, praying for you, and answering as many questions as possible. I have Latte Time, where I’ll take a half hour or so, pour all of you a virtual latte, and take questions. We have a blast together, so if you’re not on my Facebook fan/friend page, please join me. The group of friends there grows every day, and each of you is very special to me.

  You can also visit my website at There you can find my contact information and my guestbook. You could even join the Baxter Family Club — a special set of benefits for those of you who read all my books, pretty much as soon as they hit the shelves! (Just one way I can show how much I care.) Remember, if you post something on Facebook or my website it might help another reader. So please stop by. In addition, I love to hear how God is using these books in your life. He gets all the credit, and He always will. He puts a story in my heart, but He has your face in mind. Only He could do that.

  Also on Facebook or my website you can check out my upcoming events and get to know other readers. You can hear about movies being made of my books and become part of a community that agrees there is life-changing power in something as simple as a story. And you can post prayer requests on my website or read those already posted and pray for those in need. If you’d like, you may send in a photo of your loved one serving our country, or let us know of a fallen soldier we can honor on our Fallen Heroes page.

  When you’re finished with this book, pass it on to someone else. By doing so, you will automatically enter my “Shared a Book” contest. Email me at [email protected] and tell me the first name of the person you shared with, and you’ll be entered to win a summer day with my family. In addition, everyone signed up for my monthly newsletter is automatically entered into an ongoing once-a-month drawing for a free, signed copy of my latest novel.

  There are also links on my website that will help you with matters important to many of you: faith and family, adoption, and ways to reach out to others. Of course, on my site you can also find out a little more about me, my faith, my family, and the wonderful world of Life-Changing Fiction™.

  Another way to stay in touch is to follow me on Twitter. I give away books all the time, and I’d love to see you there!

  Finally, if you gave your life over to God during the reading of this book, or if you found your way back to a faith you’d let grow cold, send me a letter at [email protected] and write New Life in the subject line. I encourage you to connect with a Bible-believing church in your area, and start reading the Bible every day. But if you can’t afford one and don’t already have one, write Bible in the subject line. Tell me how God used this book to change your life, and then include your address in your email. My wonderful publisher Zondervan has supplied me with free paperback copies of the New Testament, so that if you are financially unable to find a Bible any other way, I can send you one. I’ll pay for shipping.

  One last thing. I’ve started a program where I will donate a book to any high school or middle school librarian who makes a request. Check out my website for details.

  Again, thanks for journeying with me through the pages of this book. I can’t wait to hear your feedback on Leaving! Oh, and look for Bailey Flanigan’s Book No. 2: Learning in stores this June. Until then my friends, keep your eyes on the cross.

  And don’t forget to leave the lights on.

  In His light and love,

  Karen Kingsbury


  What emotions does the word leaving stir in your heart? Explain.

  Do you know anyone who’s planning to leave soon? Tell whether they are leaving home or the area or a job … Tell about that person and what you have observed in this, their season of leaving.

  What did you learn about leaving by reading this book?

  Has anything in this story changed the way you view the idea of leaving? Explain.

  Talk about a special memory you had while growing up.

  Who from your childhood made the most impact on you? Why?

  There is a cost to pursuing dreams. What dreams did you have when you were growing up?

  What sacrifice did you make to accomplish your dreams? Talk about that.

  Tell about someone you know who sacrificed for their dreams. What were the results of that sacrifice?

  What have you left along the journey of life? Was leaving that place or person the right choice? Why or why not?

  If you’re new to the Baxter family, you may not know about Ashley and Landon. But from what you do know, what are your thoughts about the love this married couple shares?

  Do you know anyone whose life was touched by the tragedy of 9–11? Explain.

  Explain Bailey’s attitude toward fame. Do you think her attitude is healthy? Why or why not?

  Brandon is a new Christian in Hollywood. Why do you think it is difficult for Christians to maintain their faith while living in the limelight?

  What do you think of our nation’s fascination with celebrity? How is it a distraction to God’s will for us?


  A Love Story

  Karen Kingsbury,

  New York Times Bestselling Author

  Before You Take a Stand …

  You’ve Got to Take a Chance.

  Holden Harris is an eighteen-year-old locked in a prison of autism. Despite his quiet ways and quirky behaviors, Holden is very happy and socially normal — on the inside, in a private world all his own. In reality, he is bullied at school by kids who only see that he is very different.

  Ella Reynolds is part of the “in” crowd. Star of the high school drama production, her life seems perfect. When she catches Holden listening to her rehearse for the school play, she is drawn to him … the way he is drawn to the music. Then, Ella makes a dramatic discovery — she and Holden were best friends as children.

  Frustrated by the way Holden is bullied, and horrified at the indifference of her peers, Ella decides to take a stand against the most privileged and popular kids at school. Including her boyfriend, Jake.

  Ella believes miracles can happen in the unlikeliest places, and that just maybe an entire community might celebrate from the sidelines. But will Holden’s praying mother and the efforts of Ella and a cast of theater kids be enough to unlock the prison that contains Holden?

  This time, friendship, faith, and the power of a song must be strong enough to open the doors to the miracle Holden needs.

  Available in stores and online!


  The Above the Line Series follows two dedicated Hollywood producers as they seek to transform the culture through the power of film.

  Available in stores and online!

  9/11 SERIES

  One Tuesday Morning

  Karen Kingsbury

  The last thing Jake Bryan knew was the roar of the World Trade Center collapsing on top of him and his fellow firefighters. The man in the hospital bed remembers nothing. Not rushing with his teammates up the stairway of the South Tower to help trapped victims. Not being blasted from the building. And not the woman sitting by his bedside who says she is his wife.

  Jamie Bryan will do anything to help her beloved husband regain his memory. But that means helping Jake rediscover the one thing Jamie has never shared with him: his deep faith in God.

  Beyond Tuesday Morning

  Karen Kingsbury

  Winner of the Silver

  Medallion Book Award

  Determined to find meaning in her grief three years after the terrorist attacks on New York City, FDNY widow Jamie Bryan pours her life into volunteer work at a small memorial chapel across from where the Twin Towers once stood. There, unsure and feeling somehow guilty, Jamie opens herself to the possibility of love again.

  But in the face of a staggering revelation, only the persistence of a tenacious man, the questions from Jamie’s curious
young daughter, and the words from her dead husband’s journal can move Jamie beyond one Tuesday morning … toward life.

  Shades of Blue

  Karen Kingsbury,

  New York Times Bestselling Author

  A fairy-tale future. A Checkered past. A decision awaits.

  Brad Cutler, twenty-eight, is a rising star at his New York ad agency, about to marry the girl of his dreams. Anyone would agree he has it all — a great career, a beautiful and loving fiancée, and a fairy-tale life ahead of him … when memories of a high school girlfriend begin to torment him. Lost innocence and one very difficult choice flood his conscience, and he is no longer sure what the future will bring except for this: He must go back to the shores of Holden Beach in search of his first love, and a forgiveness neither of them has ever known.

  Three people must work through the repercussions of a decision made long ago before any of them can look toward a new future.

  Available in stores and online!

  Even Now

  Karen Kingsbury

  Sometimes hope for the future is found in the ashes of yesterday.

  A young woman seeking answers to her heart’s deepest questions. A man and woman driven apart by lies and years of separation … who have never forgotten each other.

  With hallmark tenderness and power, Karen Kingsbury weaves a tapestry of lives, losses, love, and faith — and the miracle of resurrection.

  Ever After

  Karen Kingsbury

  2007 Christian Book of the Year

  Two couples torn apart — one by war between countries, and one by a war within.

  In this moving sequel to Even Now, Emily Anderson, now twenty, meets the man who changes everything for her: Army reservist Justin Baker. Their tender relationship, founded on a mutual faith in God and nurtured by their trust and love for each other, proves to be a shining inspiration to everyone they know, especially Emily’s reunited birth parents.