Read Legacy of the Darkness Page 7

  Chapter 6: No Mercy for the Merciless

  Jacob heard the commotion and knew that Connor had come with a vengeance. With hope swelling inside of him he turned to Jess who was curled into a ball, muttering wordlessly to herself.

  “Come on Jess,” He spoke softly, “Time to get the hell out of here.” She looked up at him and stretched to brush her lips against his.

  “Let’s go.” She said sounding cheerful now. Jacob shook his head in amusement. She’s a strange girl; he thought and raced after her.

  Connor stood in front of Yuuku, disgust turning his usually warm eyes into supernovas, they were extremely bright and beautiful, but incredibly destructive.

  “I never lied to you though. I needed your help to defeat the demons.” She said desperation making voice go up an octave.

  “I’m only guessing here, but my best guess is that you planned to use Jacob and me as a sacrifice in order to open up a path to the land from Ritsuzen. This would allow the demons to enter the human realm and bring humanity to it’s’ knees, afterwards you would destroy the path and take control over the Earth.” He said and struggled to control his expression as Yuuku stared at him in shock.

  “But you’ll let me use you as the sacrifice. Because if you don’t, then your precious Yuki will die.” She said a smug smile playing at her lips.

  “Oh yeah, about Yuki, I forgot to give you something from her.” He said and with incredible force punched Yuuku in the chest, the result made him regret it however. He had hit her with such force that she had flown through the stone walls; this caused a domino effect as cracks began to spread alone the rest. Oh crap! He thought as the room collapsed on top of him.

  Yuki laid unconscious in her cell, until a strange bright light penetrated the darkness she was trapped in.

  “It’s time to wake up Yuki.” Connor’s voice spoke from the light. Instantly she sat up and began looking wildly around the unfamiliar surroundings, she stopped once her eyes fell on the person next to her.

  “W-w-where am I? What is this place?” She asked the person standing beside her and gasped at the pain in her head.

  “Take it easy, they probably did a number on you.” He said, while his hands prodded her cranium for signs of swelling.

  “Connor?” She gasped astonished.

  “Connor’s the name and rescuing you is my game.” He joked. She squealed with delight and wrapped her arms around his neck as she pulled him down to her lips.

  “Why is it that I always walk in on you kissing someone?” Jacob complained from the door. The pair broke apart and proceeded to glare at him.

  “Shall we go?” Connor asked the still shocked Yuki.

  “Of course, but won’t they come after us?” She questioned both Connor and Jacob.

  “It’s likely, but after what Connor did to their main force I doubt that they’ll come after us any time soon.” Jacob said thoughtfully.

  “Wait how did one vampire defeat an entire army of vampires and werewolves by himself?” She asked suspicious.

  “Um… you see Yuki I’m not a fully fledged vampire.” As he spoke the words he allowed his wings to extend from his back, “I’m partially a mixture of demons. But that’s a tale for a different time.” He said and grabbed her arm gently, pulling her to her feet. They walked out of the wreckage that used to be the K.O.E. their walk so smooth and graceful that to the surviving vampires and werewolves they looked like four gods.

  Months past, they had settled in a small town in Alaska, Connor had acquired a large mansion there by ‘persuading’ the original owners to sign the deed over to him. The time had passed with relative peacefulness, aside from the odd vampire or werewolf wondering to close to the town’s border, however they dealt with them cleanly and quickly. The life they had at that moment was truly a small portion of heaven. Until the day of an unprecedented solar eclipse. Yuki and Jess had been first to notice as they had been out shopping that day. The solar eclipse simply made the humans stare in awe at the black sun; however every vampire and lycanthrope could sense the demonic nature behind it.

  “We have a huge problem.” Yuki said when she walked through the door and dumped her bags of clothes onto the wooden floor.

  “We know, it’s not just here though, apparently all over the world there has been either a solar or lunar eclipse.” Connor said from the living room. She walked in and saw the news channel turned on, the news lady was currently doing an on sight report about the eclipses.

  “Scientists still offer no explanation about the random solar eclipse that has happened here, and we are getting reports that we are not the only ones, from what we can gather everyone, is that the only country not affected by a solar or lunar eclipse is Britain.” Connor turned the TV of and stood up.

  “Well that settles it,” He began to walk up the stairs; “Jacob and I are going to Britain. You and Jess will fly to a separate location in Malibu, that way they shouldn’t go looking for you two. Jacob! Get your ass up, we’re going home!” He shouted as he walked into his room.

  “Our peace is ruined.” She whispered under her breath and went to assist Jess with her packing.

  Two and a half hours later they were speeding towards the closest airport.

  “Here’s the plan, Jacob and I will stop Yuuku from doing whatever it is she has planned and you two will try to relax in Malibu.” Connor said as he passed yet another awed human.

  “No we are not.” Yuki replied firmly.

  “Yes you are.” Connor replied trying to sound angry, but only worry filled his voice. She laid her hand on his shoulder.

  “Don’t worry, Jess and I can take care of ourselves, right Jess?” She assured him. The airport came into view.

  “Fine however you two are to do exactly as I say.” He ordered his shoulders hunched in defeat.

  They purchased the tickets and were soon on a 1st class flight to the U.K. The flight was pleasant enough, however their thoughts constantly returned to what possibly awaited them. Along the way the two females managed to distract themselves by going through the changes that had happened to them over the months.

  Yuki thought about her parents before they had been killed by a vampire, the same vampire who changed her. The weeks that followed were filled with subjugated anger. On the day of a full moon she had been hunting with him, once they found their prey, a pair of women on a hiking trip, the wolf had struck during the attack. Yuki had reacted quickly; even though the creature didn’t appear to be after her she chased it alongside him. The fight that ensued was ferocious, they had tackled it to the ground and landed half a dozen punches into the large wolf, but it brushed these off and proceeded to bite deeply into Yuki’s arm, the cry that emerged from her lips was painful to the wolf causing it to released her arm, as she attempted to stand the bite began to burn with an intense heat. She awoke the next morning, her arm throbbing. When she attempted to sit up her body wouldn’t obey her commands.

  “Don’t move.” Someone ordered and pressed something that smelled like the most expensive chocolate against her lips. Immediately she let her vampire instincts take over, she latched onto the arm and began to suck the blood greedily, and slowly the pain that had been spreading through her body began to dissipate.

  “Thank you.” She gasped upon releasing the person’s arm, no reply. Her eyes snapped open to find no one there.

  Jess remembered when the werewolf had bitten her and permanently altered her life. The evening had gone well enough, her date had been perfect, and as she began the ascent to her grandmother’s shine she heard something move in the bushes beside the stone steps. Instead of climbing the stairs faster she went to explore the source of the sound. Five minutes later she was attacked by the lycanthrope. Weeks passed and with each passing day she felt her resentment against the werewolf lesson. She resented it for making her inhuman, but she slowly began to realise the amazing things she could do now, for starters she was able to see clearly in the night, she could clearly hear the
smallest bit of sound, her athletic abilities increased to phenomenal levels, and her sense of feeling intensified to the point where a single kiss felt like bliss. Her happiness ended on the night of a full moon. Once she had said goodnight to her grandmother she entered her room and locked the door. The change occurred while she was re-reading Twilight, her skin began to heat up until she felt like she would burst into flames, her nose and mouth began to turn waxy as they distended from her face to form her muzzle, her teeth extended into fangs and her manicured nails began to lengthen into black talons. Once the change ended she felt more alive than ever, her mind had changed from the teenage girl who constantly worried about her GCSE levels into that of a hunter. The sound of a heart beating nearby drew her attention to the locked door.

  Three full moons later she still felt the pain of losing her grandmother to the terrible beast that she had become. That night she had left her small town’s borders and entered the woods so she could change without the fear of killing anyone. That was the night she had first encountered them. The creatures looked human, but their scent gave them away for what they truly were. She stalked them until they began to feed off of an innocent couple of women, even though the wolf within her was only angry about them taking her kill, she became enraged and charged the two demonic creatures. They were faster then she had anticipated, they abandoned their kill and began to chase after her. The things were strong, she realised this as they began to viciously attack her, she also realised that she would have take the blows and strike when they thought she was dead. The opportunity came sooner then she had expected; the female let her guard down for a second, that second was all it took. Jess struck, burying her fangs deep into the monster’s flesh, the thing screamed with such extreme volume she had to let go. Her companion was amazingly quick to react, instead of covering it’s ears, it tackled her. The pair fought with all their might, until they finally bit each other. The pain flared immediately causing her to stumble. Once the night had passed she felt her body return to her human form, however the pain emitting from the bite wound wouldn’t dissipate until he came. The man stood above her, his face hidden by a hood, he knelt next to her and pushed a bottle filled with a dark red liquid against her lips.

  “Drink it and you’ll heal.” The stranger said and she drank the entire contents of the bottle. The pain slowly disappeared.

  “I owe you.” She said, but received no reply, looking up she realised that the man had already left.

  They were brought back to the present by the sudden and extreme shaking of the plane.

  “My apologies passengers, but we are experiencing mild turbulence; it should pass shortly, but we advise you sit back relax and shut the **** up! Just kidding, but seriously put your seatbelts on.” The pilot said.

  “I’ll be right back.” Connor said as everyone began to fasten their seatbelts.

  “Where’re you going?” Yuki enquired.

  “The toilet.” He replied.

  Five minutes later he stood on top of the plane standing in the middle of a storm.

  “I guess that you wouldn’t wait for us to come to you then?” He called to the silhouette opposite him.

  “Of course not. Do you think I’d risk you getting anywhere near the main gate.” Yuuku shouted back. Gate, he thought, this just keeps getting better and better.

  “How did you do it? I thought you needed Jacob or me to open even the smallest gate.”

  “Ordinarily yes, however I found a way.” She replied.

  “Enough with the small talk, I assume you’re here for a rematch,” He stretched his wings to their full length, “Shall we dance?” He joked and launched himself from the plane. The intense wind made flight difficult, however he managed. He flew behind her and prepared to shoot her with his M9.

  Yuuku studied him as he allowed a small portion of his demonic blood to flow unrestricted. That’s one, I just need to get him to use the other two and he’ll lose control. She thought and prepared herself for whatever type of assault he attempted, when he appeared behind her, his gun ready to fire, she simply wasn’t there anymore. Instead she now stood behind him, her hands hooked into deadly claws ready to slash his head off of his shoulders; however he mimicked her and disappeared from sight. The battle continued, he attacked she dodged, she attacked he dodged, finally one of her punches connected with his face. Groaning he stepped back, once he looked up however Yuuku shivered in pure terror. His eyes had changed from their warm crimson tinged brown to bright blue flames surrounded by darkness, and on a small part of his head a small horn grew through his flesh. Now the marks. She thought and waited for the markings to appear. Any moment now. I’m sure they’ll pop up any second. Oh for the love of crap! She shouted internally and rushed him.

  Jacob felt rather then heard his friend’s decent into darkness. The booms of lightning masked the sounds of the battle he could feel raging just above them.

  “Connor’s in trouble.” He told the two female passengers. They immediately rose from their seats.

  “Where is he then?” Yuki asked slightly hysterical.

  “Just above us, I think he’s fighting Yuuku though and I can tell you from experience that she is strong.” He informed them; his expression was calm and focused however inside he was in chaos.

  “Then let’s go help him.” Jess said and began walking to the door.

  “No! We can’t help him remember? He’s the only one here who can fly.” He reminded them. Connor what are you doing up there? He thought as they returned to their seats to try and come up with a plan.

  Connor could feel the darkness of his demonic blood calling to him; however he kept it at bay. The battle was wearing him down though and he could feel his control slipping with each blow. Somehow Yuuku had become infinitely stronger, making her easily able to keep up with his speed. I guess my only chance is to use that. He thought and allowed the marks to appear on his arms; silently he called to the sword he had brought with him. The blade flew into his open hand.

  Yuuku looked at the blade he now held. The blade was two metres in length and the colour of new blood while the handle was intricately designed with black and blue flames. No, not that blade. She thought and remembered all the stories she had been told about a katana said to hold the power of over ten thousand demons, the Letum. While she was caught up in her own thoughts Connor had launched a shockwave with the demonic weapon.

  By using the Letum he had allowed more of his soul to be devoured by the darkness of his demon heritage. However he knew that no one could dodge the weapon’s attack. He launched a shockwave at the ancient vampire, and what happened next shook him to the core. The being who stood before him was not Yuuku.

  Yuuku knew she had no choice other than to use the corpse of Connor’s mother. She honestly hated the use of necromancy; however her present situation forced her hand. Using the spell that the demon sorcerers had taught her she breathed temporary life into the dead human. The soul returned reluctantly, having enjoyed the bliss of death, to its original body. The surprised expression on her enemy’s face was what she had been hoping for. The supernatural attack had ceased in its tracks.

  Jacob felt the whole plane begin to shudder with the power he felt emitting from Connor.

  “Now we’re going to try and help him.” He said to the two worried females sitting opposite him.

  “Finally.” They replied in unison.

  “I was beginning to go insane.” They spoke at the same time and in the same aspirated voice.

  “Yeah yeah. Give me a moment.” He said and walked away grinning at the stupidity of what he was about to do. He walked to the cockpit of the plane.

  “What do you want Mr. Varg?” The pilot asked not turning away from his controls.

  “Oh nothing.” He said and brought his fist down onto the top of the pilot’s head. Immediately the plane began to shudder far more violently then before.

  “What are you trying to do Yuuku?” He shouted visib
ly disturbed by the sudden appearance of his mother.

  “Nothing I just thought you would like to meet her. After all you are her child.” Yuuku said and in a flash of lightning he saw her smiling as though this was all an amusing play where they were her actors and she was the director.

  “This isn’t funny you evil *****!” He yelled the obscenity at her and was about to attack with his sword, but he quickly tamed his temper when he remembered that the apparition in front of him was his mother. She may be evil, but she’s right, he thought, I’ve wanted to meet her and this is my only chance. Lowering his sword he watched the woman walk toward him, hands outstretched like a zombie. The un-dead corpse reached him fairly quickly and began to whisper the words that would bring about the end of Earth.

  “Don’t be ashamed of the demon blood in your veins, it is what makes you able to protect your friends.” Once the final words were uttered the flesh, that had begun to regenerate, dissolved along with the skeleton.

  “See what she means Connor? Without your full demonic power you won’t be able to protect those friends of yours. “Who should be gone by now, just so you know.” Yuuku said and disappeared from sight.

  “Wait, what do you mean?” He yelled the question at her, but she was gone.

  Jacob had completed his part of the deal, now all he had to do was force Connor to use his complete power, then he and Yuki will die in order for the demons to cross into their world.

  “Hey Jacob, just one question, do you think we’re stupid?” Yuki asked through the door just before it blasted inwards. Yuki and Jess stood in the doorway small smiles plastered to their faces.

  “Okay so how the hell did you two figure it out?” He enquired. Great just great now I have to deal with these two, he thought, but then again I may not have to.

  Yuki could smell her. Yuuku had somehow penetrated Jacob’s mind and twisted it to her way of thinking. Either that or he’s just stupid. She informed Jess of her suspicions.

  “I agree,” Jess said after Yuki had finished speaking, “He has been acting differently, like when we arrived in Alaska he seemed very unhappy to be so far away from Britain.” They both looked to the cockpit of the plane.

  “I’m thinking we tie him up and question him while Connor deals with whoever’s fighting him.” She looked at her best friend a question in her eyes.

  “Read my mind Yuki, you know, you really have to stop doing that.” Jess replied and rose from her seat. In seconds they stood at the front of the plane preparing to break the door down.

  “Do you think we should say “little pigs, little pigs let us in” or should we just break the door and kick his ass?” Yuki asked a small smile curving her lips.

  “Let’s go for the second option.” Jess replied and stood back as she watched Yuki raise her fist and brought it down on the door. Inside they saw Jacob standing behind the slump positioned pilot.

  “Hey Jacob, just one question, do you think we’re stupid?” Yuki asked as she stepped into the small pace.

  “Okay so, how the hell did you figure it out?” He didn’t sound surprised only slightly annoyed.

  “Well you see Yuuku’s stench is very difficult to mask.” She replied and laughed a little.

  “What did you just say about me?” The question came from behind the two girls, who turned around to see Yuuku standing in the middle of the plane.

  “Oh great, now we’re screwed.” Jess muttered to herself. Just then the plane crashed.

  Connor felt the plane begin to descend and knew that unless he got everyone off the flying vehicle they would die, but the shock of what had just happened seemed to freeze his body. Yuuku had given his mother life and then took that away from him, she had befriended him when he and Jacob had only just changed from human into two creatures of the night, she had made it possible to meet Yuki, and now she was trying to kill them all. Slowly he felt the pain of betrayal begin to dissipate only to be replaced by anger. The force of the emotion caused his slight control over his demonic blood to break. He felt the marks begin to burn as they appeared one by one on his skin. The Letum began to pulsate with power and he felt its desire to kill, to feel the blood of its victims spill onto its blade. Well I’m not gonna disappoint it then. As he stood he allowed a slightly hysterical and pure evil laugh escape his lips. He laughed even as the plane crashed and exploded.