Read Legacy of the Darkness Page 9

  Chapter 9: Loss of a Friend

  Connor had died by his hand. The fact was undeniable, yet Jacob refused to accept it. He was crouching over his dead friend’s body, trying to get him to drink the small bit of blood that Jacob could give him due to his insanely fast healing ability. The corpse remained completely still. Tears threatened to spill over, but he refused to cry in the presence of his dead friend. He thought of Yuuku and as he allowed her to fill his thoughts he felt the anger begin to swell within him. It’s her fault, it is her fault. She was the one who came to us; she was the one who drove Connor to give into his demonic blood. The world around him seemed to liquefy. Once his surroundings solidified he was no longer on Yasuragi, but instead he knelt on the cold, hard soil of Earth next to the plane crash.

  “Yuuku you are so dead.” He growled and leapt into the ocean.

  Yuki awoke feeling like she had gone fifty rounds with a lycanthrope, she gave herself a metal once over to check for damages, she found that she had at least three broken bones, her left shoulder was dislocated, her right hands thumb was hanging by a thread of skin, and she had a large gash above her right eye. The pain was intolerable, since becoming a vampire she had felt very little pain which made this all the worse. She laid there waiting for her broken body to heal itself. Hours past and her body hadn’t healed. It was then that she became aware of her lack of human blood. Groaning she opened her eyes and saw a figure leap into the ocean, where the person had been there was a still body. The corpse was extremely fresh, that much she was certain of. With all her will power she dragged herself to the dead person, the face looked familiar, however in her present state of mind she couldn’t think clearly. Ignoring the familiarity of the dead face she drove her fangs into the cold flesh of the corpse. The blood was far different than any she had tasted before, she felt herself begin to crave more and more. As she was about to drain the body of its remaining blood, she felt a hand place itself on her shoulder. Immediately her defensive instincts kicked in, she whirled around and grabbed the person’s arm in one motion.

  “Whoa Yuki it’s only me.” The owner of the hand said, the voice registered instantly.

  “Jess?” She said in disbelief.

  “Yeah, of course it’s me. Why? Were you expecting someone else?” Jess asked instantly alert in case there was any danger around them.

  “No it’s just that I didn’t think anyone else survived.” Yuki replied, small tears of joy spilling from her eyes and down her cheeks.

  “Actually we all survived. Connor flew away somewhere and Jacob seemed to just disappear. I’m quite certain that Yuuku is alive as well.” Jess said her voice and expression grave.

  “But why would Connor just fly off? Wouldn’t he come to look for us?” Yuki enquired.

  “Well he didn’t need to. You found him.” Jess answered and nodded to the body.

  “What are you-” She cut her sentence short when she turned and looked at the corpse’s face. Her mind couldn’t process what she was seeing. Over the months since Connor had gained his demonic abilities she had witnessed his incredible power. There wasn’t anyone who could have done this, no one except...

  “Jacob.” She whispered so quietly to herself that Jess had no hope of hearing it.

  “What?” Jess asked.

  “Jacob.” Yuki repeated louder.

  “Yeah, what about him?” Jess enquired.

  “He’s the one who did this. There’s no one else who would have a hope of beating Connor.” Yuki explained her voice void of all emotion. As the fact registered with Jess, Yuki looked at the completely still body of her first true love; she knew that his eyes would never open...

  Connor had been unconscious for at least... He couldn’t even estimate how long he had been more or less dead. The one thing that he had only recently discovered is that when a vampire loses a considerable amount of blood they go into a coma like state and are pretty much dead until they feed from a vampire and a lycanthrope, once they begin to feed on the vampire and werewolf, they would meet an untimely end. He could feel that a vampire was near His vampire instincts were about to take hold when he heard two people begin speaking.

  “Whoa Yuki it’s only me.” One spoke in response to a snarl that came from nearby. The voice was difficult to place in his memory, he knew without a doubt that he knew the people who were currently deep in conversation.

  “Well he didn’t need to. You found him.”

  “What are you-” The female known as Yuki began to say, and then he felt her gaze fall onto his unmoving body. He could sense the overwhelming sadness threatening to crush her. Does this woman care so much about me? He asked himself internally. He began to wonder why someone would feel so saddened by his apparent death when he felt the bloodlust return. The shock of its sudden return caused him to open his eyes. The first thing to greet him was the beautiful night sky, the next was the face of a female that seemed to make his almost still heart beat faster.

  “Yuki.” He whispered her name and was surprised again by how familiar her name felt.

  “C-Connor?” She gasped his name and bent her head lower until her throat was so close to his mouth. He reacted on instinct and sunk his fangs deep into her soft flesh. She didn’t cry out or struggle to break free; instead she surprised him again by moving closer to him. He was about to drink her dry when a voice screamed in the back of his mind. Don’t do it! He released her neck and pushed her lightly away. Yuki’s companion moved surprisingly quickly to her friend’s side.

  “Why would you take that much blood from her?” The other female asked sounding disgusted and shocked.

  “If you move aside then I may be able to help her.” He said in an aspirated voice and moved to push the other female away. The reason why he was so desperate to preserve the vampire’s life was a complete mystery to him. He could sense that his memories were blocked, no not blocked, they were locked within his subconscious, and somewhere within those memories he had met this vampire before. He broke out of his inner monologue and focused on the dying female. Acting on instinct he drew his fingernail across his wrist, and then he raised her head, her lips, to his bleeding wrist. The vampire acted instantly, clamping her sharp fangs around his wrist and drinking his blood. The feelings that began to devour his self control were surprising to say the least. As his blood left his physical body his soul was in a state of ecstasy. When she pulled harder on his wrist, he felt his spirit merge with hers, the sensations that began to ripple through him then were so intense that any thought of getting away from her left his mind. Beyond these feelings were fragmented images, one showed him embracing the vampire in a similar fashion to the present. Another showed a pale figure standing alone in the snow wearing nothing except a pair of trousers. As Connor watched the memory continue he saw two raven like wings grow from their back, he watched as a small horn sprouted from his cranium, and as burn like marks began to spread across the person’s flesh. Suddenly he was brought back to the present by a harsh push forcing him to move away from Yuki. Although he should have reacted to this act of violence, he couldn’t think of anything like that, all he could think was, I’m a demon? Am I a demon? He questioned himself in silence and even as he tried to deny it he knew it was true.