Read Legacy of the Mind Page 50


  Anita returned to the Observatory just in time to see Marcus’ car pull up outside. She hadn’t been that long, had she? ‘Hi,’ she said, walking over and planting a kiss squarely on his lips as he climbed out of his car.

  ‘Hello,’ he said provocatively. ‘Where have you been? Slacking off work?’

  Anita laughed easily, if you only knew the half of it, she thought smugly. ‘Just went for a quick walk. You know what us Body types are like, if we stay still for too long we get antsy.’

  ‘That is true,’ he said smirking, then pushed her back against the car and kissed her deeply. ‘I got bored, so thought I’d come and see if I could persuade you to bunk off work for the afternoon.’ He flashed her his most charming smile and Anita went with it; it would be easier that way.

  ‘Alright, let’s go,’ she said, leaning in and whispering in his ear, so Marcus’ driver couldn’t hear, ‘I think I feel like meditating this afternoon anyway.’

  Marcus’ energy soared and he looked at her like a child in a sweet shop, a mix of excitement and awe but with some concern that the promise of sweets could be withdrawn before the transaction was completed. She laughed, nodding her head. ‘So are we just going to stand here all day?’ she asked in mock frustration. ‘Or are we going to go?’ They climbed into the back of Marcus’ car, his excitement contagious, and he held her hand tightly all the way back to the castle. When they got there, Marcus burst out through the door, pulling her along in his wake, Anita giggling uncontrollably at his unrestrained delight. They raced each other up the stairs, taking them two at a time and, unusually, Marcus won, Anita still trying to control her laughter. They entered Marcus’ room and he pinned her against the door as he closed it, kissing her enthusiastically, reminding Anita of an excited puppy when he took a step back. His unbridled joy had lifted her energy, but Anita made an effort to get herself under control as he led her to a rug in front of one of the full length windows, preparing herself for the concentration she would need to ensure they stayed in Marcus’ head.

  Anita sank down and sat cross legged on the rug, expecting Marcus to sit opposite her, but he shook his head. ‘I think it’s fitting that we practice the love pose today.’

  ‘The love pose?’ asked Anita, confused and a little apprehensive.

  ‘You don’t know what the love pose is?’

  ‘No,’ she said honestly, looking at him like he might be losing his marbles.

  Marcus’ energy rose even further as he realised that Alexander and Anita had never practiced the love pose; maybe Alexander wasn’t trying to steal Anita from him after all. ‘The love pose is the only pose practiced lying down and the only pose where you touch the person you’re meditating with. It gives you a sense that the meditation is all encompassing; it’s a deeper, richer experience and has a more profound effect on those doing it.’

  ‘So what do we have to do?’ Anita asked, a little nervously.

  ‘Lie down on your back, or on your side, and turn your head to face me.’ She obliged, lying on her side as this felt less vulnerable than lying on her back, and Marcus lay down next to her, also on his side. ‘Now we intertwine out hands.’ He took her hand so the back of it was close to his lips and vice versa. ‘And now we meditate as you would normally. See you on the other side,’ he said, smiling broadly, kissing the back of her hand lightly and then shutting his eyes.

  Anita was trying to take in everything Marcus was telling her, while at the same time focusing on pushing her energy into Marcus’ head when she closed her eyes. Immediately the meditation felt different to normal, although this was probably to be expected, as the only person she’d ever properly meditated with was Alexander. It didn’t feel more intense than usual either, if anything it felt less so, but she pushed the thought aside as she focused on keeping her energy towards Marcus.

  Anita found herself in thick woodland when the meditation settled. She looked around but couldn’t see Marcus anywhere, so started walking in the direction that felt best. She soon hit a small stream with sunlight spilling down through the trees, illuminating the water and moss-covered floor. She leaned against a tree, watching the trickling water as she waited for Marcus to find her.

  After a few moments, Marcus’ voice pierced the silence. ‘Over here,’ he beckoned, drawing her towards a small wooden cabin with a veranda overlooking the stream.

  ‘It’s beautiful here,’ she said as she reached him, taking hold of his outstretched hand. ‘Where are we?’

  ‘I don’t know exactly,’ he replied. ‘I’ve been meditating here since I first had Spirit lessons, but to this day I have no idea where it is. Funny that, don’t you think?’

  ‘Yes, I suppose. I wonder how these places get inside our minds, places we’ve never knowingly been.’

  ‘Some think they’re inherited through our bloodlines,’ Marcus said as Anita sat down on one of the large rocking chairs on the veranda. ‘I don’t know if I believe that though. Mind you, dad would never divulge something as intimate as the places in his mind to me and I can’t even remember my grandfather, so obviously I don’t know what his were.’

  ‘What about your mother?’ asked Anita, hoping Marcus wouldn’t mind her probing further, ‘would she tell you about the places in her mind?’

  ‘She might do, but I’d never ask her about it. Something like this is very private, and many minds would see it as a weakness for others to know something as intimate and unique as that about them. What about the places in your mind? Do you know where they all are?’

  Anita hesitated. ‘Not all of them. There’s one where I’m in a boat on the sea but I don’t recognise anything about it. I’ve been sailing many times, but I don’t recognise either the boat or the coastline. I have no idea at all how it got there.’

  ‘Can we go there?’ he asked hopefully.

  She paused, but her instincts were telling her she should let him in. He’d be suspicious if he’d let her into his mind but she hadn’t let him into hers. ‘Sure,’ she said, before concentrating all of her energy on the boat, and moments later, she and Marcus were sitting on the deck as it sailed itself in the gentle breeze. Marcus’ face instantly darkened.

  ‘Is this some kind of joke?’ he spat, looking nervously around.

  ‘What do you mean?’ she replied, startled.

  ‘You expect me to believe you have no idea where we are? I’m not that naïve Anita.’

  ‘Marcus, I honestly have no idea what’s wrong. Where are we?’

  The next thing Anita knew she was back in Marcus’ room lying on the floor, Marcus yanking his hand away from hers and jumping up, putting what he considered a safe distance between them. ‘Anita, that was my Grandfather’s boat, Aphrodite.’

  ‘What? Which grandfather?’ Anita was shaken by the news.

  ‘Tobias, my dad’s dad.’

  ‘How’s that possible?’ she asked, drawing her knees to her chest and hugging them to her. How could she have something like that in her head? ‘But Tobias must have died when I was only three or four and I’m pretty sure I never even met him. How can his boat possibly be in my head?’

  ‘How am I supposed to know? But that was definitely Tobias’ boat; I saw a picture of it in the Archives only yesterday.’

  ‘Why are you shouting at me?’ she said, losing it, flying to her feet and storming towards him. If he was going to yell at her, she could play at that game too. ‘You said only minutes ago you have no idea where that place in your head is. What if that’s somewhere my grandmother has a connection to? Do I get to round on you then? Look at you in an accusatory way and suppose you’re up to something underhand? Don’t you trust me at all?’

  ‘Well how do you explain it?’

  ‘I can’t,’ she stressed the words, standing inches from him and looking up as though he were truly stupid, ‘in exactly the same way that you can’t explain how that place got into your head.’ At that moment something in Anita’s br
ain fell into place and she replayed what Marcus had just said, ‘…I saw a picture of it in the Archives only yesterday…’ Why was he spending so much time in the Archives anyway? He hated history and he wasn’t researching anything that he’d told her about, yet he was looking at things that had belonged to his grandfather. He shared every other waking thought with her, much to her irritation, yet he hadn’t even mentioned the Archives, where he was spending time every day. Why? She needed to get him to take her there, which meant she’d need to do something radical to get him back on side. There was nothing for it. Anita and Marcus stood, faces inches apart, tension building, eyes clouded with fury, when Anita’s intention changed from rage to furious passion. She tilted her head upwards, lifted her hands to Marcus’ shirt and pulled him to her, her angry lips meeting his with fervour.

  Marcus responded immediately, kissing back with equal force, lifting his hands to her face, drinking in her urgent kisses. He pushed her back against the wall, pinning her like she were his prey, holding her there with his hips. He released her long enough to pull her dress over her head before lifting her off the ground to pin her back against the wall. She wrapped her legs around him as he kissed her neck. She clawed at his shirt, pulling it out of his trousers, but unable to get it any further, his hands busy unclipping her bra. Marcus turned, easily holding Anita’s lithe body in place, as he carried her to his bed and threw her roughly down on it. He bent down and removed her lace knickers, discarding them onto the floor, Anita’s athletic body now lying totally naked in front of him. She sat up and pulled Marcus’ shirt off over his head, enjoying the ripple of muscle on his torso as his arms came back down to find her. She stood up, relishing the sensation of Marcus’ hands running down her back and over the contour of her behind, resting there as she reached for his trousers, urgently ridding him of his remaining clothes. She succeeded, then spun him round and pushed him back onto the bed, climbing on top of him like a cat and kissing her way seductively from his navel, to his torso, to his neck, to his lips.

  Marcus retook control, no longer able to restrain his desire. He grabbed her waist and rolled her sideways off him and onto her back, following her over, pinning her to the bed, Anita wrapping her legs around him once more. He pushed into her, intense shivers of pleasurable energy running unexpectedly through them, Anita pushing her hips up to meet him, grabbing his hair with her hands and pulling his mouth to hers. They moved faster, tension building, loud gasps of pleasure escaping unnoticed from their mouths until Anita could take no more and felt the tension burst inside her, convulsions racking her body. Marcus collapsed on top of her, finding his release.

  He rolled off her and turned his head to look into her sated eyes. They smiled indulgently at each other before Marcus pulled Anita’s back to his chest, wrapping a protective arm across her, holding her tightly to him. He used his other hand to pull her hair back off her neck, planting light kisses on the exposed flesh. She played her fingers across his arm, then lifted his hand to her lips, kissing the palm gently.

  He ran his teeth over her ear, ‘sorry,’ he whispered, so quietly she could barely make out the word. ‘I may have overreacted a little. I was just so shocked that my grandfather’s boat was in your head, especially after only so recently seeing a picture of it.’

  Anita recognised this as her chance. ‘Why were you looking at a picture of it?’ she asked innocently.

  ‘Because I’ve been learning about my family. Dad recently introduced me to some family history that I never knew existed, so I’ve been spending time at the Archives looking into it further. It’s been fascinating. There’s so much I never knew about the Mind line and there’s so much more to learn.’

  ‘Can I see the picture?’ asked Anita quickly. As soon as the words were out of her mouth she regretted them; way too forward, surely that would scare him off.

  ‘Why do you want to see it?’

  ‘Because I’m as intrigued as you are about how Tobias’ boat found its way into my head and why it's there, and there may be some kind of clue in that picture. How would you feel if I had a picture of the wood in your head? Wouldn’t you want to see it?’

  Marcus couldn’t argue with her there. If Anita had a similar picture, he would most definitely want to see it, but he’d promised Austin that he wouldn’t tell anyone about the family vault. ‘The problem is I can’t take the picture out of the Archives,’ he said slowly.

  ‘But we can go there,’ she said tenderly, not conceding that this might be a problem. ‘I’d love to see your family vault. Your family’s had a profound impact on the history of the world; it would be an amazing privilege to see some of the artefacts.’

  He took a deep breath. ‘Ok,’ he said resignedly, kissing her shoulder, ‘let’s go now and we can go for a walk afterwards. The sun will be setting by then and the archive gardens look beautiful at that time of day.’

  ‘Thank you,’ she said, rolling into him and gently kissing his lips.