Read Legacy of the Mind Page 63


  Anita and Cleo arrived at the clearing in the woods by the river where the gig was being held just as Bas’ Indie Rock band was taking to the stage. Thank the Gods, thought Anita, she was really glad they hadn’t missed his band, she didn’t want to have something else to apologise for. They sat down in a spot at the back, near the treeline, and listened as Bas’ raw, melodic voice filled the air around them.

  They listened silently for a few minutes before Cleo introduced herself to the group of guys next to them, who, incidentally, were absurdly good looking. Good luck to them, smiled Anita as she lay down, closed her eyes, let the music flow over her and thought about what had happened earlier with Alexander. She replayed their meditation again and again, her lips tingling at the memory. Bas’ fourth song finished, the crowd clapped raucously and Anita felt a familiar, powerful energy all around her. She opened her eyes and looked up to see two electric blue eyes looking down at her, her energy lifting as she remembered she and Marcus were no longer an item.

  ‘It’s rude to sneak up on people without giving them any warning,’ she flirted up at him.

  ‘It’s rude to be so grumpy when someone comes to find you especially,’ Alexander flirted back. ‘Come we with,’ he said, offering her his hand and helping her to her feet. ‘It’s probably best not to be seen here for too long so soon after your break up with Marcus.’

  ‘How have you heard already?’ she asked, astounded and a little bit annoyed.

  ‘News travels fast around here; you should know that by now.’

  ‘Hmmm,’ she said poutily, ‘we can talk about that later. Let’s go.’

  Alexander led Anita into the woods, heading further up the river. When they were safely out of sight of everyone at the concert, he reached out and took her hand, a spark of electric energy flashing between them as their flesh met. They laughed excitedly, elated by their new found freedom.

  ‘How did it go with Marcus?’ asked Alexander. He knew it must have been difficult for her after everything they’d been through.

  ‘It could have been worse,’ she said truthfully. ‘He came to see me because he somehow knew that we’d been to the pool together. Someone told him they’d seen us holding hands and he told me I wasn’t allowed to see you anymore.’


  ‘So, as I said, it could have been worse. He reaffirmed that it was the right decision and it gave me a chance to warn him about getting too close to Austin’s business transactions. I doubt he’ll listen, but at least I tried. I feel guilty though, after what he went through, and I think he really does love me. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have feelings for him too, but they’re nothing in comparison to what I feel for you.’

  Alexander looked at her happily as they rounded a sharp bend in the path that exposed a graceful waterfall, the path coming to an abrupt halt by its side, the water cascading into a deep plunge pool, throwing up a fine white spray. ‘I’m very glad to hear it,’ he said, as she took a step towards him, the mood between them altering as she reached for his lips. ‘Wait,’ he said, turning away. ‘Anita, there are some things I need to tell you before we take this any further. I don’t want secrets between us; it would be too easy for us to be pulled apart if there were.’

  Anita felt robbed; she’d been fanaticising about their first kiss in the real world for a very long time, but she had to admit, what he said made perfect sense. She nodded, ‘I know. There are some things I need to tell you too, but I have one condition,’ she said, looking up at him seductively.

  ‘Name it,’ he replied, matching her tone.

  ‘That you kiss me first. If you hate me after what I have to tell you, or I hate you, I want to at least have kissed you first.’

  Alexander said nothing, instead, he swiftly closed the gap between them, lowering his face so it was right next to hers, Anita looking up at him, entranced. He placed his hand on her stomach and pushed her backwards, her body complying without hesitation to his rough touch. She met the rock behind her, the cold stone halting her movement and holding her in place. He moved a hand to her face and ran his thumb down her cheek, caressing her cheek bone, before closing his beautiful eyes and slowly lowering his lips so they hovered just above hers. He touched his nose to hers, breathing deeply, relishing the tension that stretched at breaking point between them, breathing in her jasmine scent and savouring the contact of their skin. Their mouths finally met to a shower of tingles, Anita forgetting everything but Alexander as his lips caressed hers. He pushed his body into her, kisses more demanding, Anita’s hands clawing at his back, holding him to her. Alexander broke away, pulling back a little, turning his head from hers, his brow furrowed, breathing deeply to get himself back under control, strengthening his resolve, before returning for one last gentle kiss. ‘I hope we can both forgive whatever sins our secrets hold,’ he breathed, moving his face back dangerously close to Anita’s before pushing himself away, leaving both of them a little shaken, wanting more.

  ‘I couldn’t agree with you more,’ she said, a deep sense of loss welling up inside her, trying desperately to regain some composure, her energy going crazy, her instincts urging her to demand more. Who really cared about secrets anyway?

  Alexander sat on the grass next to the plunge pool, just out of range of the spray. Anita sat down next to him, leaning on a rock, her legs out straight in front of her, toes still tingling a little with energy from the kiss.

  ‘Shall I go first?’ she asked. She wasn’t sure she really wanted to hear what Alexander had to say, so she may as well get her bit over and done with.

  ‘Sure,’ he said, taking her hand, ‘fire away.’

  Anita told Alexander everything. She told him that she’d been approached by Helena and had said no to start off with, but after the Council meeting and Marcus’ views on the energy, that she’d agreed to help. She told him about the cylinder with Austin’s memory, about being beaten up and about how she’d felt for the past few weeks.

  Alexander’s energy remained calm the whole time. He stroked her hand when she told him how empty she’d felt when she’d been set free, about the self-loathing and how stupid she’d felt. When she finished, Alexander simply said, ‘you thought you were doing something to help. You had no idea Helena was lying to you. We can only make decisions based on the information we have in front of us and you chose to do something rather than sit back and let the world suffer. I would probably have done the same in your situation, especially if the proposal had been from someone I trusted.’

  ‘But I should have known not to trust her. She’s been lying to me for years about my parents.’

  ‘Anita, things look different with the benefit of hindsight; you were just trying to help.’

  Anita took a deep breath, she didn’t want to talk about it anymore, although she was glad Alexander knew the truth. ‘Alright, your turn,’ she said, smiling. ‘Make it quick, we have better things to do.’

  Alexander stalled, pulling her towards him to kiss her temple, his chest feeling like it contained a whole aviary full of birds, all flapping their wings furiously inside him. ‘Okay,’ he said. ‘When we first arrived in Empire, we came because Christiana was ill and she wanted to find someone before she died. Austin agreed to it because he thought she just wanted to see the person, to make sure life wasn’t treating her too badly, but Christiana had other ideas; she wanted to tell her the truth about something that happened a long time ago, that Christiana had regretted ever since. It would seem that they altered the bloodline so the relic could never be sent back. I have no idea why, or what their motives were, but Christiana thought it was wrong for them to play God and the girl had to be told what had happened.’ Alexander paused, took a deep breath and steeled himself. ‘It would seem that the most plausible candidate for who that girl is, is you Anita.’

  His words hit her like a hammer. ‘What?’ she laughed. ‘Have you hit your head or something? How could I possibly be a De

  ‘You’ve got to admit you’re powerful. You’re probably the most adept Body I’ve ever met.’

  ‘But I also have a significant Spirit influence; I wouldn’t be a reader if I were the Body Descendant.’

  ‘Christiana was a reader.’

  ‘I’m not a Descendant.’

  ‘Really? Why not? Who were your parents?’

  ‘Bloody hell Alexander, that’s a bit much don’t you think?’

  ‘I’m sorry, but just entertain the idea for a second before you dismiss it, and there’s more.’ Alexander told Anita about the conversation he’d heard between Alistair and Peter, confirming she was the Descendant, about the note from Philip, and that Austin had killed Christiana to keep her quiet. The bit Anita was most surprised about was that Alistair was involved. He had always looked after her, but surely this couldn’t be the reason why?

  ‘It all fits perfectly,’ said Alexander, ‘I’m just sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.’

  She sat numbly for a minute, processing his words. ‘It’s going to take a bit of time for me to get my head around this,’ she said slowly. ‘But I still want to kiss you,’ she smiled, reaching up and placing a quick, flirty kiss on his lips. Alexander looked relieved and pulled her playfully into him, wrapping his arms gruffly around her and holding her in place.

  ‘Good, because I want to kiss you too,’ he said, kissing the top of her head. Anita fought her way out of his arms, tickling him mercilessly to make him let her go. He threw his hands up in defeat and let her wriggle round to face him, pulling herself up onto his torso to kiss him squarely on the lips. She pulled away and got to her feet. ‘Come on,’ she said, ‘I think we should go somewhere more private.’

  Alexander smirked. ‘I’m not going to argue with that,’ he said, getting up and putting his arm around her, pulling her close to him as they made their way back towards Empire. They walked in silence, full of blissful content, neither one believing this was actually happening, each looking at the other every now and again to check it was real.

  They emerged from the woods onto the track that led back to Empire and waited for the energy van that was coming down the road to pass by. However, to their surprise, as the van pulled level with them, the back door opened and four balaclava-clad men dressed all in black jumped out and bundled them inside, where another four men were waiting to restrain them. They struggled wildly and Anita tried to scream, but a gloved hand covered her mouth, stifling her cries. They quickly realised that to struggle was futile, so they stilled. There were eight men against two of them and they already had hand cuffs clamped around their wrists; there was nothing to do now but wait and see where they were being taken.

  The van travelled for what seemed like forever, the path it followed winding this way and that, nobody saying a word, Anita and Alexander forced to sit with their backs to one another, so they couldn’t even share a reassuring look. The van stopped abruptly and the door opened, two men dragging Anita out and two dragging Alexander. The others flanked them as they walked, presumably in case they tried to make a bid for freedom. Although it was pitch black, the place felt familiar to Anita, like she had been here before, but she couldn’t quite place it.

  They were dragged roughly into a barn, then towards an open hole in the middle of the floor, which they were forced to jump into one at a time. It wasn’t deep and they each landed lithely on their feet, several more guards ready to collect them when they landed, the hole’s cover replaced as soon as they were in. They were shoved along a rudimentary corridor and into a small, box-like room, the guards forcibly pushing them down onto wooden chairs, their hands and feet cuffed to the struts, Anita reminded disturbingly of her time spent in Amber’s basement, wondering if Austin was behind this too.

  The men filed out of the room as three new figures entered. Two of them Anita didn’t recognise, but the third she knew only too well. Helena? Why would she do this? They’d been gagged, but their eyes flew wide with surprise.

  ‘So good to see you both,’ she said. ‘Sorry about the unfortunate circumstances, but it was really the only way.’ She sat down, taking her time, making herself comfortable before speaking again. ‘Now, Anita, let’s have a little chat about that cylinder in your head.’


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  Harriet was born in Germany in 1987, the family returning to the UK, to Dorset shortly afterwards. She lived there until she was 5, her grandfather teaching her the basics of cheating at cards and swindling chocolate, her mother starting to instil a (some would argue) unhealthy relationship with cake, and the neighbours demonstrating that some people don't understand cherry blossom is there to be picked, mixed with mint and water and sold as perfume.

  Then there was Scotland; stealthy guinea pig breeding, riding horses, advanced cards, more cake, then to Devon and school in Exeter. She loved maths in the early years, but by the time she got to A Level, Sociology was her favourite subject, opening her eyes to things she'd never before considered, namely, nobody is really right, nobody is really normal and primary socialisation has a lot to answer for.

  At the age of about 12, Harriet started rowing for Exeter Rowing Club. This quickly took over her life and before too long she was clad in lycra, training 6 days a week and competing at events around the country.

  After finishing her A Levels, Harriet went to university in St Andrews, studying Philosophy for two years, then switching to Management. She was particularly interested in the 'people' elements of her course and especially the areas concerning how people create and react to change. After four very civilised years by the sea, she ventured to London, to foray into the strange world of insurance (surprisingly, more interesting than you might think). She worked as a Project Manager on large change programmes before founding her own consultancy in 2015.

  Harriet now lives in Hertfordshire with her husband Chris and daughter Atia. When she isn't, writing, editing, eating, running around after her toddler, or imagining how much better life would be with the addition of a springer spaniel, she occasionally finds the time to make hats.


  For more information about me and the journey I’ve been on whilst writing and publishing

  Legacy of the Mind, check out my website and blog:

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  The Legacy Trilogy:

  Legacy of the Mind

  Origin of the Body

  Design of the Spirit

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