Read Legend Unleashed Page 20

  Bright light blinded her tired, sensitive eyes. Temperance blinked and let Halvard lift her away from the trapdoor. When he set her down, her legs almost collapsed out from under her. Reaching out, he placed a steadying hand on her arm. Ted pressed the switch at his desk and the hatch closed over again. With the three of them packed into his office, it was even more cramped. The mushroom-coloured walls seemed to close in on them. The floorboards groaned and buckled inwards under their combined weight.

  Temperance shuffled back and bumped into the cardboard boxes. Pages fluttered to the ground around her; she ignored them and rested on a stack of paper. Her body was exhausted. All her cuts and bruises were starting to throb.

  “Let’s go!” Ted threw his door open and disappeared out into the corridor.

  She sighed.

  Chattering voices and a chorus of footsteps drifted into the office. While they’d been down in the old city, the town hall’s employees had arrived for another ordinary work day.

  Ted popped his head back in. “Are you coming?”

  With a nod, Temperance pushed away from the stack of paper, Halvard followed her out. Once they were in the corridor, the passing people slowed to stare at them. Most pulled back, their arms wrapped around their folders and bags. Temperance did her best to ignore them.

  They continued on to the wide marble staircase that led down to the entrance hall and had to push against a tide of people climbing up the steps. When they got to the bottom, Temperance stopped and looked around.

  The front doors were open, allowing the cold winter air to fill the large space. Office workers were queuing at the metal detectors, removing change and keys from their pockets. They were all dressed in black suits and carried shiny leather briefcases. Visitors also wandered around with their necks craned upwards in awe to examine the beautiful domed ceiling.

  Over the general murmur of voices and laughter, a high shriek of scraping metal reached Temperance. It came from near the surveillance monitors. The old security guard had pushed his metal chair back. He stared over at them as he hauled himself to his feet and started to fumble at his belt, unclipping the baton.

  When he caught sight of Ted, he stopped and his eyes widened. He tugged his grey trousers up over his large stomach and hurried to join them. Ted waved off the man’s grasping hand with an indignant snort.

  “Ted! You’re alive, what –”

  “Go away!” Ted warned him. “I don’t have time for you!”

  With a frown, the security guard rubbed the back of his meaty neck. He looked unsure for a moment and then straightened up, his chest pushed out, making his stomach strain against his belt.

  “I’ll have to ask you what happened. The mayor will want to know.”

  Making another grab for Ted, he bumped into Halvard. The werewolf growled down at him. The guard fell back with an audible yelp to let them pass without another word.

  Temperance tried to imagine what their small group looked like to him. Halvard’s height alone was intimidating, not to mention all of the weapons on his belt. Ted looked like he’d been in some barbaric prison for months with his shredded clothes and gaunt features. Then there was Temperance, covered in dirt, dust and dried blood.

  “This way!” Ted called, darting through the gaps between people.

  Halvard drew Temperance in close. The crowds parted in front of them, they hung back, giving them a wide berth.

  Amidst the crowd of grey suits, Temperance saw something bright red. With her arms crossed, Lilith was lounging against one of the giant columns. She had her head resting against it as if she was asleep. When they joined her, she smiled and opened her blue eyes to look directly at Temperance.

  “Did you work everything out then?” She cocked her head. Her grin widened as her eyes swept over them.

  “More or less,” Temperance muttered.

  “Where is she?” Ted interrupted.

  Lilith tilted her head at a black and white advertisement for the local information kiosk. Ted tugged out the miniature cameras from his pocket. Brushing down his stained jumper, he hurried away to the large stand filled with information leaflets. He squeezed his way through a group of tourists, bashing off their bulky rucksacks, and disappeared.

  Temperance turned and raised her eyebrows at Lilith.

  “Lady Knox is here,” Lilith explained. “An Assembly meeting will be called. She has kindly agreed to bring you there.” Her arms dropped to her side; she leaned in with a fierce expression. “And let’s not forget, you came to her for this escort, remember?”

  Temperance gave an absent nod. She craned her neck to try to find Ted again and get a glimpse of the mysterious Lady Knox. With a sharp sigh, Lilith pushed away from the pillar and caught Temperance’s arm in a pinching grip.

  Lilith jerked her closer. “Answer me. You came to her looking for help. Are we clear?”

  Before Temperance could reply, Halvard grabbed Lilith’s hand. He squeezed. She let go, wincing.

  He leaned in. “Temperance heard you the first time. Now it’s your turn - you don’t threaten and you don’t touch, are we clear?”

  “Fine,” Lilith said through gritted teeth. She flexed her hand with a glare. “I’ll bring you to her.”

  They approached the huddled group of sightseers. They were happily chatting in a language she didn’t understand, folding away their maps. Temperance’s eyes skimmed over them. Lilith waited for them to disperse. They shot her nervous looks, before rushing away and leaving the leaflet stand empty except for two figures.

  Ted was holding up his silver cameras to a woman. She had her back to them and was scrutinising the brochures. Temperance’s eyes swept over her, widening.

  She was dressed in a tweed jacket with a matching skirt and wearing very sensible, flat laced-up black shoes. Her grey, wiry hair was caught up in a bun at the back. When Lilith cleared her throat, she turned.

  Temperance frowned. “Professor Corliss?”

  “Hello dear, imagine meeting you here,” Professor Corliss said. She waved a few leaflets at her in greeting. There was a twinkle in her eyes.

  “How…?” Temperance shook her head.

  “Why, more like,” Halvard folded his arms. “Why did you help us?”

  Professor Corliss narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. “Sebastian Bloodworth has been a thorn in my side for more years than I care to remember. This was official Assembly business. The man was never fit to be a Seat holder.” She let out a long sigh and unbuttoned her green handbag, sliding the brochures inside. “Aside from that, you and your foolish uncle dragged Temperance into this mess. Adora is one of my dearest friends. I had to make sure her daughter was safe.”

  “Thank you,” Temperance mumbled. She didn’t know what else she could say. This was the second time someone had helped her because of her mother.

  “Well then, let me have a look at you.” The elderly woman hitched up her bag and stepped towards Halvard. He clenched his jaw as she peered up. After a minute, she reached out to pat his cheek; he pulled back with a scowl. “It’s been a while Halvard. You’ll remember everything soon enough.”

  Professor Corliss turned to Temperance then, her expression grim. “Now dear, I’ve had to make a few changes to your parent’s memories. When you see them again, they aren’t going to remember anything about Cyprian Rothwell. It will be easier for them both this way. I’m sorry Temperance.”

  “It’s for the best I suppose,” Temperance bit her lip. “His death would have devastated Pratchett.”

  “Everyone say your goodbyes to Temperance and we’ll be off.” Professor Corliss clasped her hands together. With a wink to Temperance, her black shoes squeaked on the floor as she strolled towards the exit.

  Ted put up his hand. “Thank you for your belated help.”

  Temperance glowered at him. With an awkward laugh, he turned and scurried after Professor Corliss. Lilith opened her mouth to say something. Before she could, Halvard blocked her from Temperance’
s view.

  Without a word, he snatched up her hand and drew her over to a recess away from the main hall. Above their heads, on a shelf in the alcove was a white stone bust of an old barrister in a curled wig. Temperance fixed her attention on the man’s sober expression, suddenly unable to look at Halvard; she felt a blush staining her cheeks.

  He placed his calloused hands on her shoulders and turned her to face him. The air between them felt charged.

  “I wanted my farewell to be in private.” Halvard stared at her, his expression intense. “I can’t thank you enough for everything.”

  She swallowed over the lump in her throat. “It was nothing.”

  “No, it was something. You stayed with me, believed me, when no one else would,” he murmured. His amber eyes were trained on her lips.

  The tips of his fingers brushed against her face. Halvard tilted her chin up and leaned down. She was close enough to see the stubble along his jaw. There was a freckle on his cheek and a small faint hairline scar across his forehead. Temperance’s eyes drifted closed as his lips touched hers. He deepened the kiss, pressing her up against the wall.

  The rough cold surface against her back was in stark contrast to the heat that radiated from him. His fresh forest scent surrounded her. She felt him shift and place one hand on the wall beside her cheek; the other went around her waist. His leather jacket creaked as she wrapped her arms around him.

  When he pulled back, he bowed his head and she felt his breath on her throat as he gave a low sigh. He turned to look her straight in the eyes and rested his forehead against hers.

  “I’ve wanted to do that for a while.”

  “Which one of you?” Temperance whispered.

  “Both,” he mumbled.

  He pulled back and Temperance swayed a little. Her head was spinning. She took a deep breath and forced herself to ask, “Was that farewell forever?”

  He paused, his expression withdrawn. “Do you want it to be?”

  “No,” she blurted out. She found she didn’t care how it sounded. It was the truth. There was no going back.

  He gave her a wolfish grin. “Then, it’s farewell for now.”

  Temperance returned his smile. “Good.”

  Tentatively, Halvard reached out to touch her sleeve. His long fingers flexed against the fabric. With a gentle tug he was about to pull her into his arms when a shadow fell over them. Lilith was watching.

  “We don’t have all day.” She tapped her bare wrist. “Lady Knox doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

  “And I don’t like to be interrupted.” Halvard frowned at her.

  “You have duties to attend to Alric,” Lilith warned.

  Halvard bristled. With a sigh, he leaned in towards Temperance. He dipped to her level and brought his lips over the shell of her ear.

  “Until later,” he promised.

  Temperance watched him leave, feeling the cold now she was by herself again. Lilith waited for Halvard to move far enough away that he couldn’t overhear them.

  She raised an eyebrow at Temperance, a wicked grin crossing her lips. “You didn’t have to choose between them after all, Temperance. Though a word of warning, you won’t have him to yourself for long.” The other girl took a step back and gave a small shrug. “Now he’s back, there will be plenty of pretty werewolves who’d just love to take a bite out of him. He’s their legendary leader after all. They won’t want to share.”

  A chill shot through Temperance. Lilith thrust out her bottom lip. “Sorry.”

  She tossed her hair; it fanned out behind her as she spun around on her heel and dashed away to join the others. Temperance watched her go, then fixed her eyes on Halvard. Even though he was clearly exhausted, he was still striking in his leather jacket and boots.

  With Professor Corliss leading the way, the four of them slipped outside. At the top of the stone steps, Halvard paused and looked back at her. She raised her hand and gave a small wave.

  Two office workers on mobiles and a woman with a pram and three squabbling children passed between them. Temperance rose up on to the balls of her feet and strained to see over them. When she finally got a clear view, Halvard and the others were gone.

  Temperance sighed, realising she’d been left to find her own way home. She forced herself to ignore Lilith’s ominous words. She was just looking forward to spending the holidays with her family and then later, seeing Halvard again.

  Alarms blared from the metal detectors near the exit. Their shrill shrieks bounced off the walls, echoing around the room.

  A woman cried out. “Get away, don’t paw at them! They’re just beads! Pratchett, help!”

  “Hands off the wife, swine!”

  Temperance swung around, along with everyone else near her. Adora was standing in the middle of the metal archway, with its red lights flashing. She was batting away the hands of the security guard, who was clutching at the numerous beads hanging around her neck. Pratchett started poking him in the gut with a long umbrella.

  When the guard caught hold of Adora’s hemp woven shoulder bag, Pratchett whacked him on the shin and grabbed Adora, who ducked under the man’s arm. Temperance’s mother waved over her shoulder to him. “It’s only a flying visit! We’ll be gone in a minute!”

  With panicked expressions, they hurried away without looking back. Pratchett still held Adora’s arm, he was clutching it like it was a safety ring. The security guard’s face was red; he watched them go while he spoke into a handheld radio.

  When her parents spotted Temperance, they gave identical cheery waves.


  Large grins spread across their faces and they rushed towards her in flurry. Adora’s long skirt whirled and twisted around her legs, her necklaces and bag swung from side-to-side. Her feet were a blur as she almost sprinted to keep up with Pratchett, who was bounding forward on his longer legs. His short trousers rose up at the hems, showing off his rainbow-coloured socks.

  When they reached her, they were both out of breath. Her mother’s bosom heaved with big gulps; she patted her long greying hair back in place and re-adjusted her beads before she could speak again. Pratchett saluted his daughter with his large umbrella and then put an index finger up for her to wait as he wheezed.

  “Wilhelmina told us you were here. It feels like ages since we last saw you, so we decided to come meet you,” Adora said, still gasping a little. Her nose wrinkled at the opulent hall and the stone statue beside them. “I didn’t know you were interested in working for the government.”

  “I’m not,” Temperance said.

  “Oh good!” her mother sighed, her attention fixed back on Temperance. It lingered on her cuts and bruises. Adora bit her lip and shared a worried glance with Pratchett. “So, did you have fun here while you were…?”

  Temperance brushed the dust and dirt off her clothes, struggling to think of an explanation. “I was on a field trip with some friends in the forest, for Professor Corliss’ class, we ended it in the town hall gardens. I fell a few times, but I’m fine, just a bit dirty.”

  This explanation seemed to satisfy them.

  “These friends…” Pratchett leaned towards her. “Are they the people who were outside with Wilhelmina?”

  “More than likely.” Temperance knew where this was going.

  “So, that man, Halvard…?” Pratchett’s eyes widened in hope.

  She blushed.

  “Oh Temperance! I’m so happy!” He threw open his arms and swooped in from the right while her mother grabbed her from the other side. They squished her into the middle of a joint hug. People milling past smiled over at them.

  “I can’t wait to hear how you met!” Pratchett whispered.

  He squeezed her tighter. Needles stabbed into her side making her lurch away from him. She frowned down. There was something spiky in her father’s coat. She unzipped his pocket and gingerly reached in to draw out a green spiky plant.

  “Why are you carrying holly?”

  “It’s mistletoe, not holly!” Pratchett grinned. “Look it works, watch!”

  He whipped it out of her hand and stepped towards Adora. Holding it above his head, he jutted out his face and scrunched up his eyes. With a giggle, her mother leaned up and pecked him on the cheek. Temperance grinned and blinked back a few tears; after everything that had happened, she was so happy to be with them again.

  Moving to stand in the middle, she linked arms with both of them.

  “Let’s go home.”


  Coming Spring 2014


  (Book 2 in the Keeping Secrets Series)

  Trouble is brewing and tensions are high in Carwick, where Temperance is struggling to belong. The wizards distrust her, the werewolves despise her, and someone wants her dead.

  With Halvard’s duties drawing him further from her, and the surprise return of her brother, Crispin, chaos grips Carwick, and Temperance soon finds her loyalty to her family tested like never before.

  About the Authors

  Latimer and Ridley are two eccentric best friends with far too many obsessions and a frightening addiction to tea.

  When they aren’t reading stories filled with magic, passion and adventure, they’re writing them.

  While they live in Ireland, they would love to spend their lives travelling the world.

  But for now, they can be found happily wandering the internet.

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