Read Lei'd With Cupcakes Page 10

  There he was. His tone was strong and comforting, but his face betrayed the hell he’d been through over the last few hours.

  “Cade,” I half sobbed, just before launching myself at him.

  His arms came around me, strong and sure, and I burrowed into his neck as deeply as I could. I was vaguely aware of the pain from the bruises where our bodies were touching, but you wouldn’t have been able to tear me from his arms if I was hanging on by my last breath.

  The stress and worry poured out of me as I sobbed in his arms, not caring that we were in a room full of drug dealers, kingpins, and pedophiles, and the brave men who were hauling them out of the room.

  Cade’s lips hit the side of my head and his large hand stroked my hair, making all of the little pieces of me that had shattered over what was the new worst day of my life fuse together bit by bit.

  “Hey,” he whispered gruffly. “You’re okay.”

  “Alani, Hannah,” I cried softly, finally allowing the terror of what could have been to process in my mind.

  “They’re okay, too, Lila,” he assured me. “You all did great.”

  I leaned back and peered up at him.

  “I should have stayed put,” I argued, mentally chastising myself for running off halfcocked like I always did.

  “Hey, if you hadn’t gone off and found Alani, then went to the docks, I wouldn’t have gotten the call from Alani telling me where you were, and these assholes might have gotten away with Hannah and all these other girls.”

  I let that penetrate for a moment, then I looked up him with the best smirk I could muster, given the situation, and said, “So then, I was right.”

  Cade grinned down at me and said, “There’s my girl,” as he lowered his head and kissed me softly on the lips. He crushed me to him briefly and murmured, “I love you so fucking much,” then let me down.

  “I love you too,” I replied softly, turning to see Ripper and Alani behind us.

  Cade opened his arms and Alani rushed in, crumbling just as instantly as I had in the safety of her brother’s arms. I turned to give them space and asked Ripper, “Hannah?”

  “Chris and Jun got her,” Ripper replied. “She’s still pretty hopped up on Molly, but it’s not affecting her the same way it did, Alani.”

  I turned to where he was looking and saw Chris and Jun both struggling to keep the pretty blonde’s hands off their bodies. She was smiling and laughing every time they moved her hands back, then she’d dart out again and try to grab anything she could get her hands on. Their hair, arms, stomach, and at one point, she brushed her hand down the front of Chris’s suit pants.

  “Hey,” he cried, jumping back, likely thinking the last thing he wanted was to go to jail with the rest of the creeps in the room. His eyes caught mine wildly and he asked, “A little help here?”

  Chuckling softly, I went to save the big bad bar owner from the hopped-up teen.

  Cade wanted to carry me off the ship, but I didn’t want to look like a wuss in front of the guys, the Coasties, or anyone else, even though the thought of being in Cade’s arms and being able to shut down sounded perfect, so I waved him off like he was crazy. He smiled knowingly at me, not at all fooled by my gruff attitude.

  I’d let him coddle me later…

  When we finally docked and debarked the ship, I was happy I’d made the decision to walk out on my own two feet, because the last thing I need broadcasted on the news was me being carried around like a fair maiden.

  That’s right, I said, the news. And we weren’t met only by about a million news vans, many more than I would have thought possible on an island, but the local police, a bunch of men in suits, and what looked to be the distraught families of the victims, were also waiting.

  The Coasties ushered our group to the side, and I heard one of them tell Cade, “If anyone asks, you were never in possession of a weapon.”

  To which Cade replied, “What weapon?”


  While they were all talking, I turned my head to see the girls being led off the ship, then heard the uproar of cries from their families as they were reunited with their loved ones.

  Tearing up, I grabbed Alani and hugged her to me, and we both watched the touching scene unfold before us.

  “They’re going to need to get statements from both of you,” Cade said softly to Alani and I. “It’s not going to be quick, or easy, but they need all the ammo they can get for when these assholes go to trial.”

  Alani and I both nodded, then I was distracted again by someone shouting my name.

  “Delila, are you the same Delila Horton from Greenswood? The one who took down the Mexican Cartel when they tried to sell using Country Club wives?”

  Shocked, I looked up and to the right, to see a short man with a microphone and a large camera behind him, sporting a local news logo.

  I gasped when Cade rushed toward him and grabbed his mic.

  “Wait here,” I told Alani, then ran after him. “Cade, stop, it’s all right.”

  “Get that fucking camera out of her face before I smash it on the fucking ground,” Cade threatened.

  I put my hand on his arm and shot a half smile at the reporter, then tried to diffuse the situation.

  “Look, what went down today was a horrible, terrifying event, and I understand the need to report it. To let the people of Hawaii know what was going on here on island, so that they can protect their children. Really, I do… but, this is not something that we want to have broadcasted all over the world.”

  When the reporter looked like he was about to protest, and I felt Cade’s arm vibrating beneath my hand, I clarified, “What I mean is, we don’t want our names broadcast all over the world, even though we do want people to know what happened here. So, what do you saw we make a deal? I promise to give you a full account of what happened here… everything, and you promise not to use my name, or the names of my friends and family who were involved. Deal?”

  The reporter considered for a moment, and I knew he had to understand that not only was I offering him information, but by keeping us anonymous, he’d be saved from Cade’s wrath.

  “Deal,” he replied, accepting my offered hand and shaking it.

  “Okay?” I asked Cade softly, stroking my hand down his arm.

  I took Cade’s grunt as a positive response, and shook the reporters hand back.

  “First, she sees the medics, then the cops, then, if she still wants to, she’ll talk to you,” Cade amended. I let him have his macho moment, figuring he needed it after I’d been once again taken by bad guys. It helped that I agreed with everything he said.

  The reporter nodded, watching Cade fearfully.

  Satisfied that the reporter wasn’t going to do anything to piss him off, Cade dragged me over to one of the waiting ambulances and asked the medic to look me over.

  “Ma’am, do you have any narcotics in your system?” The sweet young medic asked.

  “Nope, I’m drug free,” I quipped, then lifted my shirt. “I do have some bruising though.”

  “Cade, can we see you over here?” one of the Coast Guard guys called.

  “You okay?” Cade asked, his eyes filled with concern.

  I reached a hand up and touched my palm to his cheek, trying to comfort him, at least a little. I knew how hard it was for a man like him to feel helpless, and I was sure that’s how he’d felt all day, knowing Alani and I had been captured by Yusuf and his goons.

  “Yeah, babe, I’m fine. Go,” I urged. After I watched him walk away, enjoying this sight a little more than a banged up broad should, I turned to the medic and asked, “Do you have anything for the pain?”

  A couple Motrin, a police report, and down and dirty interview later, we were finally ready to head home.

  “Oh my god, how can we ever thank you?” I heard a woman cry, then our progression was stopped when she stepped in front of our group. “You are all heroes, every last one of you. My Becky, and all those girls, would be lost to us for
ever, if you hadn’t swooped in and saved the day.”

  I gasped when the woman pulled me into a tight hug, then pulled back and said, “Bless you. Bless you all.”

  “We’re just happy your daughter is going home safe,” I assured her, my throat clogging at the sheer relief on her face.

  “Aloha nui loa,” she said, before spinning on her heel and rushing back to the man and young girl, waiting by the one of the ambulances.

  “Cade,” I managed, then I felt him behind me and turned into the safety of his arms, and wept.

  Hours later, we sat outside around the fire at home. I had an ice pack in one hand and a cold beer in the other. My body was pretty banged up, and I had bruises scattered all over my body, which had made Cade’s jaw clench when he saw them. I’d taken a couple Motrin and was on my third beer, so I didn’t really feel any pain.

  I knew tomorrow I’d be crying in my Loco Moco, but at least I was back and safe, and with my family again.

  Elin and Elena didn’t really know what went down, all they knew was that we’d all left in a hurry, and when I came back, it looked like I’d been in a serious accident. I didn’t want to lie to them, but I hadn’t been ready to get into the details yet either, so I promised to explain it all later, and assured them that their mom was okay.

  They were satisfied with that, since I was obviously back with them and in one piece, but I knew they’d make me hold true to my promise. And I fully intended to. They both needed to know the truth about the predators out there. I’d rather cause them a little worry and upset with the knowledge of what could have happened to Alani, Hannah, and me now, than fall victim to predators themselves in the future.

  Alani was sandwich between her parents, who understandably hadn’t let her out of their sight since we’d returned home.

  Jun, Chris, and Ripper were all with us, drinking beers and explaining how everything had come to pass. Elena and Elin were inside watching TV and talking to their friends back home on their iPads. I knew even though they loved being here, they were starting to get a little homesick.

  “So, Cade was with the MC and Jun and I were talking to a couple of guys at the bar when Ripper came running in to tell us that he knew where the auction was going down,” Chris was explaining. “Seconds later, Cade calls and tells us he just heard from Alani and he put in a call to one of his MC brother’s actual brother, who was now in the Coast Guard. Once we had a plan in place, shit came together quickly.”

  “I can’t tell you how good it was to see you guys sitting in the audience,” I said, smiling at the reminder. Then my eyes filled with tears, which had been happening a lot, and Cade pulled me closer to him.

  “The funniest shit was when the Coasties tried to tell Cade he couldn’t board the ship with a weapon … Fuckin’ arrest me then, he said,” Jun said, laughing so hard he was bent over. “Those guys took one look at Cade, who was beyond pissed, and let him keep it.”

  I looked up at my man, remembered how fierce he’d looked when he’d busted into that room, and kissed him softly on the cheek.

  “Have you heard from Hannah?” Ripper asked Alani, who looked younger than ever tucked into her father’s chest.

  Alani shook her head.

  “Her mom said that she’s still at the hospital for observation, and she doesn’t want to talk to anyone. Hannah said she doesn’t want to go to graduation either.”

  “She just needs some time, Ku‘uipo,” her mom assured her as she brushed her hair back lovingly. Then she looked up, her gaze sweeping the faces of everyone around the fire, and added, “I can’t thank you all enough for what you did for Ni Ni and her friend. Over a hundred girls are safe and sleeping in their beds tonight because of you. You should all be very proud of yourselves.” Her voice broke at the end, and she stood up quickly, saying, “Excuse me,” before rushing inside the house.

  Cade watched his mom, then started to stand, but I stopped him by putting my hand on his arm and saying, “Let me.”

  With a small smile to Pops, I stood and followed Cade’s mom into the house. I walked inside, looked in the kitchen, waved to Elin and Elena, who had their headphones on as they talked into their iPads, then went down the hall.

  I found her in her bedroom. She was sitting on the edge of her bed, crying into her hands. I considered the fear she must have lived through all day, then the utter relief that her daughter was safe, and knew she had to be emotionally drained.

  I crossed to her, sat down on the bed, and gathered her in my arms. I held her as she cried, this sweet, loving, strong woman, and emotion hit, causing tears to run silently down my face as I did.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, once she could catch her breath. She pulled back, wiping her cheeks with the backs of her hands, then looked me in the eye and said, “Thank you, Lila. I knew you’d bring them home.”

  Her faith made me feel guilty. I clutched her hands in mine and said, “But, if I hadn’t gone after Alani and taken her to the port, we never would have been in that situation…”

  It was the worry that had been nagging at me all day, and what I’d essentially told Cade on the ship. I couldn’t stand the thought of what could have happened to Alani, and that it would have been my fault. I couldn’t imagine how Cade and his family could forgive me for that.

  Cade’s mom clucked her tongue at me and proved she was her son’s mother.

  “If you hadn’t gone, Hannah and those other girls would be lost and hurting. I’m grateful that you were there for Ni Ni and her friend, and I’m very, very sorry you were hurt in the process.”

  I shook my head in denial. “I’m okay.”

  “Lila, Ku‘uipo, you were hurt keeping my baby safe, and for that I will be forever in your debt.”

  Knowing she needed to give me those words, I bit back my argument and gave a slight nod.

  “Everything okay?” Cade asked from the doorway. He frowned as he took in the tracks of tears on his mother’s cheeks.

  Pulling a handkerchief from his pocket, he crossed the room and placed it in her hand. She looked at it, then up at him with a smile and said, “That’s my good boy.”

  Today was shaping up to be a much better day than yesterday.

  I was stuffing my mouth with Loco Moco, which Mama had made at mine and Alani’s request. Elin was reaping the benefits as well, and was currently trying to see how much Loco Moco would fit inside his pie hole at one time.

  It was pretty impressive actually.

  Then, before I’d even finished my second cup of coffee, Cade had come in, all smiles, and announced that he made reservations for me, Alani, and his mom at the spa. I’d almost dropped my fork; I was so excited by the news.

  “Really?” I’d asked, already imagining the pampering and relaxing.

  “I figured you ladies deserve it, plus, someone is graduating tomorrow and I know how she enjoys a good spa day,” he replied, making all the ladies in the room love him a little more. Well, except one.

  “Not me?” Elena asked, giving him her best puppy dog eyes.

  Cade put his hand on her head and said, “Sorry, Lena, you have to be sixteen to go to the spa, but I can take you out to shred some waves, if you’d like.”

  “Yes, please,” Elena replied excitedly, puppy dog eyes gone.

  “And Elin and I were planning on going to the aquarium today,” Pops said as he filled up his coffee mug. “All settled and everyone accounted for.”

  “Thanks, Cade,” Alani said as she wrapped her arms around her big brother.

  Cade didn’t reply, he simply lowered his head and dropped a kiss on her crown.

  “Well,” I began as I pushed back from the table and patted my full belly. “I’ve got some shaving to do if we’re going to the spa. I’ll be quick,” I promised, then rushed off to shower and shave.

  Once I was clean and smooth, I threw on some comfy shorts and a tank top and went out to see if Alani and her mom were almost ready, or if they were waiting on me.

  “Hey,” I said
when I entered the living room. They were sitting on the couch talking about Alani’s graduation the next day. “You guys waiting on me?”

  Mama shook her head and answered with a smile, “We just finished getting ready ourselves.”

  We said goodbye to everyone, all told Cade “thanks” again, then loaded up Alani’s car. Thankfully, Cade’s mom was at the wheel. I didn’t think I could handle another near-death experience so soon.

  “Are you excited about graduation?” I asked as I started at the beauty out my window.

  “I’m not really excited about standing around all day then getting on stage in front of everyone, but I am happy to be done with school,” she replied from the back seat.

  “Do you know what you want to do next?” I asked, my eyes sliding to Cade’s mom before looking back at Alani.

  Alani shrugged.

  “I don’t know. I mean, I know Mama and Pops want me to stay here and go to school, but I’d like to travel. I was thinking of asking Cade if I could come to the States and stay with him for a while … Do you think he’d let me?”

  I glanced at Mama again, but she was wearing a mean poker face, so I was unsure how to proceed. Did she want Alani to stay here and go to school? Would she be mad if I encouraged her youngest to come to the States?

  On the other hand, Alani had been through a lot, and I didn’t want her to think she wouldn’t be welcome, so I decided to take her feelings into consideration and tell the truth. Of course, I’d do it in a way so as not to piss off mama bear.

  “You know you’re always welcome as far as your brother is concerned, and Elin and Elena would be over the moon if you came to visit. So would I. But, you need to make sure your parents are cool with whatever plans you make.”

  There, that answer should keep me out of hot water on both ends…

  I relaxed when both women smiled at my response, then gasped and gawked when I saw where we were pulling in.

  It was a large, gorgeous, luxury hotel.

  “We’re going here?” I asked, thinking maybe we were turning around or something.